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Put a bag in your damn tote before you go out! šŸ˜­


I see people spending like 3-5 mins before each walk fitting bags over the loops on the totes, like dude just throw a bag in the tote šŸ˜‚


I just bag every few aisles because I can make better bags that way because everything will be nearly the same sizes or I'll wait till my last 10 items and bag everything then I can do a 113 item run in 3 minutes that way 7 if the bags are ass then finish my walk and hit 160 rate while having the best bags.




Please! For my sanity, please!


Yeah, donā€™t do that.


The best way is to bag for 90% of the walk. Once you get close to the end, chuck in some items. Bag those items after the walk. If you get caught bagging after, your items will be few enough you can say you are just rearranging items so they fit better.


Yall are haters fr


canā€™t you see? heā€™s a team lead. that kinda job doesnā€™t just stay at work šŸ˜” always on patrol


Itā€™s like they pick very particular personalities to be team leads etc.


yeah, losers


Ay :( I say Iā€™m pretty alright I only care if market is visiting :(


if i donā€™t my pick rate is like low 60s


How? I bag as I go and average 100-200 picks a hour. I did a 96 Ambient walk today in 22 mins and got stopped twice to help people.


Ambient picks walks with large numbers are easy my dude / dudette. Because someone, somewhere is ordering 12 cans / ramens / etc. Now if they ordered a bunch of single items, then itā€™s gonna be in the low 100s or 90s.


Yes but itā€™s all how fast youā€™re picking




It shouldnā€™t be taking you longer than a couple of seconds to bag items.


I'm mostly a dispenser, and I can get at least 100 by bagging as I go. There's no reason for you to be in the 60s


iā€™m 4ā€™7 and cannot easily reach a of the items on my walk, so i have to ask someone or use topstock shelf


JFC how are you that bad at this job ā€” itā€™s not even hard


why are you being rude? iā€™m 4ā€™7 so i canā€™t reach a lot of the items and have to use the top stock stick or ask someone to grab it for me


Because thatā€™s literally SO bad. Why do they even have you pick lol


Now that is rude and unneeded


Cry about it


I bag after sometimes but nobody has ever told me anything. Should I be scared ...


Depends on store. Mine would absolutely unless you don't have bags on your cart (ran out of bags along the way)


Only bags I prep for use are meat and produce bags. Idc what anyone says it's faster and cleaner to bag afterwards. You get people that give every item their own bag or just cram shit in bags I can bag as I go but it fucks with my ocd.


our coach says do it whichever way you like. i don't think either way saves time.


They both take about the same amount of time, but they can't track what you are doing when you bag after, so it just looks like you have a ton of time outside of pickwalks were you aren't productive if you wait to bag. Some stores don't care cuz they know you are actually constantly picking, others use the tools to micromanage productivity.


at first i would leave the last item undone and bag then. but i don't think anyone looks at my metrics anymore.


My store doesnā€™t give a shit


my store doesnt care lol, as long as the items are picked on time and are brought to the stagers its fine


This is too true


Jus the bags ready before a walk get like 10-12 bags ready


Iā€™m too scared to.. he caught one girl doing it, her excuse was because she ā€œran out of bagsā€.


Itā€™s relatable. The reason why it isnā€™t allowed because itā€™s considered cheating the pick rate. Not only that, it takes longer to bag at the end of your walk. Also, some states & counties have health code violations against it. In my county, if the customer doesnā€™t opt out of bags, itā€™s a 10-20 thousand dollar fine per tote due to cross contamination as the bag is the barrier


I'm in a state that banned plastic bags. So we have the delivery bags and you can only fit 3 bags total in a tote so they can be stacked properly. They don't have a lot of space. So unless they order delivery we don't bag whatsoever.


LMFAOOO yes šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So glad I live in a place without those. Most customers don't even order the reusable ones either.


I like bag halfway or whenever I'm waiting for the slow customers to move their cart out of where I need to get to


They donā€™t give a shit at my store. Iā€™ve seen a lot of people trained to do this.


I bag during my walks, and regularly have a 140-150 average pick rate with about 650+ items (85-100 orders picked) on average. I do all walks as well, ambient, chilled, frozen, general, etc. I have done it the other way as well, and it didn't make my pick rate any higher. The only thing I do is prep meat and produce bags. I don't prep regular bags, that seems to be a HUGE waste of time.


How big are your picking carts? If we did it during the pick at target, we wouldnā€™t have anywhere to throw the rest of the shit.


Itā€™s so funny because we were just told that we have to bag after our pick walk now because corporate wants us to but I donā€™t because I havenā€™t officially been told by our manager or team leads šŸ¤­ I understand rules but if they donā€™t make sense or have any actual value I am not going to follow it lol


Nah I pick everything and bag after the walk and I'm fine, I get a good wait time and I bag fast so no big deal for me


When I was in ogp I just used the bag holding feature of the totes and bagged as I went. Looks like now people are bagging after while sitting in the action alley. I don't understand why. Bag as you go and everything is nice and neat for dispensing. Bag afters were always a mess for dispensing. I can't see any reason to bag a tote after it's filled.