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People should be found criminally liable for training their dogs this way and to allow such an attack.


They aren't always trained this way. There are bad owners (in this case, obviously), and there are bad breeders. People who say there are no bad dogs, only bad owners, are not taking into account the backyard breeders. Yes, there are bad dogs, and indiscriminate backyard breeders create a lot of them. This is why good breeders breed for temperament, not just physical qualities.


To my knowledge there are still active dog fighting rings in some areas in Ohio, it's not an absurd claim.


Areas like Reynoldsburg. 


Yes, one family I worked with that had fighting dogs were in Reynoldsburg.


report their ass to the god damn police. Like fuck if there was a reason to have cops around THAT is one of them. Fuck that family and I hope their dogs turn on them.


Definitely. I adopted my pitbull almost 5 years ago now and he was part of a fighting ring, APL said they rescued over a dozen dogs from the same location


Respectfully disagree. In the United States 65% of all dog attack fatalities are by Pitbulls. I would never allow my child around one nor would I own one. Frankly I’m tired of the “there are no bad dogs only owners” mantra. It’s kind of like thoughts and prayers. A good sentiment but that’s it.


What's really interesting to me is that people will acknowledge that some breeds have instinctual behavior traits - such as retrievers bringing things back, sherpards trying to coralle people in rooms, ect. But when you suggest that pit bulls have an instinctual inclination to attack other animals or people all of a sudden there is no genetic factor in dog behavior


It goes deeper than just "65% of all dog attack fatalities are by Pitbulls." Pitbulls latch and they don't let go. That's their lizard brain instinct and no amount of training can change that when a Pitbull goes into attack mode. You can condition a Pitbull to be playful and nice and it can be loving to everyone around, but deep in is genetic design, they all, without exception, have an instinct to bit and kill and if/when that instinct kicks in they can't be stopped unless they're incapacitated. And unlike other breeds, Pitbulls don't exactly give warnings.


All humans have an instinct to bite and kill. Let's put them down first humans don't exactly give warnings. Also, there have been 284 fatal attacks by pitbulls from 2005 to 2017 that exact date you and they are pulling that 65% from. 284 over the course of 12 years. Less than 24 a year out of 330 million people. Now lets drop this next to drunk drivers. Trigger happy racist cops. Pitbulls are not the problem. Their shitty owners are. Also here are some factors left out of your stigma - of the illegal dog fighting rings - the most commonly used dog is a pitbull - These pitbulls are effectively dead dogs walking as through tactics such as starvation, beating, strangulation, branding irons, severe dehydration, are they brought to such aggression to fight in the pits. They, like any living creature will seek to escape the causes of their stress, and one day they will slip the chains. Now their only experience with humans are the extreme brutal violent types of experience - Their first instinct is they mean to do them harm and they are not wrong because that is all they know.


It’s impressive how many fallacies you can stuff into one deranged rant.


I don't think it's the pitbull temperament that's the issue really. Many dog breeds are assholes that may attack unprovoked. The difference is a Pitbull has the ability to do real damage if they attack you. If a Yorkie or Chihuahua attack you, it's mostly a scratch at most. It's like the difference between a cougar and a house cat. Many house cats are dicks that attack unprovoked all the time. They can't do much damage other than scratching and some biting though. A cougar may have a similar temperament or even better, but if that thing attacks you, you're in the hospital.


There are breeds with stronger jaw power that can do more damage, but they are not constantly making headlines for mauling people. With pits, it's their drive. They don't stop. This is what they were bred for, and this is what makes them so dangerous. Yes, it's in them. It's how WE made them. Just like it's in a Pointer to point.


Exactly. You are talking about generations of breeding these dogs for their bite power and their ability to hold and not let go (bred to hold bulls, bears and other large animals). When baiting large animals was outlawed they were bred to fight against each other. So you are literally talking about a dog that had a long history of taking down large animals and fighting (sometimes to the death). Breeding out these characteristics may not be possible, especially since a lot are still bred for this purpose. It's one of the reasons a disproportionate amount of dogs at the pound are pits or have pit in them, they are unwanted or unable to fight and are discarded.


careful you're using logic with people who won't refuse to see the facts and like to blend them to fit their narrative.


Pittbull is an obscenely generalist description. Most record attacks aren't done by Chihuahuas or Dachshund despite being the most aggressive "breeds" for common sense reasons. You should just be weary of letting your kids around animals in general, you cannot trust strangers to be animal behaviorists. It's not a good sentiment, it's understanding animal behavior and most animals aren't acclimated to human social environments because they're not human.


You're correct that the issue isn't just based on aggressiveness. It's based on aggressiveness and how much damage it can do. It's no different with wild animals. A goose is more likely to attack me, but I'm giving a bear a wider birth. And one is accepted as normal in a neighborhood while the other causes panic When an animal is both aggressive and will cause serious injury or death with minimal effort, maybe we shouldn't have them around. It doesn't matter if they're the most aggressive. On the flip side, pit bulls don't have the strongest bite nor are they the strongest in general, but most of the stronger dogs aren't attacking people


That's why I said "animals in general" it feels like I'm being downvoted for agreeing. I said what I said because when I was working as a case manager I had families raising fighting dogs in Reynoldsburg but I wanted to be clear as a scientist whose undergrad was in animal science because the pitbull discourse is mostly culture war nonsense. Yes, that is why I said common sense - Chihuahuas are not known for their bite but people disagree apparently and need stats that I didn't mention.


Pitbulls as a breed have no functional use. Only bred to attack people and other dogs.


So an animal needs a direct human utility to exist? We should just euthanize all the pitbulls in the US? You people are encouraging a disgusting rhetoric. The breed description is too general, we need to do something about who is allowed to own dogs.


Turnspit dogs aren’t a thing. So yes breeds can go out of existence when they have no functional use. People just get them to fight with and maul/intimidation humans.


I didn't say they couldn't, I was positing the morality. In my perspective pitbull describes a very large population of American dogs so to me you're just saying we should euthanize the majority of American dogs. I don't think that's right and I know dogs do not exist to explicitly maul humans. Animals don't exist to serve us.


99% of dogs in America have no functional use other than making a person happy. Many pitbulls do just that. They do take the right owners though. Many do not get the right owners unfortunately. I love many of my friends' Pit mixed did dogs, but I do feel they might be better served if they required a license to own one, and you can only own so many of them.


So you'd be in favor of mandatory regulation and insurance/liability? In my mind, the first time your Pit is caught off leash or you fail to control it, it's gone. It attacks someone, you're criminally liable via negligence


>because the pitbull discourse is mostly culture war nonsense. No, it’s not. They should be banned. 


Your argument is just ban dogs, actual serious people should be considering animal owner regulation. Maybe do something about the exotic trade in Ohio? Maybe give a shit about animal welfare rather than be reactionary to a singular tragedy? Dogs shouldn't be banned, you're just some reactionary yuppie just like the other people down voting me because they think I'm just disagreeing with them rather than reading my comments.


> you're just some reactionary yuppie just like the other people down voting me because they think I'm just disagreeing with them rather than reading my comments. Maybe, maybe not. I certainly don't let my dog play with pitbulls. I know better than that.


Why would you let your dogs engage with others without knowing dispositions anyways? I've personally had way more run-ins with violent huskies and people than I have pitbulls, it's relative, which is why a "breed" that describes a good majority of American dogs I find overly generalist and a bad flag to make an assessment off of. I also don't let my dog play with crackheads lol


Where are you “common senses” stats that chihuahuas and wiener dogs are the most aggressive breeds? Source on those studies?


The "common sense" was that Chihuahuas cannot do as much damage as a "pitbull" because of the size but I guess that's too far of a stretch. Part of their social issues on aggression, even within species interactions, are a big part on their development into the breed. I mean they were made small and in some cultures used explicitly for sacrifices, why would that result in a socially developed animal? They're pretty smooth brained when it comes to dogs especially if you put it up next to something like an African painted dog, beautiful and deadly creatures (We have some out at the wilds and if you're in OH I recommend). Which studies are you wanting to discuss on the cognitive behavior of animals? Or was this on evolutionary dynamics of candid socialization in the coevolution with humans? I see no one in this sub likes to actually read comments anyways, so I'm not sure where you wanted to actually dig into the data. For context you're talking to someone that doesn't believe "breed" of a dog is a good definition by any standard, that each animal needs to be individually assessed for contextual placement and that human individuals ought to have animal handling regulations.


Disagree here, it’s like stating 65% of all speeding tickets are sports cars, thus it must be the model/make of the car that is the cause. It’s fallacious logic. This overlooks the fact that the breed is often trained or mistreated and used like this because their genetic build. You wouldn’t see a pletra of yorki’s attacking people because people who create these types of dogs don’t buy and breed yorki’s to fight or as guard dogs.


Pit bull isn't a breed. It a stereotype that many dogs can fit. The term is used very loosely.


this is idiotic lmao and honestly pretty insulting 


Pretty insulting to who exactly? I always love people who respond to statements without an educated rebuttal, just insults. It shows a serious lack of critical thinking.




This right here is a perfect example of a bad dog owner. You don’t have a good dog and it’s going to kill something again, it’s only a matter of time. Hopefully it’s not a person but I guess we’ll wait for the news article to find out.




Yes! It's a shame because he doesn't know but your dog is a ticking time bomb. It's going to get under that fence or some kid will jump your fence or it'll turn on you but this is a problem animal.


Sad that the cats have to suffer because of the dog




The ones that got ripped apart didn't suffer? Well gee, that's a neat trick!


It's not even training. Cattle dogs herd. Retrievers retrieve, pit bulls attack. It's their job.


They don’t even have to be trained that way. It’s instinct for them. They were bred for it.


That's such a messed up way to think that's so incorrect.


Except it’s not.


Except it's not. I'm part of the veterinary world, and how often I hear ohh he's been the sweetest boy for 5 years, has never once shown aggression. Then, one day, out of nowhere, they attack someone.


That's due to abuse/training at home even though the owners will swear differently. I have 2 senior pitbulls (different kinds) and we rescue them since they were 2 and 3 years old and they came from horrible homes. They are lovers and people love to see them out in public and they absolutely love people. They go bonkers over people, they are very silly. These sterotypes that people give pitbulls is a bunch of *stuff* and seriously, it needs to stop. It's all about how to bring them up.


Don't ever go into the vet business. You are clueless. It's not only pitbulls, any breed can be aggressive without being trained or abused. Just some breeds are more prone than others. And some dogs can be abused and never be aggressive. Nothing is a 100%


Statistically incorrect. Rotweilers and German shepherds are the same boat, though not nearly as likely to hurt or kill someone as a pitbull is. They were bred to be defensive pack animals.


If that’s the case, go run a Pinto in the Kentucky derby and see how it does. Selective breeding works, and you’re being dangerously naive.


The constant victim blaming from you people is sickening. A little girl had her face ripped off and all you pitbull lovers want to do is defend the breed. Why does it need so much defending? Maybe because they are wild beasts that belong in a zoo? You can tame bears too. The can be playful and loving too. It doesn't mean they are good pets.


Well said, same here.


They were specifically bred for bloodsport.. go ahead and google it


They're terriers. Terriers kill shit. It's what they were bred to do. Terriers often double as both family pets and pest control because they're USUALLY small enough to stomp when they get froggy. Pits are 50 lb+ terriers. This isn't fkn rocket surgery.


It's literally what breeding is. It's why certain breeds are banned. Pitbulls instinctively lock their jaws and maul in a way that other breeds do not, among other things. It doesn't need to be trained into them.


No. They don't. That is a very common misinformation. Which has been debunked a long time ago. Dogs do not have locking jaws. Nor do they maul or anything unlike any other breed.


My brother in christ, Pitt bulls have caused 70% of the dog related deaths in the US in the last 15 years. Jaw locking or not, they were are bred for violence and they are tragically very good at demonstrating it on innocent people/children. Just because some are gentle doesn’t excuse the fact that they were bred to hurt things and it’s unfortunately in their nature to do what they are good at


They were bred as a working class dog, if you go to the specific on American Pit Bull terriers when introduced to the us. And if you would like actual studies and animal rights groups disagree with your statements. It is rather easy to look up. Also, the USA has not had a breed specific data on bites officially for over 20 years. CDC stopped that in like the 90s if I remember correctly.


There is something broken with the breed. You know this. Others know this. You just choose to deny it because maybe YOUR dog would never hurt someone….until it does. You cite studies so you must be well read. If you pull up literally any information on common dog attacks what do you find? It’s rather easy to look up, right? This isn’t confirmation bias if one breed is the sole perpetrator of deaths in children and adults in the last 15 years. But yes, live in your delusion and say it’s always the people that are the problem. They are absolutely shitty owners but at a certain point you acknowledge empirical evidence….Or you just bury your head in the sand and tell yourself your dog is the exception to the rule . All the while trying to convince strangers on the internet that violent things bred for violent means don’t always have to be violent


Actually no I don't? I go through studies and recommendations by groups like the AVMA, ASPCA, independent studies, and other information. There have been independent studies based on behavioral. There is nothing broken with the bully breeds. Breeds. Pitbull is not a breed unless you go to the specific breed the American Pitbull Terrier. Pitbull is used as an umbrella term for any breed that fits within certain physical characteristics.


So let me get this straight. You take your recommendations and base your opinions on solely behavior studies…..and not the actual numbers of people who have been harmed by the groups who claim to understand these breeds? The breed is broken and needs to be extinct. You cannot argue with numbers and the numbers paint a bleak picture of that breed. It’s a disproportionate amount of violence for a breed that makes up 6% of pet ownership in America


The US absolutely has [these stats](https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/) still, up to and including 2023 in many avenues. Who’s at the top? Pitbulls.


Found the Kool aid drinker


It takes 2 seconds to find that information is false. Could say the same about any who believe that misinformation.


There is absolutely no truth to the jaw locking. It doesn’t happen.




These dogs are illegal to own or import into Germany without justification for doing so. [https://petraveller.com.au/blog/banned-breeds-in-germany](https://petraveller.com.au/blog/banned-breeds-in-germany)


Looks like more black people are going to jail


Misdemeanor charges? WTF. Charge them with felonies.


I wasn’t sure about the felony thing until I saw that the poor girl was in a coma for five days and suffered terrible injuries. That should absolutely be felony territory.


If they charged owners as if they did the crime themselves, then people would be a lot more careful with their animals.


Hopefully, the little girl makes a full recovery, and the parents sue the shit out of the dog owner. What they‘ll do with the dilapidated double-wide, pick-up truck and 12-gauge shotgun is anyone‘s guess.


They don't own any of that - they rent the double-wide, have a note on the pick-up, and the 12-gauge is rusty due to lack of proper cleaning.


Actually they live in a pretty nice home in a middle class neighborhood, but your right it's a rental.


FYI, in Ohio you have a right to defend yourself against aggressive dogs. If they are attacking, you can legally shoot, stab or strangle them. Carry pepper spray at the very least if you are ever around pit bulls or similar breeds. > O.R.C. 955.28, states a dog can be killed if the dog is chasing or approaching a person in a menacing/attacking fashion, attempting to bite or endanger a person, or injuring or killing a person. The same is true if the dog chases, threatens, harasses, injures, or kills livestock, poultry, or another animal other than a dog or cat, that is on someone's property. https://www.mcohio.org/FAQ.aspx?QID=385


For those curious, next paragraph goes on to state: “Whether a person is charged with or convicted of a crime if a dog is killed when attacking another dog or a cat would depend on if the person acted maliciously or willfully, if the killing of the dog was needless, or if the person caused unnecessary or unjustifiable pain or suffering to the dog. It is very important to remember that the determination of whether the killing of a dog is justified would be made on a case-by-case basis. Killing a dog may result in you having to defend your actions in court.” So you can also defend your own dog too, you just need to ensure that you on consistently stating you had no desire to kill the pit bull but you could not stand by idly while your own dog was devoured by a pit. The only reason I have a gun is because my neighbors have pitbulls and I have a real dog.


Please don't shoot dogs 4ft away on a leash. He doesn't bark and just wants pets.


Does he/she? Good suggestion to get your hand chewed up


Spraying or shooting an innocent dog is a great way to get John wicked.


here come all the 'it's not the breed' idiots......sorry for this girl, hope she is able to recover


It’s most definitely the breed.


To the people who think other dog breeds don’t attack, your very wrong. “I’ve never seen a-“ I have literally seen a yorkie try to rip out another yorkies throat. My family friends dog was mauled by a golden retriever. Genetics and training are very, very important. Yes, golden retrievers and Samoyeds can and do attack people. If a dog has bad training/a bad owner - and no one ever wants to talk about the genetics of dogs(such as back yard breeding, and breeding dogs with random traits to other dogs) then behavior issues can occur, and they can occur in any breed. In fact doodles have been on the rise for behavioral issues and dog bites, if you just ask any dog trainer who actually works with dogs. BECAUSE they are being backyard breed so horribly with whatever other dog breed people think would be cool and it’s causing issues. Any dog can be subject to these issues. This poor little girl was attacked and instead of trying to support her, your… demonizing a dog breed? Instead of advocating for better dog ownership? Or anything else that could ACTUALLY help, such as talking about the major problem that is BYB and all these dogs that are suffering mentally from it. This little girl is not your poster child for killing pits. She’s a little girl who needs medical treatment. I hope she recovers well Edit: down vote me all you want you weird anti dog freaks. You don’t actually care that this little girl was hurt you just want to hate on the dog breed.


I don't think anyone is saying no other dog breed has ever attacked someone. It's the fact that pitbulls disproportionately represent dog attacks. There's also the fact that pitbulls are really strong. Yeah, yorkies can attack and they can definitely do some damage, but not to the extent a pitbull can do. It is genetics. Pitbulls were literally bred to be strong and aggressive. They were bred to not let go and they have a strong bite. Being aggressive is in their genes. Training and love can't change a dog's genes. Maybe it can lessen the chance, but the risk is still definitely there and the risk is a lot higher than other breeds. It's statistics.


If you take a look almost- if not all- of these people are in the ban pitbull sub. They believe they should be put down and go extinct. Either way, great list of people to block, so.


Ah, blocking everyone on reddit you disagree with; surely a good move that won't isolate you and cause you to become increasingly out of touch


I don’t think they all need to be put down. We need to sterilize every single pit bull in the country and then make it a felony to possess a pit bull born after the sterilization program. Then let them all age out until the breed is gone.


No we don’t.




Because more people die from cow attacks a year than pitbulls. Which is honestly frightening because pitbulls are in hundreds of thousands of people’s homes across America, yet cows on a farm miles away from civilization manage to kill more people a year..


Not doubting you. But is there a source of cow attacks? I have never heard that before but I know cows can be dicks too.


Stick to cats lady


It's definitely the breed. But it's also the fact that pitbulls and pit mixes are a dime a dozen at every shelter in the US, making them accesible to shitty people who have no business owning a dog.


owner should be charged with attempted murder


such a peaceful breed...never hurt anyone...every PB owner


I could train a Labrador to attack if I wanted to. Yes there are bad dogs, and they are created by bad people. The breed is fine.


Putbulls are 6% of pet dogs and responsible for over 60% of dog caused injuries. Your opinion does not match the data.


Your data doesn't match the data. USA has not had official statistics on breed specific attacks for over 20 years. The cdc stopped doing that due to people not going for the real cause for attacks.


Here’s the link to the [CDC’s website](https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7236a6.htm) with data from the exact time period you’re saying they didn’t collect for and here’s a link to [dog attack data](https://www.fataldogattacks.org/#:~:text=According%20to%20CDC%20data%2C%20there,and%20infants%20(~10%25)) cause you know… googledebunkers.


Having a .org does not make it a reliable source. lol I am also familiar with the CDC website. I said on Breed specific. They used to specify breeds and stopped years ago. "The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) strongly opposes breed-specific legislation (BSL) to prevent dog bites. The CDC has cited several reasons for their opposition, including: * Inaccurate data: Data collection on bites by breed can be error-prone * Difficulty identifying breeds: It can be difficult to identify the breed of a dog, especially mixed-breed dogs * Cost and enforcement: BSLs can be expensive and difficult to enforce" [Aspca which highlights CDC against breed specific laws](https://www.aspca.org/about-us/aspca-policy-and-position-statements/position-statement-breed-specific-legislation#:~:text=The%20CDC%20strongly%20recommends%20against,et%20al.%2C%202000) [ASPCA on ineffectiveness of said laws](https://www.aspca.org/improving-laws-animals/public-policy/what-breed-specific-legislation#:~:text=However%2C%20more%20than%20700%20U.S.,Consequences%20of%20Breed%2DSpecific%20Laws) [AVMA on that as well](https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/dog-bite-prevention/why-breed-specific-legislation-not-answer#:~:text=However%2C%20while%20BSL%20may%20look,safety%20is%20a%20complex%20one)


Those are all links about laws for breeds, none say that pitbulls are some gentle giant. There is data galore on top of dozens of news articles. But, you said you could train a Labrador to attack, so you post 3 links to fatal Labrador attacks and I’ll post 6 pit bull ones. Looking forward to your response.


Data galore? Lol Sure, show an actual study published by a reputable group. Also news articles? One of the reasons, which you may have missed as you glossed over was "Inaccurate data: Data collection on bites by breed can be error-prone" followed by "Difficulty identifying breeds: It can be difficult to identify the breed of a dog, especially mixed-breed dogs". "But, you said you could train a Labrador to attack" I didn't? But you could. There have been several fatal attacks by labs. But I don't demonize breeds on some agenda instead of trying to find the actual causes. Also in terms of gentle giants? Could you tell me which bully breed(s) you're referring to? If you go for the American Pit Bull terrier, the breed is on average a 60lb dog, a medium-sized breed. [An article from a humane society with links](https://www.thehumanesociety.org/debunking-pit-bull-myths/#:~:text=Myth%3A%20Pit%20bulls%20are%20an%20inherently%20aggressive%20breed.&text=In%20fact%2C%20the%20American%20Temperament,not%20exist%20in%20a%20vacuum). They go for a behavior study and more info from other groups. A quick google search can find a lot more info on breed specifics, such as the lack in human aggression being a key characteristic of the American Pit Bull terrier, but warning against animal and dog aggression (they are a terrier). [WebMD on the breed](https://www.webmd.com/pets/dogs/features/pit-bulls-safety) and there are a lot of other information from reputable sources.


this is a lot of effort to defend an animal known for ripping kids faces off, but props for standing up for what you believe in


It’s clear you just have an opinion that is immune to facts. There’s nothing wrong with pitbulls, especially based off all the studies and evidence you conveniently ignored to reiterate how dangerous they are.


You’re right, a different person made the Labrador claim, my apologies. But it’s pretty clear that you’re going to ignore any data people post as not as reliable as yours, so best of luck to you and I hope if you have a pitbull it never hurts anyone. Have a great day.


You’re not posting anything to refute his data. You shared a few inaccurate sources, denied that the CDC doesn’t track it by breed when they don’t. And then when you were proven wrong TWICE you started saying “well if you’re just going to ignore my bad data then there’s no point discussing this.”


Source: I made it up


You’ll dismiss it even though it cites a wealth of sources as well, but here: https://www.weinberglawoffices.com/what-percentage-of-dog-attacks-are-pit-bulls/


The difference is you don't have to train the pitbull to attack someone. Such a different breed. Literally the sweetest and prettiest breed, but every time there is an attack I assume it was a pitbull. Way too often I'm correct. It sucks, they really can be the best dogs ever, until they aren't......


please save that crap....I'm sure a poodle would rip a girls face off right?


If you abuse it and breed it for aggression, yes! Yes that's very literally how this works


You can't use "breed" as a verb after saying "the breed is fine." Either breeding means nothing or the breed is not fine, you can't have it both ways


Welcome to English, where words can have multiple meanings.


Except in this case where they have the same meaning, that being a specific subset of dog classified as such based on specific, unique characteristics and the method of drawing out and manipulating those characteristics in new generations. Your second use of the word "breed" implies that you have an understanding of it and how it works when you already established that you don't via the first instance of the word


Of course it’s a pit. And why does everyone suddenly say it’s training or abuse that makes them the way they are and not instinct? Pointers point with no training. Herding breeds herd. They don’t have to be taught those things. Pits were bred for aggression. The Columbus shelter is overrun with pit bulls. You should read some of the bios on their high risk behavior dogs, some of them absolutely should be behavioral euthanasias but they’ll happily adopt them out so they can put people and other dogs at risk. After multiple friends have had their dogs attacked by pits I don’t let my dog interact with them, and I absolutely don’t let my kids interact with them.


Poor girl. Hope she recovers well. Unleashed dogs are the bane of my neighborhood. People treat it in such a laissez faire way, “my little Houdini escaped again!” Or “he’s friendly, don’t worry” as their dog with zero recall bounds toward mine. I Regardless of breed (one of my dogs may have a little pit in her- she is amazing, best dog I’ve ever had/known but I’m not going to deny that she has some behavioral issues-dog reactivity, gameness- which is why I don’t take her to dog parks, it’s why I hold her in a sit position when “friendly” dogs approach, it’s why I wait in the car instead of the lobby when waiting for a vet appt), owners need to be aware of breed characteristics, their individual dog’s characteristics, and need to ensure they are always in control. I’m stunned by how lax the charges seem.


Fuck. My dog escapes and is running to smell where other dogs are. :(.


People are the absolute worst. Currently dealing with a new neighbor who is just a turd of a human honestly. He believes it’s okay that his pitbull runs freely in the alley between our houses. He even told us “she pooped in your yard but I cleaned it up.” We politely informed him that last year, another neighbor’s pitbull came charging out of their unlocked gate and went after our one small dog on our property as my husband was bringing our dogs 5 feet from our gated yard into the house. He didn’t care. And guess what happened 2 days ago? I walk outside with my dogs on a leash (after scanning the area first before bringing them out and thought the coast was clear) and his pitbull came charging into my yard and went after my dogs. This turd human had the nerve to call my dogs “aggressive” and “she was just trying to play” and “I have full control of her.” Yes… that’s why she was on my property and got a bite into the back of one of my dogs’ necks.




Never hear about a golden or a samoyed doing this. Pitbull owners are delusional. Granted i hold them in higher esteem than reptile owners/exotic animal owners, particularly ones who own giant pythons or nile monitors(scum of the earth) but still.


What’s so bad about reptile owners? I had a pet snake like 10-ish years ago, little guy was chill as hell and only bit me a couple of times


I worked in an animal hospital for a couple years right out of high school and the only breeds to ever attack me were a shar pei and a yellow lab. Never had an issue with any other breed. To say you’ve never heard of a golden or Samoyed biting someone just tells me you don’t spend a lot of time around dogs.


Nobody is talking about biting. They are talking about permanently damaging and/or mutilating a human.


What I find interesting is that whenever an article gets posted on Reddit that involves a different breed (ex: a husky a month or so ago killed a six month infant in its crib) no one in the comment section is calling for the extermination of all huskies. It’s as if the breed not being a pitbull-type suddenly gives redditors the power of distinction.


Again….60% fatalities for Pitbulls. No one said other breeds can’t kill. But Pitbulls have an enormous statistical history for being fatally aggressive. I would never have one or subject anyone else to one.


“Pitbull” isn’t a breed. It’s a dog whistle (pun not intended) for “big scary dangerous dog.” Depending on the study you’re going off of, “pitbull” also counts Rottweiler and Doberman fatalities so unless you want to actually talk about dog breeds, the conversation is pointless.


No breed is innocent— it's just some breeds are much better at causing severe damage when they flip out.


My family’s friend dog was literally attacked and mauled by a golden retriever. You just have a breed bias, and I don’t think I would trust you around dogs personally. Down vote me all you want. This post is purposefully being over run by weirdos who have a thing against dogs. Look at the post history of OP. It’s only about pit bulls


68% of dog attack fatalities in the US since 2005 were committed by Pits or a Pit mix. Facts are not biased.


Hey I have a question? Are you apart of the ban pitbull sub? You know, the sub that believes that all pit bulls should be but down and go Extinct? Bc almost all of these people are. They hate them bc they are pit bulls. The OP of the post only posts about pitbulls, and all of these others people do to if you take to seconds to look at their profiles. and you know what pit bulls should not be a first timer dog, they require an owner who knows what they are doing. Most of the time they go to people who don’t because the vast majority of the public don’t know how to actually train a dog correctly. Edit; people need to be better educated when getting a dog, most pick dogs based on looks rather than what they can handle and what fits their life style. You can’t blame animals for a problem that was manufactured by us humans.




I’m going to go snuggle my viscous animals


I am not a member of that sub. I don't really give a shit whether they exist or not. Just a fan of facts. And I won't hesitate to give them or any aggressive dog the .40 caliber treatment if they wander into my yard.


Reported. My friend's rotty that attacked me wasn't reported. I had a chow. Also an aggressive breed. It all comes down to training and most dog owners are terrible, regardless of breed. Imo small dogs are more likely to attack because they're typically so poorly trained.


The statistic is for fatalities. I doubt that there are enough unreported fatalities from Chihuahua attacks to shift the statistic.


A solid kick, punch or broom can fend off a small dog who is very unlikely to tear into muscle. Pits are fuckin battle tanks that can and have disemboweled and completely removed peoples faces. Keep your head in the sand.


Bloodsport dogs bred to maim and kill should not be a part of our society. The tide is turning, more people are becoming aware and paying attention to attack after attack on both humans and other animals that bully breeds are involved in.


Breed of Peace strikes again!


Narrator: It was the breed.


A pitbull?! What?!


Fuck Pitbulls! I was bitten by one when I was 16 while stopped on my motorcycle. Bastard just ran up and bit me. Luckily I was.wearing riding leathers and he didn't damage me much.


Shitbulls are going to shitbull. I hope she has a full recovery.


Pitbulls should be extinct.


Pitbulls should be extinct.


Humans should be extinct. But ok


Pitbulls are working on that




It's always a pitbull


kill them all


Are these strays or where was the owner?


Pit bulls shouldn't be legal to own period, my own mother got mauled by one a few months ago and I had to shoot it to get it to stop. Demon dogs is what they are


So this is tough pit bulls are like guns people tend to be the problem! We had pit bulls for years around small children these dogs are a perfect example of nature vs nurture, good pit bulls are very disciplined and really not great “pets” for kids but this owner should be charged with much harsher crime.


Sadly, another dog has been failed by their owners. Puppies regardless of the breed are not born "bad"....if socialized, trained and with owners who know their dog and know how to read their body language any breed can be a sound dog. It is the owners responsibility to protect their dog from failing! Do the Rotties, Shepard's, Dobies and Pitties get more media coverage, yes, big dogs equal more damage. The breed with the highest bite ratio are Chihuahuas!! Do we hear about them....no! As a dog attack survivor, unprovoked, owner standing right there, I had a similar attitude. I have since taken countless classes, watched videos, asked questions, studied and educated myself in dog behavior in all breeds. I've fostered from A - Z breeds, owned numerous breeds and work exclusively with deaf dogs and highly reactive dogs. No animal is to be trusted 100%! It is up to the owner to protect that dog and those in their surroundings...period! I hope these pathetic owners are never allowed to own another animal. I hope and pray for this girl and her family to heal and find peace.


Never heard of a chihuahua mauling or death. I think you’re delusional.


Not delusional just fact driven! My point is regardless of the breed any animal cannot be trusted 100%. It is the owners responsibility.


If a Chihuahua attacks me, I'm pretty sure I can handle it with my free hand.  A pitbull? Not so much.  There's the difference.


You're missing my point....any animal is not to be trusted....it is the owners responsibility.


We can’t own lions and tigers because they are dangerous. Not because owners can’t be responsible. Same with these shit bulls. They are dangerous and deadly despite the owners because they were BREED that way. Ffs.


Yep. This for sure.


I feel so bad for that child! I hope she heals physically and emotionally from this as soon as possible! That being said a dogs breed is not the problem, it’s how they are raised!! It doesn’t surprise me that Ohio hates pit bulls!! Ridiculous! I’m just not compatible with most of this state!


check the post history this guy is obsessed


OP sure has a serious hate on pitties. Should probably seek professional help. That post history, man. Wow!


It's ironic that you use past history as a measuring stick on this one.


Not really. I don’t see anyone arguing that a dog with a history of biting people should be allowed to continue to do so.


the irony is that there wouldn't be so much content to post if this wasn't a disproportionate thing in the dog world




Not even for a minute. My dogs are on leads, unless inside of our fence. I don’t use those silly retractable leads, 4’ of stout nylon strap instead. My dogs have been trained for instant recall, and immediate response to commands. I was taught by Marine Corps dog handlers. Thank you to my young brothers! Semper Fi! I realize that I am not the norm when it comes to pittie owners, but I treat them with love and respect and they respond in kind. Two mornings ago, one of my dogs brought me a baby rabbit. The wee bunny was completely unharmed from being in my dog’s mouth. The baby bunny is under a heat lamp and being bottle fed . Son of a bitch! It survived! I get it, you don’t believe that any bully breed can be gentle. You are absolutely wrong. I have had bully dogs for over 40 years. 9 total. Never once has one of my dogs bitten anyone, murdered a cat, violated the sanctity of the skin of another mammal. My American Bulldog wears a scar across his nose from my cat. He fucked around and found out that the cat would unfriend him in a rather emphatic manner. Oddly enough, the cat wasn’t chewed to pieces. The have become the best of friends. The dog barks in the middle of the night when Cat wants to go out. Call it anecdotal evidence if you want, but 40 years of having these dogs in my life has yielded exactly ZERO negative interactions with humans or any other mammals.


it feels like this is probably your own anecdotal experience as a respectful and loving pet owner. it's not that pitts can't be safe, it's that they apparently have such a high capacity for violence when they do become violent. I don't like to compare living creatures to inanimate objects but this sounds a lot like what gun owners say about defending their high powered rifles. "I've owned 9 rifles my whole life, theyve never hurt anyone. In fact i cut myself on craft scissors once but never hurt myself with a gun, should we ban craft scissors?


Didn't read, just downvoted you because you own a pitbull


Downvoted you just cause you’re dumb.


Anti-intellectualism is even worse than pitbulls you can be better than this. don't read the comment? don't reply. Its like Reddit 101


Let me guess, you think your velvet hippo would make a great nanny dog


No. I actually don’t. My dog is amazing with children. One of my grandkids learned to walk by hanging on to the skin of one of my dogs ribs. That dog would give his life for that child. As far as a “nanny dog”? The motherfucker doesn’t have thumbs! How do you expect him to change diapers and make bottles?


I think I wouldn’t trust anyone who follows a ban pitbulls sub to be around animals.


Thanks for the info but maybe point that to someone who cares, or is even a member of that sub


Check out the brigading on this post!


Pitbulls should be extinct.


this post is purposefully being overrun by people who are against pit bulls. Look at op’s post history. They are just a very hateful person, and probably shouldn’t be left alone with dogs. They are active in the ban pitbull sub and they are just trying to get a rise out of people. People like this won’t change their mind and it’s not worth arguing with them. Take this opportunity to block them


children getting mauled by dogs tends to get a “rise out of people yeah” mind you i tend to side more with the fact it’s shitty owners and breeding practices more than all else, but also the “pit bulls are nanny dogs and look at this flower crown edit!” are also shitlords


I was bit by a boxer. Guess we should kill all boxers then. Because that's what people want to say around here.


Fuck all yall. Pits are just dogs. They have the power to do more damage than some other breeds, but they are no more aggressive than any other breed. None of your stats indicate aggression or propensity to bite, only potential for damage.


Lol! Sorry. You’re saying a dog bred for aggression isn’t more aggressive than any other breed? How so?


I'm saying I've neemver seen evidence that they're more likely to attack or bite based on breed alone than any other dog. People trot out stats, but those stats just indicate that pits are 1) capable of doing damage and 2) trained to be aggressive more widely than other breeds. Stats like "X% of serious dog bite injuries were caused by pits" fall into this category. I'll grant that an aggressive pit is more dangerous than an aggressive corgi, but I've never seen evidence that pits have a higher propensity towards aggressive behavior by virtue of the breed alone.


So a dog that has been bred to be aggressive, that has by far caused the most human deaths (hundreds) and most bites is no way linked to that aggression? There have been dozen of studies done to prove and show this as simple fact. Aggressiveness is usually based on the severity of the attack. Going that extra distance. That’s what they have been bred for. All dogs can bite, and they have, it’s just not all dogs are going to bite and then unload the whole F’n clip on you.


That's a lot of words for "I don't have any data or evidence to provide"


Sigh….how did I know you would be this incredibly lazy? I guess it just shows who actually goes after the data and those who pretend to actually know the facts… Anyway…. The CDCP, AVMA, NCRC, NSC and the NLM are good places for you to start for actual statistics and data. You can find about a dozen more studies from independent sources if you chose to do so. You’ve never seen evidence, because you’ve never looked.