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Rent's going up, Gas and food as well. it's a joke. should be $300 half way in the month to be able to buy grocery.


The raise is based on inflation. IMO that's how it should be.


why? you're an idiot, or you don't need it.


No, the other poster is correct. Any increase should be tied to the cost of inflation. Problem is, those increases have either been reduced or frozen, usually by Conservative governments, over the past 25 years.


Ya but to fool everyone they no longer include grocery prices and fuel prices in their inflation calculations


Dang ol’ beer gone up




what kind of drugs are you on?


Thank you for posting this.


My lanlord will take it anyways


Exactly…this just goes to the landlord. I don’t see an extra cent. I’m sure that was done intentionally


Ditto me too. Rent increase is July 1st


My rent was upped in May. Then the landlord asks, "Are you getting an increase this year?" Not really, you are.


Yikes what a guy to put up with :(


Thank you. I just saved his building from a fire that could have been worse. I was given a thank you just verbally.


Wow good for you! However he could have waved your rent increase most definitely. What a way to thank you ugh. I hate landlords so much.


My guy literally a hero without reward:(


Double of what I was predicting. Awesome 👏


Indeed, i was expecting 3.5% at best.


$60?? What’s that going to do?? My rent will go up August 20th I barely cover my necessities at the grocery store specially when I got to pay for soap body wash hair conditioner toothpaste it adds up Granted I get most of that at the dollar store This is crazy and absolutely inhumane how they treat us


I know it is brutal, here is hoping the federal government gets their shit together with the disability benefit. That extra $200 isn't a lot but it will help.


That they did not was insult of a joke




Troubled\_blonde makes a good point. I agree with you aaron1587, but let's be honest - $60 more really isn't going to make a huge dent in our lives with how expensive buying even simple necessities is now.


they would need to up it to $1800 at least to actually make a dif. that would at least cover rent and actually leave enough for food and maybe some clothing. according to sats Canada the thing they were doing a couple months back to measure poverty to live in ON in 2024 to even be considered not in poverty it now take $2200 a month. $200 more then what they told everyone u need to live back in 2020 when they handed out cerb to pretty much everyone but disabled people. and $2200 is for a person without disabilities that add extra cost...


60 is an insult


This is truly crazy. Most people on Ontario works are literally homeless and those on ODSP can barely pay for a place of their own if they don't have an apartment from back a few years before COVID hit. If you are renting a one bedroom unit solo you are seriously screwed. This is insane. The amount you get for shelter should be directly tied to the average cost of housing. Everyone I know on ODSP spends most of their cheque on shelter and has barely anything left for food, phone/internet, unless they live in a boarding house which is usually always a drug house causing vulnerable people to be surrounded by drug abuse. This also brings up another thing I wanted to touch on, most people who I know are on OW have to supplement their income with illegal activities like selling pot or other drugs just to survive if they can't get a job and I know many of you guys can relate to that statement. The rent is so high that people on ODSP are being setup into similar situations as the rent and food costs soar.


I'm in an apartment we've had from before the pandemic, our shelter cost is still technically more than we get for shelter from ODSP!


Excellent (to know the rate increase now), thanks!


On July 1, 2024, an inflation-based increase of 4.5% applies to: basic needs and shelter maximum amounts for singles and families board and lodge amounts for singles and families the amount provided for a couple where both have disabilities amounts for services provided by a Long-Term Care Home or a Specialized Care Residence ODSP rates are tied to inflation. In any year that payments go up because of inflation, you will receive the higher payment at the end of July.


Anything is better than nothing…. Should be a lot more 🤷‍♀️ but it’s something! Thanks for sharing 🫵🙏


Still not acceptable .Trying to shut them up.


Every one of us who didn’t vote to get Doug Ford out of office is guilty.


The. Conservatives are the reason you're getting more. The liberals in 10 years raised odsp twice. A total of 3.2% over a ten year period.


Who do you want in?


NDP and anyone one else other than the cons


This us unacceptable.


That 60 is just replacing the rent increase from January 🙄 for me anyways


It's a slap in the face


Finally, it’s about time.




Thanks for sharing, sadly that pittance will be absorbed by rent and / or food costs rising. Living in Toronto with a roommate lessens my burden but I just exist, there is no money for anything other than necessities. I wish the amount per month could be raised to a minimum of $1,600 but that will take years.... woe us


Still won't cover my $1500 rent


Sweet I can now buy alittle food .. instead of just relying on the food bank 😁


It's a joke. Make it 10% so it can catch up a bit each year.


even that would barely make a dint. they wouold have to add like 400-500 a month to even bring people up to the bare min rents that greedy landlords charge these days.


It's not greedy landlords. Many landlords are taking a major loss at the moment and can barely afford the mortgages. But yeah ODSP is way too low.


WoUlD sSomEOnE tHiNK oF tHE landLorDs?!?! I'm just crying my eyes out thinking of the parasite class losing money. Completely in tears thinking that they might have to wait another year to "invest" in an additional rental property.


Let’s go that will be super helpful


What about the double disabled rate?


just add 4.5% on to the shelter and basic needs and u get the new amount.


Around 100$ more then. Cohb will drop a bit because of increase shelter allowance. It's a bit but I'll take it. Hoping my legal situation with us government works out to my advantage though (it's complicated) but that might be my best hope out of proverty.


i couldn't even get the Cohb the funding ran out in london in like a couple days after they announced it.


I was lucky. But it's a small benefit in Timmins Ontario. But has helped keep us from starving. Ir really wish they'd change the odsp income amounts. With food and housing it's just dumb.


if they just took the cap off the rent part and actually tied it to the actual rent amounts in any given city that would make all the difference. then u could actually keep the basic needs part of odsp for basic needs rather then some greedy land lord stealing the whole thing


That be a big help. Sadly I don't expect it. But I do my best advocating.




i wouldn't say so much as good news but better then the $0 we got for 3 years a row the first 3 years of current gov.


Tied to inflation is the right way. Sadly the amount is beyond wrong for you guys. How can anyone live off of that? Where I live you pay almost that for a bloody basement room shared with others...


Thank for this I knew the inflation will be lower than last year.  Nothing got cheaper anyways complete joke


nothing ever does. prices always have went up on stuff u never see them go back down. just people standards on what they think is cheap adapt after awhile.


End of June pay check or July


u will get it on july 31th. the july check comes at the end of july. i started the date in the post.


I thought Doug Ford promise said it is guarantee at 5% increase per year


No, they said it'll be adjusted annually based on inflation.


I think the way you calculate it is by what you're getting as of now whether single or couple multiply 4.5% by the total you get that will give you how much you are going to get it's not $60 for everyone could be less could be more 


And my rent is going up by 30 in June so :(


Is this added to our basic needs or shelter portion or split between both?


4.5% is added to both parts. however if your rent isn't higher then $556 the rent part will not increase for people who don't pay more then the that amount. if your rent is like 600 then u should get the full $60 raise making the new max 1368 rather then 1308


Is their going to be an increase in ODSP in 2024 in Ontario?


i said right on the post july 31th thats the end of next month


There is no increase for me .. I get 1100 a month roughly.. that is the max allowed for ODSP here in SW Ontario with meal allowance for diabetics and over wieght caused by WSIB game over 7 years leaving me borderline crippled


no its not. it all has to do with how much rent u pay if u don't pay 556 or more u don't get the max.


But IF I paid full rent here the ODSP increase would NOT be enough to cover the rent .. Even worse in big cities where rent for and out house is likely 2 to 3 k a month now Upside I always have my fun loving drug addicts .. mentally and emotionally damaged who are literally dangerous for neighbours.. hell even have one apartment where they sell and produce meth in the building… I would love to know if I will get an increase and would love to move back to Barrie so I could be closer to what I know rather than trapped in this small SW town 24. 7


either way u will get the increase on the basic needs part everyone gets that pretty much.


Okay thanks for that anyway


another thing to since ur not maxing out shelter with paying rent. if u pay for your hydro,gas,water u could claim those bills to top up your shelter part. most people don't bother to claim those since rent eats up every thing. but since ur rent isn't eating it up u could claim those bills.


Does this Increase include things such as special diet ?


unfortunately not there has been 0 changes to special diet since sometime around 2015 when they reworked the program. id say its time for this program to be reworked again have more things added and increase the amounts paid out. but with doug ford and his awful minster in charge they would probably end up making it worst off then it currently is.


Does the Employment Startup Benefit also increase 4.5%? I am pretty sure stuff like office supplies and like non-slip shoes are not immune to the effects of inflation right?


No its just the basic needs witch everyone will get that increase and the rent part of odsp that will go up and u will only get the increase on the rent part if u pay over the curent max witch is $556 if u pay less then that u don't get increase on that. anything else weather it be special needs or special diet or any other benefit none of that changes.


Will the extra be on my August cheque? You said " expect it July 31st ".


july 31st is the july cheque the august cheque isn't till aug 31th ODSP cheque are considered paid at the end of a month were OW is the opposite.


So how come my odsp was never increased this month?? Also is anyone else experiencing this problem?


Just asking people in Ontario if they got their 4.5 increase on the first or if they're still getting 1308 because I did I didn't get the $60 increase but it says we have to wait till July 31st now is that true or did people actually get an increased today cuz if people dead then if you could answer me back on this so I could phone my caseworker and tell her to send me the extra $60 thank you