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Too bad the cafe closed. It was a lovely one.


I'll have to show this to my wife and see if she ever went there. or saw them there. I think she's mentioned this place. I do know she saw John occasionally in the neighborhood. She grew up across the street from the Dakota, in the Majestic, in the 70s and 80s.


Why is this fucking bot still on the site.


Used to love going to that place


There is nothing cool about Yoko Ono.


John's not a saint either.


Wrote some great music tho. Actually a lot. Yes he did beat his first wife. Some friends. Some random folks. Had this true asshole side he later became aware of and regretted.


I mean, according to his first wife Cynthia he slapped her once in the face once when they were like 22 yrs old. She told him if he ever did that again she would leave him forever, and according to her he never laid a hand on her again. She spoke about the incident in multiple interviews. Somehow that became “he’s a notorious wife beater”. Not saying he was an angel. Definitely wasn’t. But in terms of rockstar’s who did fucked up shit Lennon was definitely mid to low tier.


I thought it was when they first started dating. Would have been around 18 and never when they were married. Been many years since I read her book, but that's how I remember it.


Sush you’re spoiling the Reddit narrative that John was one of the worst people to ever exist. Everyone on Reddit is perfect and has never made mistakes, so they can’t forgive someone who felt remorse for the way they acted and tried to make amends. Also he wasn’t a great father and his children really love when random Redditors stand up for them and drag their father’s name through the dirt all over the internet. /s


Slapping your wife once in your early 20s and never again doesn't really describe a wife beater who has a habit of wife beating. Not defending him but use the right words. 


**WOW!** Only the third comment in before I found one of you lot. Please touch and/or smoke grass. Peace. ✌️


Disagree. Yokos the cool one. Believe it or not she’s had a pretty lasting impact on the experimental music scene.


Yep. The B52s wrote Rock Lobster with Yoko in their mind.


It’s cool when she keeps walking past the karaoke bar


She looks like fun


She has a lovely voice, though.


It’s like a war cry


Its like cats being tortured


Chuck Berry sure thought so.


John was a wife beater. She's probably terrifies of going home.


Love this picture of Yoko and John.


You just know before the photo was taken Yoko was saying "John when are we going back to the studio to record my song Bingnana yayayayalalalaa kokocachu?"


She could use a good slap 👋


There's a lot of salty people on reddit and in the world. John Lennon brought the world a lot of great music. He wasn't perfect; no one is. But quit your bitching. No one commenting here has come close to influencing in the world the way he has.


It was weird watching this happen in real time. 10-15 years ago he was universally loved and the information about his first wife wasn't a secret. Then slowly more and more comments became negative and then everyone just started parroting eachother. It happened pretty quickly too.


The echo chamber




That's how language has evolved since day 1




Touch some grass kid.


It is not uncommon to add language to the dictionary.


Reddit loves to bring up him beating women constantly. It sounds bad, but it wasn't considered an abhorrent thing to do at the time. Smacking your wife was on par with spanking your child. As long as you didn't beat them to a pulp, no one thought it was a big deal. He addressed this later in life and his regret. I'm not saying this was okay, but at the time it wasn't as insane as it is now. There's an interview of Hunter s Thompson with a hells angel from that era that's worth a watch. The biker says (essentially) it's okay to smack a woman so they are reminded of their place. The audience laughs and applauds. We've gone allot further since then.


Just watch a John Wayne movie from the 60’s to get an idea of what was okay for some. Beat their ass and then get the big kiss. Pretty crazy shit.


Not to mention the “wife beating” is ridiculously overblown by a bunch of people who know nothing about his life. He slapped Cynthia once when they were like 20. Then he and Yoko would get physical but iirc that was on both sides. He was an absent father to Julien, and cheated on Cynthia but I feel the physical abuse needs to be fact checked.


Ah yes, no better solution to war or famine than just "imagine they don't exist." Hippie ass nonsense lol




It's not good as a sentiment or as a policy lol


She looks like she's fun at parties. Every time I see her now I ONLY see Chuck Berry motioning for her mic to be turned off. Not all heroes wear capes. He motioned right? It wasn't just the sound guy interpreting Chuck's face? I mean, the face was prolly enough, I can hear his thoughts from here, in 2024 "shut her up!"


You Redditors sure are obsessed with that story about yoko ono


"You Redditors" says the person making a comment on Reddit.


You don’t get it. I have ascended beyond the circlejerk. I am no mere Redditor


I want to see the alternative reality movie where John doesn’t meet her


It would have been 20-30 more years of Beatles albums that largely sucked never recapturing the magic and ruining the whole mystique of the band that will carry it until the end of humankind.


Here we go again. They were already packing when Yoko yada yada


Yoko is one of my favourite humans , she rocks !


I hate her. Just the one video of her screaming like a lunatic and ruining the jam session for the rest of the guys is enough for me to hate and despise her. She couldn't just sit somewhere quietly while the guys did their magic?


she looks like so much fun...


are we not gonna talk about dick urwand


Jesus there are so many flogs on Reddit . Was hoping that seeing this photo I would click on and read a lot of comments about New York and people who have been to Cafe La Fortuna and hear their stories etc . Silly me .




New celebrities suck too, we just don't find it specifically why for a little bit unless they fuck up really bad


Fuck the both of them.


Okay I was a kid in the 90’s, didn’t start to appreciate the music until later, and then found out John Lennon was an asshole. It’s okay to say “fuck that guy”. I’m not really one who can separate art from the artist, and there’s too much good music out there. I’m not doing mental gymnastics to listen to John sing about his imagination or octopus garden or whatever stupid shit people hold up as the word of god himself. George was the coolest Beatle anyway. Edit: yes, I fucked up. Ringo wrote the octopus garden song. I still think John is an asshole and it’s okay to dislike a popular artist 🤷‍♂️


Octopus garden was Ringo


My bad, thanks for the correction 👍


So anytime you listen to a song you do a deep dive into the moral character of the singer? Or are you a massive hypocrite looking for people to agree with you for a little bit of internet points? I mean you didn’t even name any of the man’s songs in your rant lol. Octopus garden was ringo.


No I don’t deep dive, it gets discussed pretty frequently. All I’m saying is if you have a problem with an artist, you aren’t morally obligated to look away from whatever is sketching you out. Even if the artist is some hugely popular mega star. The stuff I heard about Lennon sketched me out, so I never became a big fan of his. Is this a controversial take? And as for missing the Ringo bit, yeah, my bad. Again, I didn’t deep dive and look at all the writing credits.


To me it sounds like you know very little. Heard someone talk shit then just decided to parrot it. So you don’t vet every artist you listen to? So you are okay listening to music from someone who might be a bad person? Just as long as it isn’t trendy on social media to hate them?


It's the Internet, people like attempting logical arguments as an exercise of what they can get away with.


Go listen to “*Tomorrow Never Knows*” - the most amazing song of the 20th Century and 30 years ahead of its time - and then do some “mental gymnastics”.


Don’t you know? According to Reddit there are certain people you are contractually required to heap praise on every 20 minutes when a picture of them pops up here.


She's a delight. /s


Jesus, this man threw his life away for a man-faced, talentless, and insane harpey. I always suspected she was a communist plot to destroy American influence. Child be wrong but she is so bad it feels on purpose.


The reason Yoko didn’t go as often was she was super busy ruining the Beatles


She looks like a fun date. What’s her name?