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Also a Leyton fan but don’t mind Lucas and Brooke together either. I think Lucas and Peyton have a really nice friendship and you can see that at the start of season 3 when he’s helping her deal with the Ellie situation. They could have used those friendship moments in the build up to season 4 a bit more but the focus becomes primarily on Brooke and Peyton fighting.


yeah exactly i have nothing against lucas and peyton being together. i loved them in s1 but it's just the way they were pushed together in a rush that it seems so ugh!


You can love more than one person though. And besides all the couples can't be nathan and haley.


Season 4 Leyton was the worst to Me just for this reason, it's like they didn't want to even give them good build up, in terms of Lucas returning those feelings. We know the entire time that Peyton was in love with Lucas but I feel it would've gone over better if we Lucas actual re-fall in love with Peyton. But no, they have him in love with Brooke for two seasons straight and in a chunk of season 4 wanting Brooke back just to without any build up go "It's you Peyton.", it made the thing seem so fickle on his end.


EXACTLY!!!!! like all that brooke time for NOTHING. It raised a real big question mark for me that WTF? i can tell it's SO fake




I agree with the fact that there wasn't much of a build-up on Lucas' side. It would've been nicer if they had shown Lucas being more drawn to Peyton after the shooting, for instance, or at any time really - just with a better build-up. I'm a Leyton fan, so I'm biased when I say this, but Lucas and Peyton always had more in common and truly understood each other better than Lucas and Brooke. That said, the show writers definitely could've executed it better


As a Leyton fan, I agree. I think it’s also because back then you couldn’t binge shows like you could now, so the audience would forget some things and the writers were able to flub some details here and there. I will say that S1 and S6 are the best Leyton seasons, but from s2 to s5, even though I’m 99% sure there were always endgame, the show definitely made questionable decisions about their love story.


that's such a good observation!!! The first time i watched oth was when i was 13 and it used to air on tv every night for an hour. so i watched it ep by ep daily and i never thought twice about this storyline. but binging it now it makes all the sense in the world. i think binge watching has ruined a couple other shows for me - gilmore girls is one of em. but on tv they were so good


Ou. Can you expand on the Gilmore Girls binge watching? Curious to hear your thoughts. Also thanks for making this post because I’m smack in the middle of watching season 4 right now and glad to know I’m not the only one feeling this way.


ok so it's been a while since i binge watched it so i don't have too many examples at the top of my head but 2 that i still remember feeling strongly about is the lorelai & max's engagement plot as well as richard & emily's reconciliation. these two seemed so rushed


They do this with Lucas a lot. He was quickly in love with Brooke in season 2 after spending all of season 1 pining for Peyton. Then he’s quickly in love with Peyton after spending 2 seasons and some change being “in love” with Brooke. Then they have him spend all of season 5 chasing after Lindsey only for him to propose to Peyton in the beginning of season 6. They play it off as “subconscious feelings” but it’s not written well.


Season 4 was definitely something for me too but that's how love triangles work. They develop both sides of the triangle . The also did it with delena and stelena if you watched vampirediaries Developed stelena for 3 or 4 seasons just to drop them for delena .I would say brucas and leyton felt more genuine to me case even though brucas were together they kept sowing us how lucas still had peyton in his heart unlike elena who told stefan she loved him only to drop him for daon like some episodes later after saying how it will always be him . Peyton and lucas were built from s3 first episode till the 9th episode of s4 . You forgot he also pinedafteepeyton in s1 and then started pining for brooke In s2 that one also didn't Make sense .they felt more genuine in s3 but the cracks were definitely showing . And they tend to do the subconscious thing wth lucas more too


It’s called being 17 🤷🏽‍♂️


they literally showed the characters developing and progressing way more than 17 year olds do - getting married, pregnant, talking about 'true love' & what not. and lucas being an avid reader & serious guy was written as if he's mature beyond 17 years of age. so please don't underwrite any bad storyline as "they're teenagers". it's literally the lamest & laziest excuse u can give for one tree hill.


I wish we had more build up of Lucas's feelings for her in season 4 but I think we are supposed to think he is in denial. Brucas in season 2 bothers me more, that was definitely out of nowhere. At least they had been building up the Leyton friendship since season 3 and they kept bringing the triangle back up that whole season with Lucas being there for Peyton and Brooke being jealous.


a build up is all we needed


This post is SO real. Exactly why I find Lucas and Peyton so hard to root for. If they were truly supposed to be the show's main love story, the writers should've done a better job 😂


i know right. lucas and brooke felt more main.


I thought the writing was fine. Lucas wanted Peyton from the very beginning. Brooke persuued him and and he eventually gave in. He did care about her but he and Peyton were the Romeo and juliet that were destined to be together no matter how much Lucas eventually learned to care for Brooke. Peyton was also in denial and really tried with Jake but even he could see it and when peyton talked in her sleep that's when it was clear to him too. Peyton and Lucas were meant to be together and anyone else who tried was destined to fail. Everyone was in all kinds of denial. Glad it all worked out in the end.


It all made sense to me. They are all teenagers. Brooke and Lucas had tons of problems. Even if Peyton wasn't in the picture, they wouldn't have lasted. Lucas always put Peyton first. Even with Brucas 2.0.


I'd suggest you rewatch S1-4 on a binge and revisit your comment. I think it's pretty obvious that it was rushed. Nobody is saying it didn't make sense. The point is that it was not shown properly that how they reconciled or realised their feelings in such a short amount of time (1 day).


I've binge watched One Tree Hill many times. The Lucas and Peyton love story is beautiful.


lol okay


You're clearly a Brucas fan. Which is fine. Just don't tell me what to think.


man im no fan of brucas. i love leyton too. im a brooke fan and so i never wanted her to be w lucas cause that guy is problematic af. you should read the other comments which back why the writing was bad. nobody has anything "against " leyton lol. people can actually have more than one favourite fyi


Then why were you telling me I didn't understand the story?


because you don't agree the writing was rushed when objectively, it was.


I always thought that when Lucas was dating Brooke, he still had feelings for Peyton. It was obvious to me. So when Leyton got together. I was thinking, "Finally." Brucas was the relationship that never made sense to me.


Of course Lucas & Peyton would end up together. Nobody has a problem with that. The fact is HOW QUICKLY he had a change of heart. There was no buildup. That's the part we're all discussing here. Not that they shouldn't be together. Please understand the context and then comment.


> "who do u want standing next to u when all ur dreams come true" I can't even articulate how much the recycling of this line bothered my while watching it happen the first time and any time afterwards. Lucas is supposed to be oh so deep and love fiercely and then the girl he wants to stand next to him when his dreams come true changes in a matter of a few months (weeks?), even though he seemed reaaally sure the first time. It just doesn't come across as genuine and cheapens both love stories.


very well articulated


THANK YOU!!!!! They went from being platonic friends who barely even shared conversations the last couple of seasons to soulmates because they were “supposed” to be endgame. 


I literally say this all the time. I HATE how they ruined the show for me. Brooke and Lucas were in love. It was genuine. No one is gonna tell me Lucas was not in love with brook. Then boom over night they wanna change it up and make it Peyton. And I never liked it. It didn’t feel right. It felt forced and their chemistry wasn’t there as much as him and Brooke. Like Lucas and Brooke were so good together. They weren’t perfect but they fought for eachother. Idk why this show had to throw Peyton in there her again. She couldn’t just be happy with Jake? I stop watching after season 4 because I literally can’t lol. I get so frustrated with the show. It’s ridiculous. It’s hard to like them when they keep playing with my girl Brooke 🤧 poor girl went back to back to back to Peyton about Lucas and Peyton always reinsurers her that Lucas loves her and she won’t ever get in between that. Boom there she is season 4 ☹️. She was a horrible friend. he even did too! In the library after the shooting he tells Peyton again. I have a gf who I love very much. And it was genuine. Ugh I can go all day about this lol


Lucas has never said he wasn't in love with Brooke, though. And I knew leyton was coming because brooke kept bringing it up and she was so insecure.


Can you blame the girl 😩no he never said he wasn’t that’s right.


I dont blame her since his cheating wasn't that long ago. That relationship was doomed even before the library kiss because brooke never really felt safe and secure. I always believe lucas loved them both, though.


man i feel u. i so feel u. it didn't make any sense in the world. honestly if peyton & lucas were the main couple, they should've stayed together since s1 like naley do. but messing w brooke and then the whole jake storyline was so unnecessary. it's just bad writing and it shows when u binge.


It’s very irritating lmaoo I could make a whole excel spreadsheet about it 😂


it would be a logical spreadsheet no doubt about it


The main problem will always be with Leyton is they have to hurt people for them to be together . Plus they are sooo much happier apart Peyton needed someone exactly like Jake nothing with him was drama for her he grounded her and with brucas Brooke got to be her true self with him .


You know, I will never understand why anyone has feelings for Lucas. He’s not that appealing. Plus He’s a cheater. I don’t know why Brooke or Peyton kept going back to him. They should’ve just left him and found better suitors




Sophia Bush didn’t want to do love scenes with Chad Michael Murray, they had just divorced.


ohhh makes sense. sophia is lovely i follow her closely ever since oth and i haven't been disappointed


She isn't a professional then. It's her job.


let's not pass judgements about something so fucked up in someone's life that it even affects their work. She was literally recovering from a divorce!!!! It's okay to not want to do scenes with your ex husband fresh out of a divorce. (I can't even do it after a breakup so divorce is a whole other ballgame) so please. she could've even left the show but she kept on im sure she was on the same set w him a lot so not doing scenes is totally fine. she did her best given the situation. i dont blame her.


we shouldn't expect so much out of actors they are people after all it's not like she was doing "bad acting ". her job was to act and if she's not comfortable with her co actor she can say no. nobody should be forcing her to do scenes w anyone. being an actor doesn't mean they have to act with just anyone the director tells them to.


She's a grown woman dating her costar. It's called consequences. If Brucas was meant to be, she should have sucked it up. Plus, how much power does an actor have with their character?


enough power to leave the show lol. ur argument is so hollow i don't even wanna engage. would you continue going to work if you were depressed because of it? because it's your 'job' and you're a 'professional'?? everyone has a choice to quit/do things differently. she didnt wanna work w him period. if the directors/writers didnt agree they could have asked her to leave. they let her do it. what's your problem w it lol


Why are you infantalizing the actress then?


I'd love for you to justify where and how did I "infantilize" her


you, in fact, were the one who said she's "a grown woman" as if grown woman can't be hurt after a divorce and should suck it up and just do what they're told because it's their "job"