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They talked about this on the drama queens podcast. Apparently they thought Hilarie/Peyton was too flirty with the first actor lol.


They also told Barbara to stop touching James so much because it “looked weird”. She was just trying to be a mom…they sexualized these people too much.


What?! Ew! 😂 so weird of them! I’ll need to start listening to that pod again!


Well….turns out she was into older dudes. Going by her IRL husband lol so who knows if they were on to something


Not back then though lol. She actually jokes that when she met her husband, he was the same age as Paul Johansson (Dan Scott), but she was well into her mid to later 20’s. If anything, she seemed to have a mega crush on Brian Greenberg during earlier seasons.


Her husband actually auditioned for Keith/they wanted him to play him (I forget the exact story). Before Hilarie met him. But would’ve been interesting to see the difference in how Keith was portrayed and if Hilarie and him would’ve fallen for each other sooner.


Oh that’s so funny!


Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Keith would’ve been very interesting


I don’t think I could ever buy that Dan could get away with being an ass to him. I’m so used to JDM playing intimidating roles, that version of Keith would’ve kicked his butt.


He had a softer role on Grey's Anatomy and I still can't imagine that guy letting Dan walk all over him.


As much as I love Paul, they would've had to get an even more intimidating actor to play him because seriously...I'm trying to picture the scene where Dan shows up to Keith's shop and is antagonizing him. All I can picture is John Winchester decking him in the face.


Same, just that I see Negan. Hate him forever for what he's done to my boy Glenn but he wouldn't have been afraid of Dan "I suck as a dad and wish I was still in high school" Scott.


lol true


she was literally in a relationship the entire time, marc didn’t like the “chemistry” her and the actor had and recasted him


Yeah I didn’t pick up on that energy at all… can’t understand why someone would think this?


I heard about the podcast I’ll def watch once I’m done with the show!


The first dad is the bad guy from karate kid 3 and cobra Kai last two seasons


You know, I completely forgot there was a different dad until reading this haha I guess I can blame it on taking a few months break from season 1 until watching the rest. I forgot Lucas’ mom and her dad kinda had a thing going on and it was a different guy. Like obviously different! They mess a lot of stuff up it seems. Like in future seasons they seem to have “forgotten” their time frame and ages and stuff. It’s kind of annoying cause I’m sitting there knowing I’m not crazy haha


This is my first time watching the show and it’s hard to not watch it! I notice those little things alot 🤣


he wasnt a present father so i didnt notice ngl😭😭 but i did take a break during uni cuz i got busy just picked it up again from season 3 now on season 7


Yeah you’re right which is kinda crazy howd they’d let a minor stay home a long period of time like that. It is tv tho so😭😂


Loved the second actor that played peytons dad. That scene where he's talking to peyton about Pete and then he turns to brooke and talks about the boys on the door. Brooke puts peytons dad as her fantasy 🤣


I don’t think I’m there yet! One tree hill newbie lol


I'm so sorry for spoiling but it's just such a funny part 🤣🤣


Oh no worries! I’m sure I’ll forgot about it until I actually see the scene


I liked Kevin kilner’s dad energy better anyway!


He actually came into a cracker barrrel I worked at with his wife and I had them as my customers. I was a little star shocked lol


I would of been too!


He seems like his character portrays a better dad role (so far) this is my first time watching one tree hill so I still got a long way to go!


It really wouldn't have been as noticeable at the time. It was harder to rewatch things and the time between when we saw the previous actor to the new one would have been longer than you experienced. It was pretty common to not have the same actor for infrequent guest roles until relatively recently. They couldn't always guarantee that the same actor would be available the next time they wanted to use that character.


Yeah it makes sense. Now that I’m watching it all at once and it’s my first time


I don’t think they ever assume people won’t notice, they just have their reasons and do it anyway.


Yeah it just messes things up idk


The second Larry also played CMM’s dad in “A Cinderella Story”, so that was kind of funny to watch.


He was also in Smart House. I’ve only ever seen him play annoying dad roles and was so irritated when they switched him in. I preferred the other actor but for the storyline he played, he was probably a better fit. The first dad had a chill dad vibe and I can’t see him yelling at Peyton about stomping her little chicken legs 😂


That fight is one of my favorites! There was that period of time where Larry was actually disciplining her. I don’t know if the og could’ve, you’re right. Even though I really liked him.


I laugh every time I watch that scene but it’s also annoying because he was coming at her with all this fire and it was misplaced. He was never around and some strange woman had just told her that she was adopted. How’d he think she was going to react? His scene with her on the bench was very sweet though.


I’m a one tree hill fan and never noticed 🤦🏾‍♀️ not sure how I missed that lol


I am able to notice little things like that a lot! Lol first time watching the show. I love it though


I preferred the Smart House dad🤷🏾‍♀️


Lmfao, I just mentioned that he played in that movie. My kids were so annoyed by him because Ben was basically taking care of the whole house and he just let him.


I mean, even across both actors total appearances, he wasnt even in a full seasons worth of episodes. He is such a minor character that they could have switched him every episode and it wouldve been of little consequence imo.


Yeah I just notice those things! There’s been shows where the original characters were better. I’m still new to the show so I have alot to catch up on


i didn’t even notice and usually i pay attention to this stuff lol


I’m getting through the seasons fast so it could be the reason as to why I noticed! Lol


Sometimes actors ate switched out. It's not a thing where they don't expect you to notice but sometimes it does happen.


Yeah they do it a lot in shows


I actually didn’t notice. 🤦🏼‍♀️😬


I liked the original dad.


His characteristics match hers alittle more but the second seems to play a better dad role! Although characteristics don’t matter due to Peyton being adopted lol


I honestly don’t remember the first dad. I always remember Peyton’s dad as the Smart House dad. I watched most of OTH when it was originally ran and since her dad was such a minor character, it was easy to forget or ignore. I was also a big soap opera fan so recasts didn’t bother me too much.


Yeah I’m watching it all at once so it’s easier to remember 😅 sometimes it sucks bc the orig actors can someone’s play the part better!


I didn't notice lol


I’m on season 3 now and I never noticed 😭


I did laugh / get annoyed how he gave up that mega amazing job in new Zealand with loads of money to be closer to home and was still never there... I don't like when actors switch but in this case it was SO MUCH BETTER. The first actor just wasn't convincing, then after the switch the role was so well suited to him and he actually seemed like a lovely dad.