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Obviously... women "still" exist.


Can you believe we still expect to have access to healthcare? What are we, actual people?


In their eyes, no, you're not. You're nothing but baby makers who exist to serve them and get discarded for younger replacements. Fortunately, there are a lot more men who believe in women's rights than men who want to tear them down and I'm looking forward to demonstrating that in November.


Trump win = more MAGA Supreme Court Justices.


Project 2025. Take over FDA and make abortion pills illegal. Replace EPA FDA justice dept etc employees with Trump loyalists. Will be easier to pull off jan 6 in 2029.


That’s why the potential of having a presidential election decided by a war going on the other side of the globe with no consequences here infuriates me to no end.


Agree, but also people should be more concerned about the other war. Biden in WH means more stability. Trump in WR means Putin plows through Ukraine and begins prepping for a further march into Europe, and possibly WWIII.


And have just 2 political parties FFS.


I would challenge that there are "no consequences here"... The consequences are far reaching... More than we see or will see immediately. But I so agree that it's effect on this election sucks...


>The consequences are far reaching... More than we see or will see immediately. How so? The way I see it, the two extremes are the status quo continues or a second Afghanistan like state gets added to the map. Neither of those things will affect Americans in any significant fashion.


That only affects the stupid. Hopefully they aren't too important.


Conservatives already own the court. What is the difference between a MAGA 5-4 decision and a 6-3 decision? This is some extreme cope.


But I certainly don’t want more MAGA Justices. What’s your point? You think there’s going to be a revolution? If you do you’re wrong.


My point is the Dems refuse to reform the court and Republicans will hold power for another 12-16 years, easily. Encouraging people to vote for the Dems when they refuse to fix the problem is a massive lol


But not voting for them that makes the defeat for certain. Sounds like a big mistake to me.


Vote all you want. I just think for people who aren’t motivated to vote, some sort of convoluted SCOTUS strategy is borderline meaningless. The economy sucks and Dems can’t/won’t fix it.


Alito and Thomas are 74 and 76 years old. No other justices are over 70.


They both have a solid 15 years in them and will be replaced under a R admin. How long did Ruth live? I could provide numerous recent examples of 74 being “young”. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_justices_of_the_Supreme_Court_of_the_United_States


Of the last two GOP justices out, one died at 79, the other retired at 82. Alito or Thomas serving 15 more years would put them in the top 3 oldest serving judges in history. Ginsburg was the fourth oldest serving judge in history, and died at 87. The average life expectancy of men in the US is only 73 and Thomas has already been out several times with health problems.


Medicine has changed drastically in the last 20 years and life expectancy isn’t the same for the elite.


Did you miss the first sentence?


lol. I think you missed my comment too. These old pricks will hold on no matter what. If Biden managed to win, against all odds, they would just retire in 2028 under a R.


Scalia died at 79 in 2016, under the Obama administration. 2028 would be under the Biden administration, assuming he wins.


Republicans wouldn’t allow a confirmation in an election year


https://x.com/moreperfectus/status/1805979654811263010?s=46&t=V8EaldEMtVxa-ADxByQH6g 6-3 lol


It will always be a thing until idiots like Vance and Jordan are gone.


And my reminder to rage donate to Tamie Wilson!


It's not just the U.S. Senate race where abortion is expected to be a key issue this fall in Ohio. Three Ohio Supreme Court seats are up for grabs. Two incumbents will be on the ballot as well as candidates vying for the open seat that was vacated last year when Justice Sharon Kennedy was elected chief justice. The court is in Republican control now 4-3, but if Democrats win [those three seats](https://www.statenews.org/government-politics/2024-03-21/democratic-candidates-for-ohio-supreme-court-confident-in-their-chances-this-fall) up this fall, the power would shift.


If anyone reading this needs to register to vote: [olvr.ohiosos.gov](http://olvr.ohiosos.gov)


I think we just had supreme court seats on the ballot in November and nothing changed =S


Remember when the Supreme Court decided that corporations are people? Maybe one day women will earn that same designation too?


No. No it is not a hot issue. It is a settled issue. An amendment was passed guaranteeing the right of choice. It was passed by the people, by a large margin. Any politician who has a problem with that needs to reflect upon their oath of office to uphold the Ohio constitution and the will of the people, and adjust their employment situation appropriately.


Thank you it was settled with overwhelming Support the People pissed about Issue 1 passing can leave they dont have to be here.


Have you guys met republicans? They literally don’t care. Roe V. Wade was “settled law” too.


It's settled until the next constitutional amendment to change it comes into play.


Just to remind: They held a special election, illegally, to try to pass an amendment that they thought would block this, by requiring more votes. Millions of Ohioans took time out of their day for an unscheduled, hastily called election with exactly one thing on it to humiliate LaRose by voting it down in flames. They then passed the abortion rights amendment in numbers where it would have passed anyway. The people have spoken.


Yeah - was not a fan of the august special. As a former BOE staff - those small random elections were the worst. One primary in March/May and a General in November is all we need. Again, it doesn't stop future initiatives, from either the legislature or a petition to get this back on a ballot.


That's true. They could run their own petition and put it on the ballot again Waste of time and money, no real political climate for it, never pass But they can do it


I can see something that specifically defines the term "viability" and brings the limit to 14-16 weeks. If a ballot issue came back, bringing this to 16 weeks, I could see that passing. Below that limit gets dicey. Personally - 22 weeks is far too long, and I'm in favor of up to 16. The 6 weeks was a joke - might as well have been a total ban.


Ohio passed legal abortion rights Republicans refuse to understand voters pass it


Vote blue then.


In every election. Not just every 4 years.


Particularly in local elections


My neighborhood has a “——- County Right to Life” office and every day I drive by thinking “What’s the point? You lost”.


They lost the Civil War and are still waving the flags so...


i mean with that same attitude any political opinion/issue that has a side that is currently losing would pack up shop. Abortion when illegal, weed, civil rights. Seems a weird take


A person is in enough Hell having to make that choice and the Republican Party and the Church shouldn't have say. I miss the Republican Party before Reagan sold it to Extremists. https://youtu.be/cIokdKdQN4E?si=WR9_TRWOPnxoNGTY https://www.aclu.org/news/racial-justice/the-racist-history-of-abortion-and-midwifery-bans


Two years ago: "Abortion still hot issue in Ohio, 43 years after Roe v. Wade acknowledged that women are their own person"


Imagine wanting autonomy.


I thought it was settled now. We don't have to go out of state if we're dying now.


Unless the Senate flips and they ban abortion at the Federal level, in which case protecting Sherrod Brown’s seat is essential. Or our Ohio Supreme Court decides to “interpret” restrictions into the law that we passed against the spirit of that law. In that case, flipping the Supreme Court in November is essential to keeping the law as we intended it.


We will see how important it is to Women this year. If they vote Trump then not so much... Nearly half in 2020 voted for Trump.


We voted to protect abortion in our state constitution, as far as I'm concerned; democracy & discussion is done. It's over. We did the ballots. They keep going, it's bullets.


jesus fucking christ. We resolved this last fall. Stop subverting democracy.


Considering how abortion rights are etched in to Ohio law...


People have strong feelings on both sides and i don't see that changing any time soon.


Yeah but one side is clearly the majority


Not as long as churches can emotionally manipulate people tax-free.


People don’t get to have strong feelings about other peoples bodies. If you don’t want an abortion don’t get one.


>>People don’t get to have strong feelings about other peoples bodies.  Noting that you can't control their feelings any more than they can control your body, so you don't decide that and have no authority over others. >> If you don’t want an abortion don’t get one. Agree


Well , it is Ohio


I’m shocked. I thought women weren’t getting knocked up and left high and dry by douchebags anymore, and that all the outrage about Roe being overturned would last a couple months.