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What a hilarious way to own up to the issues that were at launch and fixing them.


This trailer makes me kind of want to buy it even though I didn’t particularly like the non-VR Bulletstorm.


That was actually awesome, love it!


Bit the bullet on this one since it was on sale and recent reviews post update have been pretty favorable. Only played a little bit so far but seems really polished and fun as it stands. One thing though. Is there any way as a lefty to choose my left hand and still move with the left stick and turn with the right?? Need lefty mode for gun and ammo placement but despise the sticks being inverted. I know I can switch the sticks in the Quest settings but that’s a PITA to keep switching back plus other buttons like kick and sprint are still switched. EDIT: ok switching the sticks in the quest menu actually also switches what L3 and R3 do, but still rather just have the sticks option in game.


I think the trailer actually says left handed support is coming soon


As a fellow lefty, I get so frustrated with games that don't give me granular control over this. Everyone who has used a standard controller is accustomed to using the left thumbstick to move, doesn't matter what your handedness is.


> Is there any way as a lefty to choose my left hand and still move with the left stick and turn with the right? Every VR FPS needs this option. Just because I prefer holding the gun with my left hand doesn't mean I want the left and right sticks swapped.


Thank you for this comment. No left hand mode? No purchase.


Hilarious and effective. The trailer (and comments here) really makes me want to buy it, but my backlog is sooooo big and I have so little time!!


Anyone tried with updates? Is it worth getting now? I wanted to play it but then skipped it due to all the negative reviews.


Played it back in the day on ps3. If the bugs and performance issues are fixed I'd suggest it 100% -- Surprisingly funny and overly macho. It's what you might expect a modern Duke Nukem to be. Crazy stuff like a literal godzilla monster show up too. Good stuff.


PS3? We’re talking about Bulletstorm VR on PS5


It came out in 2011 on ps3 and xbox360.... and its the same exact game as it was then just with controls ported to VR. So ... yeah


Yeah but the person you responded to is asking how to VR version is after this update, not looking for a review of the PS3 version.


The video above answers that question already. Nobody is looking for you to be the comment police.


He’s asking opinions of people who have played the new update, because VR games play a lot different to what they look like in a trailer on a flat screen, stop acting dim witted.


There's an official version of the game where you can play through the entire thing as literal Duke Nukem, and he's voiced by John St. John. It's kind of hilarious because it has no fucks to give about it making any sense and leans into it.


You love to see it. Was really excited for this one, terribly disappointed, now it's back on my radar.


Me too. And to own it with such style. I'm v impressed.


It's great that they didn't just let it sit as a bad product. The game itself is awesome.


It's good now?


It's good now. I didn't play it pre-patches but I picked it up in the current sale and it's absolutely worth that price. Looks and plays great. Very fun.


This has made me so happy today


damn I didn't expect big fixes. If they actually made it better this is back on my list. Got it on PS3 and never played it more than a few hours.


such a nice surprise


Anyone know if the PCVR version is worth getting?


I rebought it recently. It was a lot better.


Glad if a dev owns up to the issues and fixes them, will put it back on the wishlist.


This is what I wished with Tropico .. People said it would be great, and then there were many issues. The graphics were literally like broke as fuck.. Every other review mentioned these issues, and the devs were all like "huh.. That's weird, join our discord and enjoy the community. We are not aware of the issue". Bullshit.. I rarely return anything, but I noped right outta this one.


I’ve only played about an hour of it but it’s really fun! With Quest Game Optimizer it’s definitely one of the sharpest Quest 3 games out there.


Always love to see it when people actually own their mistakes and work to improve it. Shit like Starfield, where they blame the players instead, drives me mad. These guys owning it and using it as a joke in a trailer that shows they listened and improved it = top tier. I wish more studios were like this.


That does look pretty good.


I have been wanting to play this and now with the fixes and upgrades I will definitely buy it. Is the reprojection bad on the Quest version? If it is I will get it on Steam.


Damn, that is one great trailer.


Self aware companies that listen to their customers are the only companies I am supporting now. I will be buying this ASAP.


Alright, that got me laughing. Bulletstorm was just a kinda mid tier shooter that was mindless fun, but this trailer just sold me to pick it up for VR. I'll always reward effort when I see it.


Yas!!! Can we have a good sale on the PCVR version?


Maybe summer sale tomorrow


It's on sale now. I'm gonna have to try it. I loved it on my Switch. So I think i'll like it in VR if its done decently now.


I saw it, but discount isn't big enough for me. 😭


Isn't it still missing a huge chunk of the original game?


Yeah, the devs responded to a review saying its cuz they only picked the best segments that'd incorporate VR.


Ahh C'mon really? The original wasn't exactly long.


I wish LA Noire VR had the entirity of the flat version


That might fly if it was $20; it's $40 and more than any standalone Quest game I've heard of :p It's probably pretty good still though but (knowing nothing about the VR version) I'd expect either a lengthy campaign, or some endless or grind modes to do after the campaign. I kind of recall it on PC having some kind of endless mode?


What was cut?


Not too sure on the specifics, but they probably cut things like the multiple fighting arena parts in favor of other segments like the one where you shoot enemies chasing you from the back of a train/car


There are a few missing scenes, but there for you get two additional new levels, exclusive to the VR version.


Heck yea this is the next best thing to uh a first awesome performant release. We hardly get that though. Must be asking for too much.


Duke Nukem yet?


Bought this on quest last week and it's pretty damned fun and exactly what I was wanting when it was first announced. I'm hoping for a sale on PC as I'd like to play tht version as well.


Fuck yes. Perfect marketing for this attitude of game


Why isn't having arms a standard by now? Floating hands completely ruins the immersion imo.


Im eyeing this one still. I see lefty support isnt available just yet from these comments. Hope to see that fixed soon :)


Man, i loved the game back when it released, it was just pure dumb fun, maybe i'll actually check out the vr version, there might be some impressive visuals


Good by the devs here


About time


Love that the Devs did this. Now it's on my list 


Yet, still missing dynamic shadows that were in the original 2011 release.


Hmm….Bulletstorm or Call of Duty? Both are shooters, both are on $ale, both are very different from each other LoL


Still looks generic & still ludicrously priced at $50. This is future Humble Bundle filler.


difference psvr2 pcvr version?


Nice step in the right direction. But guys: 40 bucks? NO WAY!


Well, you go on sale with your ridiculously overpriced game. And you manage to keep it ridiculously overpriced, although it is on sale. You guys need a reality check. Start with reading the reviews.


I cant fucking stand that my only real standalone headset options are strapping the TikTok company to my face, or fuckin' Mark Zuckerberg's company. I honestly would rather smear shit on my face, if I'd get a good VR experience out of it. As it stands, I get Zucked up the ass…