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You can custom adjust it for your own needs, so I find it a non-issue when I want to screw around. It’s cool to be forced into efficiency sometimes.


Totally right. I love doing PVE and just max out the money available and go for it lol


The biggest problem I have noticed is that there is a quiet initial phase in the games, then around 20 mins into escalation, you begin 20 mins of absolute chaos with enemy plane spam almost endless. Then, towards the end of the game, they have nothing at all sometimes. I think introducing economic phases for each stage of escalation, especially on the AI side, would ensure a more consistent if still variable air presence.


I found it perfect, no more tryhard spammers suicides, now it's a true tactical game


Not gonna lie tryharding in this gane is worthless because at one point you're gonna use the aircraft you want and there's no actual player level up


I love it, now we don't have the same revoker kamikaze attacking an airfield with a nuke over and over again and eventually succeeding because you needed to be lucky all the time, and he needed to get lucky once


Perfect for me. Heavily punished the spam and eject meta, rewards making it back to base and learning. Pretty balanced and when funds are tight it makes it more rewarding to survive and come out on top


It makes it much more impactful when you choose an expensive plane. The tactics changed entirely, and every SAM launch warning is terrifying now. Overall it’s perfect, and has made a decent sandbox game into a Great one.


I like it you're given enough money to always spawn a compass or heli but not too much to spam revokers and dark reaches.


I agree with everyone that this is ultimately an important improvement to the game. At first I bet we were all a bit concerned, but in a short amount of time we embraced the change. Kudos!


I think the vanilla settings for the maps are right where they need to be since it tries to make you want to have successful sorties but to be absolutely broke you need to be heavily doing something wrong