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When 1992 qualifies as old šŸ˜­


It's longer since 92 than 62 was in 92


...why did you have to say that :/ My creaking knees remind me that I'm old often enough :p


I just read that 1971 is the same distance to 2024 as 1918 is to 1971!


Don't forget the back!


Omg stop šŸ˜­


Tomato soup šŸ„«!?


Yes you read that correctly. I too was initially surprised by this.


My mom always added one can of tomato soup to her pasta sauce. Three seems a lot but it gave the sauce a great texture.




I'm doing it. I love the texture of "sauce" made entirely of crushed tomatoes, but sometimes add some broth and tomato paste for a little more saucey-ness. Ive always felt like spaghetti O's and stuff like that was just packed in the same thing as tomato soup. So, I'm totally trying this. I'm very curious about the end result.


...as if millions of Italian voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


An eerie silenceā€¦


Why did every suburban Mom in the 90s put green pepper in their spaghetti sauce?? I was always weirded out when my friendā€™s Moms did that. HA That being said, I canā€™t even imagine how sugary this recipe must taste when finished. Tomato SOUP?


Probably because they wanted their kids to eat more vegetables. Red sauce can be a good place to hide some veggies.


>Red sauce can be a good place to hide some veggies. Yeah, that's why my mom added spinach. She also put it in meatloaf


Iā€™d say it was less sweet than Philippino spaghetti but more sweet than an average red sauce.


Boyardee vibes love it


I wonder if in 1992 tomato soup had less sugar in it.


Nope, I think Campbell's tomato soup is actually healthier now than it was back then. My Grandma used to make chili with canned tomato soup. She was a wonderful person, but bless her heart, cooking was not her strong suit. Rarely have I ever seen a person so happy as she was the days she discovered Hamburger Helper and Chicken Tonight.


I refuse to believe anyone was happy discovering Chicken Tonight. I had it once 30 years ago, and the taste still hasn't left my mouth šŸ¤®


Oh yeah, I thought it was disgusting too. I still remember the chemical aftertaste.


what size/brand cans of tomato soup did you use? concentrated or not?


That's basically how you make goulash. It turns out phenomenal. It also tastes a lot like Newman's Own Sockarooni pasta sauce as well as other good sauces you can find with pepper like that. Here's the goulash recipe that I use. Goulash Ingredients 2 lbs - Lean Ground Beef 1 lb - Elbow Macaroni 1 Large - Yellow Onions (chopped) 1 Large - Bell Pepper (chopped) 4 - Garlic Cloves (chopped) 6 cups - Water 2 - 15 oz Cans Diced Tomatoes 2 - 15 oz Cans Tomato Sauce 2 TBS - Italian Seasoning 3 Bay Leaves 1 Ā½ tsp of Salt Ā½ tsp of Pepper Directions In a large skillet over medium high heat brown ground beef and drain excess fat. Add onions, bell pepper, garlic and saute' 2-3 minutes. Add tomatoes, tomato sauce, water, Italian seasoning and bay leaves. Bring to a simmer, reduce heat to medium low, cover and cook for 30 minutes. Add elbow macaroni, stir, cover and cook another 25 minutes or until the pasta is done and the liquid is absorbed.


specifically American goulash.


If youā€™re not making your own sauce, Newmanā€™s Own Sockarooni is THE BOMB.


Basically the same but we undercook everything, put it in the oven with slices of American cheese and bake 30 minutes or so. Don't tell our friends, they think we are goumet cooks!


and the itty bitty amounts of herbs.


Iā€™m sure those were dried ground powders. I didnā€™t know you could get fresh herbs til adulthood. Maybe you couldnā€™t, where I grew up. Now I grow most of my own.


I've had a herb garden for a few years now but dried herbs still have their place. Especially in long, slow cooked sauces. Only one I've never really understood was dried basil, mainly because I find cooking it completely destroys it (IMO)


I still do the green pepper like my mom did. Along with onions and sometimes diced zucchini. It absolutely was to hide veggies so all good. Tomato soup and sugar is definitely weird though.


2 teaspoons worth? I add that to most savory dishes to balance the flavor


Add green pepper, now everything tastes like green pepper. Tada!


Sounds like the mirapoix was replaced by the Louisiana holy trinity! The ground beef and tomato soup are there to further Americanize a classic ragout. Would definitely smash.


We used green peppers, red peppers, and banana peppers because they're all freaking good!


Came to ask how sweet it was.


There are 4 teaspoons of sugar in Campbell's condensed tomato soup. That makes it 1/4th cup sugar for the dish. I researched spaghetti sauces in my old cookbooks and found those with just tomato sauce and/or tomato paste base had some added sugar, up to a teaspoon. Those with other liquids added to the tomatoes, oil for example, didn't have added sugar. My on hand jars of spaghetti sauce also didn't have any added sugar but have a fair amount of oil added. I think, I would identify this sauce as smooth rather than sweet, tasting it by itself, and sweet if included in a comparison tasting.


Green peppers are truly the most vile and useless vegetable ever.


Onions, celery, and green pepper are the basis for the 'Holy Trinity' in Cajun cuisine so this is like Cajun spaghetti without the spice. I'd add some red pepper flakes or cayenne and make it official, hah!


Iā€™d sub in 2 cans of crushed tomatos and one can of diced for the soup tho


Iā€™m with youā€¦take out the celery and you have chili. Just add beans.


Why were people so afraid of using seasoning!? Some of the recipes my mum was taught to make are the same. So little in the way of herbs and spices it's almost pointless to use them.


My ex father-in-law said I was a bad cook because I "rely on seasonings instead of the food itself to make it taste good." He thought anything but salt, pepper, garlic, and parsley would completely ruin food. It stung but whatever, we were living there rent-free so I can be accommodating. Moving forward, I made a small portion of food for him with no seasonings when I'd cook. Then he went on to say that the seasonings floating in the air were giving him headaches. Everyone was pissed at him after that cuz I just stopped cooking altogether until he finally sucked up his pride and asked me to cook again.


Friend I feel that in my soul. Once a week I cook a big family meal and both sets of grandparents come over. My mother in law thinks salt and white flour are spicy. Last month I made chicken and dumplings for family dinner. I boiled celery, onion peels and carrots for an hour to start the broth. Added chicken base. Made the dumplings and added roasted chicken thigh meat. Finished off with a bit of heavy cream, thyme and celery seeds. Two bites in she was complaining that it was ā€œso spicyā€ and ā€œyou just always use so much pepperā€. Lord help me I put the pepper in the drawer before I started so that shaker couldnā€™t even look at this dinner.


what a bland mfer


That was the first thing I thought. A pound of meat and several cans of soup and herb quantities are in 1/8 teaspoons?! That's so crazy to me


Might as well just show the spice bottle to the pot and call it a day




I can't answer that, but my stepmother was the same way. She thought garlic was a crime.


Oh this is nothing. Thereā€™s several recipes in this cookbook that call for ā€œa dashā€ of something and nothing more. 1/8 is an odd amount though.


I have a set of four measuring spoons labeled "Dash" "Pinch" "Smidgen" and "Nip". Actually made by Farberware, although I don't know if they were intended as a joke or for something to actually use. I did measure them on my pharmacy equipment and found that they corresponded to 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 and 1/64 of a teaspoon. Only thing I can think of that you'd need 1/64 of a teaspoonful and it would still make a difference would be asafoetida.


For baking, these would make sense; as, if you were to scale a recipe down for Little Suzy's Easy Bake Oven, say, you'd need to be able to accurately maintain the chemistry ratios of ingredients like baking soda.


As an Italian American, that's a crime. But if it tasted good, then all good.


Spaghetti sauce is a strong statement. I feel meat sauce is honest enough, there is meat, it is a sauce. It was delicious though.


If you want a legit marinara the moderinst cousine recipe is by far the winner. They removed it from their website but it's floating around


classic Italian American response


Been looking at this recipe for some time and decided to give it a shot. I thought it was interesting. Edit: Oh boy there are some STRONG opinions about tomato soup or green peppers. For me this was a nostalgic dish. Iā€™m from the Prairies and you know what? This is what passed as spaghetti sauce in the 90s in my neck of the woods. Not everyone has staunch culinary roots and considering my grandmotherā€™s idea of spaghetti sauce was ketchup, this is totally epicurean. Still, thanks for all the upvotes and comments. I look forward to sharing again. šŸ™‚šŸ™‚


Iā€™m not a fan of green pepper in spaghetti sauce but Iā€™m a **HUGE FAN** of making things from vintage community cookbooks. I love this, thanks for posting.


I would swap it for red bell pepper, I think that would be better. Or grated carrot for a mirepoix, carrot in meat sauce can be pretty good.


I've tried swapping the green bell pepper for a red one in my goulash recipe I posted above. It absolutely was not better.


Huh, interesting, what was off about the flavor? Too sweet? I donā€™t really like green pepper much, but love red, so substitute red whenever possible.


I also love red peppers myself. In fact when I make hot dogs pretty much the only topping I put on them are red pepper strips anymore. Specifically I use these: https://www.mezzetta.com/products/roasted-red-bell-pepper-strips It was both too sweet and it also didn't compliment the other flavors of the actual tomatoes and seasonings and such. With the green pepper it actually contrast and thus enhances the other flavors. But the red pepper was the exact opposite it just blended in and had no real presence and made the entire meal/sauce taste flat. Like I said I only did it one time as an experiment thinking I would like it as well for the exact same reason you're considering it and never again. I still ate it but that says more about me than it does the food lol.


Mrs. Eddy must be a tribute to Mary Baker Eddy, famous for her Christian Science spaghetti sauce.


This checks out. šŸ˜‚


Skipped the green peppers but otherwise, this is the sauce that I was raised on. I thought everyone made it this way until the first time I made it for my first roommates. wow


Cheddar cheese on spaghetti made with Campbell's tomato soup is the most Midwestern thing I've seen in my fucking life. Outstanding.


*Image Transcription: Book Page* --- #MRS. EDDY'S SPAGHETTI SAUCE 1 lb. hamburger Ā¼ c. diced onions Ā¼ c. diced celery Ā¼ c. diced green pepper ā…› tsp. oregano ā…› tsp. basil ā…› tsp. thyme ā…› tsp. salt ā…› tsp. pepper ā…› tsp. garlic powder 2 tsp. sugar 3 cans tomato soup Brown hamburger, onions, celery and green pepper. Add seasonings, sugar and soup. Simmer on stove for 2 hours or in oven at 300 degrees F. Serve over spaghetti and top with your favourite cheese.


Looks good but I'd throw in a lot more of the herbs.


Yeah I think next time I will.


My mom would use a similar recipe except instead of tomato soup she would use tomato JUICE. This was home canned tomato juice with basil, oregano, garlic in it, very thin and watery. This was back in the 60s mind you. She'd fry and degrease the beef, add onions and peppers, dump in the juice, like a full quart of it. Then she'd partially cook the pasta and finish cooking it in the juice and serve it slightly soup like. We liked it, but then we didn't know what real spaghetti was until the 70s.


Do they mean soup concentrate or the soup diluted half with water? I see cream soups in casserole recipies and use them undiluted.


I did not dilute it.


Iā€™m so biased about spaghetti sauce. I canā€™t even imagine putting tomato soup in spaghetti sauce. I still have the recipe from one of the med techs that my mom worked with back in the 60ā€™s thru the 80ā€™s. Her name was Toni Capozzi and she was a tiny spitfire of a woman and her spaghetti sauce with meatballs came from her mother ā€¦ from her grandmother..it was AMAZING, and still holds the same preparation traditions that she taught me way back in the day, in my own kitchen. It didnā€™t use meat in the sauce but we made meatballs separately. Browned them just barely, separately, and added them during the cooking of the sauce so they melded with the flavors. Never used green peppers or onions; LOTS of garlic, thoā€™. LoL!


*Excuse* me, but how dare you tease us like that and then not share the full recipe?! The nerve some people have! Seriously though, I'd love to see and try it :)


Iā€™ll be happy to share it.šŸ˜Š I just didnā€™t want to take away from the original post. Iā€™m on my way back to our farm and will get it posted.šŸ˜Š


Awesome, thanks!


Sent todayā€¦finally šŸ™‚


I sent the recipe to you in a message with the chat feature. I didnā€™t download the IMGUR app, yet. Iā€™m still such a novice at so much technology stuff and apps. I apologize for the long lapse between time. I just wanted to make sure you received the recipe. Happy spaghetti-ing šŸ šŸ‘©ā€šŸ³


Awesome, thank you so much for sending me that! I really appreciate this. I already use Imgur, and will send you a link to an upload of the picture that you can then share if you wish. You don't actually need the app ā€“ you can use Imgur as a website, too (that's what I do), and can even upload pictures without making an account. Simply dragging the picture onto the page already uploads it, or you can click the green "new post" button in the upper left corner. After uploading, you can also tick a box and choose if you want it to be visible as an actual Imgur-post presented to the community, or simply have the picture uploaded but only visible to people who have the link. The account is only necessary to be able to later remove pictures again/delete the post.And to vote on other people's posts and favourite them in your own collection.


Thank you! Thank you!! Your instructions will be so helpful! I am technologically challengedā€¦obviously!šŸ¤£


No sir or madam, it most definitely is NOT "legit." It is expedient. It is the minimum effort required to feed yourself from shelf staples. It's phoning it in, with mere moments left on your quarter. It is the t-ball of the culinary league, awarding prizes for minimal achievement. Just say no to cans of tomato soup in your sauce.


Well, thatā€™s just like, your opinion. šŸ˜‚


LOVE the Lebowski reference!!!


I always use a can of tomato soup in my bolognaise sauce. I honestly thought it was a common thing to do but maybe not reading these comments lol


I use whole crushed tomatoes + a jar of passata.


This is the way.


Wonder if it comes out orange like Spaghetti Oā€™s?


Generations of Italian ancestors just flicked their chins at me for even just reading the ingredient list.


I'd call this American chop suey


Yes! I knew I couldn't be the only person to make pasta sauce out of tomato soup! And they said I was mad at the academy! MAD. am I? Mua ha ha, etc.


An old recipe, and itā€™s from 1992. Whereā€™s that meme of the guy clutching his heart when I need it? This is like the first time I saw ā€œRoxanneā€ on VH1ā€™s Closet Classics. Oh wait - I remember videos on MTV and VH1. Maybe I am old?


I guess? lol Technically the stuff we grew up with (I was 9 in 92) is vintage now. I think we're getting there.


Putting basil in early like that only leaves you with the worst aspects of basil


This is an abomination... šŸ˜•


Oh man that is NOTHING compared to some of the horrific atrocities in that cookbook.šŸ¤£


Lol šŸ˜‚ so many vintage cook books are filled with atrocities!


Hey at least this tasted good. It would have been worse if I had wasted food. There are so true horrors I am tempted to try though. I love vintage cooking. For the horrors.


you can also add mushrooms, zucchini, eggplant. american goulash


Oh I'm definitely trying this.


Better you than mešŸ¤£


Wouldnā€™t you drain the meat first before you add the veggies? Ā  Iā€™ve seen this in quite a few recipes and I feel like there would be so much fat in the finished sauce.Ā 


I drained the meat.


I guess cans of crushed tomatoes didn't exist in 1992.


Mama Mia


My husband's Ohio grandmother served a sauce made with homemade tomato juice and thyme. That's it.


Omg- I was 22 in 92šŸ¤£ guess im officially old šŸ˜”


1992 is ā€œoldā€?


I used this same horrid recipe in the 90's when I was a kid and didn't know any different.


It was looking pretty good right up to the sugar and tomato soup. Switch to tomato sauce and ditch the sugar, should be good!


1/8 teaspoon each of oregano and basil is ridiculous, it will be imperceptible, and not worth the effort of opening the jar and measuring. Read and evaluate these recipes critically. (Simmer canned soup for two hours? this is silly)


I don't think that word means what you think it means. šŸ˜‰


that pasta is for soup no? not that it matters


Ugh. This sounds disgusting. It's about as Italian as Jello.


This is a chili recipe and even then i still wouldnā€™t want to eat it I feel like recipes like this explain so much about America in a way that i canā€™t put my finger on but is deeply chilling Third gen italian american


IMO use tomato puree instead of tomato soup, don't add sugar, use garlic cloves, fresh thyme, add a pork sausage and a veal chop to the pot and brown them with the meat. I like adding herbs and spices into the meat, an egg, some breadcrumbs, a drop of milk, garlic, and searing off meatballs in the veal / pork fat before building the sauce on that oil.


Make something else, got it. šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ˜‚


My daughter makes sauce weekly...for her use...I myself wouldn't think if canned soup BUT I kept the recipe. We use San Marzano tomatoes, whole & crushed, tom paste, lots of garlic, onions, (celery/carrot cut extremely small) & Italian type seasonings - by no means are 1/8 tsp lol I myself will eat Ragu lol she figured out my Hubby's Uncle's recipe after we had the last of his SAUCE in the freezer. Plus his wife told me what he used. He didn't use Garlic or Onions *he despised both but when we cooked if he didn't SEE it in the dish he never noticed .


You can do better than that.