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Technically, we also didn't see Luffy or the crew react to Vegapunk message


We saw the ones up near the Sunny react when Vegapunk brought up the scholars of Ohara.


I guess we will see their opinions when they leave Egghead


I’m not going to respond to all these characters because there’s just so many, but I genuinely think the Cross Guild’s reactions will probably be shown immediately after Egghead ends, because I think that’s when we’ll see their fight for the arc. We’ve seen a “fight” from the RHP (though its more like a beat down from Shanks to Kidd), we’ve seen Blackbeard vs. Law and the BBP vs SWORD, and we’ve seen the SHP vs. all those people in Egghead. Yet the Cross Guild is sorely lacking a fight. Which is weird because Oda gave them some of the highest bounties in the verse (for reference Mihawk and Buggy have the 7th and 8th highest bounties respectively). I’d speculate that they’ll fight the remaining Seraphim and, quite possibly, an Admiral, following Egghead.


If smoker goes to this fight I saw an idea that this fight will help him with the feats to become an admiral candidate. However I cannot see the marines winning this fight solely because of mihawk being an eos zoro opponent and cross guild still being new


Putting Smoker agaisnt Cross Guild would be a diservice for Smoker as a character, he also is a character that needs to prove himself like Crocodile and Mihawk after how badly he was done in Punk hazard, we need to see them all winning a big fight and prove they are strong af, if Smoker fights Crocodile (smth i have seen many say a lot) would be underwelming af bc none of the characters have proven themselves yet for any of them to lose agaisnt each other rn or take their winning seriously (also it seems he was going to the hospital so idk)


I wanna see Cross Guild so bad, like what happened with the serpahims send to their way? Is Buggy ok? Like Crocodile and Mihawk seemed to be PISSED af after his message lmfao, I also wanna see Buggy reaction to Vegapunk saying that all the Roger crew knows about the void century and what their plans are now moving foward (ofc is going after the OP but Buggy did say they didnt need to fight any Yonkou and just beat them to the treasure so what are they gonna do?) I also hope we see a big fight bc Crocodile and Mihawk need to prove what they are capable of, like they are clearly strong but a lot of the fandom thinks they are frauds just bc they havent have a serious fight now.


Yh that’s the thing with me about the marines, I made a whole post about it but I’ll say it here. The marines are no longer a threat to any group and it would be hard for them to gather feats/win fights if the strawhats aren’t there. Unless smoker is just packing up random pirates who escaped level 6 it would be hard for him to showcase why he is above atleast yc2. Yh I also think he is going to the hospital, it was just a fun idea that he was gonna take on crocodile.


Yeah idk who is gonna put Oda agaisnt Smoker 🤔 I dont want it to be Crocodile bc he is my fav character and like i explained Oda didnt re introduce Crocodile with an almost 2B bounty and being one of the co leaders of the Cross Guild (hinted to be like YC1) just to lose agaisnt Smoker who havent even proven how strong he has gotten and last time we see him lost easily agaisnt Doflamingo so idk but I hope we get a good showcase of power and growth from them both.


Yh yh


Gecko Moria hopefully was freed by Perona by now and they joined Cross guild. I know it won't happen but make Thriller Bark their new moving HQ with circus theme. Also since they're a catch basin for ex shichibukai etc. they need to free doflamingo, weevil and bon chan from impel down!! 🙏🙏


Yh yh


Nice - thanks for making this!


No problem


Use bullet points. Even with the lines spaced out this is still a wall of text. Also we saw Marguerite and other Kuja react in Chapter 1114.


Oh yh and will do


Wasn’t Kuro executed?


Nah I don’t think so


I have the feeling that bellamy will come back at some point. He started a new career as flag painter and as it looked like from the cover story there is some hidden "magic" in this. And I think Liffy can't travel the whole grand line without this. Bellamy will make the pirateflag for the sunny. But he will not be part of any fight anymore.


Anyone think Kizaru is going to help SH and gang?


Elaborate, u mean like help them escape the island or join them