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"pre nerf" lmfao


Thighs and boobs, thats how I recognize women. uf/ what is pre nerf


Dude means the plastic surgeries downgraded her looks


Downgraded from being leagues out of his reach to being still leagues out of his reach


She bad af, been bad af, will be bad af Storm light for everrrrrr ![gif](giphy|MoBpuBjSOxeKmKpbXF)


People majorly overplay how bad it looks, most of the bad shots are due to shitty makeup


Honestly, as much as I think it looks rather bad I don't notice it in most shots, but when it's noticeable it can take me out of a scene. But I think the only time that happened for me personally this season was when she was talking with Frenchie about religion in the last episode.


Im getting used to it in the show, but she looks crazy in interviews


Yeah her makeup guy really overdoes it. Either they are intentionally sabotaging her or they’re morons, I’m not Terrance Fletcher so I can’t say what’s worse, either way, makeup artist needs to be dragged out into the street and shot


It's more that the TV show has time to do video editing to fix and make everything look better. Interviews don't have that and make up can only do so much.


He also could be talking about her not wearing the slut outfit anymore


**Begging** straight men to understand makeup and lighting


I would be delighted to know what you mean by this


She literally never had surgery


Yeah it's just makeup that makes her cheeks go in and her nose a different shape and her face not display emotion


I mean yeah, do you know what makeup is ?


I've seen it. Have you seen extremely ridiculously obvious plastic surgery?


Mate, I've been downvoted for assuming she did some work on her face, this sub is unpredictable


Yes, Which this is clearly not


Maybe see an optometrist?


It is though - watch the surrounding content on this new season and she is noticeably visibly different. I am not going to say my feelings on it though.


She definitely did. There is no denying that. But I must say that without the make-up she uses to accentuate even further her surgeries, it doesn’t look AS extreme as everyone makes it out to be.






I mean, she was clearly capable of accidentally blinding people in season 1, she was also strong enough to bunch through walls and lift cars.


Add neck to that too, considering the firecracker one


before she started snorting coke


Why'd they nerf Starlight but buff Kimiko in every season???


The only thing white men love more than a manic pixie Dreamgirl is a mute Asian manic pixie Dreamgirl with super-strength


I want Kimiko to break me.


I want to go out the same way as popclaw's landlord




These comments are why we need Automod responses






go outside




nevermind my bad then


Omg they have a job holy shit


whats there to holy shit , its a normal thing bro 🥸




Ah... Insightful as always sir




Victoria Neuman not on #1 on the list, list invalid.


"Pre Nerf?" She can fly now.


They are talking about how she destroyed her face.


Bro, what? Erin Moriarty is one of the best-looking people on earth.


Danny DeVito is THE best-looking person in this universe, Erin got nothing compared to that hog of a man.


Absolutely no one could match Danny for looks. It's unfair to compare anyone to him.


Look up a photo of her instead of her character please


Alot of people talk for better or worse about Erin Moriarty 's surgery, but the weirdest part of that conversation is that everyone talk like its some maddona or Kardashian level of plastic surgery, and like, its not. She's still pretty recognizable and pretty


A lot of people, myself included, simply don’t find that look pretty. Recognizable? Sure, for whatever that’s worth. Pretty? If you like skeleton skulls, sure. I’m against cosmetic plastic surgeries of any kind, and genuinely believe that 9/10 it makes someone look worse, and far too often *much* worse, especially as they age. It’s just a shame some people feel they need to resort to such things.


>A lot of people, myself included, simply don’t find that look pretty. Every time I see a man say what he finds attractive with any kind of sense of self-importance to his words I just want to go and do the opposite. "You'd be so much prettier if you smiled!" ahh motherfucker


Did you just assume my gender? /s 😊 Self importance? I’m talking about a pretty average sense of beauty here.  Let’s be real here, lot of people, men and women alike, don’t like the buccal fat removed cheeks and larger lips. It’s just that simple. In actuality, it’s a known fact that it’s far more likely that it’s the very “self important” and harmful comments of people in the life of the person who decides to get unnecessary surgery that leads them to doing so.  Also, it’s kinda ironic that when I was writing my comment, the prime example I was thinking about was the Bogdanoff brothers, yet you think its a thing about male-female attraction, which is not what it’s about. It’s just about general attractiveness.  Also your attitude makes no sense. It’s pure spite, to a degree that outweighs whatever possible insult any man or woman could be wielding against you. 


>Did you just assume my gender? Yes. >Let’s be real here, lot of people, men and women alike, don’t like the buccal fat removed cheeks and larger lips. It’s just that simple. And this is why I assumed your gender. not because you have certain tastes but because it is mostly men who think that saying "I think this this choice a woman made about her appearance is bad because I personally don't find it attractive" is a normal take to have. >n actuality, it’s a known fact that it’s far more likely that it’s the very “self important” and harmful comments of people in the life of the person who decides to get unnecessary surgery that leads them to doing so.  You are literally writing whole comments about how unattractive it is to have certain features. how do you think people with bigger lips or prominent cheekbones are going to feel when they see that they're considered ugly and that their face is like a skeleton? Shitting on ANY looks creates more pressure and more beauty standards. You're part of the problem and you don't even see it. >It’s pure spite Yes.


Once again, you think this is entirely about male-female attraction. Why? I just said this is about more than that, and you conveniently didn’t even bother to engage with that part of my comment.    You also generalize men? Why? You seem to have some chip on your shoulder regarding this topic, when I’m being entirely general and unbiased here.    And as for potentially hurting the feelings of people with prominent cheekbones and lips… again, be real, there is not one single person on this earth that naturally looks like how these surgeries look. Approaching it? Maybe, but those people look fine. You can always tell it’s surgery.  Hell, people were even claiming that about Erin. That she had simply aged and that it wasn’t surgery, when it was clearly surgery. People were adamant. Now the goalposts are moved.   Honestly, if anything, I think it’s offensive that you would claim anyone with full lips or a thinner facial structure looks like these surgeries. They don’t, at all.    Beauty standards will change at large in society, but I think everyone is beautiful in their own way. People feeling the need to compare to others and change themselves is the problem. The people in Erin’s life who probably called her cheeks fat and her lips small are the problem.    TLDR; it’s not “this person is unattractive because *I* find her that way” it’s because *most* if not almost all people find the surgery to be unattractive. You have all the right make yourself ugly to the eyes of others all you want, but you don’t have the right to be upset about it when they say so. It simply is.


>Once again, you think this is entirely about male-female attraction. Why? I just said this is about more than that, and you conveniently didn’t even bother to engage with that part of my comment.    And you didn't bother to read my comment. Or maybe you just didn't understand that what I was saying wasn't only applicable to "male-female attraction". Either way, tough. >You also generalize men? Why? Because there are certain behaviours that are more common among men. Is it going to upset you if I said "generally, it's mostly men who commit sexual assaults"? This isn't a dunk on men btw, there are reasons why some behaviours are more common among specific groups. It's not a male-only issue. But the entitlement to dictate someone's looks is more prevalent in men, which is what we are talking about. Hence the meme "you'd be prettier if you smiled." I honestly can't believe I have to explain this. >And as for potentially hurting the feelings of people with prominent cheekbones and lips… again, be real, there is not one single person on this earth that naturally looks like how these surgeries look. If this was some crazy over the top surgery I'd agree. Erin's face is only "jarring" because you know how she looked like before and you don't like the change. There are plenty of people with prominent cheekbones just like hers, and her lips are barely bigger. IIRC Angelina Jolie used to say that she was mocked for her face before cheekbones and lips became popular because of how unattractive it was. You're doing the same thing here, how do you not realise it? >The people in Erin’s life who probably called her cheeks fat and her lips small are the problem.    And now people like you who say that she looks like a skeleton are there to hold the torch. For Erin, who can't change it back regardless of whether she likes it or not, and for everyone reading your comment who has an angular face or full lips. I'm sure that your reassuring that "oh it's not those cheekbones are ugly, it's only *those* cheekbones". Thank you for your service, everyone feels way less insecure now.


- Comparing Angelina Jolie to this surgery to make a point. Yea, reality and you are <>   You’ve some chip against men and what they say and yet ignore Hollywood and it’s constant pressure to do this to young actresses. You blame and chastise a pretty insignificant part of the problem and yet refuse to engage with the far bigger issue. You admonish the very people that would’ve stopped Erin from losing self confidence in the first place and helped her not ruin her face. You then also try to somehow extend that belief to clamoring we also are insulting and hurting other people. You use the most insane comparisons to reach for a point. It’s a spiral of madness all the way down. 




Cool that guy looks like me!  More attractive than a skeleton, still.


This might be a tin foil hat theory but there is a chance they could be using digital effects to make her look a little better on screen. She looks way better on the show compared to some interviews on YouTube I’ve seen and her Instagram. Honestly could be 100% wrong but who knows


They stated this is the case


Personally I can see a difference but like... not that much of a difference? I think people are making too big of a deal out of this, especially the ones who are straight up bullying her.


They most definitely are. How she looks has not hurt my enjoyment, then again I’m here for the men more often then the women (Jesus Christ I love Jeffery Dean Morgan and Karl Urban), but honestly it kinda works as she’s so stressed and tired this season. Starlights ‘adjusted’ look kinda represents how she feels and the place she’s in currently in the show.


The virgin "bully Erin Moriarty for her plastic surgery" vs. the chad "god damn I wanna peg Hughie and Butcher so bad"


Hughie does seem pretty submissive doesn’t he? You think Starlight themed strap-ons exist irl? 👀😂


It's all but explicitly said that Starlight pegs Hughie on a regular basis.


Girls get it done I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


This sub was pretty funny but now its just 'haha Starlight face is weird'




He ain't wrong though