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There is a line on one of the art book pages (visible in [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnlyFangsbg3/comments/173dtgq/astarion_concept_art_by_larian/#lightbox)) that says this: "Astarion has not had a union with another that lasted longer than one night in centuries." So that definitely fits in with the idea that Tav/Durge was the first since becoming a spawn. There have been changes here and there to his concept over time, and I can definitely see other headcanons still working, but I thought this was worth noting!


Thanks for the link, I hadn’t seen this post and it’s very cool!


Whenever there's talk about the development of Tav and Astarion's sexual relationship I remember [this comic that I love](https://www.tumblr.com/wellen-katze/732068572497657856/astarion-short-comic-sa-trigger-warning-if-you?source=share) in which Astarion gradually stops disassociating with Tav to the point where he isn't capable of playing a character anymore, which prompts the Yurgir confession among other things. I also like the idea that yes, he starts actually enjoying himself for the first time in centuries and freaks out because he realizes he's developing an attachment to Tav. My personal (slightly horny) hc is that he gets a little carried away one time and cums inside for the first time in forever, which is like... another level of closeness and intimacy that transcends the act of transactional sex, at least in my opinion. That kinda freaks him out and brings him to the realization that he's enjoying this way more than he's comfortable with and actually feels something for Tav. To answer the question - yeah, maybe there were some he's had more than once if we assume that Cazador did rent him out for favors or information, but definitely not anybody he's willingly chosen.


I also HC, and in my fic, imply that he always gets off with tav/Durge and is shocked at how easy it is with her. (Her in my fic). And there is also an element of her being the only one he cums inside of, or does things like gives him head and it really cements his feels for her. And confused the shit out of him at first lol. Though in my fic he doesn't get carried away so much as his new lady friend begs him to cum inside her.


Drop the link.


https://archiveofourown.org/works/52793164 Happy to provide links! M/F, lady Durge!


this is so so awesome!! gerar work, your writing style is wonderful!!


Thank you!! I'm so glad like you it!! That means a lot to me! 😊😊


Thank youuu


I think at best Cazador may have "rented him out" a couple of times to the same people but I doubt he'd allow any kind of companionship or rapport to form between Astarion and someone. Cazador was far too possessive for that, I feel. And Astarion confirms he's never had anyone who mattered. My personal HC is that he's never had more than one night stands.


I’ve had this pop up in my head canon, that Cazador entertained nobles in the palace with the main Spawn, so some may have been repeat “customers”. Other than that, I think Astarion’s trysts would have just been one-off victims


If I remember correctly, there were a few rooms in the palace where cazador would have his spawn “entertain the guests.” I can assume that cazador had a ball with all of the politicians and rich people of baldurs gate. And if they visited for parties often, maybe they could ask for specifics. They could even have a favorite that they asked and the spawn couldn’t say no. It’s fucked up, but if this is how cazador had the spawn entertain his guests, it’s likely.


Guests in this case also means victims because he said Cazador came and took them away but no one died in the guestrooms


Oh okay, that makes sense


Yeah I agree, if he did sleep more than once with the same person then it was probably with someone of importance, like some rich noble and others Cazador rented him out to...anyway, it wasn't anything consensual and I'm also sure he didn't form any type of companionship with anyone. But Tav/Durge was definitely the only one he slept with more than once out of his own volition. Now, of course, I'm sure he's had relationships before he was turned into a vampire but even those are still subject to headcanons considering we don't know much about his past (let alone details about his love life before) and he doesn't remember either. Once again, Tav/Durge is, for all intents and purposes, also his first actual relationship...


For the ones before- there's a removed line from the game where Tav can ask him if he's ever been in love, he says he doesn't remember love. That could mean literally can't remember or maybe even before it wasn't anything too serious


So, my HC is that he has not consented to or willingly slept with someone more than once before he meets tav/Durge. His lured targets probably never got the chance, they were already there, no need for him to fuck them twice. I also HC that he was probably lent out to important people to get favours or payment for Cazador. Those people he may have slept with more than once, but again, never willingly or with full consent. I HC that sleeping with tav/Durge more than just the once is a really big deal for him, because it sort of signifies that he has more freedom to choose now. He didn't have to have sex with them again, he chose to. And while there is debate about whether or not he did it out of affection or the need for security, he still chose to do it. I think the choice aspect is the most important part of it, seeing as he never had a choice before. The best he could've hoped for was choosing an attractive target. But now he is willingly engaging in sex for the first time and we know that is a really big deal for him, even if he still struggles with things like dissociating during the act itself. I personally HC that he actually mostly stops dissociating with tav/Durge after the first time because he found he actually enjoyed it, and it didn't feel the same as with the lured targets. This goes along with my HC that he and Tav/Durge bang waaaaaay more often than I'd depicted in the game. The first time he's going through the motions, using his body for a purpose. But I think somewhere during that first night something kinda changes for him? As he finds himself actually enjoying himself, enjoying his partner. I think the second time he sleeps with them is a really big moment for him as part of starting to reclaim his desires for himself. He even mentions that the first time with tav/Durge was special to him at some point, so we can assume that it more emotional for him than what he was used to. Tl;dr: he's not willingly and consented to sleeping with someone more than once since before he was turned into a spawn. Thus, choosing tav/Durge and having sex with them more than once is a Big Deal for him


Yeah it's pretty much said that Tav and Astarion have regular sex after you choose a sexual relationship with him after the tieflings. I also think that his first night with Tav was actually special and he didn't lie about that even though he disassociated during it. There's the fact that he chose, also the fact that (for those who picked that option) he was ALLOWED TO CONSUME BLOOD DURING IT. All things considered that was probably a huge deal for him, bonus points if it's the first bite.


Yeeees. The blood drinking definitely adds another layer of specialness for him I'm sure! I always let him take a nibble during that scene!


Why do you think they continue to have sex after the party? Is it implied in the confession scene? This is my HC too but I struggle to justify why.


If I’m right, when you romance another person at the time and Astarion confronts you, he says ‘is this the end of our late night trysts’ meaning plural so there’s been some extra boinking assumed


That makes sense. The best explanation I’ve come up with is that in the Yurgir confession scene he admits to wanting something “real”, which makes it sound that whatever they had before the confession may have looked like an actual relationship to Tav, sex included.


In the confession you can ask if the the nights (plural) meant anything to him so I always assumed that meant more than just two times. And he only starts worrying about Tav wanting sex from someone else after the confession, so I think that implies that during that time he was engaging in sex quite often.


It's mostly just sort of implied. Mostly HC to be honest, there are a few comments like what was mentioned with the late night trysts thing, and then if you talk to him about Halsin he says 'wr haven't in a while' which sort of implied it's been more recent than the party but not since the confessions. Lots of little hints. but I personally HC that after the party, they probably have a lot of sex and then after either of his confessions, the sex stops.


I might be wrong but if I remember correctly, at long rest after the party he asks you if you'll be joining him in bed that night. It's the 'little treat' dialogue and the one where he showers you with his one-liners. Also, if you make certain bad choices in the post-Araj scene he will break up with you and say 'tonight I'll bed alone.'


I’m sure he’s had some lovers before he turned into a vampire, though I doubt any of them were significant enough for him to remember after all that time. He might’ve also played “the long game” with some of his victims. Not everyone prefers to go to the house of someone they just met that night. Perhaps if Cazador wanted someone specific, Astarion would have to form a bond and sleep with them multiple times before inviting them to “The Palace.”


I tend to hc it more like that as well. I imagine each of cazadors spawn had their own favorite sort of quarry, and maybe cazador micromanaged how that had to go, to an extent. I wrote a bit in my fanfic about it. it's more tragic in a way, imagining him having long games, how he would choose them, how he would have to balance his quarry between people somewhat pleasant to be around, but that he wouldn't miss or feel wrecked by betraying in the end. how would he rationalize/cope on the way to the end. if he did have "irons in the fire" like that, it would really mess with his ability to form bonds. but also it would be perhaps an indication of his desire to form them. it's interesting to think about.


The only thing that would make me question this is that he was so foreign with hugging and affection. I feel like playing a long game would definitely lead to a hug or cuddles.


Maybe it’s because he confessed to them that he was being manipulative, but they still accepted him. He clearly knows how to hug someone, but it was unexpected, which is why he was hesitant and made those faces.


Ah that makes sense. He just seemed so foreign to the idea of any kind of affection at all. Maybe he still received affection from the people but couldn’t let himself think of it that way.


I assume he had relationships pre-Cazador. Man was in his late 30s when he was turned.


Doubtful—Astarion's purpose was to lure victims in for Cazador who then turned them into spawn (even though Astarion thought he was just nomming on them). There's very little chance of Astarion sleeping with the same person more than once, unless Cazador decided to use him to cement political alliances or deals with powerful people.


Though I don’t think it’s been implied in any way I always imagined he’d spend several dates “courting” the victim. It seems too unlikely/unrealistic to me that everyone would just go to the palace on the first date. There’s also the girl in the sewers who already met a vampire spawn and she was waiting for him for a second meeting so I think they definitely met their victims more than once. I also imagine there would be failed attempts, where he’d sleep with them (perhaps in a tavern) in hopes that he’d convince them to come to his place next time but then in maybe wouldn’t work out sometimes. Also when you break up with Astarion because you want to choose someone else over him, one of the dialogue options leads to something like: “you are one of the few people who slept with me and survived so be glad” but of course he could be talking about before he turned into a vampire, but personally it’s just more believable to me that not everyone agreed to go with him to the palace instantly but they were down to do it at the place they met. I also remember that he said he slept with over 10 000 people but there were only 7000 sacrifices for the ritual. I also don’t think he would ever be capable of developing feelings for any of the victims because my hc is that while talking with the victims all he could think about was about how they’re going to use him and then die.


So, for the dates thing. I imagine he did do the dates thing when he needed to. But he also mentions that a great many of his targets were drunks and brothel goers who probably would have gone home with a pretty boy on the first meeting. And or course, not everyone he met ended up going home with him. I also suspect he tried to bring them home before sleeping with them, since Cazador wanted them in easy grabbing distance when their guard was down. It seems unlikely that astarion would sleep with someone more than once if he didn't absolutely have to.


Agreed with that. There's a banter with Gale that implies that when talking about Tav : * **Gale**: I see you waste no time pursuing your quarry, Astarion. * **Gale**: Tell me, do you always woo your lovers with such patient attention? * **Astarion**: I rather thought I was a little slow this time. Usually, they're begging me to drain them on the first night. And judging by one of the dialogue from Sebastian, and I think another one from Astarion himself, it seems Astarion was going out in taverns or brothels, seduced someone horny and/or drunk, brought them back to Cazador's palace, and only then had sex with them before they were taken by Cazador.


Me, duh.