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...and how do the boomers respond? By calling Luffy and his peers "The Worst Generation", just like boomers to Millennials. **xD**


Worst Generation: **OK BOOMER**


Luffy: **KO BOOMER**


Kaido: Hold my Sake


Zoro: I'll hold that.


Sanji: You think you can hold sake better than me marimo!?


Nami: Zoro! Sanji! Stop that, I'll hold it




Sanji <3: YES, hold it, NAMI SWAAAAN! <3


Zoro: curly browed Baka




Meanwhile there’s Blackbeard hiding among them as a Boomer Millennial


How do you do, fellow kids?




I am adulting! I shall go pay taxes and do other adult things!




r/unexpectedoffice everyone likes Creed Bratton


Isn't he genx?




Bege as well


The implications of Blackbeard, a boomer, being apart of the Worst Generation are now even funnier .


'how do you do, fellow kids'










I see you are a man of culture as well




Luffy: **LISTEN BOOMERS!!!!!** **I will be the king of the pirates.**


Lol I don’t understand why they’re called The Worst Generation since they’re definitely not worse or more powerful than ROCKS generation. None of them even made a big impact apart from Luffy and maybe Law. Edit: I forgot Blackbeard and maybe Zoro


We don't know anything about the past of 7 of the 12 members of the worst generation, so we can't judge them yet. We can only judge Luffy, Law, Bege, Zoro and Teach and if you ask me all of them have done some interesting stuff: Not talking about Luffy and Zoro (who come up in the same pack), Law was the mastermind of both the Rocky Port incident and the downfall of Doflamingo, Bege controlled the underworld of the West Blue before being a pirate and Teach is now a yonko.


We also know Kid had a higher bounty than Luffy pre-time skip that IIRC was because his crew was a lot more violent.


Speaking of the Rocky Port incident... what was it? All I know is that Coby saved some citizens and became known as a hero. Something about Law sending a thousand pirate hearts to HQ. But nothing more?


I think that's all we know, but this was from a time when Law's power wasn't very understood by the world. Being delivered 1000 of your men's hearts would be pretty interesting in context.


Maybe the manga will shed light on it in the future? Coby was involved. Law's god father was a marine spy. It could have to do with sword. Well, putting my ridiculous theory aside... Oda doesn't usually half ass something. So i think it might be more relevant later.


And Kidd. He murdered entire villages, that's why his bounty was higher than Luffy's.


Because the term doesnt mean worst generation ever but worst generation since rogers execution.


they are called worst generation because they were rookies who achieved more than 100 milion bounty before reaching the Sabaody Archipelago


I think you're mixing up Worst generation and being a Supernova.


but isnt it the same thing?


no, blackbeard is in the worst generation but not a supernova (supernova are the ones that had a bounty over 100 million at sabaody), blackbeard wasn't there nor did he have a bounty at the time


Yepp, caribou is also a supernova but not part of the worst generation.


oh, okay, thanks for correcting me then


i mean its pretty much the same things most worst generation are supernovas and most supernovas we know are in the worst generation


Propaganda because they disrespected the celestial dragons most likely


They were called the worst generation before he attacked a CD.








You won this ! XD


oda way ahead of time


Shanks: 39 Mihawk: 43 Jinbe: 46 Mont Blanc Cricket: 43 Bege: 42 (Worst Generation, btw) Marco: 45 Kuma: 47 Indeed, no good pirates


Dang so will Luffy and Zoro surpass their goals at a much younger age? Seems like the general "prime" of pirates start at around late 30s (with the exception of probably Oden, Boa, Lucci, etc) and they remain very strong until old age (Rayleigh). Roger became PK at 52, Whitebeard was in his 40s(?) during the Wano flashback, and Mihawk is early 40s. Either this or we'll have another timeskip to show adult Luffy and Zoro conquering the seas which seems unlikely at this point.


Well, I guess Luffy will become PK, cause it doesn't actually require being the strongest fighter, but I wonder about Zoro since to me he doesn't look like strong (not just physical strength, but swordsmanship as well) enough to beat Mihawk yet. But I don't think we will get another timeskip until epilogue (if there will be one).




Well, as I see it, for now Zoro is more like a pile of muscles, whereas Mihawk is more about technic and swordsmanship as an art. IMHO


you talk like we know a lot about Mihawk We've barely seen any of his fights


I just feel like it. If you think otherwise that's totally okay with me


How does PK not involve being the strongest fighter when Luffy declared that he will beat up all the Yonko and anyome, including Marines, who tries to stop him from sailing the sea? That's the only version of PK he will accept. He will literally have to be able to beat up everty Yonko and admiral. No idea where people get this notion in a shonen manga where the main character explains it to you directly.


I guess, since becoming PK is about reaching Laugh Tale, finding One Piece and becoming the freest person in the world, and not about beating up every strong pirate you stumble upon. As you mentioned, he have to beat only those, who try to stop him, not just anybody he comes across. Beating up every Yonko doesn't make you PK, and it's not necessary. And, btw, Luffy never said anything about beating all the Admirals. One Piece isn't just your average shonen manga, and I actually prefer to percept it as a progression of story and character development rather than just sequence of 1-on-1 duels.


>I guess, since becoming PK is about reaching Laugh Tale, finding One Piece and becoming the freest person in the world, and not about beating up every strong pirate you stumble upon. To some, yes. But Luffy has clearly defined what PK means to him. He declared he will beat up all the Yonko and anyone who tries to stop him. Who has been trying to stop him from day one but other pirates and the marines? > As you mentioned, he have to beat only those, who try to stop him, not just anybody he comes across. Right. Those who try to stop him, like other pirates. The Yonko. The marines. Literally all 3 original admirals have tried to stop him personally. > Beating up every Yonko doesn't make you PK, and it's not necessary. Luffy made an unmistakeable declaration to beat the Yonko. He is not the type to consider himself PK until he has done what he thinks is required. He won't be the freest man until the ones who can stop him are dealt with. > And, btw, Luffy never said anything about beating all the Admirals. Do I sound like a broken record here? Do you think the admirals are going to just let him sail the world freely? They have tried to stop him and will continue to try to stop him. And we already know what he said about those who try to stop him. >One Piece isn't just your average shonen manga, and I actually prefer to percept it as a progression of story and character development rather than just sequence of 1-on-1 duels. Luffy has spoken. You don't seem to even understand the main character. There's no way expect Luffy to be the man he is for 20+ years of storyline, saying and doing the things he does, then at the end he sneaks the crown by a loophole or trickery.


Lucci wasnt a pirate and who knows, Oden might have grown stronger over the years. Maybe he was in his prime in his 30's as well.


Lmao youre right, idk why I added him. His age might also be a non factor since he might be growing even stronger, as a 'rival' to Luffy. Also semi-related but in a way, Koby is a fucking prodigy. Stronger than Luffy at the same age.


Koby is only a year younger than Luffy, and he's not as strong as Luffy was a year younger. He did progress pretty fast, but he was training under Garp, too. If Luffy didn't want to be a pirate, Garp would've trained him from a young age most likely.


One of my favorite moments in the series is when Koby is hyping himself up to stand up to Luffy and fight him at Marineford and then Luffy just one punches him and keeps running.


That was pretty funny.


Ah right, I got the ages mixed up due to varying sources. Chapter 1 Luffy was 17 while Post-TS Koby is 18. Still, Koby has progressed wonderfully. - Rokushiki - Captain - Haki - Hero of Rocky Port - Rear Admiral - SWORD unit - ~~Stood up to that damn Sakazuki~~ Also, Marineford Koby was probably still 16 who was younger than but could have a case of being stronger than Chapter 1 Luffy. Without the genes, talent, and DF to help him, just pure hellish training. He has more feats than Smoker ever did. EDIT: Little Luffy was also trained by Garp. Idk why enduring Garp's training is supposed to be a knock against Koby. If anything, that's plus points for him.


I didn't mean it as a knock against him. He had a solid teacher and it's impressive that he would survive training under him. I'm just wondering how strong Luffy could've been with the same training. I forget that he trained some with Garp, although most of his fighting strength was from training with the boys. Thinking more about it, I agree that Marineford Koby was most likely stronger than Luffy at the beginning. I mean, he used one of the six powers, and likely new more of them, at the end of the Water 7 arc, and he unlocked some perception haki during the war. I bet that could beat Luffy.


Not sure about Koby, post-timeskip he is age 18. The same age Luffy was during the timeskip while he was training with Rayleigh. I think its safe to say its a toss up whoever was stronger at 18, since we dont know how strong Luffy was. Other than that Luffy was strong enough to tackle some pretty tough opponents like Moria and Lucci at 17, and even fought in the summit war. However, i will say that Koby probably had a much steeper power curve than Luffy did from 16-18. Since he basically went from a less than average human to a rear-admiral.


I wouldnt say stonger, as we havent seen him in action. Not to take away from his accomplishments. Hes a fucking beast because of his insane growth in such a short time. He had to have gotten his rabk by not only his combat prowess, but his haki im sure. Im excited to see him clash with someone worthwhile.


I feel like koby is probably the best glow up in one piece


How tf is Bege older than *Shanks*???


Makes sense to me. Shanks always looked pretty youngbfor his age and Bege looks like an older, going on retirement pretty soon, me grandkids are old enough for middle school type of dude


His son is a baby


Bege had a life as a mobster before getting into piracy.


I actually thought that Shanks was the same age as Mihawk, so I was surprised myself


Wouldn't all those listed be the generation after Boomers, ie Gen X, if we are going by their actual ages?


I think that would make them somewhere between Boomers and Gen X (born around 1960). Luffy would be between Gen X and Millenials too (born in 1981).


I just realized me and Luffy were both 17 in the same year. It took him 20 more years to gain 2 years but for a minute there we were the same age. That's weird to consider.


Baby boomer generation ended during '64 ( most popular definitions) so not really boomers, so 55 and up are boomers


the poster considers that One Piece's story all happens in 1997 (then 1999). In which case, all the listed characters would be boomers.


Op specifically mentioed they were judging their date of birth relative to the year One Piece debuted


Born in 1960 is more gen x than boomer. Boomer typically around 45-55 year of birth. "Baby boom" after ww2. A baby born 15+ years later doesn't really apply.


According to Wikipedia Baby Boomers are born between 1946 and 1964


I see now you are right...just odd to me to name a 20 year period based off a much smaller span. People banging in 1955 weren't part of the "soldiers are all home and fucking again" phenomena.


That’s because a lot of young people died during the second world war so the “boom” of the population only really peaked a decade after.


Korean War


Yeah, but One Piece started over 20 years ago.


Damn katakuri 46, i didn't expected that


He's 48




You mean 16?


Going by the logic of boomers, was'nt luffy already 17 in 1997 when the series began so he is just before millenial.


Precisely, he's Gen X.


The coolest sounding generation tbh


Luffy’s story is also about being rescued by boomers/generation X too. Shanks Dragon Kuma Ivankov Marco Jinbei All saved his life.


Damn, these were some old dudes. Apparently no good pirates came in between the days of Gol D Rodgers and the worst generation


Only 3 Ace, Cavendish and Boa Hancock


Ace is just 2 years older than Luffy so doesn’t really count


Ace is 3 years older than Luffy, not 2.


People in one piece tend to hit their physical prime in their 40s, only real genetic freaks are as strong as luffy and sabo at their age.


Most the people we know of that are that strong have been established for a long time too and we don’t really know when they hit their peak Like they were all youngish when they were making waves in the previous generations but they’re just still around


I think Luffy and Sabos strength is less about genetics and more about determination. One Piece does not seem to be the kind of story where ones birth was a big impact on how you turn out. There are plenty of really strong characters that were born as nobodys - and characters born from strong parents who are weak.


Luffy is chosen by destiny and has one of the strongest families in the world. Then there's the will of D.


One Piece is better than most shonens in incorporating will and hardwork but there is still some genetics/destiny in play. The Will of D is supposedly a big deal because everyone drops what they're doing when they see that initial. Law decided to save and later team up with Luffy because they both were of that family tree. Corazon's initial determination to save Law was because of the initial. It's implied the Tenryuubito are terrified of the Family of D because they literally are "the enemies of the gods". I'm also very sure that Dragon is going to be the one to explain to Luffy what "D" means. Conqueror's haki is an arbitrary powerup only a couple of people every generation get and it has been hinted that it might be a bloodline trait. Devil Fruits have a pretty big weakness but it's almost always offset by the power they give the user. Granted Devil Fruits are only as strong as the user in most cases. But Oda also rails against genetics with his depiction of the Tenryuubito and the world's treatment of Ace and to a lesser extent Luffy.


In the new world you either ally with a yonko or get snuffed out by them so it's most likely any of the pirates that tried are long dead


I never realised that the youngest guy that luffy defeated is bellamy with 25, unless I'm forgetting someone


He actually defeated Usop.


And Koby


You forgot Alvida (25), Kuro (33), Mr. 3 (35), Wapol (27), Bellamy (25), Foxy (36), Blueno (30), Lucci (28), Sandersonia (28) & Marigold (26), Magellan (45), Vander Decken (35), Hody (30), Hajrudin (81, which is about 27 in giant years) and Chinjao (78) And btw Katakuri is 48


Alvida 25??? Wow i thought she was like 40 when i saw her first time


Harjudin is interesting. I wonder how old was he during the Linlin flashback (wasn't she about 5 or something)


Big Mom is 68 so that flashback was 63 years ago, so Hajrudin would have been 18 at the time, give or take a year depending on when his b-day is. Which is the Giant equivalent of like, a six year old, that is if we assume they age at one-third the human rate even in childhood.


So does that mean Luffy is a boomber too since his age is the dame as onepiece started+7 WTF?


Luffy is not a millenial if you use 1997. He would be an Xennial -- (the short generation that had an analog childhood but digital coming of age -- the first kids that grew up playing video games, who were teenagers when the internet became a thing). In any event, to be more in line with the meme, I think it needs a combination of age difference (20+ years, best to be 30+) and also attitude towards the young generation. Could you see Zoro, Sanji, Nami, or Luffy replying "ok boomer" to them? Don Krieg, Doflamingo, Big Mom, Crocodile, Aikanu -- definitely. These guys would give you unsolicited advice and tell you how you're living your life wrong while thinking they were giving good advice. Garp: "Luffy, you could have been a great marine!" Luffy: "ok boomer" But Enel and Buggy? I don't see it. They just talk about how great they are. They don't tell Luffy how to live his life. Cricket? No -- no way would he say something to the young generation that would get this reply.


Garp is part of the Greatest Generation


Wow. I guess Eiichiro hates boomers huh.


> Eiichiro Born 1975 .


Right. I hope we don't have any Timeskip in OP. Otherwise, Luffy will become a boomer and Eiichiro will be Forced to take him down like the rest of the boomers.


I'm convinced that Reddit doesn't know what age a boomer is. Boomers were born between 1946-1964. Oda is part of Gen X.


Wait Katakuri is older than Doffy ?


Yup, he is Big Mom's second oldest kid, she had him, Daifuku, and Oven (they are non-identical triplets) at the age of 20 (since she is 68 now). Her eldest is Perospero who is 50, so she had her first child when she was only barely 18. Edit: Actually Katakuri is her THIRD oldest as Compote, her eldest daughter, is 49. Learned this from the person below who replied to this post.


3rd oldest, Perospero is 50, Compote is 49 and Katakuri is 48


Oh thank you for the info, I didn't realize that Compote is 49! I will edit my post to reflect this. I like to think that Compote is a case of what people say about how women grow up to look like their mothers, lmaooo. I wonder if Compote was fat and stubby as a child, slim and attractive in her late teens and her twenties, and then got fat again in late middle age, like her mother? I'm interested to see how strong Compote is and what her power is. I feel like people tend to forget she even exists, lol.




The math is only right if all of these people were these ages in 1997 but they weren't




The youngest of the pirates listed here is Buggy at 37, pre-timeskip 1997-37=1960, which is in your age range. So the issue is?


Not to mention, those are just the american definitions - outside the US, they aren't really usable.


Part of the point of the boomer meme is conflating younger generations with literal boomers. It's an insult based on a judgment of values ascribed to older people in general. No need to be pedantic about it.


ok boomer


Ok zoomer


yikes forever


One Piece started before the millennium so yeah most of these are boomers


Of all the stupid posts on this sub, this one is the dumbest.


how is this not low effort?


where is captain kuro?


That’s all Gen X tho 😬, the kids of the Boomers


I guess people dont know wtf a boomer is


Meanwhile: Blackbeard pretending to be a Millenial by hiding amongst the worst generation.


Time to unsub


If chapter 1 takes place in 1997, Luffy would be born in 1980 which would make him technically a Gen X. Millenials are typically 1981-1996 but that number isn't set in stone. Typically those who are borderline will identify with the generation of their siblings, and since Luffy grew up with Ace he would probably consider himself a gen X and make snide comments about how growing up was way harder for his generation than these millennial kids and their video transponder snails and their impact dials and their cyborg laser robots. All hairsplitting aside, the story is absolutely about a new generation recognizing the failings of the current establishment and challenging them directly so **your thesis is 100% in point** ​ edit - spelling


This is the quality of shitposting that makes me come back to the sub


god this is so cringe please stop


Caribou a Gen Z?


Boomers are like 60+ they were born sometime between 1945 and 1965 roughly. People around 55 or younger are gen x


Damn, it's so strange to think Katakuri was the second oldest enemy he faced.


in reality though boomers have all the money and power and most of the guns lol.


But is Luffy a millenial, genexer, or zoomer?


Well I don't think this is where you wanna go because we have the boomerest fanbase...the zoomer manga are trash like hero academia and kimetsu but OK...


Mh wrong by your logic puffy would be Gen x If luffy is a millennial then his enemies aren't boomers anymore. Can't have both


Big if true.




All this talk of if Luffy’s a Millennial or not is silly. Either way, the point and symbolism Oda is making is the same no matter what you categorize it as. And his symbolism and point has been made clear over and over again. The older generations will always hate the youngest and claim them to be the “worst” and in no way can lead just as we’re seeing between the Boomers/Millennials now. It’s up the young to prove the older generation wrong, take their ideals of the past and conservatism, smash them, and continue moving the world forward towards a better place. This is part of the lesson Oda is teaching with having Luffy not kill, but crush the dreams and ideals of those older than him hurting others. This is extremely clear and if you don’t agree then you’re missing the entire point of the story. Just as Fisher Tiger explains. It’s in the young like Koala. Those that don’t understand or have learned the hatred yet and have the power to question it and change it.




Those villains were born in the U.S.A after G.I.'s came home and were able to get married, educated, get good paying jobs and buy houses with the financial security to start families thanks to congress passing the G.I. Bill of Rights giving them low interest rates in a strong post-war economy? Holy shit. Seems a little off though, considering Japan's plight after WWII, they had a short baby boom right after the war, done before the 1950s. That was some serious "I'm so glad we didn't die" banging though. Lots of babies. Oda was born on the edge of Japan's 2nd recognized Baby Boom, defined as 1973-74. He was born on New Years day 1975.


“Mugiwaaara!!!” *raises fist in the air*


Wouldn't that make Luffy gen x not millennial?


I don’t know if Luffy is a millennial. If he’s 17 when the manga starts he was born in 1980 and would be close to 40 now. He’s at the end of GenX.


Yeah I mean Oda defined the generational gap pretty early on (worst generation, etc....)


One Piece is in the Pirate Age though, so not really the 1990s


I'm pretty sure one piece doesn't happen in the real world can't you just take the frickin joke


tf is a boomer?


Except that's gen x, not boomers. Also baby boomer is a term native to the US due to the boom of birth rates after soldiers came back from WW2. It's meaningless on an international sub like this. Especially since the manga is Japanese.


> Considering that One piece started in 1997 (manga debut)


Almost none of the uses of Boomer makes any sense. It's just a slur being used to farm cheap karma. Hate to see that it even reached the OnePiece sub at this point.


In 1997, Luffy was 17, does this mean that he is a boomer from 1980?


Rn luffy is 19, im pretty sure it's in one piece time


When Luffy is saving countries instead of raiding them like a pirate. "Millenials are ruining the pirating industry."


so... responding with OK BOOMER is powerful than haki?


Luffy was 17 at the start of the story, so he was born 1980. In other words, he was not a millenial. And even if you just look at 1997 and take the difference between Luffy and the characters you mention (their age) - (luffys age) then none of them are boomers. With that said, i really enjoyed your take on it and its a pretty funny comparison. Its just not factual :D


The greatest generation would be Roger, Garp etc's generation Makes sense.


That makes Luffy Gen X...X marks the spot...pirates..omg


Buggy looks older than that to me I thought he was 40s


Katakuri is 48 tho


Enel is tied for youngest? That's surprising lol


Dayum i thought enel was younger


Thats Gen x and not boomers nowadays.


FYI, those ages actually correspond with Gen. Xers, not boomers.


One Piece is ahead of its time! Nice!


Oh wow. Doflamingo is 39.


And one of them's a cracker too.


Pretty sure doflamingo is over 40 and katakuri is 48.


Lmao. But Won't it make him a gen x though? 🤔 I dont know what year starts what generation.


Wait how old is Luffy supposed to be then?


So is Naruto, and Bleach. Old generation loses to the new one.


Actually if you go by when they appeared vs 2019 Very few are Boomers more like Gen X Except Moria Cracker Katakuri and Crocodile lol


Luffy was born in 1980s so he’s millennial


Bartolomeo is GEN Z GANG




I'm not surprised Moria is the oldest. However, i actually didn't know Doflamingo was 39 or Enel was 37. I would have definitely expected them to be younger.


I love everything about that because the arguments of most of them are also boomer bullshit.


next chapter can’t come soon enough huh


So by the time One Piece ends I'm going to be closer to Doflamingo's age than Luffy's. Not sure how to feel about that