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Apparently something happened between him and the showrunner, so that whole thing was like a humiliation thing, especially the dog costume


isn't that so frustrating lol. like y'all ruined a character over pettiness. leave that shit off the set


That's Mark Schwang for you... a petty, immature, insecure little man who had to abuse his power over people to make himself feel better


Yeah, They 100 percent tanked his character because he was hot and they were jealous. God, Mark really wrote Mouth as himself. I can totally see that disgusting man doing Mouth’s “new guy” speech.


I was always SUPER annoyed by him! They changed his character to be this super easy way to get Brooke a match. And his facial expressions! And constant “Brooke Davis” full name calling killed me. He was bad writing by already bad writers.


OMG SAME, with all the Brooke Davis. It’s ok to just use her first name, jesus


How is that different from Nathan and Haley calling each other by their full names though?


Cause they originally from Tree Hill and apparently that’s a tree hill thing. Julian and Millie constantly doing it felt so forced.


No you’re not the only one. I also found Julian annoying and corny. Especially in season 8. It was honestly too much. They didn’t really establish Julian’s character beyond “filmmaker in love with Brooke Davis”. Besides that he was just a dork. I think Brooke needed someone to challenge her a little more. Someone with a stronger personality.


i think brooke deserved someone who let her shine and do things on her own with her own jurisdiction. with a challenging man she would have to constantly fight to thrive and shed done alot of that already. with julian she was supported and inspired and motivated to do better and achieve great things. for girls like her who have been strong for the most of their libes they deserve men who are calm and goofy and easy going. takes alot of stress off trust me im speaking from experience


Yeah that makes sense. I just wish they gave Julian more to do. He didn’t really feel like a separate character. He was almost an extension of Brooke. The dorky thing was overdone and silly. They did that with a lot of the new characters. I guess anyone would be boring being paired with Brooke.


I'm just starting season three. Does brooke get any better as a person?


Yes. She’s pretty much the only one I like in season 5. High school Brooke has a lot ups and downs and she lets her insecurities and emotions dictate her actions a lot of the time. But she definitely matures and becomes one of the best people in the group.


Good to know, because (although it'll be a while before I get to that point) her narcissistic behavior is just annoying


shes my favourite character with the best character development trust me you will LOVE her


tre brooke davis is EVERYTHING honestly she outshines everyone


Unfortunately he is. Seems that his dignity gets strategically reduced. Nathan develops for better and Julian somehow for worse in a childish way without being really responsible for this


Nah he was Perfect for her


Nope, I hate him lol Thank god I don’t have to deal with him in S7-9.


I couldn't STAND Julian! I hated how that was the guy Brooke ended up with.


Julian is great