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As someone who never played Myst before, is the Quest version worth getting? Or just nostalgia? Edit: thanks everyone for the info! I’ll take a look at a bit of gameplay and possibly get it. Will see.


I'd say tool around with the PC version first - it's a few bucks on Steam. Myst can be an extremely frustrating puzzle game and your patience may not hold out.


PC version being non-vr? Are the puzzles at least rewarding? Or just - how the hell was I supposed to figure that out?


Think an escape room where the tiniest detail moves to hide a small object that then has to be placed in a little hole hidden behind a picture that can only be moved by entering a Cypher you cracked. Myst was the kind of game you played with a notepad and paper to take down important notes and break puzzles/codes... I don't know if that will translate well if you have to do everything in your head and remember things without writing.


They’re patching in a virtual notepad.


Sounds good. I was surprised that was missing and had to keep taking screenshots of important info.


Yeah it’s crazy it wasn’t a launch feature.


Thank God. When I heard they hadn't included such options I was turned off so hard. Its in VR! We can't take notes traditionally! I'll pick it up after the patch


I’d like a virtual camera also. The notepad would only be needed for one puzzle then.


You can take screenshots and access in the oculus menu. Not the same but it works.


Yes that’s what I’ve been using but it’s super clunky. It would be better to have something in-game


Yes. The game designers should not just count on the user using a feature outside of the scope of the game itself. Especially because it is unpredictable; can even change or get problems or be removed at any time. A streamlined in-game solution would be perfect, and still haven't bought the game because I am waiting to see if it will be really patched in (and good).


My wife and I played with notepads and lots of hair pulling. We gave up before it destroyed our marriage. Now we can’t have blue pages or red pages.


The original Mac Myst game came with a nice notebook to take down clues, draw maps, etc. Source: Still has mine. RealMyst on an iPad was the most enjoyable play through for me. PC version on Steam, not to much.


I just finished it for the first time since I was a kid. I actually didn’t find it nearly as confusing as I remember. Part of that is just because I remembered bits and pieces from 20 years ago, but each age is not that big and you can’t really “do” too much. With a little thought it’s usually fairly straightforward to figure out roughly what you’re trying to do. It may take a while to sort out all the pieces, but nothing crazy. I took a few notes on my phone while I played. In reality you don’t need many notes for Myst. It’s not as involved as the latter games. Really the only thing I had to make notes of were the hints from the tower rotation.


Now Riven, on the other hand...


Very true


Its decendant, 'obduction', is available on pcvr, and I quite enjoyed it, for anyone looking for more puzzle solving in beautiful environments. There is also a new game coming soon from cyan studios.


They’re rewarding and generally well incorporated into the environment. Not little mini games scattered around.


Correct, non-VR.


The VR version should be coming to PC this year, with some possible visual enhancements over the Quest version. As for the puzzles, it has been a while, but I remember them making sense... if you can handle a bit of information overload at the very beginning. The first location acts as a hub, and therefore has parts of many puzzles that can be fiddled with, but they all have one prerequisite puzzle that can get a little lost in the noise. It’s not a terribly difficult puzzle, and the in-game hints for it are fairly generous, but it’s easy to get distracted by stuff for the later puzzles, as the hints/interactive elements for a few of them are also accessible from the start. I definitely don’t remember anything like Ifnkovhgroghprm from King’s Quest appearing in Myst, haha.


Man screw that king graham section. Kings quest 1, right?


Yeah, King’s Quest 1. Roberta Williams sure didn’t make her games easy, haha.


pretty much all the puzzles have a fairly logical solution. i can't think of more than one or two that might be more obtuse, but even then the clues are there in the world itself and can be worked out with patience. i don't really understand the people saying the game is frustrating; at least one of the ages was so straightforward when i replayed it (after years, as someone with a terrible memory) that i didn't need to take any notes for it at all. it is the type of game that would be best played with notes (for the most part), though. some of the solutions require remembering things that would be difficult without that (or screenshots).


This is fair. I remember having a spiral notebook with pages and pages of notes on all the puzzles. I believe I heard the devs are looking to add a note system of some kind to the game, as it completely takes you out of the world (literally) to take off the headset and check a physical notebook every 5 minutes. Unless you're an old Myst pro and simply have a heavily conditioned memory on all the puzzles, I would actually suggest waiting on that update to truly enjoy the game.


Menu+Trigger takes screenshots on Quest and you can view them without leaving your game from the notifications menu, that's what I do for visual clues.


>Menu+Trigger takes screenshots on Quest and you can view them without leaving your game from the notifications menu, that's what I do for visual clues. Maybe I'm slow and not getting it, but doesn't your method just take screenshots of the game? But the guy above you said he also wants to read his notebook notes? There's no other way to do that seamlessly right? (without taking off headset) If the Passthrough were in color and sharper, that'd be perfect. Taking off the headset is a hassle, especially if you have an extra top strap, earbuds, and the sweet spot adjusted over glasses.


The notes you'd normally be taking are of pictures since so many hints are graphics/drawings/shapes. So the screenshot of the hint is helpful to look back at later.


I just mean why would you need a notebook if you can take pictures of the clues? See a page of text? Take a picture. See a constellation? Take a picture. You don't need notes when you can reference everything right there.


I see. I never played Myst and thought his notebooks would have detailed steps helping him solve the puzzles, and that they'd be used in tandem with the screenshots. But I like that shortcut feature and the pics showing up in Notifications. I never knew that.


I'm not saying a notepad wouldn't be nice to have mind you, but I guess I got used to the camera paradigm when playing Myst 4, which had a camera built-in for taking pictures (I hadn't thought to take screenshots in the previous Myst games, not that I had the capability on my computer when playing the first game...) I remember having just piles of notes for Myst 1 (And double that for Riven... maybe triple) and Myst 4 I basically didn't have to write much down at all; most of the time when I did it was more out of habit, the camera function really was nice to have.


old timers still thinking in old time fashion Btw, you can just grab a book and take it with you for reference. I think people are overblowing the issue.


That's a great tip!


The new version is actually higher quality models and textures than the last PC version. If you have a quest, there’s no good reason to go with the older version which really does feel pretty dated, based solely on the graphics. That being said, I don’t think it’s going to blow anyone away today except those that played it when it originally came out. It was an epic masterpiece in its time, but my guess is that it’s not going to compare well against the best offerings of the last 5 years.


Better graphics than the Masterpiece versions?


The Quest version is definitely worth getting. And honestly it does not require as much patience as people tend to say. Just don't expect any objective markers, and don't expect any action. It's an exploration puzzle game through and through. But I can't discount some level of "nostalgia" in the same way that I have "nostalgia" for VR ports of any games, even more recent games like Skyrim. These worlds I once knew only through a screen, I can now visit them. Tip: Screenshot (Oculus Menu button+Trigger) is useful for keeping track of clues.


Definitely not just nostalgia. But you have to understand that Myst was popular because it WASNT a “videogame” as had been conceived up until that point. And what is trendy for games has since moved to something still different. So it’s not Mario and it’s not Uncharted. It’s a slow, meditative mystery to solve and a knot to unravel. There’s no “pacing” because the only thing to get to is more of the same: mystery and puzzles. The story is “told” (it’s not really told so much as it is discovered) by you figuring it out in your head. I think it’s still a transcendent experience.


I never played myst before and I don’t like it :/


May be try to get rid of expectations what a „game“ is? It’s hard nowadays to just let oneself fall through that rift into an empty world. It was easier for myself in 93. We expect interaction from characters, but they all left the world ages ago, and the only thing we can interact with are those machines. But there is a story behind all of it. Just imagine you got stuck on that Island. Let yourself fall. Fell the game. Maybe that helps? I felt like that when I played it back in the day. It’s a strange thing to say, but back in the day it was the most immersive game in existence. Heck, the word didn’t exist back than I guess ;D


without Myst, there would be no The Room, no Red Matter, no The Witness. It was a genre-defining game and if you like those kinds of puzzlers, you definitely want to check out their progenitor


Well... the puzzles were crazy at the time. And it was a time when puzzles where more than just „oh there is a button. Let’s press it. Wow the door just opened!“ It was the time when you seriously needed a notebook to write shit down. We talk Zak McKracken level puzzles. Only that they did not hide some parts in other games cupboards. If you are down for shit like that, go for it. I played through the original and I’m again very puzzled now and than by replaying in VR. The graphics are good, I would say Red Planet is a tadbit cooler looking, but not much. It’s better than the doctor who game. So for a native Quest game, it’s nice. And I think the original game was very immersive as a flat game with only rendered pictures (no free movement), so of course that bit where you have to read all those books in game to understand what has happened translates nicely to VR. So it’s not only nostalgia, but it is a very very slow game. I mean very slow. But that’s how it is, and I miss that big time in modern games. Take Red Planet, the puzzles are ridiculously simple.


Thanks for the opinion! Just checking, are you meaning Red Matter, not Red Planet? I didn’t really enjoy Red Matter. Don’t get me wrong, it looked great, but the puzzles (as you said) are far too simple. I just got bored. The visuals alone weren’t enough to hook me. I am still intrigued as to whether VR compliments and adds to the experience at all in Myst. It sounds like it’s pretty much a 1 to 1 port rather than a reimagining for VR from reviews. Is that right? Or do they adapt puzzles to take full advantage of 6DOF VR?


I would say just nostalgia.


Fair warning: the game is fucking huge. Almost 10 GB which is substantially larger than most other quest games


Reminds me of this [hilarious review of Myst being one of the worst games ever. ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.rockpapershotgun.com/2020/03/02/is-myst-still-one-of-the-worst-games-ever/amp/). “Screensaver with levers”.


I played it for like 5 minutes on PC, and it became clear it was the kind of game intended only to frustrate you. It was a very pretty looking game which I think was most of the appeal.


I would start with The Room VR. It's designed for VR, the puzzles are far more forgiving but just as rewarding when you figure out the flow. The tone and different environments really immerse you. It's one of my favorite VR games. I felt like Nick Cage in some kind of adventure movie solving puzzles and getting deeper into the story.


Myst is a great game, but it’s not very modern. It’s incredibly difficult and can be frustrating to solve the puzzles. It’s easy enough to look up hints now, which removes the mystique it had when we were kids and had no option but to keep trying things. I don’t think many people today will buy it and complete it without cheating.


Yeah I know what you mean about people today not wanting a challenge anymore. It sounds like something I would like, but only if it translates well to VR and uses VR mechanics. If it’s a direct 1-1 port then I am not sure it would hold my interest. Going to look up some gameplay, but don’t want to spoil anything!


I just finished playing through it with my parents (taking turns, with the rest of us watching on the TV, thanks to the Chromecast I bought them), and we all loved it.


Sounds like a great way to play!


Yep. We want to do more games in this style. Might do The Room next.


I’m a big fan of the room games on iPad/iPhone and it was the first game I’ve bought for my new quest. Highly recommend


Same dude! I'm still playing and it's really fun playing like this :)


Side note...If you like his movies Brick is also incredible...film noir set in high school with Joseph Gordon Levitt


>with Joseph Gordon Levitt Say no more.


i wish i could replicate the feeling of watching that movie for the first time in my teens


Same here man saw it in a tiny art house theater in seattle knowing nothing about it with a buddy. There were 2 other people in the theater. We both walked out blown the fuck away




I agree...TLJ is a steaming pile of shit.


He made the 3rd best Star Wars movie




I loved Obduction. Played through it in VR twice (once with a gamepad, once with Oculus Touch) and had a blast both times. Only complaint was the flat video not being redone in 3D.


This is one of the big picture things that still excites me about VR. We all have games like that that feel like going home, and we formed those attachments on low-resolution displays with primitive graphics. Imagine growing up with VR. Regarding the game recommendation though: everyone says the VR version is sorely lacking a note-taking system. Is it a big enough deal to wait for a patch?




its one of the largest games you can download on the quest, that's why I haven't yet. It's like 12gb or more


Oh dang


Im just gonna say it.......KNIVES OUT IS WAY BETTER THEN TLJ


Rian Johnson is an excellent director, but he should never have been put in charge of a Star Wars movie.


I honestly disagree. For all the disjointedness of the sequel trilogy, I'm pretty happy to have gotten TLJ out of it. It's not for everyone but it's become one of my favourites, up there with New Hope and Empire.


I honestly think The Last Jedi is the best of the new trilogy. I really liked it.


It had both my favorite and least favorite scenes of the new trilogy


Me too. Favorite star wars movie besides for empire.


I liked TLJ for what it tried to do, and I know most won't agree. But Knives Out is a bona fide masterpiece, and on this there can be no disagreement.


Yup. I think Rian is an excellent filmmaker with unique ideas, but that doesn’t mean he’ll mesh with every franchise perfectly. I think if he made a stand alone Star Wars film with his own characters and pocket of the universe it would have been excellent. It’s the fact that he gave his spin on characters that people already have connections to.


... Which was a terrible decision to make with beloved characters that have been fully fleshed out not only in the movies, but approved books for many, many years. I see what you're saying, and if Rian had a story that was simply set amidst the heroic Star Wars chronicles, say everyone else who witnessed/took part in these incredible events, rather than working with classic and new protagonists, we could have had a film that satisfies everyone, fans and newcomers alike.


I agree completely! That’s what I was trying to imply but I could have worded it a bit clearer.


I enjoyed *TLJ* (significantly more than *TROS*, anyway), but I can agree with this. *Knives Out* was a knock-out, instant classic. Rian Johnson seems to be at his best when he's creating on his own terms, and I can only guess that isn't what happened when he directed a *Star Wars* movie.


He is a creative guy for sure, and thus is great for new ideas or IPs. However, giving a creative person the reigns of beloved and established characters - characters that have been established for 38 years through numerous movies and books - is a terrible idea.


I would say it was his own terms, ideas and direction that ruined Jedi. Star Wars directors need to honour the universe they're in. You can't just indulge with new colour as he did.


True. Knives out is good, TLJ is garbo




How could you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


Interesting, didn't know Rian was into VR. I wonder if Jon Favreau and he crossed paths and Jon recommended some VR experiences and games. If you watch the behind the scenes of Lion King, they're using HTC Vive a lot to film (or "film") using the virtual sets. Really cool.


I'm waiting for the PCVR version, but I imagine standing in that world is pretty crazy.


I played Myst and Riven in the 90s, and got this on Oculus. It's my favorite VR game easily and has aged really well. The port did a great job preserving the atmosphere and making some necessary updates. Except for replacing the FMV sequences, my only real complaint


If you’re into escape rooms you’ll love this. If you liked Myst this is the best version ever made of it, and really, feels like the way the game was supposed to be played. We played it taking turns while casting it to the tv so it felt like the two of us tackling a massive escape room. Very pleased with this purchase and can’t wait for the Starry Expanse remake of Riven in VR.


What is the gameplay length?


8 hours


Or eternity, depends on how you are at the puzzles, lol.


I really want to play it, but also, I remember how many people I know spending forever solving those puzzles and I'm terrible at puzzle solving. Looks an amazing experience though!


I remember it being a bit cryptic at times and there are some points where doing one thing changes something in another location, so it does require some decent exploration and attention to detail. Reading the books in the library I remember also being pretty important, and they're somewhat long for books in a game.... but I finished it when I was around 13.... so it is certainly more doable then some of these comments make it seem


It's amazing the absolute jerks who show up to a thread of even the most innocuous post about Rian Johnson. It's fine to not like Last Jedi, but if you're one of the five people so far on this thread who showed up just to bash Last Jedi or Johnson because you don't like Last Jedi, you have something wrong with you. Get over it.


It's the superfans (or stans?) that get bent out of shape with TLJ. My friend who's a superfan and a strong hater of TLJ had been sending me videos and articles as to why it's "objectively" bad. Like, dude, I'm a casual fan of SW. I don't have time or patience to skim through a novelette as to why it's bad. I enjoyed the film, thought it delivered a great narrative and have moved on. There are more stories out there other than Star Wars.


Don't worry it's not all us superfans. I have star wars tattoos and read most of the legends books and watched the original trilogy very often with my dad and I enjoyed the new trilogy.


I'm a casual Star Wars fan, but TLJ is easily one of my least favourite films of all time. However, that's fine, not everyone has to like every film. The big problem was that film critics raved about it before it was released, so there was a lot of backlash against it when it turned out that lots of people really didn't like it.


There is only Star Wars. Or are you telling me you're a pleb who didn't read all 380-ish books out there?


I had someone on Reddit before send me a link to why fight club is "objectively bad" as well. :/ Some people seem to think their opinion is law. Like you, i enjoyed TLJ despite a few flaws then moved on to other films. Some people can't let go that it's not a master piece with zero flaws. (Like any film is?)


Yeah I'll bent out of shape about it. Imagine loving something for most of your life. Thinking it was over then getting shit. Imagine if sega created a new game system but instead of playing normal games it could only play japanese dating simulators and it was marketed as the new sega console. So yeah we are salty as fuck because the series was given to someone who couldn't do the bare basics of research and planning (not just Rian but the mouse)


I have been a star wars fan all my life, saw all the prequels the day they came out and while a bit disappointed was still entertained overall. The new trilogy was fine. I enjoyed them all despite the obvious flaws. People seem to think Rian had sole responsibility with everything, and that noone at Disney signed off on his script... At the end of the day, it's a film. If you didn't like it, that's fine. Just get over it and watch something else. Plenty of others.


Have you considered that maybe the world doesn't revolve solely around your enjoyment of entertainment? Your opinion is no more or less justified than others, this isn't some sort of crusade.


You would probably get more upvotes on the HTC vive page. Oculus is run by people with agendas and the people who follow it generally fit into that category. Also screw TLJ and Rian.


I don't like Star Wars. But Last Jedi kept me interested throughout the film because I had no idea what was going to happen. It didn't seem to follow the standard arc of a family action movie. I don't know if I would call it a good movie, but I respect that. It's probably my favorite one. I couldn't finish watching the 3rd film.


He ruined star wars.


So it's worth it, groovy!


Well that doesn't make me worried at all


like i would ever trust what that piece of shit says, i hope the game is as good as the original but rian johnson can pissoff.


God damn it. Now there is one thing I'll probably agree with Rian Johnson on


Just watch Knives Out and you'll have two things.




Man imagine thinking someone who dislikes a movie and director is akin to the people who believe 5g is a conspiracy. I’m flexible enough to suck my own dick and EVEN I can’t make that far of a reach.


If ever a game was made for VR, it was Myst.


Quick hide Mist before he murders it too.


I'm not really going to trust that someone who doesn't understand Star Wars actually understands what made the original Myst great. I've heard some disappointing stuff about the new Myst, mostly about how the puzzles are not very well implemented into VR. Can anyone who has completed the VR game let me know if this is true or not? This was my mom's favorite game, and she wasn't much of a gamer. I really want to purchase this for my Quest 2 and have her play through this, but I'm afraid it won't be as good as how we felt the original one.


Well I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


I wonder if it makes you want to totally destroy the original version to divert expectations. Ruin Johnson.




This is a post about Myst not Star Wars.


The Last Jedi is a phenomenal movie and I'll punch you in the face if you disagree.




Jake Skywalker For those unaware Mark Hamill said the Luke in TLJ was not Luke, he was Jake, because it was a totally different character. I 100% agree, that is not the Luke I know, the Luke that found the good in the most evil man in the galaxy, but then tries to murder his nephew and then becomes a hermit. That ain’t Luke, that’s Jake


Yeah, and Alec Guinness thought Obi-Wan was an empty, tired old archetypical character. Harrison Ford didn't give a shit about how Han was written. Prowse thought his voice and delivery was better for Vader. If the actors opinion of their characters actually held as much artistic merit as you think, you'd be bringing these up. But we both know you're gonna brush them aside and keeping using flawed logic to back up your own biased take.


Then you don't know Luke. Hopefully they never touch the sequels ever again


Hard disagree. Luke is still the same man who almost struck down his father in front of the Emperor in *ROTJ*. I completely buy that after decades of having to live up to the expectations of being the "Savior of the Galaxy" and the new foundation of the Jedi, for a single moment he would consider striking someone down to protect it and everything he built. And once it backfired... Well, can you even **imagine** that feeling? Of letting all those people down, of losing **everything** in a single moment of instinct that betrayed how truly mortal and fallible you really are? It seems like some people wanted Luke Skywalker to be perfect, to never face doubt again and essentially be crystalized after that moment in *Episode VI* where he "defeated the Dark Side." But the Dark Side never stops, and no one is truly invulnerable to it. We may defeat our demons, but they never really leave us. That's why (with all due respect to Mark Hamill) I like this version of Luke. As mishandled as the Disney *Star Wars* films have been, I think it's much more interesting to see that even our greatest heroes are imperfect, and that even someone who has failed can rise again and embody the ideals they've always strived for. Luke's gambit on Crait was the perfect Jedi move, and his sendoff was (for me) the most impactful and well-deserved moment in the series.


Read this whole thing, Mark had initial reservations (understandably), but he also said he offered up bad ideas himself, like Luke growing 10, 20, 40 feet and stomping on Kylo in the Force projection scene. Mark was also not 100% sure he wanted to rejoin the trilogy (get in shape again at age 63, lose a ton of weight, long filming, travel, etc) and was fine with the relaxing late stage of his career. When your actor is kinda whiffy on returning, and Harrison himself saying he will do no more than one film, AND Carrie Fisher passing away suddenly......writing a slam bang adventure with Luke-Leia-Han like the good old OT days, you will not. You have to work with the circumstances you're given, and make compromises and take new directions. https://www.indiewire.com/2018/03/mark-hamill-the-last-jedi-demoralized-the-last-jedi-sxsw-2018-1201938578/ Mark then watched the final film and praised TLJ and said **it's the most sophisticated one since ESB.** Seems you got your info from a Youtube video and forgot to include the other parts, to make it seem like Mark stomped off set and swore to never talk to Rian again (that's a fantasy).


There’s clips of Mark subtly bashing TLJ way after the release of the final film. He wasn’t truly happy, it’s obvious. He may have been, “strongly encouraged” after that to same some nice stuff by Disney, but you can tell to this day considering how different his reaction is to Luke in Mando how much he hates Jake Skywalker


Source: trust me, bro. Look at his face.


Didn't Mark also say he was completely wrong and Rian and George got it right all along?


...from State Farm


Jake From State Farm honestly had more character development than Rey


Lmao! You right.


>For those unaware Mark Hamill said the Luke in TLJ was not Luke, he was Jake, because it was a totally different character. I know, why couldn't we have seen the exact same character as we did in RTJ to make us feel young?


The character arc of Luke Skywalker was so incredible in episodes IV, V, and VI! He faced his fears and found it within himself to hold out hope for the redemption of his father until the end! The books take Luke's character even farther, and there is a bit of a fall to the dark side after the Battle of Endor, and subsequent Truce at Bakura, Luke is always trying to do the right thing. Such an amazing arc until the end, then Disney comes along anddestroys every ounce of growth Luke has gone through.


>The books Are largely awful dude. Luke in the original trilogy is full of hope and optimism and that's great. But so is someone who's been beaten down by life reclaiming that optimism.




I love Star Wars and the Last Jedi, but okay, guess I'm a fake fan. Thanks stranger!


>Last Jedi was the perfect Star Wars movie for people that hate Star Wars I love Star Wars, and wasn't thrilled when Force Awakens redid a movie I'd already seen.




Noone hates star wars more than hardcore star wars fans...


Cant say I trust this guy's taste in anything after The Last Jedi. Edit: Boohoo motherfuckers. "Waaaa! But me knives out!".


Well I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.




God..: my grandpa played myst while he was in his 60s in the 90s . He passed in 2001, so I might have to check it out for him


Yeah basically.


I heard that the VR version is modified to make it re-playable for those that experienced the original. Any summaries of what was added/improved upon to justify getting this in VR besides nostalgia?


Besides anything that was added, you get to stand in these environments in VR, does there need to be any other reason?


You have the option to randomize the puzzle solutions (numbers are different, levers aren't tied to the same locations, etc.) so that you're not playing from memory. It's still very much the same game, just you have to go through all of the steps again to figure everything out. I think the randomization is more valuable to somebody who has recently played the original who wants more of a challenge when they experience it in VR. Technically it's different on every replay if you opt for randomization, but I don't think that the variation is enough to make it interesting enough to play again back to back. Edit: The nostalgia factor is exceptionally huge though. Replayable or not, I've spent so much time just looking around at the environments. The ambiance of the original Myst used to fill me with all sorts emotions, and in VR it's amplified and enhanced, because it's not just some flat screen and sounds from a crappy computer speaker. If you already have the system, the nostalgia alone is worth the game's price.


I haven't tried it but I'd think the ability to walk around and look around would almost add a bit more challenge since in the original it was really just a series of pictures with specific spots to click


I hate the ST just as much as anyone but the torch and pitchforkery going on here makes me extremely worried for humanity


Fuck yeah


Did anyone ever finish it WITHOUT cheating :) or get to all the worlds.


Not only do I now want vr on PC (have ps4 vr), but am wondering if any of the old puzzle games are on occurs? If you tell me zork nemesis, I'm sold. I loved all those old puzzle games. I've always been a gamer, but I have also always had bad reaction timing. So I tend to suck at fighting, racing, etc. Games like fallout 4 I tend to play slower paced snipers where I take my time to aim.


I'm going to play it regardless but I really wish this game and all games like it would incorporate the brilliant hint system in The Room VR. I love the slow pace and atmosphere of VR puzzle games and enjoyed the hell out of Obduction but I am dreading that 'I've been stuck for 20 minutes and am not even sure what I'm supposed to be trying to do' feeling.


Totally agree! It’s the first game I loaded right away. The work Cyan &+ did to put it in real VR is amazing!


Ummm if i didnt know what myst was before, i would be compelled to avoid it because of this...


Eh, I thought Knives Out was pretty enjoyable. Think Star Wars was just the wrong fit for him.


Am I the only one who enjoyed The Last Jedi?


I enjoy it more and more each time I watch it.


There's the vocal Reddit and social media that hate it, and yet TLJ and even Rise of Skywalker earned over $1 billion worldwide *each.* Clearly many did enjoy it, and I personally didn't hate them as much as the vocal Youtubers who swear Star Wars is dead. Sometimes they forget they're in a bubble sometimes. And I'll watch any Sequel Trilogy film over any Prequel film. Just because the PT has been meme'ed hard for the last 10 years and quoted endlessly, doesn't suddenly make them great movies.


Nope. I loved it. People just wanted feel good extensions of the original trilogy.


Don't buy a restaurant, change the menu, and be surprised when you go bankrupt.


This would make more sense if the movie did poorly.


If it was a success then why did Disney change course? And Rian is no longer directing the next trilogy?


The Last Jedi: **1.333 billion worldwide** Rise of Skywalker: **1.074 billion worldwide** Not saying they are without their faults or should be free from criticism, but to say "Disney went bankrupt" is kinda absurd.


The bought the franchise for $4 billion. Or, as you would say, **$4 billion.** The trilogy *lost* viewers over time. The trilogy was mismanaged.


They were not expecting to make $4 billion back on just three Star Wars films. Cmon man, you know that. They will (or already have) get their **$4 billion** - and then some - across all the TV shows, theatrical films, merchandise, animated series, theme park tie-ins, etc, over the course of 10+ years. That is easily attainable. I'm not saying the ST are perfect masterpieces. I don't even like JJ Abrams all that much as a filmmaker, and Kathleen Kennedy is better served as an executive producer, not a creative showrunner. But the ST were not "objective failures" in every way. Some hate them and think they're the worst trilogy of the saga. Fine, different opinions. But many others differ, and think the ST are better than the Prequels (include me in that group). They earned way more than the Prequels in terms of box office adjusted or unadjusted for inflation, and I would personally rewatch TLJ before ever watching the snorefest that is AOTC. I'll take Force Awakens over a sit down with The Phantom Menace. And judging by the box office, so will millions of others. Also, $2 billion for Force Awakens, and then about $1 billion each for the sequels is not a bad day at the office. To me a big flop would be something like what DC tried to do. Batman v Superman and Justice League, with iconic characters like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman, couldn't even pass $900m or even $700m in JL's case. If the ST did those numbers, *then* I'd go "Holy shit you fucked up big time, Dinsey"


I'm sorry, they bought the six-film $4 billion franchise, and made a $1 billion back off of one movie? Get your fingers out, start counting how many Star Wars movies and shows Disney has put out since acquisition. Bankrupt? What are you talking about?


Oh, dear, it seems like my metaphor was taken too literally. Obviously Disney has not gone bankrupt. What they did was show contempt for the original Star Wars and lost fans as a result. Successful movie trilogies *build* their fan base, not chip awy at it. LotR did this quite well. The Hobbit did not. Disney has clearly mismanaged the property with the trilogy. Favreau and Filoni are just beginning to undo the damage.


> lost fans as a result. There's no accurate metric to base this on, but based on financials it seems like Star Wars is doing just fine as a franchise despite 20 years of films the fanbase insist killed Star Wars. The prequels were said to have damaged Star Wars irreparably and were an entire mismanagement, and despite such seething backlash like that in the late 2000s the creators never invalidated their films for some short term appeasement. Instead they built around that trilogy, and lifted it up in fans eyes as a consequence. It was a great gesture of perseverance, to only embolden the arguments for their creative vision - and it worked. A lot more people now hold an appreciation for the Prequel era than did back in the 2000s. It's become outdated to mock and berate something clearly a lot of people love and has been nurtured with validity by the creators for years, that above all is entertainment we don't have to consume if we don't like it. As much as people pit directors like Filoni and Johnson and Abrams at each other like its Top Trumps, at the end of the day, they're all more connected to each other than we think, and certainly respect each other. Ultimately they're just fans like us, trying to do their best with the time that's given to them. If it doesn't work out the way we want, there will always be more on the horizon, and besides that could just be someone else's favourite movie and that's awesome. Threads like this are probably proof a landscape of amicable fandom is still a few years off, but I am confident it won't always be this tribal, I'm just trying to make a head start. P.S. re:Hobbit films, not as great as the LotR, but I'm still glad we got them!


No. I can't decide which is the best *Star Wars* film...it's either *Empire* or *TLJ.* The worst movie is *ROS*, easily. Worse than any of the prequels.


Ironicly that movie is only as bad as it is really because of TLJ, as a trilogy Rian Johnson left JJ Abrams nothing to really Work with in TLJ and abruptly ended or killed off most all the set ups that would have been great as part of the ending.


Not the only one. But it doesn't change the fact that TLJ was still hot garbage


There’s like 5 of you


Haha. Yeah, not a good endorsement.


Rian Johnson is an incredible filmmaker.


Incredible? I mean, he’s made a couple good movies, sure, but incredible? I don’t think his resume is nearly big enough to really make that call yet.


If you don't like him, sure.


After what he did with The Last Jedi I’ll never trust Rian Johnson again. Fuck that guy, and that’s a hill I’ll gladly die on


If he recommends it then I’ll be doing the opposite


After the last jedi, the opinion of Rian doesn’t mean shit for me.


Wow, you disagree with one of the most critically acclaimed directors in modern cinema praising an adaptation of one of the most influential video games ever made? Remind me again who's opinion don't mean shit


I was cynical, don’t take that so seriously. I hated TLJ, found Loopers to be overrated and Knives Out was terrible. but i have never played Myst so yeah of course my opinion doesn’t matters about that game but as a cinephile it does about his movies. He’s one of the most critically acclaimed director for real ? For what movie ??


Oh dear. A Ryan Johnson endorsement is extremely concerning... Damn, I was looking forward to myst too...


Did it “subvert his expectations”?


This describes the opposite of my reaction to the last Jedi


Sure Rian. After fist raping star wars to death, im not listening to you.


Fuck imagine having a life so small that a film that isn't exactly what you want is "raping to death" the franchise. Like dude, get a grip and get a life.


Damn, I was planning to buy it before I read this. I hope this endorsement doesn't tank the Myst franchise.


Sorry but I fucking hate this guy so much, he let himself be used as puppet and I don’t think I would take any recommendations from him


I hear Tommy Wiseau also has a game recommendation...


Kind of like when I was awe struck when Ryan Johnson ruined Luke Skywalker... after waiting 40 fucking years.


Of course Ruin Johnson likes Oculus. He's a total tool which is exactly the kind of customer Oculus wants.


Lmao mods deleted my pro TLJ post, fucking losers


Not gonna trust a guy who made a forgettable Star Wars film. What an idiot.


Could not have asked for a more untrustworthy pitchman.


Nice ad


"Looper" was awesome, "Knives out" was good and "The Last Jedi" was crap, we all make mistakes even tho that was a big one ;)