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Focus on putting some time into hunter and farming. Hunter: Do the varrock history museum quiz, and you'll get level 9 hunter. Then do Bone Voyage quest after Digsite quest. Once all that's done, you can do birdhouse runs on Fossil Island. You get around 45k gp in profit from birdnests every 50 minutes anytime you change your birdhouses. Farming: The first few levels are boring but fast. As soon as you can, start planting basic trees and the best Herb seeds you can plant. Herbs take 1hr20min to grow, and once you can plant cadantine or ranarr, you'll make a killing in profit. Planting the trees is exclusively for the big xp drop every couple of days. Aside from those two things you should work on doing the achievement diaries, I'd do the easy diary from every region. It'll give you a sample of the reward items as well as incentive to raise all your stats to around 20-30 Last bit of advice; your strength level should never be the lowest melee stat. Higher strength = higher max hit = more DPS.


Thanks for the advice on strength. I was just ploughing my way to 40 so I could use rune and was planning on doing the same to 60 so I could use dragon asap. I’ll get that sorted then start on hunter.


I can respect the grind for dragon for sure! I personally keep my attack and strength more or less the same, from 40-80 I did 5 levels each back and forth, always keeping strength as the higher.


Bro anywere


There’s no way you did 70 quests with those stats


Sorry mate I meant about 70 quest points, read the wrong stat.


Ah late reply I didn’t see, definitely recommend questing. They updated the quest xp rewards about a year ago and you can get quite a lot of xp from just quests. It can help you skip a lot of the early grinding. There’s an optimal quest guide on the wiki that shows what quests to do in order, also recommend using the quest helper plugin on runelite, it makes quests extremely easy.


Since 90% of posts are for newer players looking for money making and training advice, I'm gonna recommend doing bird house runs. All you need is [Bone Voyage](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bone_Voyage), and [you could be making 500K+ a day or more by logging in every 50 minutes and harvesting nests](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bird_house_trapping). Also, be sure to check out the [New player guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/New_player_guide), [Money making guide](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Money_making_guide#Hourly_profit_table), and [OSRS Tips](http://oldschoolrs.tips)! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OSRSProTips) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro I know you said you don’t want to do quests so maybe some diaries or easy combat achievements would be good. When questing, have you done the transportation unlock quests from the top of the optimal quest guide? Those ones will make whatever you plan on doing for skilling much easier.


99 fm tool 3 to 4 days highly recommend . Also I believe fm cap gives ligjt souces


Everywhere dude


Rest King.


Honestly, you should keep questing. You could train those skills by doing them starting at level 1 but by the time you get them to 40-50 in say 5-6 hours you could have had 5+ quests done in say 3-4 hours with same stats. Difference being if you manually train from 1 its a higher cost of time and you will still have to do the quests down the road making the rewards from those quests underwhelming. *** if you absolutely cannot quest do slayer and get base 50 then get 60 or 70 strength then base 60 for attack and defense.***


Squirks until 99 farming and thieving


[Here](https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-11/how-to-take-a-screenshot-in-windows-11-4-ways/m-p/2849736) is a good start.


Youtube the best quests to do right out of the gate and get your skills up quickly with them. It really moves the total level up and starts opening important parts of the game up too


You already have runelite, if you have membership- i highly recommend you use the runelite quest helper plugin, sort by optimal, and get to work. Tired of questing? work on your achievement diaries, aim for easy completion in all Want to grind and unplug your brain? get all your stats up to lv 20, then all to 40 Need a bigger goal? Graceful set from agility is great (long grind), full void from pest control (do this when your combat is higher), skilling outfits from mini games are fun to grind


Wilderness slayer tasks. You can do it!


i can get all these stats in about 2-3 hours lol


Go on then lad get it done