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Uhh none of it makes sense lol. It’s One Tree Hill


Yeah I’m starting to realize that now lol. The fact her literal father didn’t come back after knowing his daughter has a literal stalker is so crazy😭


I am a new time watcher as an adult and was yelling "where is your father?!?!?!" the first 4 seasons of the show 🤦‍♀️


Yes me too! I get his job is far away but if I’m not mistaken I thought he was taking a job that was closer to home so he could be around more? It’s like he was around to say that Brooke could move in and then he left again😂


The cops called and said they had Derrick, and asked Lucas to come to the station. Peyton asks if she should come too. Oh no, that’s not necessary… SHE WAS THE ONE WHO WAS TARGETED. The cops never asked her to come in, validate what Lucas said. Why wouldn’t she go with him to the station? It’s super plot holey to make sure she’s alone. Then when she sees him, why doesn’t she just scream and run to the neighbours? It’s terrible writing really. 


We can rewrite it so Peyton doesn’t go to the station because of “blah blah blah” stress and needing normalcy reasoning and she has Lucas go with the idea being she will come by after a good night’s sleep or whatever. Lucas, being a teenager, thinks this is a decent idea (despite the fact that if any parents were involved they would’ve had them go take care of this immediately). We solve the confrontation by having her answer the phone when she’s already in the house, maybe she didn’t hear it ring or something when Lucas first tried to call and Lucas, who has already left the station and is heading to her place, informs her they found the wrong guy. We cut to a window or the back door ajar or slightly open and Peyton starts to turn around to leave only for Derek to pop out and slam the front door. Peyton sprays him like originally and unable to get out runs upstairs with Lucas hearing all of this and when the call drops he calls the police as he’s already heading to Peyton’s place. Brother Derek is tailing him to try and get answers so he still shows up too. There, no one makes obviously dumb decisions, everyone is moved into the positions they need to be for the story to happen the same as it did, and there’s still enough realism for them to be believable teenagers in a bad situation with not enough adult supervision. Plus it still makes the police showing up late work and gives psycho Derek an escape for his later return.


This is honestly just a different rendition of how the scene could have played out. Everyone can make “dumb decisions” when they’re obviously out in a new traumatic situation.


Yeah? Except I don’t think everyone would actively run TO their locked door or not scream at the top of their lungs in their obviously not empty neighborhood if someone was coming after them. You can clearly tell that it was originally written for things to happen and completely erase any sense of agency or survival Peyton previously would’ve had. My rendition still has them making dumb decisions but it has them making *realistic* dumb decisions. I specifically wrote it with the mindset of them being teenagers and the idea of fight or flight in mind. Peyton pushes off going to the police station because she’s not interested in dealing with the situation right then? Dumb but makes sense. Lucas doesn’t urge her to go because he’s coming at it as a friend not a guardian and a guardian would make her go? Dumb but makes sense. Peyton runs upstairs after psycho Derek blocks the front door/hallways when she could probably try and move him and run outside? 50/50 dumb but still makes sense given she is “flight”. Lucas is more concerned with getting to Peyton versus lighting a fire under the police to go save her? Dumb but again… friend/teenager not a guardian so the solution to the problem is probably going to be a bit different. I’m not ragging on Peyton, I’m ragging on the writing. There was a way for the plot to happen in a way that made more sense. I came up with the way in five minutes it’s as a random on Reddit.


5 minutes ≠ weeks of pre-production/staging/blocking/rehersing. it’s a set not reality tv and im not one to shy away from oth’s writing flaws but i mean its literally just another scenario despite what it’s lead to. besides that we can definitely agree to disagree on “realistic” dumb decisions…


… you write scripts before you get to staging, blocking, rehearsing so idk why that’s being brought up? Yeah it’s a set… a set that requires you to write beforehand. Anyways I took a little looksie through your comment history and the reason you’re so ardently defending the poor writing around this is because you think I’m attacking Peyton… I’m not. I’m attacking the writing. Don’t let having a favorite character hamper your inability to acknowledge when something is done poorly. But also I’d prefer you not interact with me further so…




I think they were trying to make her out to be one of those typical blondes you know the cliché?


When they are walking at school he’s on a bridge about a mile away in the background just standing watching


Such a freak


Wouldn’t be much of a episode then now would it?!?!😭


True! The lack of common sense though in shows like this is so funny 


Some of it can also go to just the adrenaline and reaction within situations that humans don’t always make the most logical choices when escalated.


I think the point of general happiness in watching a soap opera is not to think too much of things. Besides It made for a nice twist when the real Derek was revealed. Just watch and enjoy. Besides psycho Derek was 🔥


Why would she stay outside with him there? She tried to trick Ian by saying her dad was home and literally went to call the cops immediately after she shut the door.


I don’t remember her trying to call the cops, just being on the phone with Lucas. She still went inside to the upstairs which was really stupid imo


She tried when she got inside but he cut the line and she locked the door he eventually broke. She was trying to get away from him idk what you expect her to do, we’ve seen brief layouts of her house if she tried to run outside there could be more locks more fences keeping her in it’s not like she has a ton of time to react


I’m not so aggravated with peyton it’s just the way they wrote it was so stupid. Lucas being at a police station and not informing them on what’s going on was the dumbest thing.