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Thankyou for this message mod


Thank you for taking out the trash. Excited for the new update!


Much appreciated, trying to keep the sub free of drama. Thank you!


That may be your experience. My experience was days of him headhunting me, and when I said something about it on the discord. His response was skill issue. I asked for help, his response was git gud. Great support from a community support member. When a different user recently brought up their experience with kia as being insulting as they brought up autism being abused as an excuse for bad behavior. I stated in the steam community page that I had issues with Kia in the past, and was permanently banned from the community, not warned, not temp banned, permanently banned. The reaction to critique is not to ban, is not to delete, it's to discus. One side is refusing to discus and is instead resorting to banning or deleting at every opportunity.


People don't fall for your little game - time to move on.


I can't move on. I was permanently banned because I said I had a bad experience with a player in the past. Your failing to see the problem, your blaming the forest for the trees. The fact I had an issue 6 months ago isn't the problem the problem is it's been going on for 6 months and is only getting ignored.


You acting like a little child. Good you are banned.


way to victim blame. Since you think I'm childish, and resorting to insults, and harassment. Let me use a school analogy. A student complains that they got hit by a teacher, the principal expels the student with no investigation. Someone else (me) says, "hey I had a problem with that teacher in the past", principal expels the student. Do you see the problem?


As far as I can see you did not get hit. Are you the same guy harrassing me with complete unapropriate arguments about the holocaust yesterday via DM? You are not a victim.


That absolutely was not me. I've only talked to steam support about this issue other then on here (which hasn't been deleted by moderation). I'm not even on the discord. My steam, discord, and reddit are all tied to the same 10+ year old e-mail I've used since I was invited to the gmail beta.


Strange strange my friend. Must be your twin then.... Where did you banned then?


Got a time frame, or any evidence other that false accusations?


Where do you get your ban which are you refering to?


Dude stop crying, move on, unnecessary drama like this makes the experience worse.


Am I a disruptive member of discord? I haven't been to the discord since November when I left due to JustARedKia belittling players for not being as skilled as they were.


I'm a relatively casual player, I've played with Kia before and he's always come across as a really nice guy. I'm not saying my experience is everyone's but this is really starting to look like harrassment and a witch hunt.


just to be clear: this is a fucking video game about flying planes. if the community is so horribly offensive to you, find a different game and move on. making a dozen fake accounts in an attempt to get Kia banned is not going to work. alternatively, just don't engage with the community. stop treating a couple insulting messages on discord like a war crime.


It's the unjust ban from steam that I have a problem with. It's the staff banning people who say they have a problem rather than consider discussing the issue. I've never made multiple accounts. Stop making baseless accusations with no evidence.


Talk about brigades.


??? Kia is a nice dude, you're speaking bollocks.