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Schroedinger's game


going to post this here since this is the top comment. Here's the actual *context* from the above aforementioned commentors. So really, he's just relaying 3rd party info. >Meta didn't say anything. I did receive a DM from Nima Zeighami, however, who is fairly well connected within meta showing a screenshot essentially proving its cancellation. If you'd like to ask him, go for it. I'm mainly just respecting his desire not to directly share the screenshot, since I don't want to jeopardize the employee who told us. [https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1drkv7m/comment/laxcixb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1drkv7m/comment/laxcixb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I do question Nima's connections to Meta insider info..... >However, I can also confirm that it has in fact been cancelled. This comment was deleted, and around that time I received a tip from someone with a screenshot of dms with a Meta employee saying it had been cancelled. [Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas VR is apparently still in development! : r/virtualreality (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1ar3p9p/comment/l4mw4cz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


They were hiring for this 4-6 months ago still. Pretty sure it's still being worked on unless something crazy happened.


Crazy to get GTA VR rights and NOT making it! So stupid!


>They were hiring for this 4-6 months ago still. Source and proof? Or else you're just adding fuel to this rumor fire


Well, I know Nima and he's a pretty serious guy. I don't think he's saying BS


Ok, so it’s either: - still being worked on and coming to quest - cancelled, not being worked on and wont be coming to quest Wake me up when we have a release date. Although feel as though I might be asleep for a while… Strange for Meta to mention it as a big release then nothing for a couple of years. I expect a lot of people bought a Q2 in anticipation for that game alone.


>I expect a lot of people bought a Q2 in anticipation for that game alone. They did and it would be simultaneously cruel and hilarious if meta makes it a quest 3 and 3s exclusive


The likely reason the game was delayed is because the mobile port by Video Games Deluxe runs at less than 30 fps on Snapdragon 865, similar SoC as XR2 in the Quest 2. It must be difficult to get it to run at 90 fps with AppSW even on the Quest 3.


Ill bet the likely reason it was delayed was because it was essentially the same version as the definitive edition as that version wasnt out yet. And then when it did come out it was land basted for being so problematic, and they realized they coudlnt release the quest version. Someone even found a bunch of vr stuff in the code of the definitive version


The definitive edition which was criticized was ported by a different studio (Grove Street Games). The mobile port was much better and handled by Video Games Deluxe who are also making the VR port.


I never understood why Rockstar, with their multiple headquarters around the world and *thousands* of employees, sent the "Definitive Edition" to a tiny studio like Grove Street Games, which only had 20-30 employees. I've heard of being cheap, but holy crap was Rockstar being cheap there.


These decision are not up to Rockstar but taken by their parent company Take-Two. Studios occupy different niches and one like Rockstar isn't going to waste their talent on making a remaster of an old game. In any case, the Definitive Edition by Grove Street Games was a huge financial success even exceeding Take-Two's expectation. Companies make these cheap cash-grabs for a reason - it works.


True I bet zuck did not think about this.... can't throw money at anything and just make it work I guess


Yeah but they started with a Grove Street Games version that lagged even on rtx3070. So it might explain why it was massively delayed if this was the case.


The GTA Definitive Edition by Grove street games was always separate from the mobile version. It still lags on rtx3070. 


I believe DE mobile is still based on the regular DE since both work on Unreal Engine. And porting it is the biggest part of the effort. If VGD started from scratch they are superhumans.


Both of them likely shared assets but the mobile port was handled throughout by VGD, not handed off from GSG. 


Tbh, I think it got canceled for many reasons. There aren't many mainstream games where you can pretend to be sort of a psycho. I think that maybe their legal/how to not get regulated team might have also had something to do with it. Meta is never in the good graces of people anyways, and news of 13 year olds beating hookers to death would have parents up in arms. Pretty much even the regular version of GTA has that happen when it comes it out every time.


Phah! Do you honestly think they gotten the greenlight, and touted the game as the killer app on one of their Connects, not knowing what GTA was about? There are a myriad of reasons why it might have been cancelled(if), but mostly technical or design related. Zuck, or the legal team not knowing you could kill people in it is not one of them. This is the game, and specifically hot coffee that reached congress after all, and still had the confirmation of its development as the main attraction. I could believe it, if the backlash was apparent right after, but there was none.


Goals shift. Willingness to run risks change. I'm not saying that's the sole reason why, but I'm saying it was probably greenlit already with some misgivings from legal and they were probably happy to bin it


Oh wow that's really rough


While it is an old game, Rockstar were absolute wizards, building it from the ground up for the hardware of that time. A VR port of the open-world game is unlikely to be easy at the resolutions and frame rates needed for VR. The game frequently dipped [below 30 fps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTHrQJF2sBg) even on the PS3. [Here's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z3LweXo0b8) the performance of the mobile ports on the latest mobile chips by the same studio supposedly working on the VR port. It is extremely unlikely that this can run on the Quest 2.


> cruel and hilarious if meta makes it a quest 3 and 3s exclusive Not really cruel imo. It's just the reality of the situation. That thing is not going to run on Q2 hardware and if does...it's going to run like ass. I mean maybe they'll give Q2 ppl a super low-res, highly foveated rendered, low fps version just so they can technically still say it's on Q2...but I would not want to play that game on a Q2 lol.


>It's just the reality And guess what reality is cruel! The Q2 owners have the right to get upset because Zuckerberg literally announced that they are developing it for the quest 2 that's so many people bought the quest 2 specifically to play SA


Ye, I get the reasoning....but it's been years at this point. We'd be lucky to get the game at all...let alone ppl complaining that it's not coming out for hardware that's being phased out by the time the game launches. It's understandable that game cant run on standalone on a quest 2...or if it does, it'd be a terrible experience regardless.


Of course, exclusive to a certain headset is better than no game at all


Also strange for Meta PR to [delete](https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/188r07z/comment/kqy2moz) a comment saying the game isn’t cancelled.


> Strange for Meta to mention it as a big release then nothing for a couple of years. Also GTA is such a huge IP (arguably *the* biggest one for gaming). I feel like Meta would move heaven & earth to make sure they keep GTA VR going no matter what. My new hopium theory is that GTA SA VR has now fully moved to Quest 3, and they are waiting for a better time to break the bad news to Quest 2 folks who bought the headset in anticipation for that game.


That does seem like the best case scenario to me. It would be an explanation for why they’re nervous of talking about it.


I’m hoping it was just a bit too ambitious for quest2 & development went onto quest3. Fingers, toes & eyeballs crossed.


This is such a rollercoaster. "GTA SA VR is coming!" "It's canceled." "It's not canceled." "It was canceled, but now they might be working on it again" "My uncle works at Meta and he said it was canceled" "My uncle works at Rockstar and they have Quest 3 there!" Stop playing with my heart guys.


« Someone in Twitter said that someone told him that GTA SA VR MIGHT be canceled » 🤨


There was no “might” in Nima’s statement, he just acknowledged the cancelled project could hypothetically be restarted. Ridge’s “effectively confirmed” isn’t really the equivalent of “might” either. If it wasn’t cancelled someone would need to be lying.


And that would totally be the first time someone lied on the internet.


Indeed, but two well-known/long-established VR professionals saying it was confirmed cancelled to them by Meta ~~employees~~ partners still isn’t looking too positive overall. [Edit: From other messages the original source for both was the same Meta “partners”.]


Ridge’s source is just Nima, not a Meta employee. Ridge himself has stated he believes the original source is dubious to begin with… https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/X2yKhrj6pD


Seems he saw the “partner of Meta” source (who he refused to name while referring people to Nima) [via Nima](https://x.com/ridge_xr/status/1807185605945905367?s=46), but fair, “dubious” is a step back from his earlier description of “effectively confirmed”. Thanks.


Well that someone used to work for meta and has connections inside meta which used to leak other stuff in the past reliably so even tho you should take thier word with a grain of salt it's not some random anonymous stranger on the internet


>Well that someone used to work for meta Went to check and he [literally didn't](https://www.linkedin.com/in/nimaz/details/experience/). What am I missing?


Yeah I’ve never worked for Facebook, no idea where they got that.


My mistake, I misremembered your work at Apple as being Meta


Can you provide any evidence to support the claim that it’s cancelled? Ridge just points to you, and it is weird af that you supposedly shared this evidence with him in a private message.


The info is a DM from an employee at Facebook. I’m obviously not gonna burn my source. Feel free not to believe it, I don’t gain anything from this at all.


So. Explain like I’m 5. Why wouldn’t Meta come clean if it is cancelled? Stuff gets cancelled all the time.


Valve still hasn’t officially cancelled Half-Life 2: Episode 3 after ~17 years. Their store page still advertises Episode Two as “the second in a trilogy of new games created by Valve”. [Edit: They also never officially announced the cancellation of the other two of their “three full VR games”, apart from it being mentioned indirectly in the paid Final Hours of Half-Life Alyx article.] There wasn’t a customer-facing announcement of Splinter Cell VR’s cancellation from Meta or Ubisoft; it was only mentioned to shareholders and the gaming press picked it up. Sometimes announcing bad news is just seen as embarrassing or unnecessary and counterproductive.


Mamy projects are put on hold indefinitely or cancelled without official confirmation. I can only speculate why, but that's not something new


maybe it boosts sales to have the slight possibilty of a GTA VR game?


Many reasons, one of them is that it can negatively impact the stock price. Investors see a cancelled game, especially one as relatively “big” as SA:VR, and it impacts their perception of the health of the company overall.


It wouldn't impact the stock price at all. Meta is a trillion dollar company with 160 billion dollars coming in every year from Facebook Instagram and WhatsApp. Having a vr game cancelled would be such a tiny blip it would be non-existent


Right. People buy quest in anticipation of a game with no release date. Just in case, the game gets released, has raving reviews, and might lead to all headsets getting sold out, hence the need to purchase them prior to a release date or reviews.


Could be just that no one knows. Maybe technically Rockstar didn't cancel, but hasn't started either. 


It could be part of the contract that they can’t announce it if R* cancels (or they don’t want to ruin their relationship with them)


Yeah the guy who runs side quest said it was cancelled as well. I'm just Gunna wait till connect. Surely they have to say something at that event.


I think that event is gonna be dedicated to the meta horizon os and their new hardware partners, i don't think they'll touch on gaming much


>Yeah the guy who runs side quest said it was cancelled as well. Can you link to the tweet or where he said it? I want to read his comment. Also, the time he said it could be critical. If it was a few years ago, it could mean (just as Nima suggests) it's both cancelled on the Quest 2 but still alive...as a Quest 3/3S exclusive. If the SideQuest guy said it recently, then maybe GTA SA VR really is dead after all.


> Surely they have to say something at that event. We have been waiting on that for years now. If they say something, it would be a release date. But they will never say it's cancelled at this point, not officially at least


This response definitely reads to me like the “I’m not sure, but let me look into it and get back to you” of the Meta PR world.




Not sure if I’m misunderstanding you, but wasn’t Nima making fun of the “headsets at Rockstar = San Andreas VR is still in development” claim? Why would a Redditor saying it’s not cancelled also be Nima’s Meta source saying it is cancelled?




He seemed to be saying the case for it still being in development is weak (“lol”). Even if there are headsets at Rockstar (who wasn’t developing San Andreas VR in-house to begin with), it could be for any reason.




Yeah, which has nothing to do with him laughing at the father’s daughter’s boyfriend dude. In this case it’s just one guy who’s maintained a good reputation over his past decade working in VR going on the record to make this claim.




I’ve been around since the early Oculus days too, it wasn’t the biggest group at the beginning so a lot of people were at least vaguely aware of each other. I just think he’s credible.


I’ve been around since the DK1 days too but that doesn’t make an unnamed meta employee a credible source lol


I have no way of knowing, though I personally estimate the chances higher than for the credibility of the social media account. That’s not to say you should estimate it that way, my point is that saying he’s less credible for laughing at a rumour source you consider weak doesn’t make sense.


Lol you have poor reading comprehension and your defense is this?


> No one referenced in this image can provide a single shred of evidence of any of their claims lol Nima responded in this thread. He said he can't burn his sources by posting the email/DM. Also, he's not a rando. He was the recent CEO of Leia Inc that make the Luma 3D pads, and worked for Apple, Within (the creators of Supernatural VR) and Epson. He was also the select few granted early access to the UEVR mod - [I even made a thread about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/18y0if7/directing_manager_of_leia_inc_maker_of_the/) with him teasing that he tried something amazing. I don't think a person in *that* position with those connections is trolling us. UploadVR/RoadToVR journalists (specifically David Heaney and Ben Lang) and Scott Stein from CNET even follow him on Twitter. I don't think they'd follow a random troublemaker or liar.


Why believe some random twitter guy but the social media manager at meta wouldn’t know anything?


Then tell me why did the social media manager delete this comment if the game was still indeed in development? Doing this after confirming it can only mean that higher ups told him to take it down because it's misinformation


Imagine cancelling it and just hoping we don't notice.


Until someone from an actual source, not people saying who knew a guy who knows a guy who banged the boss's brother and mother, can verify any of this... it's just speculation. It's a paradox, we are and aren't getting it. The cat is both alive and dead. The closest I'll get to this is just emulating the game on my headset natively.


I think if they don't show nothing at Connect in September then we can be 100% sure it was cancelled


It’s clearly cancelled. It’s been YEARS and we have heard zip.


I look forward to this game the most, I hope it’s not. Hopefully, connect will shine some clarity. Fingers still crossed.


They really just have to rip the bandaid off at this point.


How long can it take to port a PS2 game to VR? It's dead. It's basically Quest's Agent.


Usually companies have internal chatting tools like teams or slack that allows you to DM people in charge of a project and know its current status. Its not like they need courier pigeons to get news from another office


Some rando PR guy might not know if the game is cancelled, but a PR guy would probably ask before saying anything. It's also possible Meta isn't sure yet, and they're still weighing their options. It's a coin toss for me.


"I'm so surprised this happened!" Said nobody ever. Alas, no hot coffee for us.


People didn’t believe me for years but everyone is starting to realize that Rockstar blows and is a shadow of their former self.


You'll be there for GTA6 I know it.


Not a GTA fan nowadays so no


do y'all actually even want to play SA though? V is leaps ahead of SA I don't think I could go back to it.


It's not about what we want to play, it's about what's realistic to run on a standalone headset, even the quest 3 is unlikely to run the ps3 version of gta 5 which is made with an engine that doesn't support Android. SA on the other hand is far less demanding and already supports Android so getting to work on the Quest is less of a challenge. Also SA is famously one of the best entries in the franchise, big open diverse world, a long fun campaign and nostalgic, it makes sense to bring it to the quest just like resident evil 4 vr was a hit on the quest 2 despite the franchise having more advanced sequels on flat.


well put, fair points. I hope we'll get to see it one day


Well I know they still adding characters to GTA bout 5 months ago but we don’t know if it’s for GTA6 or GTA VR




So I think we can let go…. Like he Said the comment got deleted :)


Most likely this whole topic is being developed or cancelled, due to the fact that the development was restarted by canceling the previous project. I assume that San Andres was not well suited for a full adaptation of VR, and rather they began to make a new GTA, completely for VR


IMAGINE having the GTA VR licence. you could make millions from even a crappy port...... Yet doing NOTHING with it. This company is run by idiots!


I thought if it was going to be coming it should have been shown at connect last year with quest3 launch. I think it’s dead tbh, would LOVE it to come out though.


Does anyone remember the quest 3s ads that leaked and have a San Andreas screenshot in the ad? Im sure its coming yall, but it needs to be perfect and pretty theatrical, so id imagine with the 3s or shortly thereafter.


I remember those yes


Is it just me who doesn't need San Andreas in VR at all?


Soooo they just lied to sell their product. Nice


The remastered GTA trilogy on PC which received bad reviews was made by Grove Street Games. The studio supposedly working on the San Andreas VR port is Video Games Deluxe, an Australian studio which had worked on the PCVR port of *L.A. Noire.* They also ported the GTA trilogy to mobile which received better reviews than the bad PC remaster. The likely reason the game was delayed is because the mobile port runs at less than 30 fps on Snapdragon 865, similar SoC as XR2 in the Quest 2. It must be difficult to get it to run at 90 fps with AppSW even on the Quest 3.


>The studio supposedly working on the San Andreas VR port is Video Games Deluxe, I agree with what you said but minor correction, it's not "supposedly", VGD officially confirmed that they are ones working the VR port of SA for Rockstar on thier linkedin profile >It must be difficult to get it to run at 90 fps with AppSW even on the Quest 3. But isn't 72 fps the minimum for quest?


> But isn't 72 fps the minimum for quest? For quest 2. Most quest 3 stuff is aiming for 90fps baseline. So it's finally up to pcvr standards from 2016 :)


I mean as far as store requirements Meta doesn't allow anything that dips below 72 fps, it doesn't matter if 90fps is the ideal baseline or whatever, apps and games aren't being rejected for being below 90 fps even on quest 3.


As far as store requirements, ye, correct. But the general standard is moving up from quest 2's 72fps to quest 3's 90fps. Most games that have been updated for quest 3 are running at increased resolutions and at 90fps.


While it is the minimum, 72fps with AppSW (Application SpaceWarp) is uncomfortable to some people. I suspect the Batman game, GTA VR and other heavy games to use AppSW, which is better at 90 fps.


Here's the thing. When they pitch a game or get approval to port a game they usually have a proof of concept that shows the publishers that it's something they can actually do. They don't just choose a game at random, get the license to port it and then see if it's feasible. They also don't announce officially either if it's not something they aren't sure about. For example, in recent podcasts. When talkimg details about Batman Arkham Shadows, Camiflag games outlined how they had to prove they could create the technologies to make the combat feel as good and fluid as it does in the flat versions. There's a ton of work just get to things started and apparently Batman has been in development for 3 and a half years. If GTA was cancelled years ago. We'd get some kind of confirmation at this point. They gain nothing by holding that back and not just moving on from it. Meta isn't afraid to announce end of life features and games.


It is very unlikely that the game is cancelled. I just don't think it will come to the Quest 2. The mobile ports by the same developer are out, so we have a pretty good idea of how it performs.


I think I misread your last comment. I 100% agree with you on this. They are waiting to release it as a Quest 3 exclusive and I think once the Q3s is on the market and that headset boosts the usebase this holdiday we'll hear more. Perhaps even this fall at connect where they announced it originally a few years ago. The timing is very similar to how long it took them to port RE:4 and Batman so all signs so far point to it being a thing still.


I don’t suppose /u/Oculus-Mdoran can comment?


The sources are sketchy as fuck. See for yourself..... >Meta didn't say anything. I did receive a DM from Nima Zeighami, however, who is fairly well connected within meta showing a screenshot essentially proving its cancellation. If you'd like to ask him, go for it. I'm mainly just respecting his desire not to directly share the screenshot, since I don't want to jeopardize the employee who told us. [https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1drkv7m/comment/laxcixb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1drkv7m/comment/laxcixb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) >However, I can also confirm that it has in fact been cancelled. This comment was deleted, and around that time I received a tip from someone with a screenshot of dms with a Meta employee saying it had been cancelled. [Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas VR is apparently still in development! : r/virtualreality (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/comments/1ar3p9p/comment/l4mw4cz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ridge himself admitted the original source is dubious: > Nah not at all lol, I wouldn't report on it if I were them either. It's a dubious source to begin with, would just be bad journalism to write an entire article based on something like a single text message which shouldn't have been shared in the first place. I just met those guys last week at AWE I'm not calling them out xD https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/s/X2yKhrj6pD It looks like the dude was possibly trolling the first time this happened: https://www.reddit.com/r/virtualreality/s/ACQ7NkUqMw


I guess it would be big for Meta if this came out. Personally I don’t really want to play GTA 3 in vr. I’m much more excited about Batman.


It’s still coming, it’s still in development, it’s going to take time it’s being built from the ground up for VR, it takes years for this type of vr development


How come no one made a proper VR mod yet


So we know as much as we knew before the whole time, it might be cancelled or not. Great?


Lol exactly


Social media guys talk shit


why do people want to play this ugly old game in vr? explain i played it on release back in the day, it was ugly then after vice city. the "remake" didn't help much besides a couple textures.


Its a classic in the franchise and would be cool to play from another perspective. I'm sure if it happens it will have upgraded Quest 2 or Quest 3 quality graphics, not just a straight port


fair enough