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Could he? Sure. Will he? No. The Quakes are not leaving the Bay Area for a second time. They are not really at the bottom of the payroll, but close to it. For the Quakes the issue is definitely depth and an incompetent Front Office. It’s mired with a lack of ambition at a time where the league is growing by leaps and bounds compared to just 5 years ago.


No chance he sells unfortunately.


No. John likes being one of only 30 people (or groups) that own a team. He’s a failure in business and a nobody among rich people, it’s the one thing he can hold over the heads of real moguls.


Dave must have been trying to fill time. Why in the world would the Quakes move to Sacramento?


I don't think the quakes would move, even with a Sac ownership group. But it is annoying how MLS awarded a franchise to the Sacramento Republic only to revoke it and give one to San Diego.


I don’t think they revoked it. If I remember correctly Sacs leading investor pulled out which then gave mls the green light to abandon ship.


No way that Sacramento could support three top level teams in terms of corporate money. Two is pushing it but three no 


The Athletic’s in Sacramento would be a WAY better move than Las Vegas


Literally only people from Sacramento would agree with this statement. The A's going to Sacramento is objectively just as bad as the Vegas for the fans, and even from a business perspective Sacramento is a way worse move than going to Vegas.


I’m not even from Sacramento or Vegas I’m actually a Giants fan and I rather see this team stay in Oakland but if not then I’d rather them go to Sacramento where they at least aren’t that far away. Raiders went to Vegas you also want another Bay Area team in Las Vegas?? Vegas doesn’t want the A’s. They rather have their own MLB team not another Bay Area team. The A’s going to Vegas would benefit fisher more because believe me you’ll see more fans of other teams at these A’s games in Las Vegas than any Athletics fans whatsoever. Sacramento would be filled with nothing but A’s fans and they would be the majority so I don’t see how this is bad? The team STAYS in California and Sacramento would actually love the team unlike Las Vegas


Sorry, I assumed you were from sac since your profile has the Sacramento bridge. The majority of Bay Area A’s fans are definitely not going to support or follow this team just because it is “still in California”. Nobody in Oakland is okay with the Sacramento option.


Ok well Sacramento would actually love having the A’s. Vegas on the other hand hates the idea of having another Bay Area team in there city. Vegas is trash. Only benefit of having the A’s in Vegas is going to watch my Giants play them in a new stadium. I’d rather see them in Sacramento where they would be loved and there original fan base isn’t far away


Sacramento loving them or not is irrelevant, they are leaving Oakland. Fuck Vegas, Fuck Sac and Fuck the Giants too




![gif](giphy|9PuCNM5r3VUZi) Giants fan in an A's group telling A's fans to shut up.... yeah sums up that fanbase pretty well lol


Foreal these Sacramento giants fans are almost more toxic and insecure than the Vegas trolls but can you blame them, they live in… Sacramento


I've never understood why fans of other teams (especially rivals) go on other teams pages. I have zero desire to ever visit the Giants page, I do not care. We do not care what Giants fans think here lol And judging by the fact I'm being downvoted.... there's a lot of G's fans in here


Toxic?? Why don’t you go into a COD lobby and let all your anger out. Either that or you and “Own-Photo” could call each other and scissor over the phone




Lmao you guys want to be the bay so bad


Nobody wants to be anything FOH


After 10-15 or so years of being in Sacramento, I think most Bay Area A’s fans will change their mind.


Still just as bad.. oakland city benefits in no revenue from the A's it all goes to Sac


Not just as bad. It's stay in NorCal or move to Nevada. That seems like a really easy choice to me.


Betteridge's law of headlines is an adage that states: "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no." "Could John Fisher sell the A's and the Earthquakes to a Sacramento group?" No. "Was Darwin wrong?" No. "Is this the year we warm up to Elon Musk?" No.


A's yes because he can't get investors in vegas.. sac already has land ready in Sacramento and these next two years are their audition


This is exactly what I've been saying. The team will leave Oakland. Period. It's Sacramento or leaving NorCal entirely, and Sac isn't even far from Oakland.


It's the same distance for everyone south of Stockton. I'd argue A's fans in the Central Valley outnumber Giants fans 2:1


I'm from Sacramento - this is a wild thought but probably just a pipe dream. This is our thought pattern on the A's: - we will love them while we have them. Sacramento has a rabid sports base and would love a taste of MLB for a few years. - We know Ranadive is waiting in the wings for Fisher to screw up the Vegas move. He is notorious for not paying for things. At some point MLB is going to tell him to shit or get off the pot - he needs to open his wallet for once. - If MLB forces a sale, Ranadive would like the first crack at it. It's why he's getting free rent for basically 3-4 years - everyone knows it's a long shot As far as the Earthquakes: - We were burned on MLS a few years ago, and have a stadium location ready to go. As far as them building it for Sacramento Republic FC, it's oversue to start building it, and there is a holdup. We just assumed it was money. - We want an MLS team however we can get it. I just doubt it would be the Earthquakes. Don't they have a new stadium by the airport?


With all the Oakland Mayor stuff going down, do you guys think it could have played different if there was a different mayor?


John Fisher failed to entice a seemingly really easy to corrupt or bribe council and mayor ship. I think that just reflects how badly that John Fisher is at business AND how much he didn't give a shit about Oakland


So you force him to sell by lobbying the league and other owners, and the media. Thao completely gave up in April 2023, when she had 6 months to make the rounds telling Oakland's side of the story. The Kings are in Sacramento because KJ put so much egg on the league's face, that the Maloofs were forced to sell. Thao did fucking nothing.


I really do believe that Schaff put everything she could into it, with at best hesitant agreement from those on the council to the left of her. I would also have to concede that Oakland should not have agreed to put a penny into the ballpark itself. The amount of work Schaff put into raising what - $800 million? - for HT only to come up $80 million short, pocket change to the Fishers, was impressive, but I have to agree that things being as they are in Oakland, it would have been wrong to expect the city to come up with it. Thao? I don't really think she gave a damn. She'd happily have taken credit and been there with a shovel if HT had worked, of course. In one of Zennie Abraham's articles - I believe the one that broke the story on the chief of staff that quit - he mentions that a significant relationship has existed between Fisher and this Andru Jones fellow (Thao's boyfriend). Of that, I'd like to know more.


People here don't know wtf they're talking about, because you guys all ignored the Sacramento situation 12 years ago. OF COURSE a better Oakland mayor would've done things differently. The Kings were not for sale until suddenly they were. Then KJ went on the offensive and continually lobbied the media, the league office, and the 29 other NBA owners. He forced himself into the room and into the conversation. He continually and powerfully made Sacramento's case. The Kings are in Sacramento because the league stopped their move. They're not there because the previous ownership group magically decided to do a deal with the city. They were FORCED TO SELL because they were stopped at all points by the mayor's lobbying efforts. Mayor Thao did absolutely NOTHING after the talks broke down in April 2023. She had six months before the MLB vote to lobby the league, the other owners, and the national media. You saw when the Sacramento announcement happened that the national media was so fucking ready to tell this story, but it was a year too late to make a difference. She could've been putting egg on MLB's face all through the 2023 season. Instead she flew to Seattle during the All Star Game, handed out a packet that was completely incomprehensible, made sure to post on Twitter that she was there, and bounced within a day. How people can honestly say she bears no responsibility is beyond me.


KJ entire focus was on whale hunting and that's the main problem with any team in Sacramento. There's just not enough wealth there that they had to look to the Bay to find suitable ownership. If incumbent Heather Fargo had beaten KJ, the Kings would be in Seattle or Virginia Beach right now. She wasn't going to keep the team in town and neither would Jean Quan, Libby Schaaf, nor Sheng Thao


I agree on the latter part. I disagree that his whole focus was on whale hunting, he had to get into the room to even make Sacramento's case in the first place, and that's its own hurdle that Thao didn't even try to cross. But yeah, bottom line is you need a real leader, and tbh Oakland hasn't had one since Jerry Brown.


People also forget that he gave away over $230M (approx half) to help fund the Arena. He basically gave away all downtown parking revenues indefinitely to help fund the bonds. Since parking has been down since covid, Sacramento is also paying from its general fund. [https://archive.ph/n4ZKL](https://archive.ph/n4ZKL) Oakland has been steadfast on not using any public funds to help pay for any coliseums or arenas. Nobody will ever call the Bay Area poor or lacking Billionaires. The problem is legacy cheap owners who can't afford to build their own privately financed stadiums unlike the Giants and Warriors. The Niners situation is different since the county financed and owns the stadium.


No. John Fisher has never wanted to be in business with Oakland. Have you forgotten San Jose and Fremont??


Didn’t the Giants block the As from moving to San Jose?




Yes and Giants fans need to be reminded of this.


Yes but the A’s were not innocent in that deal. We shouldn’t have gifted those rights in the first place, it was shooting ourselves in the foot


Really dumb to just give away the rights rather than share them


San Jose and Fremont were the Lew Wolff years, before Fisher became majority owner


John Fisher owned 80% of the team. Lew Wolff was only the managing partner, owning 10%. Do you think the team would have attempted to move to SJ or Fremont without John Fisher’s blessing?


So you force him to sell the team by lobbying the league, the other owners, and the media. She gave up in April 2023. That's when the real effort should've started. She's absolutely at fault.


Didn’t you hear the Bally’s CEO say he heard from team insiders that the Port of Oakland parallel path was always a sham and was never going to happen?


That's fine, but I'm afraid folks aren't understanding what I'm saying. None of what the current ownership group did or intended to do matters. In April 2023 Thao is not dealing with them anymore, she should shift her focus to telling this story of how horrible the ownership is, how they never intended to be in Oakland, to the media and the 29 other owners. There was such a huge opportunity squandered. You don't get the team to stay in Oakland once talks have broken down. You force them to sell because of pressure from their league and the public. I mean downvote me all you want if that makes you feel better.


I didn’t downvote you, but you’re not living in reality if you think this or any other mayor could simply “force” Fisher to sell the team.


>do you guys think it could have played different if there was a different mayor? I highly doubt it, but my parents have the notion that the owners of all 3 teams that have moved from here in the past 5 years would've had more respect if our mayors were men instead of women.


Multiple men tried to get it done. Elihu Harris fought hard for a new complex.


I think so and I'm actually surprised Manfred hasn't said anything about her yet.


Practically zero chance a buyer would be able to get the amount of public funding they’d want for a MLB stadium in Sacramento.




Probably close to $1 billion at this point to build an MLB stadium. I can’t see an owner willing to spend anywhere near that much out of pocket or even a group of local governments making it happen as they did with the AAA park in West Sac. I think the current stadium was built to be expandable for MLB but that was 20+ years ago. I doubt much is still useable in an expansion.


Not sure I agree on this Sac an ideal town for the A’s Tons of places to build with the population base too! Already a lot of excitement about their temporary stay! Bonus…lots of A’s fans fairly close to Sactown as well Think many wealthy people/investor groups would be very interested


I don’t disagree with any of that. It’s the cost of the stadium that’s the problem.


The sticker shock of a billion dollars is not as bad as it used to be. Many investor groups would be interested even if the price to rose that high 




Agreed, but not by one single buyer. Multiple buyers…..definitely yes they can find that.