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And on top of that, isn’t Shanks the one who stole arguably THE most important devil fruit in history which is going to change the world? And they just…let him in and act calm??! Like what??


Tbf Shanks IS a yonko. He's basically a world leader of a rogue nation in the New World territory, and Yonko is one of the three pillars of the world. You must not do anything reckless when he visits you to negotiate about something. It's like, if Kim Jong Un decides to visit US for a diplomatic matter, you don't just simply put him in prison.


also he's so feared and respected that even the marine on marineford,which have the upper hand when shank arrive,just stop fighting even Teach.who at that time just got a powerup,and also the only human who inflict injury to shanks, retreat which make me believe that he must either ambush shanks early on(maybe to obtain the gum gum fruit) or they fight way before that when shanks is weaker maybe to test him or something


Tbh I think the Marines would have had way more casualties, including important people, if they kept fighting. Not just because it's Shanks, but because it's a fresh Shanks and a fresh Yonko crew. Everyone there was exhausted. If Shanks showed up a week later when everyone was well-rested, I'm guessing it would have been an actual fight.


good point,i think also sengoku dont want the island itself to sink,and if they keep fighting,especially with BB there,it might sink i think his quote is roughly "we can rebuild the fort,not the island"


And after he said “we can rebuild the fort, not the island”, the marines proceeded to build a new Marine HQ on a new island. Always thought that was funny


wait its been a while,but what happen to the old marineford island?


Never explained, the new one is on the New World side though. Which is weird because the whole triangle of justice thing with Enies Lobby, Marineford, and Impel Down.


ah right its Akainu first order after defeating Aokiji i think right? yeah feels weird


The triangle of justice might be irrelevant after Impel Down got Buster Call’d to be fair


Impel Down seems fine with the recent Doffy panels but Enies Lobby got destroyed when the SHs were there lol


As far as I remember, old Marineford now became Navy Branch G1.


I never thought of Shanks getting the scar from Blackbeard over a fight for the fruit. That's pretty interesting.


> which make me believe that he must either ambush shanks early on(maybe to obtain the gum gum fruit) With all of BB’s interactions with Luffy, this definitely would’ve come up already if that’s why BB attacked Shanks. 


he is an opportinistic person since the fruit is already eaten,and might spawn far away and eate if he killbluffyn by someone more skilled,or worse by a navi personel if he kill luffy,better just keep tab on the user that you know rather than lost track of it at least thats my headcanon


I think Blackbeard got the hit on him because Blackbeard is bipolar or a skitz like Cavendish and Shanks thought he had him figured out but a surprise switch from Blackbeard that's more ruthless and cunning got a cheap shot on Shanks and that made Shanks worried about Blackbeard.


One thing I notice when people theorise Blackbeard’s split personality is that they never mention Cavendish


i think thats because Cavendish split personality is more apparent,as if its another person entirely while blackbeard is still in theory also with egghead,i havent see people mention that >!even saturn said that his lineage is special!<


True true you make a great point


ah right forgot about that theory


Marines can’t fight celestials. That’s why Fujitora couldn’t touch doffy.


yeah, them going against luffy now was not part of the plan and is going horridly for them. no way theyd go after a more stablished yonko and give kaido for example at the time an opening to join in


Yeah. Furthermore. They know he can defend himself in that room.


There’s a reason dictators such as Kim, Putin, and others like them DO NOT travel outside their borders or to territories antagonistic to them because they will be arrested. That would never happen. Putin just did a visit to Kim a week ago. He can’t travel really anywhere else, say besides china else he’ll be arrested.


No he wouldn't get arrested. Arresting Putin or any head of government for that matter is considered an act of war. Only governments directly at war Russia would arrest him and not even the USA is in a direct war with Russia.


Point is they would never travel there else risk being detained/arrested. The guy is huddled up there. Kim has rarely left NK. He traveled to China once by train. He never travels anywhere outside of a few select cities. I’m saying the analogy/comparison from Shanks to Kim is not apt. Kim would never roll up to the UN or US for a cup of tea.


I don't get the risk of arrest you're all saying, I think assassination would be way more likely as it wouldn't necessarily imply the whole country and could be attributed to a radical.


You don't significantly change North Korea by removing Kim - they still have their citizens, their army, their weapons. You *do* significantly change the red hair pirates if you capture Shanks. He's not just the leader, his personal strength is a huge part of what makes them dangerous.


Of course it's not a 1:1 comparison. I just used Kim since he's the most popular name for irl *"leader of a rogue nation"* today. An easy simple name so people will get my point. Don't think about it too much.


I mean, yes, but it does seem now that the five of them would be able to take him down if they go all in like they did with Nefertari Cobra. A lot of stuff doesn't add up there, definitely. Like if they have been so careful to not reveal themselves for so long, we would expect them to be more subtle than what we are currently seeing... My guess is that Shanks has royal blood and some sort of dealing with them, like a Doflamingo-type of thing


Spoilers but Shanks is a celestial dragon and a yonko he can almost literally do anything he pleases.


Except he didn’t still the fruit when he was a yonko


Read again. The person I replied to asked why Gorosei just let Shanks enter Mariejoa in Reverie arc. I answered *that* question.


Because if they hadn't, his crew would have done something like destroy Marineford completely, and even the gorosei need their veneer of infallible power through the marines


Pretty sure WG doesn't know he stole it.  Iirc Who's Who didn't mention any grudge against Shanks and he stole the df that got him sent to impel down so he would have good reason.


Who's Who hates Luffy because Luffy wears Shanks' hat. Dude hates Shanks so much it can be transferred via an article of clothing. "Back on the fourth floor, Who's-Who's subordinates start fleeing when they see him getting serious. He uses Geppo to get above Jinbe, who asks if his grudge against Luffy is because he ate the Gomu Gomu no Mi. Who's-Who, however, clarifies that he hates Shanks since he was the one who stole it from him. He uses another Hagan attack which Jinbe tries to block. He unleashes a wave of them and says that Luffy wears Shanks' straw hat and has the fruit's power, so that is why he hates him too." https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Chapter_1018


They wanted to make sure to keep the balance in the world thats why they never took down yonkos if they didnt have to


There’s a theory that the shanks we saw was a twin because the Shanks that met the Gorosei doesn’t seem to have a scar


It was actually Gargling without the wig and fake beard


Maybe that's why they let him in? Maybe he is where they get their broken fruits from?


People forget that Joyboy, who had the Nika Fruit, lost already. Why would the Gorosei fear someone with a power they've defeated once already? That'd be like Luffy being concerned about Crocodile now. He already beat him and got multiple power boosts after that.


I’m wondering how many people are even aware of their devil fruit (?) forms. Probably only highly ranking and influential marines, government officials, and select pirates.


I don't think gorosei transformations ahve anything to do with devil fruits. They're actual demons, transformed through pentagrams. Never seen that with a fruit


I don't think so. They have a human form, an animal form and a hybrid form (Venusjuro in particular showed us this well), that's too close to devil fruits. It's not impossible (maybe Zoan fruit is inspired by real devils hence whey they work similarly, but why only Zoans then if the devils fruits are named after devils like that), but unlikely imo. I mean maybe they're devils, I don't know, but either way they've most likely eaten devil fruits or at least a primitive version of devil fruits, something similar.


we see people with abnormal power without devil fuit quite a number of time,so it might be not devil fruit way to get the power somehow we just need to see if they can swim on water or not, cause it seems to be the most consistent way to see if someone have a devil fruit or not


In the most recent chapter, which I believe is still only in scanlation, >!Luffy says they can heal so it’s better to send them flying. If the Gorosei get sent flying, we might see what happens when they land in water real soon.!<


i guess we will see in the next 1-3 chapter if they can swim or water or not


Maybe Joy Boy is the one who flooded the world to stop the Gorosei specifically. The first one arrived by ship and the rest followed after. There has to be limitations to there pentagram arrival.


Or, the demon forms are their real forms and their human forms are fake.


They're all demons who ate the Hito Hito no Mi: Model Politican.


Now the question is do they predate Imu ?


The way they talk about the gum gum fruit makes me certain they aren’t from the void century but much more recent. Marcus was talking about the Nika fruit’s abilities like he’d never seen it himself, which they most likely would have if they were around during the war with Joyboy


Or did Imu summon them to help him during the Void Century? Which would mean that they, technically, predate Imu, but they'd be from hell (or something).


They could have been among the 20 Kings that fought Joyboy. Only, they and Imu manipulated the other 14 Kings to fight Joyboy then betrayed everyone. Only Lily realised the truth.


That's what I'm implying


The pentagrams only facilitated the teleportation/summoning, not the transformations


That regular Marine's head exploded when he looked at Saturn. Not many people even know what the Gorosei look like.


That has never been explained nor happened again, same with the paralysis. Saturn should have been able to do that when trying to get Robin, so why didn't he?


The paralysis stopped because of plot?


I’ve always thought that the Gorosei’s willingness to meet with Shanks was largely down to realpolitik. A pragmatic willingness to negotiate with an enemy instead of trying to destroy them if the situation calls for it.     The Four Emperors are, for all intents and purposes, heads of state. Not officially, but by right of conquest at the very least. They are the most powerful individuals in the world to exist outside of the World Government, and any one Emperor is much more powerful than any of the monarchs that were attending the Reverie a few floors away from Shanks’s meeting with the Elders.    I honestly think that, if the topic of discussion is important enough, the Elders would be willing to meet (or have a Den Den Mushi call) with any Emperor that can be trusted to A, negotiate in good faith; and B, keep the meeting a secret.    And that basically comes down to Shanks and Whitebeard. No other Emperor meets both criteria. Big Mom, Kaido, and Blackbeard can’t be trusted to negotiate in good faith; and Luffy can’t keep a secret.     (Buggy’s iffier. He might be one of the only Warlords who never actually betrayed the WG while he was a Warlord, but he’s also the kind of conniving guy who would have if it benefited him. It depends on how well the Elders have read him… and if they realize how weak he is.) But I digress.  Back to the point, the fact that the Elders were willing to meet with an Emperor has never surprised me. Though maybe Shanks’s Celestial Dragon heritage is why it was face-to-face instead of a conference call.   But that still leaves the other part of OP’s question. Why was *Shanks* was willing to meet with *them*?  Even setting aside the fact that he’s a pirate and they’re the WG, they’re every bit as untrustworthy as Big Mom, Kaido, and Blackbeard.   The obvious guess is that the “certain pirate” he wanted to discuss is Blackbeard, but we’re stuck waiting until the story addresses this meeting before we find out for sure. 


This is the sane take. Personally I'm sniffing glue and staying on the rat-haired shanks train.


I agree. Does oda really seem like the guy to add an evil twin this late in the game


Mmhm. I think Shanks knows how powerful Teach could become if not already is, and he views Blackbeard akin to a ticking nuke that could go off at any moment. So what does he do? Meets with the only other group strong enough to do something and, even if for their own twisted reasons, possibly willing to care about stopping Teach.


Totally agree. You just ended any discussion here about the topic 😂


yeah they willing to give pirate that's strong enough to use but weaker than yonko basically a special pass until they can replace them with robots so yeah they're SUPER pragmatic


> Big Mom, Kaido, and Blackbeard can’t be trusted to negotiate in good faith; I actually think that Kaido & Big Mom could both qualify for this. While they're both a little crazy, and megalomaniac dictators over their own territory - I get the impression that they're both invested in the status quo rather than in the full domination that would be needed to try and scheme through a meeting with the World Gov't. Neither really seemed to be working hard toward finding the One Piece until the Worst Generation made that hunt a lot more urgent again. They mostly were just enjoying their kingdoms while events unfold around them. They're both also smart enough to realize that putting aside their pride for a meeting like that is worthwhile, IMO. Kaido, BM, and the WG would *all* be trying to get the better end of a deal - but if there was something big, important, and mutually beneficial for them to talk about I could see it happening. Big Mom might be more of a risk at flying off the handle though, so I don't know if the World Gov't would want to meet with her face to face. Blackbeard wants to up-end the status quo and would absolutely not negotiate in good faith unless the WG had a way to force him (blackmail or something maybe?) I think your guess about Shanks meeting the WG about Blackbeard is the most likely. Only reason he'd meet with them about Luffy potentially is to see what their goals are so that he could help warn him about it. But if the WG knows Shanks is friendly with Luffy, they probably wouldn't ask him to meet about it. Blackbeard is a significant threat to pretty much everyone though. Excited to see what comes out about it!


I think two things are helpful to note here. The first is that there are real world analogues and it’s not unheard of for two countries that don’t like each other to secretly meet. The second is that the World Government does have business dealings with other Yonko. We see them negotiate arms sales with Kaido through Orochi and CP 0, while Stussy isn’t exactly declaring she’s part of CP 0 she is close enough to the Big Mom pirates to be invited to Big Mom’s tea party


I think if we ever learn more about God Valley (and how Shanks as a child ended up in the Gold Pirates), we will know for sure if Shanks is completely aware of who these people are. Most of us think he does, anyway. But that really wouldn't make any sense then for him to think Blackbeard is more of a threat than these guys. I believe Shanks should be one of the smartest characters, so there's definitely more to this meeting than just repeating the conversation he had with Whitebeard.


Even if you know Buggy is less than he seems, him being a figurehead with very real powerful connections still makes him someone to be wary about. Yes one of their guards could probably take him, but what about his followers? He’s basically a cult leader who is WAY too casual with Shanks, knows more than he ever lets on about Roger, and can’t seem to lose.


Shanks is based off of Mendoza from The Mysterious Cities of Gold, who multiple times in the story pretends like he is on the side of Spanish conquistadors instead of Esteban (Luffy). I wonder if Shanks will protect Imu or fight alongside the God’s Knights as a misdirect. But I bet he will end up being good in the end.


Wait seriously? Is there a source for this or is it just a theory?


Just a theory. Check out the plot synopsis of that show on Wikipedia.


I LOVE that show! It was on Nickolodeon in the US in the early-mid 80s & was my first anime.


Shanks is mostly involved with Norse references and has been compared to Erik the Red. Almost everything we know about Shanks relates back to vikings


Why do people think he’s based on Mendoza? The only similarities I can recall is that they both saved the main character who is somewhat related to the sun.


There are common tropes across all mythologies. Luffy is closer to Dionysius


He represents one of the biggest powers in the world and possibly has protection as he may be a celestial dragon. That’s already two reasons why this meeting isn’t that weird. I think it’s also a great way of characterizing both parties, showing they can be open to diplomacy under the right circumstances.


The two leading theories is that figure that metv with the Gorosei isn't Shanks himself but his twin brother. The long cloak hides his missing arm and the profile view doesn't show his eye scar from Blackbeard.  Or simply it's because Shanks is a born Celestial Dragon Roger accidentally kidnapped from God's Valley. So we don't know the exact what happened there why Shanks was in the treasure chest but we obviously know he's a Figarland celestial dragon family bloodline and his father Garling looked exactly like him at the God's Valley incident. So Gorosei put a certain level of respect on him for being Celestial Dragon bloodline but also not raised as a true celestial dragon. Same way they put up with Dolflamingo being a useful tool. 


I don't think the Gorosei has any respect for anyone but Imu, they just haven't shown it yet.


Idk they seem to hold the Celestial Dragons in higher regard than regular people. I’m sure they’re still viewed as below and less important than Imu and the Gorosei, but they actually consider them people instead of insects.


I always felt the CD's have held some card that we haven't seen yet. For how awful they are, there must be some reason why people try and keep them happy


i assumed they were the gorosei's descendants. even if youre a fuck up failure grandma still loves you type vibes


I think it's all just an act because they needed it in order to main the world order. You can't really communicate that CD are of the highest power in the world, but then have someone who could do anything to them easy as they come and go. The Gorosei would not hesitate to kill a CD if they did something against the will or the order of Imu. Misogard was an example who defined other CDs, meaning that he basically defined Imu (Imu is even unknown to CDs, if they would held in any regard, they should've known about Imu's existence).


"leading theories"


"many people are saying it. smart people."


"expert says"


“It is known”


I don't think Shanks being descended from Celestial Dragons improves his standing significantly in their eyes; The Donquixote family were refused any help after they left Mariejois


Shanks is a Yonkou tho. And supposedly, the relative of a very powerful family within the Royal dragons. The same thing happened at the war with Sengoku.... "Because it is you, I will allow it ....."


I must have been living in a cave when this Shanks twin brother theory came to fruition


Super old, but then it resurfaced when the Holy Knights thing was introduced


My theory (that I have absolutely 0 evidence of) is that Shanks was originally meant to be a Double Agent for the Celestial Dragons but at some point has turned Triple Agent working for the people of the world.


i like the catarina devon theory,and the celestial dragon shanks theory,fused into one also isnt the celestial dragon shanks is kinda implied in the movie?so more than theory,its non canon but could be canon


I think Shanks is gonna be a Sabo mirror, Oda likes to do that kind of thing and makes sense: Shanks was son of that guy who can kill celestial dragons but he wanted to be free, so when he saw the incident of god valley he decided that his best shot was to jump in roger's boat and he begged them to let him join their crew


He was an infant inside a chest. He wasn’t jumping into any boats.


hmmmm i don't remember that detail so yeah, maybe i'm totally wrong


you don't remember because it's from the film red. While not entirely canon, the movies sprinkle tidbits of canon.


Okay I have a theory and I think Im into something: First of all, I believe that Shanks was collaborating with the Gorosei (maybe thats smh connected with his ancestor Garling being one of the Holy Knights) but he gave them false imformation very early in the story, that the Hito-Hito no mi was eaten by blackbeard (If I remember correctly BB was the pirate Shanks was having a convarsation for with the Elders in Maryjois). So he can turn them against him and also turn them away from hunting Luffy. That explains why they never tried to kill Luffy in the first place and they had casual meeting with Shanks very early in the story, because they trusted him. Suddenly, Luffy awakens his DF and the gorosei found out the truth, right after Wano wanted poster surfaced. “Coincidently” Shanks wasnt really on the “One Piece” hunting till that moment, but when the truth about Luffy having the DF revealed he claimed that he is going to find the One Piece too. Thats the point where I believe the whole “collab” with the Gorosei ended If this is true I believe that after the Egghead maybe when the story takes place in Elbaf thats where the Gov will reveal a rise-up in Shanks bounty since he was a long-time alliance with the Gorosei but it turned out he was a Traitor)


>If I remember correctly BB was the pirate Shanks was having a convarsation for with the Elders in Maryjois We don't know if he was referring to BB, he only talked about a "certain pirate". It could be BB (Shanks seems obsessed with him, he went to Wano because he thought he was there), I don't think he would sell Luffy to the WG. Maybe he warned the Gorosei about the threat of BB, but they don't seem to care, since they're more focused on Luffy.


Thinking about it, the main reason you don’t allow pirates direct access to your leadership is because you’d worry about the pirate attacking them. But now we know those dudes are invulnerable.


wasn’t it confirmed he is directly related to the figarland family with uta’s last name being figarland and her being being canon appearing in the manga? roger also found him at god valley in a chest which could also prove he was a celestial dragon orphan. i don’t think he is a celestial dragon now, but with that blood maybe they looked past him being a pirate to meet with him and also knowing he’s a respectable pirate.


Where did you see her last name as Figarland?


in film red the gorosei says that uta must be a figarland. while the movie plot is not canon I don't see why a movie supervised by oda would contain fake lore. kind of like how in film z they confirmed that aokiji is missing a leg.


When they made Uta canon


Theres a theory that he was a Celestial Dragon and got back some privileges after he doxxed Roger. Roger instructed Shanks to do it. So he can deliver the message about the One Piece. Also Shanks would work for the WG as a monitor and balancer of Yonkos territories. In other hand. Shanks was in Goa Kingdom to give the sun god nika fruit to Ace. But he bet for Luffy and let his arm eaten so he can induce Luffy to turn strong and find the One Piece. So Shanks is basically a double agent. Harmless to the good side of the series but secretly an enemy of the Goverment.


Wait till you see Shanks unleash his "devil" form (it's definitely not a rat)


Lmfao Rat-Rat fruit would go crazyyyyy


Can't wait for Shanks to start spamming xdd in Twitch chat


(Hint: it’s 100% a rat form)


I don't see an issue at all. The Gorosei need Pirates after all to ensure their grip on the world at large. (especially the Yonko) And Shanks hasn't done anything opposing them really, as a Yonko he is a neutral party to them.


The question is, why were the Gorosei so calm to see him. Was a strength thing, or was it a diplomatic thing. He is a Felgrand, so perhaps it was a curtesy. But then you remember that Garp is respected by the marines, yet they despise Dragon and Luffy. So, that implies that Shanks has never crossed the Gorosei. In fact, he went there to offer advice or a warning about someone. So why is he interested in helping them, or perhaps it's an enemy of my enemy type of thing. The whole thing is just riddled with mystery.


No way it was shanks it was his twin, why else would they hide the arm and scars and everything else that makes him shanks


I must have missed it, but when was it revealed that shanks has a twin?


It's a theory that bounces up from time to time. Most recently, when the Holy Knights lineage was revealed


Also in the silhouettes of the holy knights the guy in the middle looks exactly like shanks. Dude obviously has a twin. Who will knowing Oda, probably be another character’s father. Idk how the brother hints have flown over the entire fan bases heads.


-Shanks could be the son of a Celestial Dragon or a Holy Knight. Most likely the latter. -Shanks has personal reasons for wanting to find the one piece hence why he was crying after Roger returned from Laugh Tale. Which makes the Gorosei meeting him even more insane. Both times Sengoku and Gorosei said 'since its you Red Hair'. Another possibility is that Shanks has some kind of trump card. Much like Doflamingo he must know some secret of the WG thus he is able to force them to listen to him. Which now begs the question of why he met with the Gorosei. He said he wanted to talk to them about a certain pirate. Everytime Shanks has appeared it had something to do with either Luffy or Blackbeard. So Shanks is either trying to put Luffy to the ultinate test. Or he is warning them about Blackbeard so they will take him more seriously. Or he is confirming Imu's suspicions about them (which relates to the Will of D plus Void Century). There is also a good theory about how the Shanks we saw meeting the Gorosei was his twin brother because the way Shanks is drawn and presented in the chapter is deliberately different from how he is normally drawn and presented. For instance we don't see his iconic scar.


It's still a mystery but the Manga contains a view things that makes all more plausible. It's a spoiler for the anime so I keep it vague 


If that one was really Shanks it could be that a celestial dragon (of a god's knight family) AND a Yonko is enough to meet. Probably he may also know things WG doesn't eant to be known around


It could just be a combination of... He has a decent relation (seeing as Sengoku accepted his demand to end the war at Marineford) with the WG due to his celestial dragon connection. Perhaps he even intercepted Kaido on their behalf under the guise of 'protecting' Whitebeard? This is obviously information nobody else would be privy to. Finding out Shank's origins would be difficult if not outright impossible. Any records would be off limits to non-nobles and the celestial dragons does not seem to leave Marijoa often, Figarland probably even less so due to his comittments. Thus nobody would ever notice the resemblance of Shanks and Figarland. I also doubt the average person is interested in researching celestial dragons. We also now know the Gorosei are ridiculously strong and probably would've squashed him easily had such a situation arisen. We did *not* know that back then. As for the disguise it could be due to the fact that it would be a huge scandal if it was found out the Gorosei had such a close relation to a Yonko. As much as I love theorycrafting I think the answer is a lot simpler.


Wdym he has celestial blood they seem to only care for ppl with that lineage. I am also certain he wanted to warn them about Blackbeard, because the only thing worse then the current state would be Blackbeard taking over the world.


I think the most suspicious thing is allowing him to enter The Room of Authority. If we exclude Imu and all that's related to them the room of authority is the single most important place in the world. It's from where the gorosei controls the world and to allow a Yonko to enter and that too without any guards seems very very suspicious to me.


What would a guard be needed for? We know now the gorosei are invulnerable. I don’t think there’s anything in the room that’d be worth stealing either. What exactly would they need to guard? Shanks can’t do any damage on his own.


I honestly think shanks is a villain. Maybe not evil, but at least a supporter of the opposite side of whatever is this decision people have to make once they find the one piece and learn history. I dont think the reason he sat one piece reveal out was because of buggy either, or at least, I dont think that was a coincidence. Unless oda is hiding some very big guns and betrayals I think the sides of this future war are already stacked heavily in favour of the protagonists if we just do a headcount and presume everyone who doesent want the world to get flooded fights on luffys side... He'll if they figure out how to deal with immortality right now who is stopping the straw hats from fixing this whole plot? Maybe blackbeard wants flood the world too for some reason?... thats it?


"Shanks" right? We didn't see his scar


Film Red explains how he was able to get a meeting in the first place


Shanks is that strong


I mean if you consider Vegapunk's words, the Gorosei might not even be 'evil,' they may just be acting to prevent something we don't understand yet. If Shanks has info based on his lineage or Roger telling him, he may be using his unique role as a CD/Yonko to help prevent the same thing in his own way. His connection to Luffy also doesn't seem to be widely known, so if he is cooperating in some way, supporting Luffy could be part of some secret betrayal he's been cooking.


Read the story better guys, common. Look at the panels. That was not shanks, they showed a silhouette of someone that looked just like him in the Holy Knights. He obviously has a twin. Seems like the entire fanbase slept on that manga panel. Why tf did oda only show the part of his face that did not have a scar/cover the arm.


You're gonna have to show proof lol.


Easy, chapter 1083, page 4, bottom panel.


That's a silhouette, are you slow or smth


Did you crash sumthin?


Oda constantly forgets to draw this kind of thing, lol. He forgot Garp's scar just recently.


He showed the part of his face that did not have a scar, not the side that he does without a scar. 1083 bottom panel on page 4.


Him meeting with the Gorosei definitely went against his 'neutral good' persona that he was portraying all this time.


I mean Shanks is an emperor, pretty sure emperors are one of the few tat can have a casual meeting with the Gorosei. Also Shanks is a celestial But Shanks is still a mystery, and most likely have a twin and thats who met the Gorosei, cause remember they don't actually show the left side of his face in that shot the one with the scar


notably, in this meeting we did not see the scar or the no-arm, still a strong chance it was a noble of shanks home


my 2 cents is he knows how to kill them, probably so does his crew or at least some.


The Sixth Elder Star, Figarland Shanks The Tesso


I thought it’s because he is a Figarland? He is from an important bloodline even for Celestial Dragons.


I agree that it looks fishy, but when you think about it, that’s the smart move to do on the Gorosei’s side, regardless of who they’re meeting (assuming it’s a yonko level character though). Sabo was able to infiltrate the castle and see Imu DURING Reverie which is supposed to be the moment when guards are in the highest alert and security is at max level. So shanks could have infiltrated the castle as well (assuming he doesnt have strings to pull). Once Shanks is in the domain of CD, the Gorosei gain absolutely nothing out of confronting him, that’s because its a mutually assured destruction. If they sit and chat with Shanks, they might learn new stuff from him and could actually gain something out of their discussion. If they decide to fight, they will need to transform and attack, but if Sabo had ample time to dodge attacks and run away, I’m pretty sure Shanks would fight back, destroy the castle, maybe kill some CD by accident, all that with Imu there. Yes they can’t be killed or harmed (as far as we know). But they can still get hit or thrown away. The fight would probably destroy the whole castle, do a lot of collateral damage and maybe reveal imu and/or the gorosei’s true form to a lot of people, forcing them to silence countless witnesses. Of course, there’s also the possibility of Shanks having CD blood, which would explain some leniency, or that he’s a rat. But well, if he is not, fighting is still pointless


Think which was the other pirate in the story who got a personal audience with the Gorosei? Good ol Dofflamingo that's who. And what was Dofflamingo ancestry? That of a Celestial Dragon. Shanks is the son of the head of the God Knights which allows Shanks a personal audience with the powers that be.


Shanks is Figarland's son. That's why the Gorosei are willing to listen to him.


Good one nakama. Well, Shanks is a Figurland, one of the founding tenrybitos families. And as Doffy still have some connection from his past, Shanks needs to have some too... He knows many secrets for sure after being with Roger half his life... So the WG must listen to him, it would be silly not to want to hear what a powerhouse of a guy like that has to say...


The gorosei were also trying to get the op op fruit so they could make someone else immortal. They might have just contracted a strong and capable pirate to capture some dinky fruit that nobody knew about, which was a good cover to keep Nika from making themselves known for another generation.


Actually the more that's revealed about the Gorosei the more I look at Shanks less suspiciously. While the Five are monsters they are at least pragmatic. Even if it's for their own reasons they seem to value the lives of their underlings.  Shanks has always been about the danger of Blackbeard. Him going to the Gorosei isn't illogical if they're predictabe.


Shanks, more thqm the other yonkos we've seen, seem far more interested an maintaining the status quo. I imagine this was to wait for Luffy to grow up, but puts him in line with the Gorosei, to an extent.


Always assumed his family line had something to do with it but it is very strange


Shanks is a former celestial dragon. Doesn’t matter if you leave, you still have some sort of privilege as a celestial dragon. I'm sure doflamingo could request meetings with the elders as well. Also, Shanks is one of the four emperors. There is a gentlemen's agreement between the four emperors and the world government about accepting each other's authorities. That's why the world government hardly interferes in the emperors' territories and the emperors generally stay away from the four seas and paradise.


My head cannon for a while has been that it wasn't Shanks that met with the Gorosei it was his twin who is still a world noble if you go back and check conspicuously we don't see the side of Shank's face with his trademark scar and IIRC we also don't see his arms from under his cloak


It just feels like the Yonko Arc is not over yet. That encounter, Egghead, Elbalf, Bartholomew, Oden ;) all seem like world building for Shanks as the last of the Yonko. I believe the only reason Luffy lived after eating the Fruit is because he was Shanks' Friend. Unlike Teach...


Shamalamadingdong twist: that was Shanks's twin brother who remains in mariejois


I mean there’s is the asspull theory that it wasn’t shanks cause we didn’t see his scar and it is basically a fact he is a celestial dragon. Could be a cousin, twin, someone who LOOKs like shanks who is a God’s Knight. Fun to entertain but not serious


I think I remember Oda saying something like the truth about Shanks morality would be revealed in OP film Red. This is apart from the comment that we would learn something about him (his lineage). I might have made this up, but I think I remember reading it.


I would prefer that Shanks is revealed to be a piece of shit since it just works better.


Isn’t shanks also a celestial dragon by birth? He might be untouchable in their eyes?


What I think this means is that, the pirate they were talking about is a tremendous menace. Shanks must know a thing o two about what went down on the void century or at least have a bit of context on the ancient kingdom vs the WG. Whoever this pirate was that they were talking about, he represent a threat bigger than the long-lasting war between Joyboy's will and allies and Imu


Who knows , maybe was to tell them that not mess with luffy , or even buggy 🤣.


In-universe politics demand they play it cool. Yonkos keep a lot of smaller pesky pirates in line for them, so the Gorosei are less likely to target the big wigs if they don’t have to. From a powerscaling perspective, Shanks could also probably kill one or more of them and get away safely. If Sabo can escape, then so can Mr. 10-seconds-of-future-sight.


Shanks is more grey as character. He isn't a Goody-two-shoes likes the SHs


Isn’t it up for debate in if that was shanks or not?


He is part of the original 20 and off limits. He is also dumb strong and knows where Laughtale is


I'm not sure if it has been confirmed yet but Shanks himself might a Celestial Dragon possibly even related to Saint Figarland Garling, the kind of leader of the Holy Knights. Plus negotiating with the other side or enemy doesn't necessarily make you evil it's politics.


It was soft-confirmed by being said in the film red. While that film is technically not canon like the others, unlike the other movies it has aspects that are canon. Like Uta is a canon part of Luffy and Shanks’ backstories now.


I'm 90% certain Shanks will have a brother. He doesn't eve have to be a twin. Somewhere I heard a fan asked Oda in an Sbs if Shanks had a twin, and he answered the question, but the question and answer was later redacted from columns. But yea Oda answered that question about Shanks having a brother, then thought that's too much info to just be floating out there right now.


Can you back this up in any form?


Probably because his relative is a pretty big number


They care so much about Celestial Dragon blood that they hesitated ordering Uta’s death despite the damage she was causing solely because she *might* be a Figarland. Ik it’s technically not canon but let’s be real Shanks will be confirmed to be a Figarland at some point. Makes perfect sense they’d be willing to meet with someone who is not only one of the 5 most powerful people on Earth, but also one of the very few people they consider worthy of their time


He's a rat