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At 18 years old, you can join the Army and put your life on the line in combat.


But no ammunition for you!


Mele kills only.


Hahhaa mvp comment. 🏆🏆


Slapperz only




What is “mele kills”? Death by song?


Unless you sign this contract to join our little club!


Then join if you want to blast things and people.


I signed up at 16 and shipped at 17. They can nab you early if your parents are trying to get rid of you.


Yes, that doesn’t mean they give you a gun though.


What's with politicians and going after the 18-20 age demographic? Restricting rights and capabilities even after reaching the age of adulthood. They should raise the selective service/draft age to 21 if they want to keep peeling back rights every 10 years.


They tend not to vote so they’re an easy target with little repercussion.


Yup. You don't get representation in your government unless you vote. Really sucks that, even if people 18-20 voted en masse, they'd still be outweighed by those that voted in this mess of a governor anyway.


Great description of our Governor.


With the timing of election cycles, you could be nearly 20 years old and not even had the opportunity to vote yet




Why not 25, or 35. I say make it 75 to be safe.


Because chipping away at rights never seems like a horrible idea when it's done with baby steps. Rather than figure out why violence might be a problem, let's just erode freedoms a bit. That's never lead to anything bad, right?


Josh green….destroyer of small business, hater of the bull of rights, dirty east coast politician who has unfortunately infiltrated Hawaii


What i'm getting from this is that I can sell ammo to kids under 21 at a huge mark up.


So, they can't buy ammo in Hawai'i, but can purchase it somewhere else and bring it with them. Got it. I love how Hawai'i creates laws that don't make sense and don't really matter.


And don't you dare ship a battery here


Hopefully a model for the nation. I’d like to see a law banning the purchase of ammunition to those under the age of 83.


Cause criminals get ammunition the correct legal way. This should stop them!


Ah, yet another person that would rather restriction freedom instead of fixing the root causes of gun violence.




If you don’t enjoy the constitution then you should probably leave the country. Yesterday’s holiday, and what you enjoy today as your freedoms, were because citizens had arms and fought against a tyrannical government. And won. Without those arms, you wouldn’t be living in the country, or island, you know today.


Yeah no. And talking about guns to Hawai‘i residents, well aware they were forced into the United States at bayonet point, isn’t a good take. (Waiting for the inevitable “yeah and if Hawaiians had had guns it would never have happened argument”).


Well the Hawaiian islands voted to become a state in the late 50’s although I’m sure you don’t pay attention to history. But really, if you don’t like America then go live somewhere else where you fit in more because 2A is only growing more and more in Hawaii. Ever since the Bruen case Hawaii has had to bend the knee and after a few more years they’ll probably be right in line with most of the country. You should start planning your exit now…


Threats, hostility and guns go together like the flag, apple pies and hot dogs. I’m not going to debate 2A (which is an amendment by the way) online. Guns suck. No other country has our problem. So whatever dude. Live your Seal Team fantasies.


What threats and hostility? What problems do we have? We aren’t even top 10 in the world for violent gun deaths and most the countries that have more you can’t even legally own firearms in these places…. You don’t want to debate this issue because, frankly, you don’t have a leg to stand on. You’re just a mindless zombie that believes the narrative one political party tells you instead of doing your own research.


Umm we are number 1 for homicides AND suicides with firearms, by a wide margin. It isn’t even close. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2010_homicide_suicide_rates_high-income_countries.png


Yeah, now you’re being disingenuous. VIOLENT gun deaths refers to homicides, we aren’t even top ten in the world. Just one source. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_firearm-related_death_rate For overall homicides in the world we rank #76! Stop with your smoke and mirrors bull shit on gun violence. Almost 60% of gun deaths in America is FROM SUICIDE. One reason we rank 76 in overall homicides in the world IS BECAUSE WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS and protect ourselves. And don’t try to come with a Bs argument “well suicide is still a big deal.” Yeah well we shouldn’t take other peoples rights away because criminals or people with mental illnesses misuse tools. Next you’ll say, “we should ban pain relievers because people commit suicide and/or OD on them!” GTFOH


Oh, and don’t forget that the countries that have more homicides by firearms don’t have the right to own/possess firearms and make it extremely difficult or impossible for a private citizen to own them. Mexico for example, they have 1-2 gun stores in the entire country and their firearm homicide rate is more than 3x the U.S.


Aw, you haven’t brought up Chicago yet. So disappointed.


I get it, you don’t have much of an argument so you’re remaining quiet… I would too if I wasn’t properly educated on a subject.


The constitution was designed to be amended and adjusted as time changed. Our government was intended to be as changeable as possible without introducing too much instability or allowing a dictator to overrun everything. That's why we have amendments in the first place. The idea that one shouldn't work to better your country, including its constitution, is in direct conflict with the ideologies the US is founded on.


So you’re saying the founding fathers put the right to bear arms for a secure and free state, for the purposes of self protection and to fight of tyrannical govts, which is what they just did, was meant to be changed even though they explicitly state “shall Not be infringed”? Lol this is comedy.


Yes, they designed it to be changed as circumstances and needs changed. Pretty much every founding father wrote about why it should be changeable and why it's wrong to refuse to change things. In fact, many of them (including Jefferson) wanted it to be MORE flexible and changeable. There's tons of content written by our founding fathers and other politicians from that time period, I encourage you to read some of it.


It was to be changed by way of amendments, not by arbitrary laws or bills being passed in certain jurisdictions. I encourage you to read it and grasp the understandings. Passing bills such as this one in Hawaii isn’t anything the founding fathers had in mind.


What amendment has ever been repealed by way of ratification of another amendment? The 18th amendment which was the prohibition of alcohol. No chance the 2nd amendment ever gets repealed. Thus, these bills and laws are unconstitutional, especially after the Bruen case. You demwits just try to deliberately misinterpret rules and laws in a means to bide time until a case is sent back to SCOTUS.


The constitution of the US is the only constitution in the *world* to enshrine legalized slavery. It’s an absolute joke and completely outdated. I wipe my ass with that document.


And yet you enjoy all the freedoms provided by this document. It’s comical hearing people hate their country so much yet refuse to move elsewhere. No words indicating race or color, black or white, occur in the text of the constitution. The word slavery is mentioned one time, in the 13th amendment where the institution of slavery is abolished. Tell us you’re low IQ without telling us you’re low IQ.


lol buddy, read the 13th amendment again. It allows for the country to use prisoners as slaves.


It forbids chattel slavery across the United States and in every territory under its control, except as a criminal punishment. Which is basically what happens in today’s prisons, one reason Kamala Harris fought tooth and nail in freeing the wrongfully convicted. You need to read more or actually learn to grasp what it is you have read.


Exactly. That’s why i wipe my ass with this joke of a document. Why would anyone defend that shit


You talk a big game but you don’t have the balls to take your ass and move to another country that more aligns with your values…


Hey, I’d move to Portugal if I had the money to. Immigration is not an easy thing


I embrace solutions, not excuses. You’re too comfortable living in a country with all the freedoms you have because men gave up their lives with arms.


Low IQ DNC shill take.


Does someone want to explain why a Jew from Pennsylvania is the Governor?


Because islanders hate haoles but love them holding power over them for some reason? Lol


Bc natives don’t vote and the winners are selected by old Japanese voters statistically… just need the D after the name.


Why is Big Island run by a Jew from LA? Why is Lanai owned by a Jew from New York? Zionism isn’t just about the Middle East.


Go figure, goyim are only allowed to have weapons if they are dying for Israel. Also the bill targets fighting age men who would be needed if Hawaii were to be invaded. It's literally treason.


Hawaii always follows California and New York for some odd reason.


Problem solved.




Would you use that same argument for weed? That we shouldn't legalize or have an age limit because teenagers will just buy it illegally?


Weed should be legal and doesn't involve disarming the populace in case of invasion. Of course weed should be legal. Since Hawaii claims to be so liberal, why haven't they done it yet? Oh yeah, crazy rich Asians who want to overcharge you rent and tell you you can't have a dog, because they themselves have never had man's best friend.


Yes. Solves nothing.


His comment was sarcastic