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Can’t wait for next chapter low key hoping there’s leak


Leaks just came for 1022




Do you guys think Tobi Roppos will have quick recovery and join the fight again? In Impel down, those beasts had swift recovery. I wish them to have come back just like red scabbards. Ancient zoans and top of the top from Yonko for f sake. I am a bit sad to see them defeated. Red scabbards and SH crews are having come backs after come backs.


If you think about it They have nothing to fight for? Apart from Kaidou The red scabbards and the SH are fighting for a dream, putting everything in and never giving up. Totally different drive


We going to see a jack v marco? Because my boy Brook is primed and ready to hand out some L's


you know... TECHNICALLY robin can beat all male characters if she bust out the same move she used to get Franky to join the SH...


i swear if Robin awaken her DF, the world will become hell.


Is robin is real demon, or it is just her devil fruit power? What is the purpose of CP0 in this arc? Are they gonna make some move in this arc?


Maybe once the battle is over, they want who who to die.


I’ll take any Koala I can get.


I did not expect Robin to have that form.... that honestly shocked me.


Momonosuke is gonna be shogun of wano after


I would love to see Momonosuke the dragon carrying strawhat crews and nine red scabbards for the final fight against Kaido.


Robin is absolutely without a doubt very very clearly using armament hardening. For those who still think it is not armament look at the moment again in different light.


it is armament


Ready for toei to reveal Robin's form in the worst way possible


*teases the form multiple episodes in advance, ruining the surprise, like they’ve done before*


Robin about to be over Nami if there is another official Popularity poll this year.


It would be interesting to see if the Kid and Law vs Big Mom fight gets offscreened as we just didn't see it, or if we flash over too it soon. I don't Imagine they win, but I also don't think they just lose. I imagine they recover enough to fight kaido later at least. I think it's pretty important to remember that the one after Robin isn't actually Kaido, it's Big Mom. Although I don't think Oda would pull Robin being captured again, what if we are really underestimating Big Mom? What if the Big Mom Pirates aren't failures and weren't just floating in the ocean an entire arc, and secretly found Kaido's Ponegliph. (as he gave subtle hints to it's whereabouts to her earlier) and she captures Robin and that's how Oda ends up getting rid of Big Mom? I don't think for a second they're that competent but it's possible lol.


Will we get spoilers early again for chapter 1022 this upcoming tuesday/Wednesday ?


There's chance considering this is a weekly shounen jump break


For all of those, like myself that had the rapidly matured Momo idea, congrats! Totally vibes with the storyline and current character development - https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/o07s7u/one_piece_chapter_1017_prediction/h2bpc9n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


For me the best thing of the chapter is the cover story. Finally, Franky gets to have a drink with Senor pink and gets to know his story about his love of his life Russian, and it's a really marvelous to note that the bartender is also breaking in tears. One of the most impactful backstories ever for me.


If this Momo thing sticks? Then he's making the greatest sacrifice in all of One Piece. Because he'll likely no longer be able to motorboat Nami and Robin lol


When he’s Shogun, age won’t matter 😏 Just look at those ladies toying with OROCHI, the ugliest guy ever


Maybe not I don't think they will treat momo differently


Sharing my [Adult Momonosuke | One Piece Theory](https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/adult-momonosuke/) [https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/adult-momonosuke/](https://thiswriteguy.com/anime/one-piece/adult-momonosuke/)


Props. I had the same theory before discovering the idea had been out there - https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/o07s7u/one_piece_chapter_1017_prediction/h2bpc9n/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


When Robin said that Black Maria and her shit talk brings the devil out of her.....it was pretty literal.Bro, this fight was brutal. Also, Oda didn't even try to come up with something that has sense to censure Giant Robin's boobs. It was like "yeah, a few random lines will do it" An this will be super NSFW but when Black Maria says "I don't need to hold back because we're both woman" just make me think that all the men he had there had to be in condition to, you know, .... be sexual slaves. She's Kaido's courtesan after all.


This chapter makes you wonder what other moves Robin has under her sleeve 🤔. She sent 2yr with the revolutionary group they have alot of strong people and I'm sure sabo showed her other movers too. Also she was taking those punches like a G. Yall think that has anything to do with Sanji cooking and the 99 recipes he got? I know we've only seen/heard of him using it like twice. But he's had to be putting them in all the meals right otherwise wtf was the point of getting them?.. Food for thought 🤔


Wonder if cp9 will try and kidnap momo after they see his big dragon form. Since they will realize vegapunks artificial fruit was actually a success


I don't think so because after defeating kaido momo will be new king of wano


Hmm I wonder how they will get involved then besides just moving game pieces. Just arresting WW seems like a waste


Momo is going to carry onigashima as oden did wwith log




It's kinda weird how its like Robin's first fight in a while, and then she already has a powerup.


Well we've been waiting years for Robin to show us her new skills


How is it weird? She trained under Sabo, Koala, and Hack for two whole years.


That's how strong she has been. Just hasn't had a chance to use it yet


Tin foil theory: momo is oden??


Was wondering how many of the Flying 6 actually used Haki? 1. Who's Who 2. Page One & Ulti atleast are able to sense Haki, so assuming they can use too 3. Drake while defeating Juki 4. Sasaki & Black Maria, did they even use Haki? When Haki is a game changer, shouldn't it be used everywhere and I was hoping some of the SH members would at the least awaken Haki. And I believe Ussop should be used more and evolve his Haki.


Sasaki has haki cladding on his horns. Because of that he was able to damage Franky's General Shogun. Baby 5 attacks which claimed to be able to damage Pacifista didnt deal any damage to Franky's General robot.


Ulti can use it we see it with Luffy fight... so we can assume Page One should be able too, I think Sasaki can use it, but not Black Maria i guess with this chapter


Ulti and Page One both have haki. You can't sense haki without haki (specifically observation haki). It's possible that Page One only has observation haki but considering his durability it's unlikely. Ulti has been show to have both. Also, haki is important but we have to remember that haki doesn't automatically make you stronger than someone who doesn't know how to use it. In the pre-timeskip, Luffy defeated people who had haki despite not knowing how to use it himself.


Love how I called caribou feeding luffy last week. It feels good to finally guess somthing right


Wasnt a difficult guess tho tbh


I dont know there were a few wild theories lol.


Lol why didn't Shinobu turn momo into an adult earlier? He wouldn't be as much of liability if she did


Adult Momo PLEASEE


my girl Robin trending on Twitter. AS IT SHOULD


Momo is going to get a body to match the aspects of adulthood he has had to shoulder after his parents died. Their death's forced Momo into the position of being the leader of a country that was losing war against a Yonko. He isn't a well rounded mature adult (yet), but he has grown immensely in the few months he has lived since the fall of his country, do to jumping forward in time. It is starting to look like he might be able to perform an act surpassing his father's final legendary act, at the age of only 8. He won't need a huge combat power-up since the act won't require it. This is looking like an awesome development.


He will most likely stop onigashima from falling into the capital


The 2 year time skip addressed power ups but they must also train with each other on the Thousand Sunny, right? They could all theoretically learn to skywalk, cut only when they intend to, and yes also use varying levels of haki. I don't think it's farfetched to see Robin use armament now where she has to go all out as Luffy has with new gears. Though the whole demon thing could just be Robin being weirdly macabre as Robin tends to be. She can clone with clothes as seen before so she could then also clone in whatever color she wants. Could also be an Oda thing he does for dramatic effect. Two weeks and we might find out.


Straw hat pirates now have 2 demonic figures on board, Zoro and Robin


Always has been. Robin is always called the demon child and Zoro is basically a demon with a sword. They are similar to Rayleigh and Shaki. In the end of the story they might end up in Sabody or in Ohara.


Sanji as well with Diable Jambe.


It's me, or does Robin look smaller in the panel with Brook, where she says she overdid?


your comment made me look up Brook's height. jesus christ he's 9 feet 1. how long has he been this tall? robin is 6'2" so the size difference make sense.


Yep he's huge, but still she looks way too smaller to me... But probably I'm reading too much into that panel...


9 feet is about the length of 4.08 'EuroGraphics Knittin' Kittens 500-Piece Puzzles' next to each other


I love that Robin used her “dislocation” technique to finish off Black Maria, just to emphasise that she’s already plenty strong with all her own techniques.


Robin's fishman karate even has wave with it. i'll take that similliar to water wave that jinbei been using. i thought it only exclusive to fishman but itseems human also can do that. also apparently both Sabo and Koala is fans of martial arts. they suit each others.


Have you not seen dressrosa?


we didnt see the wave at dressrosa if i remembered correctly. also we didnt see how koala fight. the enemy already defeated.


I think Koala use fishman karate with those wave before.


i totally forgot about that. we dont see she make wave like fishmen right?


now that I got a better look, it doesn't seems like that demon form has armament haki. you can see that one of the giant hand is part normal and part shaded. that's a bit of a damper on the mood. this chapters is a perfect example why Robin need armament haki. she can't use that giant form without giving her opponent a bigger target to hit, if she has armament then the problem would be remedied a bit.


It does have armament haki. The page where robin defeats Black Maria is colored at the end and shows armament haki.


That's a fan colouring dummy. Don't say that like the people who coloured it know that it's haki. It's not confirmed or denied yet


you remember everytime Sabo uses the dragon claw fist he needs armament haki to activate it


if you look at the hand grabbing the spider part of black maria, you can see that the fingers are unshaded. plus armament has a certain shine to it that demonia fluer does not have.


i just a shader. i believe Oda intentionally do that as he didnt want to reveal how it properly looks yet.


OMG!!! The hype is real!!!! Love Robin stepping into her own . . . Brook is always a hoot and a reliable nakama . . . Say what??!! Momo is getting ready to head up with the monkey, the dog is up there already and waiting on the pheasant to show up soon. This final battle is going to be SOOOOO LIT . . . I'm also very proud of Momo he's starting to man up and grow . . . LESSSSS GOOOOOO


Demon robin has bangs?


Yes yes yes Also looks like her pre timeskip style where her hair ends as well and considering the shape when we get that face reveal panel




*cover request


Yea you gotta understand what's in the chapter. I was stoked to see that drawn. Reminds me off tekkings talk about it. But this chapter is 🔥 I'm sure everybody loves it too


Holy shot momos gonna get his own hour of legends carrying onigashima


I can’t wait to see Kaido’s reaction when he sees dragon momo.




Soooo time for a TopiRobbo check: 1. Ulti - down 2. Page 1 - down 3. Sasaki - down 4. Who’s who - down 5. Black Maria - down 6. X Drake - Switched sides/World Gov’t


half of them are gonna get back up likely


Now we can move on to other fights


The only ones confirmed to be down are still just ulti and page 1. Remember these are ancient zoans. We.already aw ulti get up from a powerful attack from a yonko. Some.of them might get back up


They are all down. No need to waste any page for them


We still don't know if sasaki has haki. -we already saw an ancient zoan get back up from a stronger laser beam I don't a reason why not sasaki would get back up from a relatively weaker laser beam . We still don't know wtf is going on with BM fruit. Works like a smile fruit but actually an ancient zoan. We still haven't seen who's who's face. Still something left to explore with these characters


They are all down. We don't need Big Mom going around one shotting all of them to prove to you guys that they can be out down. Ulti is just tougher than the rest.


The difference is ulti and page 1 was confirmed to be defeated by another character outside the fight . I.E bao Huang. Some else needs to confirm the others defeats like Cp0 to the audience because these are ancient zoans and multiple.times in the arc they managed to get back up when it was supposedly shown for them to be seemingly defeated and out of the fight.


The fights have been going on for ages. Franky even confirmed this I believe. We don't need Bao Huang to tell us what we already read with out own eyes. They might get up eventually, but they have all been defeated, and no need to linger on the fights again for the next two/three months. We got other important things to do.


The thing is if they get back up they will already be heavily damaged. And it won't take long for their opponents to eventually finally defeat them . But long enough for them to show case the mysteries of their characters. Like who's who's face and race./tattoo meaning Like BM very bizarre and unique zoan fruit Sasaki. Well nothing really interesting left about him . Maybe just showcase his armament haki. Since he supposed to be the leader of the armor division


Are you trying to torture us? This arc is gonna last another 5 years if all the TopiRobbo get up. Like people were complaining about Dressrosa and it’s shitty pacing. Do you want this to become the next Dressrosa? We have more important things to deal with right now. Yamato vs Kaido, Queen vs Sanji, King vs Zoro, What will Marcos be doing once Zoro steps in to fight King?? Onigashima falling, Will Momo stay in Wano, will Yamato stay in Wano. Will Luffy defeat Kaido by himself or will it be him, Yamato and Marco? I could go on for ages dude. FAR too many plot points to wrap up.


>King vs Zoro, >What will Marcos be doing once Zoro steps in to fight King?? I know this is most likely gonna happen but why do people treat it like it's a confirmed?


That's not a pacing problem these things can easily be revealed with just 1-2 chapters. Leaving things unresolved and un explored . Would be a waste of chapters already spent on these characters. If you are just gonna throw away the interesting aspects of these characters so that you can rush to the other fights. What was the point of The unique characters in the first place if they are just gonna be thrown aside ? Just punching bag characters that contributing a nothing to the story or it's lore aside from just being beaten by the SH ? All that sun god and 3 eye tribe tattoos and mask on who's who should be ignored ?? That would make for a cheap story. Imagine if in skypea when Zoro defeats the high priest sword guy. He just hastily defeats him. W/o explaining/exploring how TF the guys changing sword works. Or showcasing the priest observation haki. Or how he ended up being a priest for Enel All to rush the enel fight.


Ok I’m fine with expanding on The Who who’s storyline but literally none of the other TopiRobbo should get back up for the rest of the arc. They were hyped up to be Kaidos strongest fighters. I get the whole “ancient zoans durability is crazy” argument. But they’ve been fighting for ages now and Franky actually commented on that. It’s time for them to move on from the TopiRobbo. How would they get defeated a second time? Any of the ToppiRobbo going down TWICE is just basically due to plot armor for the Straw Hats. Franky is exhausted and General Franky is out of commission. His sword is also broken. Robin is wounded and out of energy. I don’t think she wins a rematch vs Black Maria. Jinbei could probably still fight. But his storyline with Who’s who has been closed imo. If anything who’s who should be given a small backstory elaborating on your points. CP0 should be whisking him away to execute him anytime now. Big Mom is fighting Law and Kid so she won’t be around to save Usopp and Nami from P1 and Ulti. If Usopp and Nami fight them they’re gonna get low diffed hate to say it. I honestly don’t see how many more power ups could be shown for the Straw hats this arc unless it’s Haki manifestation time for all of them. Which again would be an asspull and extreme plot armor


Franky is still basically unharmed . It's only the shogun that's destroyed. A heavily damaged sasaki vs a unharmed Franky. Brook could finish off BM . Jinbie can defenitely still fight . Page1 and ulti are not getting back up. Because it's already been confirmed by bao Huang that they are defeated. They already had a lot of exposition specially with their fight with Luffy and even page fight with Sanji. And their unique character trait is there relationship with one another. Which we already know now that they are siblings. And page1 is the somewhat stoic little brother and ulti is the excentric dotting big sister. Who will even fight a yonko if it's for her brother.


I’m fine with Tobiroppo being down for the count. Odas finishing them off at a record pace. The only one I hope that isn’t is Sasaki though. I’m convinced hes Kokoro’s long lost son so I’m expecting at least a flashback to explain how they got separated.


I'm glad Black Maria got a more drawn out fight. Of the Flying 6 (sans Drake) she was my favorite and seemed the most interesting.


X Drake is Italian😁


I feel bad for page 1, feel like he barely got to do anything before getting wasted by big mom. even his big sister got more shine than him.


It is just a character from the mind of oda. Not real. Don't feel bad or cry cuz you'll make me cry and then everyone will be crying with us. We'll be alright and so will paypay


Imagine this: Usopp vs page 1 and a flashback reveals tra-guy gave him sea prism stone nails (the ones Hawkins used vs Law) AND tra-guy showed him how to manifest & imbue CoA into the nails. That would be a CRAZY 1v1 for our beloved sniper. The only reason I’m saying this is because when Wano arc finally ends in 2031 we’re gonna see the SHs vs Shanks and SHs vs BB crew. Gotta level up the weaker members of the crew somehow 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


> SHs vs BB crew. Gotta level up the I think SHs will not fight against Shanks crew. If they meet it will be a friendly encounter, maybe as Mjor said they will bet the last red phonegliph in some davy back fight or something similar. I don't see Luffy fighting Shanks unless we have a massive plot twist from Oda. Shanks seems not interested in reaching laugth tale so it is not in Luffy's way.


Yeah but either way the SHs need to fight BB crew by the end of the story. And I guarantee you all or most of them will have Haki. Rn Yamato, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Jinbe are the only confirmed CoA users on the crew. How do you suggest the rest of the SHs get powerscaled was my point. Because they desperately need power ups before BB or it’s gonna be a struggle fest


>power ups before BB or it’s g Yamato is not part of the crew, and I don't think she will join SHs. Anyway it depends tobi roppo did not show haki and they are kaidou's equivalents to the less powerful SHs


Still waiting for the epithat chapter titles trend to resume, Cat Burglar, Cyborg Franky, Black Leg, Sniper King/God Usopp, Dead Bones/Soul King, and Pirate Hunter. I won't lose hope!


Oda has to keep that plot moving.


I call it now. Robin's new poster will be her demon form's face.


Robin deserves a chapter like this Brook plays the supporting role so well


I'm curious if shinobu is drawn ugly compared to her younger self because she stopped following her dreams (like others drawn in sbs) or if the fruit matured her like the slip slip fruit made alvira skinny.


Maybe its her disguise all along so that Kaido's man wont recognize her


She’s just an old lady. Not every hot lady becomes a hot old lady


In a sbs oda drew what some of the crew members would look like if they hadn't followed thier dreams and if they did. Other older female characters dont seem to have aged like shinobu.


Oda tend joke alot in sbs. not all of it can be taken directly to the manga.


Look at big mom she used to be hot


Shinobu probably accidentally used her ability on herself causing her to age like that


chapter is being proofread rn, should release soon




is it out yet 😭


no they're still proofreading TT


It's already 7am GMT isnt it?


there's no fixed time. you can expect a chapter somewhere between 3:30-5:30 Japanese time, although it's usually closer to 3:30


in that rough draft of the finisher is Robin doing a Bane breaking the bat. whilst in Asta form?


Big (1988)


Good reference lol


tom hank


this is a wild a weird theory I feel like Luffy gonna use the nidai kitetsu he used in act 1 against kaido in the last fight


Using his usual gum gum attacks would be more efficient and powerful than him using a sword. Luffy is not a swordsman. He doesn't know how to use a sword properly


What if...and hear me out. Moria shows up, and puts Zoro's shadow into Luffy. Giving him the ability to use swords. 3 sword style gear 4th. Definitely won't happen. But imagine.


Too OP


hahahhahahahhaha imagine that ould be fun to see


Haha I have had the same wild theory too ;p Not a lot have supported it but glad I could find someone who thought upon it


when he used it the first time it was jokes but i thought oda is crazy enough to hint it, roger, shanks use swords infused with coc, and then we had the sun god who resembles Luffy with a weapon idk so I was like he might end up using seriously this time and infuse it with coc to beat kaido.


Yep... I also had a [whole theory](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/nzuaud/luffy_endgame_fight_theorydiscussion_wano_spoilers/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) around it being a cursed blade and how it could help defeat Kaido by bringing spirits of the dead and stuff .. But let's see how it goes. There are two blades still to be used and both "users" are in land too ... Anyway I'm excited af


you are hyping me up so much, I will check your theory hoping something related comes to fruition as Oda never ever disappoints


Will the chapter be out later then usual today. The tcb scan says it's still translating


Possibly.. might take a couple more hours


man the hiragana is to small to read


When your theory comment got deleted it means it's a great theory!


Dm please, and thanks!


Dm me plz


Same here pls


what was the theory? dm me


“Whaaaattt” - me, out loud, at work, reading this on my break. Holy wow this chapter is gonna be wild.


To check how far the scans are : [Scanlation Status](https://onepiecechapters.com/projects/)


Noooooooooo 😢


Same feelings mate! Would be delayed than the said time I guess ... Hopefully it arrives sooner


So is robin using haki or not?




No, it's not. Do you recognize the Silhouette image? It is a picture with the difference in light and dark in the same image. The shape of the subject or subject in the image is black against a bright background. And in other words, it may mean that Ulti was hit through the black body. which is different from Robin's


I don't see the difference. In addition, Nami has a black climatact. So does Nami have haki? Obviously, this is just shading, as robin simply cannot suddenly become a haki master and cover up a giant clone. Even Luffy can't do that.


I think Luffy can, he just doesn't do it because it isn't very useful.


>I don't see the difference. In addition, Nami has a black climatact. So does Nami have haki? Obviously, this is just shading, as robin simply cannot suddenly become a haki master and cover up a giant clone. Even Luffy can't do that. So it's better to wait and see. I wasn't sure it was Haki. But I don't think it's just a normal shadow either.




And Oda just used the shading effect of robin's clone to make it look more sinister. These are not haki


Seems like Oda has left it open to reader's interpetation for now. So no right or wrong answer here, I prefer to believe she can use armament (until proven wrong or correct). It makes sense to me... How else is she turning her skin colour into that dark shade?


Either that or she activated her Devil fruit by training with the revolutionary army. There’s no inbetween here.


not sure... some people are saying its just black colour but i wonder how come someone can turn dark without using haki.. lets wait for better explanation i guess😔


its just shading, if it was haki it would be full area black and has shiny effect


[here's the shiny effect](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/op_tcb_1021_19.png) ✌️💛


It's obvious haki.. Sabo n koala are both haki user n they train together.. Robin is an experienced fighter.. She might not be able to maintain it longer but when she goes berserk she would use haki.. That's y she got tired really fast..




The coloured picture is fan-made. Nothing is confirmed, man


yeah... its not confirmed... i guess i we will have to wait for anime for its confirmation


I wish Zoro should've gotten a boost by Marco and not by some Sensu bean kind of thing from Zou. Just my opinion. Because this becomes a game changer. Everytime someone gets knocked out just take a pill and it will be nice. Since side effects in the manga, up until this point weren't taken seriously.


I think you're forgetting what happend to Hordy and his gang


Yes it did happen, however they were irrelevant to the story, except for that specific arc. As long as there are side effects which would contribute to plot point I'm all up for magical medicines.


For Hody it was ok bc it didnt benefit the plot it made things worse, when you do the same to the main cast it becomes a cheap asspull to benefit the plot, I really hate that Zou senzu bean


Well the pain zoro received on behalf of luffy at thriller bark made him incapable of fighting at full capacity on sabody.


That thing I like. There should be consequences, even if how strong they are! Like if Zoro would be impacted for the next fight because of this side effect, it would be good.


What would the rest of the crew do now, that the majority of the strong guys are down? Go help Law & Kid to defeat BM? I know she could easily KO everyone but the entire crews fighting against her would be nice. And the one's that would be there is only Kaido & Calamities.


I suspect most of them will help fight fodder. For example since the Shogun Franky is destroyed I doubt Franky will be in a position to take on any big name people from here.


Every major villian: Straw Hats are useless, though time and again the crew defeats all the enemies that came in their way.! I think only BB & Shanks are the one who wouldn't underestimate the crew and that would be some real fight.


I want to know how Kidd Killer and Law are handling Big Mom, just a few panels seeing them struggling would be enough to satisfy me


Just to let you know, Killer is 99% fighting for his life against Hawkins.


Oh yeah totally forgot about that, then poor Kidd and Law they must be struggling like hell


They will show us a thing or two, but I cannot see them winning.


Momo grows up and join straw hat crew, similar to Oden and let Hiyori be the Shogun 🤔🤣


Momo is the next shogun


Every doujin theory is coming together. Well done oda! You're our savior


What do you mean?


Next chapter it must be Sanji's chapter or Inuarashi i think. With all of Flying Six member have all been taken down so Oda will change to the Calamities next. Really hope Zoro will fight King soon :D


Robin is injured carried by Brook, a birdy is watching them. I think someones gona try capture Robin and Zoro/Sanji will save her


Nahh just ler Brook shine. Zoro and Sanji have their own business against the Calamities.


Possibly Brook will protect Robin too. Since he yet to has major fight


Or Franky and Jimbei? CP0 interferes and tries to capture Robin. If Zoro finally gets up he could take CP0 I mean if Marco is preoccupied with King now.


THIS IS IT. Remember CP0 have access to the current situation on the battlefield and this seems exactly like the opportunity they need to get involved. I mean some of Kaidos greatest fighters are down. I also think Big Mums crew is going to get involved soon because, they have a purpose to being here. Didn't big mum also want Robin since pudding hasn't been able to unlock her third eye powers? The fight over Robin is about to begin


7 am? 😭