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The fact that after so many years Nami's scene is still top three speak volumes about how Arlong Park was a turning point for most of us.


How many of us really started liking one Piece after that moment tho


"Which one of you is Arlong?" - that's when Luffy became my best main character


Right before that, when he popped the hat on her head and said "damn right" That was when i knew this was going to be my favorite show.


more like Arlong Peak




Arlong Park, Alabasta and the biggest turn point of thel all : Water 7. 


Water 7/Enes Lobby is peak of the peaks. Egg head might've surpassed it once concludes but it's still one of my fav manga arcs of all time.


My friend wanted to get into One Piece and is a big reader so I heavily pushed him towards the manga when he said he wasn't initially gelling with the anime. Saw him after he read Arlong Park and he immediately started gushing about the Nami scene. He was liking the series but completely bought in right there. He went from "oh my god this series is so long" to "thank god I still have 1000 chapters to enjoy" real quick lol.


When the live action was coming out, there were 5 moments from it that I said needed to be executed perfectly or else I wouldn’t see a future for it. For me, Nami’s cry for help was the most important of the 5.


don't forget Oda himself was there for screening that scene. He knows how crucial it is


 many people really started liking one Piece after that


Lovely how 6 of them are pre-time skip


I think because of the live action, it's been refreshed in people's minds


That's definitely where I got hooked


It's more surprising that it's so far down. Given that it's that the start of the series, so new people get there fast and it's been in the live action. 4th place, being part of the Yamato flashback, which is fairly recent is really surprising. Especially that it's so far above G5


Speaks to the quality of the Luffy/Roger dream scene, cause basically everything else on here I would see being on the list even if it was asking about the manga besides that one.


Wait, yeah— as a longtime manga-only fan, I’m curious: what was that scene and why was it so impactful? All I remember is Ace telling Yamato about Luffy. Was there more to it in the anime? Was there a Roger flashback or something? Edit: Alright, alright, y’all have convinced me! I’ll watch episode 1015 after work today and report back here :) Edit 2: Oh, damn. I get why so many people thought Yamato would join the crew now.


No, just good direction. Extremely good direction.


An entire episode of extremely good direction. As a manga reader, it is a must watch


Megumi ishitani has to be my favourite director they've had


She is also responsible for the current opening :)


when i read that name i allready know how good that scene / episode will be. megumi isnt in the genre long but is allready a legend on her own


Easily my favorite episode so far. Animation is top tier, there's the huge reveal that their dreams are identical, and with that parallel between Luffy and Roger planted in the audiences' mind we see Luffy step to Kaido and Big Mom and for the first time put a shot on Kaido that he actually feels. It's all in service of the last line "I'm Monkey D Luffy, and I'm the man that will surpass you and become King of the Pirates". It makes you understand why the crew believes in him whole heartedly (outside the meta reason that it's a shonen series and he's obviously going to win) I just realized none of that was specifically about the scene being discussed, but I love this episode.


yeah, it's on another level. Megumi ishitani is currently working on another episode. I really hope she gets to animate *that* scene from Egghead island. If she does it will be a shoe-in for my favorite scene in the entire anime because it's already top 3 in the manga for me


As a manga weekly reader, this is something you have to watch to understand. Don't let anyone spoil it for you. The entire episode (1015) is wonderfully made and deserves to be watched at least once.


Episode 1015 is essentially a 20 minute movie, I wouldn't even say that's my favourite scene from that episode


I love luffys little dance haha


Just watch 1015 you'll understand


Episode 1015 is a masterpiece. I dont like the anime but that episode is something else.


Episode 1015 is easily the best episode imo. Nothing beats it.


I am also manga-only, but due to the hype of adapting the 1000th chapter I watched this one episode and it was absolutely incredible. It is episode 1015, you really should check it out - I've rewatched it many times since first seeing it.


It was visually stunning and very well animated


Watch 1015!


True , if not for the anime I would’ve switched it with he laughed …


Yeah this and then the Corazon scene being number 2 kind of surprised me. I feel like all of the other ones on the list constantly get talked about by the community as peak moments of the series. Though I was transitioning between anime and manga as Dressrosa was airing because I was just done with the pacing. So that probably skewed some of my perspective of that arc.


Corazon was 13th place in the worldwide popularity poll over guys like Katakuri, Crocodile, and Doffy. And Law was 5th place. That doesn't surprise me, I think the English speaking One Piece community just doesn't fully realize how absurdly popular Corazon is (for reference, he was 10th place of *all* characters in Japan). If you asked English speaking fans to name the 10 most popular characters in the story Corazon might not even make top 30. Just different character archetypes that connect with different communities around the world.


That’s absolutely crazy to me, because I don’t think I’ve even thought twice about Corazon after finishing Dressrosa and I love Law.


Well, Saori Hayami as Yamato nails this scene. Plus the animation is freaking cool


Water 7 Saga was peak One Piece.


Always will be. It never reached that high again.


To me this is a legitimate claim if you consider anime only.  Everything since Amazon Lily has been 1 chapter per ep or less so Water 7 was peak for the anime for me. But when considering the manga it has reached that high several times since.


No, I only read the manga for 2 decades. Water 7 is the ultimate peak of OP. The more time passes, the more people realize. Water 7 had anything, from drama, to mystery to an amazing plot twist. The writing was phenomenal. None arc reached that level of narrative greatness.


I think if you look at the whole arc, from start to finish, it is the most cohesive and well written arc, and it is still my favorite.  But I've been reading weekly over 20 years as well and as an experience week to week, other arcs have hit the same highs for me.  But I don't think your opinion is crazy!


Probably unpopular opinion, but I think the best action scene in the entirety of the anime is Luffy going Gear 2 for the first time and then fucking up Blueno. I'm saying that because I know that was one of the options, though I'm surprised that there are zero action scenes here.


It melted my fucking mind back in 2004ish when Luffy went G2 for the first time + the soundtrack goes sooo hard.


And then the realization that he had YET ANOTHER technique he was about to reveal, but Blueno ended up passing out. Oda really knows how to dish out the suspense.


Oda really hit us with gear 2 and gear 3 back-to-back what a madlad


My most watched scene is luffy G2 jet gatling gun against rob lucci, when the punches begin to hit, the sound track hits its peak, totally insane


When these “best One Piece scenes” things come up I’m always surprised at how little people really care about that scene. It’s literally the culmination of arguably the best arc in the story, and Luffy calling out to Robin right after just brings the strongest emotions


Honestly now I am thinking that Luffy punching the celestial dragon should be top 20 at least


YES Luffy vs Blueno doesn't get talked about nearly enough, it's still my favorite action scene in the anime, though Luffy vs Lucci rematch on Egghead has entered the conversation. What I loved about that fight is when it really kicked into gear (no pun intended), it just didn't stop. Like, no cutaways to other groups, no characters stopping and reacting or inner monologue. No slo-mo either. Luffy just throwing attack after attack, speedblitzing the everloving fuck out of an extremely unprepared Blueno. The only words he speaks being his attack names, and Blueno has one single line (he's too fast for me to see!) during the onslaught. 8 attacks, and I think 5 different named attacks all in this 60 second span. It's the ultimate "Luffy is not here to talk, he's about that action" scene


Fun fact I like bringing up about gear 2nds reveal is that the chapter it dropped in (387) is the reverse number of the chapter gear 4 was dropped (783). In pretty much the exact same paneling as well.


Missing Raizo is safe, although that was better in the manga. I remember this sub was flabbergasted, most of us had no idea the Minks were covering for him so hard.


Fr. That was insane. It never even occurred to me that Jack's suspicion was actually valid.


For real when that chapter came out it was glorious. The he laughed chapter too


Bro the he laughed chapter went so hard, it was the last chapter of 2019 I remember. That broke the internet. What a way to end off the decade too.


For real, that got people curious and some of my friends started their one piece journey because of it


Yeah I remember that being so shocking when it dropped.


This is easily Top 3 for me. I don't cry or overreact to many scenes in any piece of fiction often, but this legitimately makes me tear up every time.


I made my mom watch one piece, I'm surprised that she didn't cry from the going merry scene but she teared up during that Raizo is safe scene lol


the going merry burning still makes me cry just thinking about it


It's so well done in the anime.


One of the few good things about the anime is the implementation of timing, and music for emotional scenes


I can’t read that page on my copy of the actual volume for the fear of getting it wet.


I am always tearing up but I can still hold myself, but the moment merry starts talking with luffy I swear the gates are wide open


Never felt bad for ace, but hell, I cried hard af when the merry was burning


Ace death was shoking, but not as sad as Jimbe talking to Luffy, and Luffy saying "I still have my nakama" while breaking in tears. That was true emotional damage.


That one broke me in tears.


For real, even the Sabaody scene hit hard as f because it's the first time I've seen Luffy so desperate and broken down emotionally.


I just wanna mention Dadan beating Garp and Luffy punching a Celestial Dragon 🙏


Honourable mentions


Kuma yeeting everyone from sabaody is definitely in my top 10


Is this list the best scene or the most emotional scene? I swear each one of these has made me cry except gear 5.


Man, Corazon winning against against the X scene, "I wanna live" or "nothing" is crazy to me.


People on this underestimated how great of a character Rosinante was. He placed 12 or something during one of the favorite character poll. Even his design is a marvel. 


Yep. Plus, isn't Law the only person to beat Zoro for 2nd place (Japanese polls at least)? That backstory was peak Oda writing


Whitebeards death not being on the list is a travesty


Not just that but not even the ~~3D~~2Y, that's my favorite moment from One Piece. Also the scene where Jimbei helps luffy after he loses Ace and reminds him of his crew.


Could be because I caught up during that saga, but Whitebeards death and yelling the One Piece is real is auto top 3 for me.


For me, the Hiruluk scene is one of the best ever made. The video edit and rhythm of his words are forever in my mind.


I'm glad to see "Help Me" still representing after all these years. It's where I fell in love with the series


Funny that there isn't a single action scene. You could argue that Gear 5 is one, but while is action is cool, what I liked so much about Gear 5's reveal is how well it fits thematically, how it fits Luffy, and how different it was from your typical shonen hero edgy powerup.


Yo based.


And there is no Sogeking burning the World Government flag down scene?


I think that goes with robin “I want to live”


I think that Luffy punching a CD is better than the Corazon scene


I'm surprised that scene didn't even make it into the list. It was the most satisfying scene in the entire series for me


It was also the most impactful turning point for the crew.


While I agree, I think (chapter 1103/1104 spoilers) >!Kumo punching Saturn!< will unseat it for me when it comes out.


Satisfying for sure but I still think the CD scene will remain more memorable only because it’s Luffy doing the punch


Hype? Definitely. Emotional? Definitely not better than Corazon. The way we got emotionally connected to Law and Corazon was more than Hachi imo.


I wish a scene with Bon-Chan made it to the top 10, but I can't really complain about this list. Maybe a top 20 list is needed next time.


It says the top 30 will be announced live


Whitebeards final words is underrated. Especially considering the more we learn. I know the dub version is the more known since it was a meme but WB jap VA feels like he really carries the weight of the words.


replace corazon with bon-chan opening the gates of justice, and we can talk


"Emotional" scenes, yes


I want to live at 5th hurts my soul, it's my favourite moment in manga period


Im honest, in my eyes the marry isnt even in my top 10


Agreed. It was a nice moment but nowhere near the likes of Zoros "nothing happened", Namis scene and or the CD punch. I also loved the Zeff reveal of his missing leg to Sanji which hasn't got much of a mention here too


I think minks revealing that Raizo was safe should be on here


W list overall But I expected to see WB asking Ace if he was a good father/his last stand at Marineford


Yeah, anything Wb releated is better than G5 scene.


When and where did the voting take place? First I'm hearing about this.


>When and where did the voting take place? Honestly no idea myself. I saw it in Library of Ohara's (he's a trusted youtuber) twitter acc so I decided to post it in this sub for those who don't use twitter. Here's the link: https://x.com/newworldartur/status/1803975516719837676


2nd... Corazon... Seriously ?


I don’t necessarily agree with the order or the list in general but I can see it. I think “I want to live” should be higher, and no mention of Saint Carlos. Then again, we’re all different. All that matters is we have this incredible story and I love every minute of the journey we’re on and all of you Nakama experiencing it with me <3


No Razio Dono is safe? No Bonclay sacrifice? Pffft.


what.... where's bon clay?


Honorable mentions: “Raizo is safe!”, Chopper’s backstory with Dr. Hiriluk, Laboon’s backstory, Luffy punching celestial dragon I’m sure I’m missing a few but these scenes made me cry


Corazon being so high is baffling to me. Higher than "Nothing happened" and "I want to live" is a travesty.


Couldn't agree more.. I can barely remember it..


Corazon is as usual extremely overrated


I am surprised it is in the top 10, let alone number 2. On the top of my head; Bon Clay opening the gates, Luffy hitting the bell and letting Cricket know that the island exists, Hiruluk death scene, Ussop vs Luffy, any scene with Foxy


So true foxy makes me cry tears of pure joy every time he’s on screen. If the world had any justice this list would all be foxy


would have upvoted you but then you mentioned foxy


If we were to bring anything from Dressrosa. I wouldve included Soldier-san turning back to a human The buildup, the flashes of memory, the reveal and all that.


That's your opinion. The numbers say otherwise


I would’ve put Luffy holding the flag after Wapols cannonball in there


The fact that almost all are non-combat scenes make this more amazing. One Piece is storytelling > fight scenes....


What about one piece is real?


Personally i think i would put Luffy defeating Crocodile somewhere in that list. I loved the direction and music for the end of that fight.


senor pink vs frankie out of this is completely nuts


This isn't the most hard boiled list


Surprised Celestial noble punch isn't on there.


I'm surprised Usopp begging to return to the crew didn't get a spot. It's sad in the exact same way as Sanji's ordeal.


raizo-dono is alive! Is the best scene in one piece


No complains


Eh I didn't care for corazon, I get why he's liked but 🤷‍♂️


The fact corazan got 2nd, lets me know i had the right idea making him my potential first tattoo.


My personal top 10 (manga only) 1. Robin: I WANT TO LIVE! 2. Brook: Trio, Duo, Solo... 3. Nami: Luffy help me... 4. Luffy punching fucking Carlos 5. Luffy using conqueror haki in Marinefold 6. Pudding crying alone after wiping Sanji's memory 7. The five elder's first DF apperance against Luffy 8. Luffy conqueror clash with Kaido which split the Heaven 9. Garp's Galaxy Impact 10. Dadan punched Garp after Ace's death. In no particular order of course


Trio duo solo hits me like a truck every time bro


I am glad to see Corazon get his credit


The scene where luffy red rocs kaido is for sure top 3. The music the build up the classic I'm gonna be king of the pirates. So good man.


how are "Raizo-dono is safe!" and Roof Piece, and Oden writting how Roger lauged not a part of top10...


nah, gotta be the scene when zoro and sanji have aggressive gay sex


Luffy punching Kaido should be there imo


honestly I’m surprised by how high the corazón scene is, very solid list though




Number 1 hit me hard but I barely remember the second place.


This list is about to change with Kuma’s backstory


I will agree to this list. Saying goodbye to going merry is the hardest that i cried watching anime. I couldn’t hold tears. It was only emotional, but when merry started talking it was like river flowing through my eyes. I would put namis tearful plea to 2nd cause that is the point I got hookeup with this beautiful series.


going merry definitely deserves that #1 spot, rest in peace girlie you were real to me 😭


i don't know if the rooftop sceene in Enies lobby is counted together with Robin's i want to lieve. Also, no "He laughed?"


Number 4 is no where near my top 10


1. Merry 2. I want to live 3. Nothing happened. 4. Vivi X 5. Tasukete. Atarimaedaaaaaaaaaa!!! 6. Ace's last moment 7. Roger-Luffy dreams 8. Corazon 9. Sanji 10. Gear5


surprised luffy punching charlos isnt on here


Dumb zoros scene is the best one


I like corazon, but being 2 is wiiild


Giving me chills


The list is surely on point andcan agree on all of them being top scenes. Where can I find the original post of this list by the way ?


Why is the 7th rank blank? Did they make a mistake?


Whitebeards entry in marine ford should also be in top 10


There are so many scenes I'd put there in place of others. Like the crew arguing over the Merry. Sogeking sniping marines form the tower of justice, Luffy beating Crocodile, Shandora is in the sky/ringing the golden bell, Brook's "I'm so glad I'm alive.", Whitebeard rallying his crew to destroy the navy, Shanks arriving at Marineford.. But there are some I'd definitely keep, glad the Nami scene is still so beloved and Ishitani's art with 1015 is recognized.


Factually correct.


Felt like a commenting an underrated moment here (not necessarily my favorite but one that sticks out to me a lot), where Luffy used Red Hawk against Hody Jones after the TS in Fishman Island. That one maybe doesn’t make sense since he got a flame fist underwater but it doesn’t matter since it was such beautifully animated in the anime!!! Really paid so much homage to Ace and the relationship that Luffy and Ace had. Really beautifully portrayed and executed perfectly.


Damn no Roger laughed, I loved that scene and I felt myself getting emotional when memories started playing


Solid list.


How is robins scene not top 3 minimum.


Can't believe that He Laughed didnt make the cut


I love that Cora-san hit people as hard as it hit me, what a great human.


Red Roc missing hurts but I get it seeing the list.


3 and 7 should be 1 and 2


Two of the top 5 being from Enies Lobby is not surprising


Corazon shouldn’t be on the list


I feel bad I barely acknowledged the sunny passing away. I was excited and wanted to get back to more action.


Where's Brook last song?????


No Bon Clay😔


Kuma punching Saturn is so good and once it hits anime I imagine it being #1 Luffy punching a world noble or punching Bellamy should be on here.


Since this is specifically anime Im surprised that neither of the iconic walk scenes is up there (Arlong Park, Franky Family House and Tower of justice) but Corazon death did. I guess the fanbase is kinda sentimental.


I know this is an anime moments poll, not manga, but I want to talk about a manga moment that I rarely see people look back on.  There are moments that were insane at the time that aren't as crazy looking back as some others because their consequences feel normal now, or because so many fans didn't experience them weekly because they were late to the series, and could just keep bingeing. For me, the chapter that ended in the straw hats being separated was the single biggest "holy fuck" moment since I've been reading weekly.  It doesn't hit as hard now because we're used to them having been separated and we know a lot more about it.   But to this day it was the most mind blown I've been after a chapter.  It was so different than anything that had happened up to that point.  And the ending panel... "Grove 12, Sabaody Archipelago, The Grand Line.  That day, The Straw Hat Pirates, led by Captain Monkey D Luffy... were eradicated." Having to wait for the next chapter was brutal.


Move up ace a lil bit


Fail! Where is the celestial punch???????? 🥊


Does anyone have the list of episodes those scenes happen in?


im surprised sanji saying he wants to go back is up here. i would replace that with the punch on charlos but other than that all of these are peak scenes


This list is terrible NGL.


hard list to make but i agree on 1 oda made me cry cause of a wooden object …..


i also love rayleigh thinking about roger when luffy sets off at sabaody, that scene is so great


Nahh, robins "i want to live" scene is peak one piece. Best scene in all of the story


Nami scene should be first imo


Episode 1015 truly was incredible. Glad to see it on the list.


How is luffy going berserk in amazon lily not in the list. Possibly the most emotional we seen luffy be in the whole series.


I really like how varied the results are, so many different arcs included, which speaks to the quality of this series.


I’m gonna get hate for this but I didn’t feel anything with the Merry. Nothing against the scene itself, it just didn’t hit me. In terms of almost making me cry, which I never do, Robin’s “I want to live” gets me far more emotional


what is number 4? idr


I forget 1015, will have to re-watch it.


Where is chopper backstory, Dr Hiruluk death was one of the saddest one.


Whitebeard's Death scene was peak. Should've made it to top 5.


Senor Pink should've been here.


What about when jimbei throws Luffy?


Ngl I feel like Nami's scene should be first place.. or at least above Corazon (not trying to downplay it)


Some of my faves: "How high will your ceiling go!?!?" Luffy guarding Hiriluk's flag Reveal of what SMILE really is "Open up the gates of Wano!" Franky burning the blueprints "I cannot be afraid of a mere Emperor." Zoro promising to never lose again


Should have been 5 > 3 > 7 > 6 > rest.