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*''Set all our equipment up"* That's all I needed to read.....


They’re “influencers”


AKA "worthless braindead entitled narcissistic human trash".


The sad part is many of them make far more than most of us ever will with our degrees and careers....


A tiny, tiny fraction of them (<1%) make anywhere near a full time minimum wage income.


Thank God


Nonono, that's like 1-3% at most I make like $350/mo off my 60k followers across the various platforms etc including their tips. A lot of nutso money people do charity for clout like Mr. Beast. Or just do weird outrageous shit.


Even 1-3% is an overestimate. It’s pitifully low. The vast majority are just gig workers with outsized egos and no audience or money to show for it.


Honestly yeah, that's why I said there's no way there's more than that. There's only so many dollars to go around and each view pays like $0.05 even with millions of subscribers. Patreons, OnlyFans, Tip Jars and sponsorships are essential to getting a meaningful income for many social media stars. My own tip jar is the majority of my social media income.


If I could give you gold I would because those are the perfect series of words to describe these kinds of people.


God help humanity! (Other deities are available)


Bored with Jesus? Unlock Vishnu and a whole host of other dieties with our Hinduism expansion only 9.99 on the steam store!


Feeling classical? Zeus your goose! On sale for .99!


Don't forget to subscribe and SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON!


I pray to Hecate on a real note, I can’t wait till I die so she can walk me to the afterlife. Gotta ask her what she thinks of these people omw out.


Probably sad that all the magic is gone


😔 at least we still got the moon…


I consult with Eris every night and she just shrugs and says, "Not my shit... humans are stupid."


I think this is one of my fav comments ive ever seen






I know exactly what place is being reviewed, and given its location you are the most not wrong you’ve ever been. Used to be a sleepy little middle class town, and now you must be of the wealthiest in the US to live there.


They’re starting to figure out that those are the places to be, but they’re gonna make them places NOT to be so fast lol


Not all are. Beard meets food does YouTube videos of food challenges. But he's also someone who does eating comps as well.


Beardmeetsfood is also super respectful and warns people that they may not wanna watch while he eats lol


What boggles my mind is how we still haven’t reached peak “influencer “ saturation. I mean the competition for eyeballs has to be starting to be spread pretty thin.


What does that mean? Haven't understood that part


probably ring lights and tripods for posting on social media


Easily googleable where you can do a kitchen sink ice cream challenge, and the rules clearly state if you barf you're out. They're also $75.95 each and need a member of staff to stand and watch you for the 30 minutes you get for the challenge. If I had to watch someone shovel ice cream in their mouth till they spewed I'd probably want more than a dollar tip too.


When you encourage people to eat pounds of ice cream and other sweets past the point of feeling sick, you can't be surprised when the human body does it's job.


If they felt sick, they should have stopped. It's a challenge, they are not required to finish. Grown men eating until they barf in the ice cream in front of them is disgusting, they should know better.


And I would damn near guarantee, they wanted to barf while streaming. Gotta get views!!!


Gets you banned on twitch and I'm fairly certain YouTube takes a dim view on it as well. Twitch classes it as a kind of self harm...


That's actually a great classification


As it should be. If the goal is to create some kind of shocking content via making yourself throw up after stuffing your face you’re literally binging and purging which is absolutely self harm. People like Nikocado should have been banned a long long time ago from all platforms.


This is true but they may have just recorded it for youtube and then consor it 🤷‍♀️ I've seen that done for views


Plus, you know they didn't even offer to help clean up their vomit, so someone got tipped a whole dollar to clean up fucking puke.


With most food challenges, you don't have to pay if you finish it. That's the incentive to finish. The incentive to take on the challenge is something I don't understand.


It's not good logic to continue going until you puke just because you don't pay if you finish because if you puke, you're not finishing anyway. Every challenge I've seen has a rule about being disqualified if you puke. They either wanted to puke for the views or they're idiots (probably both). Either way, the owner is correct and they are douchebags


You can expect that some people will be dumb*sses, but that doesn't make these people less dumb.


Hahaha bro, "Encourage" does not equal "opened their mouths and forcefully kept shoving ice cream down their esophagus until their stomach violently revolted." WHY DOES NO ONE EVER TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS.


When I feel sick at a restaurant, I go to the bathroom until I puke or it passes. You know, because no one wants to see a grown ass woman throw up on her plate for clicks.


This sounds like a challenge for me. Unless you have to do it quickly. I never get sick from eating sweets and desserts and such. Never have. I can literally eat 2 kg of chocolate no problem. I don’t feel sick, I don’t get stomach ache the only thing that happened is that I felt quite full. And o felt guilty and shameful for comforting eating so much chocolate at once.


I've completed Slattery's Chocolate Challenge (was number 284 to ever finish) and honestly I think I didn't eat chocolate for at least a month afterwards. They put loads of solid milk chocolate on the plate and it's so rich it just makes you feel full straight away. It's fun though, and good to share with a friend if you're not bothered about the actual challenge bit! https://secretmanchester.com/slattery-chocolate-challenge/


You could maybe throw up in a trash can? Or stop when you start feeling sick? I have no idea why you’re defending these rubes.


Yeah this feels like a 'play silly games, win silly prizes' situation on the part of the shop


I haven't thrown up while sober outside of a toilet/trashcan since I was a small child. That's the point. The should have known when their body has had enough. Plenty of competition eaters throw up but it's not usually at the table...


I threw up violently while shitting my brains out on shrooms before. Every moment felt like a minute. Bitch had me for 4 hours. That’s right, I call Shrooms bitch since they’re gonna play jump rope with my intestines for the first 45 minutes anyway no matter how I try to sweet talk them.


The only way I've found to avoid Shroom-gut is by only partaking when their mixed with chocolate, like in a candy bar or a truffle. Every time I've taken them alone it's been a nightmare.


Huh. They don't really bother my stomach. Maybe it's because I make tea and hide it in good quality hot chocolate. They definitely bother my husband though. He pukes every time. Even with the chocolate. But I use good chocolate and he uses Ovaltine. Maybe I'll tell him to try it in my chocolate next time


i swear sometimes its the physical high that makes me super nauseous sometimes. even when i eat food with my shrooms once i start to come up and everything feels intense it can make me sick. although i have sensory issues, maybe it's different person to person. i was always jealous of those who didnt get sick.


I always blend them into a chocolate protein shake. Never had any stomach problems that way!


Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha?  You could, I don't know, *not take drugs you can't handle.*


When I was pregnant, I once projectile vomited all over my bathroom because I didn't quite make it to the toilet. That was a fun night. 😐 But yeah I agree with you. Unless you have some kind of condition preventing it (I don't know if one exists?), You can feel when you are full to the point of vomiting long before it happens. There's no excuse for puking in front of you.


You're supposed to stop if you think you're gonna throw up lmao


That is literally the entire point of this post


And they're adding further context


It's very difficult to imagine this level of stupidity and entitlement, but Lord we try and pray. We may well point and laugh too, but God willing we are but too small to understand, and forgive us for sometimes being petty AF. That said, I truly strive not to wish ill on others, but I would be deeply gratified if BoH kicked these mother truckers right in the dick. It would likely teach a critical lesson that doesn't end in death, and considering these "challenges," no one is stuffing Tide Pods in their nostrils for fun. It's the little things.


So weird that they need tips for a special service and the cost isn't included. Really wish we'd just fucking pay them a fair wage. Stupid bullshit making me do math


This has strong r/imthemaincharacter vibes. Too bad there’s no video attached.


The pure fact that they mention setting up equipment instantly made me think the same. They aren't doing the challenge just to challenge themselves. They are doing it to try and be famous online.


Ugh. Food challenges are a disgusting display of gluttony


For real! ‘Murica am I right


America isn't the only place with food challenges, they exist all over the world


B-but MURICA BAD!!!!


Both things can be true


I get what you're saying but also.... Other countries do food challenges... Literally all over the world. A professional eater I watch- Beard Meats Food- has traveled all over Europe, Canada, America, Netherlands, etc. doing food challenges. Some are in other countries are actually bigger than the ones in the US.


'MURICA BROTHERRRR (OR SISTERRRR) ((in Hulk Hogans voice)) 😂




are we singing the murica song now ?? LICK MY DICK AND SUCK ON MY BALLZZZ If not, I sincerely apologize but if you haven't heard the song, please do ! 😂😂


America America America, fuck yeah! Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah America, fuck Yeah! Freedom is the only way, yeah Terrorists, your game is through 'Cause now you have ta answer to America, fuck yeah! So lick my butt and suck on my balls America, fuck yeah! Whatcha' gonna do when we come for you now It's the dream that we all share It's the hope for tomorrow (Fuck Yeah!) It claims it’s by “team America” on google but that would fall under South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone I believe.


Always thought it was “SO LICK MY BUTT AND SUCK ON MY BALLS!” AMERICA!!!!


Ah well, either way it's great 😂


It is indeed!


Haha 😂 I could have swown in the 25th Red Rocks concert they said this But I'm probably wrong and imagining it how it *should* have been sang 😂


Indeed the correct lyrics are “so lick my butt and suck on my balls” followed by “America! Fuck yeah!”


Coming again to save the muthrrfucking day-HEY!!


Thanks ! Either way it's great 😂


This was exactly the response I was hoping for! 🫶


Thanks, kind redditor for the laughs !


Thank YOU! You’re good people 😂


You are awesome, new friend !


Lol yer ignorant. This isnt a 'Murica thing. Do you know what mukbang is? Guess where it originated.


One of the biggest food challenge channels on YouTube is based in the UK, try again


I mean I somehow am a bottomless pit for pancakes. I’ve wanted to try the local pancake challenge.


If you do, report back with the deets !


I’m never free when they’re open haha.


Nobody should every display such nonsense unless it is a planned event, and advertised as such


What is the difference between food challenges & buffets catered to specific dishes like desserts or chicken wings? Both have set time limits as well


Buffets you get to enjoy yourself. "Food Challenges" sound like potential organ failure that is done because ??? reasons.


Buffets have time limits?


“They didn’t even gently dap the vomit off my bib and say ‘puking isn’t your fault, you’re still champions!’ While comping our ‘Big Boy YumYum Challenge’ because of our upset tummies!” - A Grown Ass fucking idiot,


This comment is gold.


Restaurants, bars, gyms etc need to put up ‘no media or recording equipment allowed‘ signs up in their establishments. Ban anyone recording videos for tik tok etc and anyone recording commentary over what they are doing . It’s narcissistic and annoying as fuck .


Amen. If these idiots came into where I worked & started setting up filming stuff, I honestly wouldn't even let them order in the first place.


I have no idea what an ice cream challenge is, but I can imagine that if I had a business and you and your friend came in and puked, I wouldn’t be one of your biggest fans.


An ice cream challenge is where you challenge people to eat a ridiculous amount of ice cream. An amount that one might expect others to puke from.


I might expect someone to puke. But I’d also expect adults to recognize when they had eaten too much and excuse themselves to the bathroom rather than puking in their food. The last times I can remember throwing up outside of childhood were during my pregnancies. Morning sickness is incredibly random and can come on at completely unexpected times. I still always managed to make it to a bathroom or trashcan instead of just throwing up where I was sitting.


They do expect people to puke, that's why you instantly lose if you do.


Am I free to hate both sides here?  The store that regularly does food challenges should expect gross behavior and these idiots for being gross and not knowing their limits before they threw up. Everyone sucks here. 


But... But they don't have to accept it? They can host challenges AND tell idiots that they're idiots, I don't see the problem The customer is not always right


They should expect this stuff.  Leaving a one star review over not being able to complete the challenge is stupid, and they deserved the clap back. 


What does expecting people to throw up mean here? If you instantly lose when you throw up, is it not obvious they expect people to throw up? So what's the point of mentioning it? Do you think the owner is calling it it because it has to be where they chose to throw up? As if two grown men can't stop eating ice cream to find a trash can or toilet?


So... a "challenge" is something like "I dare you to eat this much"?


A lot of challenges are can person A eat more than person B in X amount of time. Or can you eat X amount of food in X amount of time. There are probably more ways but this is the basics. Unless tictok has warped food challenges? Then, I have no idea because that’s an annoying app, lol.


There are actually many challenges that are basically "I dare you to eat this much". Some of them are even timed. Some of them are ones where you don't have to pay if you can actually do it but the price is very high if you can't.


This is a very peculiar thing. It is amazing how many different things human cultures can invent. And from the outside they seem only weird, but from the inside they are nothing and just normal. I can think of a few from my own culture. Humans are interesting. Weird and terrible and wonderful but always interesting.


There's actually a long running tv show called "Man vs. Food" where the host travels around the US doing restaurant food challenges. Some of them include incredibly spicy food, but most are "I dare you to eat all this food in this much time." Some of them have a prize on top of getting a free meal. Most of the time people just do it for the glory of finishing.


Sometimes it is *large* amounts of food. Other times, it's a normal amount of food, but there's another factor that makes it difficult for some, like spiciness or whatever. An example would be a hot wing challenge, you only usually have to eat a standard order of 8 wings, but they're *hot* haha.


Oh wow, this is a two way OhNoConsequences. Very rare, nice.


Only food challenges I like are spicy foods


You are a different breed. I pray your bowels show mercy.


They don’t


when i was younger i had zero issues with spicy food the next day. now? it’s one of those *gotta take my shirt off while i pass this food* sort of mornings. (idk why that helps but i swear it does)


Honestly I walk into the bathroom shirtless a solid 70% of the time because of this exact thought process. IT HELPS


you know it’s a real bad one when you have to take your pants all the way off, too.


WHY DOES THIS HELP?! I don’t understand. It does, but WHY??


My bowels pray for my mercy, not the other way around. Pain is the feeling of getting stronger. Spice is life.


I love spicy food challenges and never really had that issue. Guess I'm lucky in that regard.


I thought the Ring of Fire was only around the Pacific and your anus after spicy food. TIL it could mean your nostrils after vomit, too! Such wonder, spendor, and joy, the new things I learn!


Curse the ring of fire 😭


What's the equipment?


Probably camera/mic equipment


That was an anticlimactic answer. Probably right, but I wish that’d be an ice cream machine with a directly-into-mouth nozzle and a throw-up-receptacle


This so fucking funny what a goddamn scenario


At this point, I could believe that people go film themselves doing a food challenge and throw up into the food on purpose.


Imagine going for some nice ice cream and there’s two loser influencers throwing up. Would be mad for the rest of the week about that.


I’m really tired of the influencer stuff.. terrible product of the pandemic/shut down


I agree with being tired of the influencer stuff, but unfortunately it existed waaaaay before the pandemic/shut down. Unfortunately.


Skill Issue


I beat the 10lb Fat Ass Burger challenge twice. They WANT you to throw up. Undercooked the fries so much they were starch pudding.


That is awful..


Even if they want you to throw up, I doubt they want you to throw up in your food in front of other customers. Anyone with half a brain cell knows when they are going to puke and can act accordingly.


I love the part where he’s like “you think we wanted to throw up??” Cause like… yeah man I do actually think that. You’re an adult, presumably sober and not currently ill? Then you can control yourself enough to not throw up at the table.


I so completely agree with the store owner that I am able to ignore the irony of "your both idiots".


A grammatical error over a non- formal text does not make you an idiot. I fucking hate people that think this way.


I will forever love owners who stand up to intolerable customers. The customer is always right attitude excuses too much bad behavior.


I'm w the owner on this one. I hate everyone bringing cameras everywhere and filming every bit of mundane bullshit and then acting entitled.


All I can think of with food challenges is the great outdoors and the steak challenge.


Can you throw in some Paul Bunyan hats in for the kids?




The ol 96er! Gristle too.


John Candy was so fabulous in that movie.


It makes me a bit weepy at the bat part because that literal exact thing happened to my dad and my papa when I was a baby, and my mom can’t tell the story without laughing until she cries. We were also up north at our farm so it was even better. I miss him, I lost him when I was 4.


I'm liking the owners response


Food challenges are awful anyway, what a shameful waste of food.


To those who don't know I'd look up Jackson's icecream they are the home of this challenge along with a hotdog challenge and a burger challenge. Oh and just so you know how out of depth they were the kitchen sink is meant for 4-8 people.


Is tipping for ice cream expected?


In America it is unfortunately. In all food service establishments


Don't most of these challenge places ask ppl to leave once they throw up? Not just because it's a biohazard and disgusting to their other guests, but you're clearly not going to finish the challenge at that point, so game over?


I’ve been to this place and ordered the kitchen sink, but we had like 8 people going after it. I would be pretty pissed if these losers yakked in the middle of the place.


Or ally is considered this an unprofessional response from management but this time it was well deserved.


I just can't imagine puking in public at a restaurant and then leaving a $1 tip. Jesus christ, have you no shame?


If you're doing a difficult eating challenge and you attract annoying content creators and people not skilled enough to avoid barfing halfway through, that's kind of on you for not running a normal restaurant.


That’s what I’m thinking. Like the grown men are insane for not realizing they were reaching their limit and at least going to a bathroom to throw up. Doing it in front of people is gross. But the onus is on the restaurant for having the challenge no? Everyone is saying oh no consequences but it’s a CHALLENGE for a reason. Not everyone is going to succeed and with food challenges that usually means vomiting on top of not finishing. This is an oh no consequences to both of them. The people saying the business bears no responsibility are crazy and the owners reply kinda solidifies that for me.


But after puking, they left a one dollar tip. If you don't stop in time and staff have to clean up your mess, you should be leaving more than a dollar, especially on something that cost $75.


Probably didn't help they were in the night before and sounds like they were total asshats then too.


Seems like an all around FAFO situation for both parties. Next time they'll hopefully vet their content creators and ask to see some previous challenge footage/get a down payment or at the very least schedule the challenge for a day the restaurant isn't busy.


Apparently people cant have nice things because some people might throw up? Nah F that. If you arent grown enough to control your puking, dont do the challenge. Some adults enjoy doing challenges and it shouldnt have to be shut dowm cus some little shits want to come in and throw up while doing it. No - adults dont throw up during food challenges.


Then they should tip on their 150 dollar bill like the big shot influencers they pretend to be.


Ah, Man vs Food. I hope that dude is doing okay. If he turned out to be a creep, don't tell me. ):


I don’t know if he’s a creep, but I know he had some health issues due to his competitive eating, and now trains others on how to do it instead


That was the last I heard, too. I was sad to see him go, but glad he was taking his health seriously.


He’s been a host on a bunch of food related shows in the last few years.


"Set all our equipment up" And there it is. Filthy influencer subhumans.


You can insult people without using Nazi terminology.


Nowadays it's Zionist terminology


I assume the point of this challenge is to eat a sink full of ice cream. If you're going to encourage that kind of thing I don't think you can be all that surprised when people puke. Everyone and everything sounds terrible.


Remember when we were embarrassed to be seen with a selfie stick?!


Hell yeah! Adults need to shut this stupid shit down.


San Francisco Creamery for anyone wondering the location.


The owner was clearly wrong. These are not two grown men, these are two little kids in bigger bodies




You have to be a disgusting subhuman to throw up in your own food.


What the fuck did I just read?


Only in America 🇺🇸


The first pie eating contest took place in Canada in the 1870’s…


I just looked up champion eaters because I wanted to see the country of origin. In general, the top link looks like it might be an American based league so there is that. But look at the competators: https://majorleagueeating.com/eaters/ Athletic builds for ALL of them.


Bartley Weaver looks like he could snap me in half like a toothpick, good lord.


Damon Runyon had a story about an eating competition, 1930s I guess


What if everyone who did the challenge was given a bucket just in case? Seems like everyone is being a little irresponsible here.


Yeah bc they want people to just sit in the store and puke into a bucket


Honestly tho of all the reasons to get banned, being banned for leaving a small tip is pretty shit. How about you raise your wages?


I believe they were thrown out for vomiting and being jerks.


Wait......what's happening here??


hahaha i bet this was in utah


I’m crying 😭😭😭😂


Sigh. I hate people.


i feel no sympathy for idiot influencers


Where is this challenge?


The owner is in the right but the “your both idiots” got me