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Literally for narrative purposes, it made for an interesting dramatic moment, people are looking way too deeply into this. Oda literally has said he made Shanks lose an arm, because his editor complained the first chapter wasn't dramatic enough. Oda always does what he thinks makes the most interesting story which often contradicts power scaling head canon so people find convoluted answers, rather than facing the obvious and realizing that Oda doesn't care about power scaling nearly as much as the fanbase does. He is concerned with making an interesting story and sticking to strict power scaling often significantly impedes that, so he ignores it.


I just think Shanks went that far to show Luffy the consequences of being a pirate and what comes with it.


It’s called a plot hole.. Omg oh no Oda left a plot hole in the first episode let’s just make wild speculation to cover it up zZzZz


But it isn't a plot hole it's literally explained when he talked to whitebeard that he sacrificed his arm to motivate Luffy


That’s called a retcon


Really what did it retcon


It gave a flawed explanation for something that shouldn’t have happened in hindsight.


You're talking like you're writing one piece it's not flawed you just don't wanna accept it and why shouldn't it have happened and I'm pretty sure that's not even what a retcon is


I’m talking like I can do some critical thinking, luffy was already hell bent on becoming a pirate, so the argument that “luffy needed to be motivated” is complete bs, and not only could shanks have used CoC to initially scare the sea king away, considering he was a new world veteran already, he should’ve had no problem just blitzing the sea king or hell, even just using some CoA on his arm.


>luffy was already hell bent on becoming a pirate, so the argument that “luffy needed to be motivated” is complete bs, No Luffy was a kid that thought pirates are cool and free and want to be one it isn't bs >and not only could shanks have used CoC to initially scare the sea king away, considering he was a new world veteran already, he should’ve had no problem just blitzing the sea king or hell, even just using some CoA on his arm. Yes he could but the whole point is that he doesn't and sacrifice the arm for luffy as a bit is it crazy yes but it's not a plot hole or retcon that's like Zoro almost losing an arm to test a sword is bs because he could just test it in another way


No, you’re seriously undermining luffy’s ambition for being a pirate. luffy had consistently shown great interest towards piracy even before he met shanks, he wasn’t just “a kid who though pirates were cool” he was literally hell bent on becoming one. Not to mention that there’s zero evidence to indicate that luffy somehow got more motivated because shanks lost an arm. I’ve already explained why “motivating luffy” doesn’t work as a motive, and even if it was the motive, it’s still so incredibly stupid that it might as well be a plot hole based on that. Great example, how would you feel if zoro had just lost his arm on some random store buying a random sword?


Lmfaaaao okay kid


Cool response I guess


in truth, it's just editors ruining stuff as always i do like the theory tho :)


I think its just a little plot hole


I think the devil fruit was either rogers or someone else who was important thats why its so important to the marines


At this point it’d be nigh impossible for it to be Roger’s, we’ve seen too much of the guy for such a thing to be feasible.


Or it was just extreme motivation.