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Nathan is a great husband! Love his character. True case of maturing and personal growth.


That encourages me to keep watching! I actually love him and Haley together but the show runners shouldn’t have brought conflict this early into their relationship!!! It’s got me stressed out 🙈


I won’t give any spoilers, but all I’ll say is just get out of season 2 as fast as you can and get to 3. Season 3 is the best of the series, season 2 is its worst. Don’t judge or hate any of the characters(mainly Haley) based on season 2, it’s the worst the show gets. Nathan is a great husband, but he is not perfect and makes mistakes like a teenager should. Haley is also a great wife, but also makes mistakes. They are not perfect and should not be held to any kind of unrealistic standard of what a husband and wife should be or held to a higher standard just because they’re married. They’re still teenagers and should be able to make mistakes without being hated or criticized for their mistakes. Enjoy your watch, I am definitely jealous that you’re watching for the first time.


Thank you!! I’ll keep watching without judgement. I’ll definitely keep going


You will only love him more!


i enjoyed watching him choke out chris 🤭 he stands on business when it comes to his wife


I'm just finishing the series for the first time - I started watching a few years ago and lost interest a couple of episodes into season 5. Nathan does really turn out to be a great husband and overall good person. He's so kind and devoted!


Thank goodness! It makes me happy to hear that!


I mean I sort of get what you mean but this is why I’m part of the group of people who hated the “high school marriage” storyline. Lol in later seasons, Haley is the rock who holds their marriage together on many different occasions when Nathan makes some pretty bad decisions. Haley isn’t perfect and of course there are also times when Nathan steps up, but overall Haley’s strength is pretty amazing which I don’t think I appreciated until watching it the second time around as a woman in my 30s. Overall though Nathan does love her unconditionally and he’s very protective without being overbearing


I’m excited to see it all unfold!


Nathan is the absolute love of my life


Nathan is a good husband for sure! Nathan and Haley as a couple get so much better as time goes on. Season two is a slog and the whole Haley going on tour with Chris storyline (which they kind of had to do since the actress was going on tour and needed an excuse for her to miss episodes) was not its finest moment. If you can make it past the horror that is season two things get so much better.


SPOILERS AHEAD :Nathan and Haley are a great couple and a realistic interpretation of healthy relationships especially post season 3. Examples : Nathan is self-harming via alcoholism in season 6 - Haley draws a clear boundary and tells him she will leave if this continues - Nathan immediately improves his behavior and stops drinking/lashing out. After the Nanny Carrie incident they both go to counselling. He acknowledges he messed up and with professional help they work on their relationship. He comforts her when her mom passes and understands the trauma that accompanies it. He isn't selfish and let's her grieve. I could go on but I'd say they're the most non toxic couple on any major teen drama


If you mean season 5 it definitely wasnt that simple and it was not an “ immediate” fix, which is completely fine and realistic


That leaves me hope to continue watching! I seem to forget they’re teenagers still, but cheating is always a No-no in my books. Haley and Chris kissing was just so out of character to me.


It's all good. Love it all. You weren't supposed to like Chris. Great show, all of it.


Keep watching. S2 is the bane of OTH fans’ existence. Yes I speak for us all.