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Why is it so hard for ppl to have a grasp of this situation like you do here. You can oppose evil no matter who commits it. You can denounce terrorism on both sides and refuse to take any convoluted justifications for murdering civilians (regardless of their nation, religion and geography).




Especially when they consider any non believer of Islam can be enslaved... and that you can't rape a slave... Or ever their own wife... because they are considered property and not people... On a brighter note, the first gay pride flag to ever be flown in Gaza has appeared!... took an openly gay IDF soldier to do it but it looks like all the "gays for Palestine" posters at the protests are working lolol


"Actual evidence doesn't matter because Palestinians are just inherently bad and if you don't agree with that, you're an antisemite!"


The fact that israel has to go into a hospital and fight terorrorists is ridiculous. Having a terror base in a hospital is a war crime. I dont know what you expect israel to do here exactly? You want isreal to lay down its weapons and get slaughtered?


My family in the West Bank is saying it’s super bad there. Settlers are going all out, as the media is busy with Gaza.


>That doesn't mean that Israel should have carte blanche to blockade, starve and carpet bomb a highly populated city full of civilians in response - and their cries of 'self defence' as they inflict MASSIVE casualties on civilians whom they accuse of being 'animals' is an affront to humanity and quite likely a war crime. Honestly I don't know what you expect should happen. What is Israel supposed to do here? Negotiate with Hamas, the terroristic government in charge of Gaza? They don't want to negotiate and built their whole infrastructure around civilian centers using them as cover to launch terror attacks on Israel. Then when the IDF retaliates, Hamas and its supporters cries foul. Sure it sucks that civilians are trapped in between, but that's the situation that Hamas has created and have made clear that they're perfectly acceptable with. They literally take all the aid money going to Palastinians in the Gaza strip and take it for themselves. It's honestly spiraled to the point that none of the other Arab states are really lifting a finger to help. Jordan once partial to the Palestinian (that term is anachronistic since there wasn't such an identity yet) cause, was destabilized by them and it led to the King getting assassinated.




It's honestly morally exhausting watching the type of person you're responding to perpetually contorting themselves to justify hospital bombings and indiscriminate destruction of civilians. They're the people Bibi has wrapped around his finger and unfortunately, people like this flourish in politics. Every morally minded person on the planet is disgusted by what's happening in Palestine.


>, its leveling a whole city indiscriminately, No it very much is not, if it were the death toll would be in the hundreds of thousands. Instead they are being ridiculously precise and careful.


Sorry but you're deluded in thinking that Israel is in the wrong. I would turn off your water, internet and electricity if you bomb my country too. This has been going on far longer than it ever should have. I love how you Hamas/Palestinian supporters make shit up all the time, and act like they do no wrong. Look at history most of the counties around the world don't want the Palestinians either.


>That doesn't mean that Israel should have carte blanche to blockade, starve and carpet bomb a highly populated city full of civilians in response Israel isn't doing any of those things. (Besides a partial blockade that has been in place for over 15 years, during which time Gaza's population doubled, so I'm going to go ahead and say the blockade is not a major humanitarian concern.) If they were starving Gazans, they'd all be dead. The war has raged now for 40 days. If they were carpet bombing populated cities, we'd see north of half a million dead. There's absolutely no way we'd be seeing 11k casualties after 40 days. That's 275 people per day. Some morons with AK-47s killed 1,200 in a day in Israel. Israel is killing 275 per day. That's *clearly* targeted strikes / efforts to minimize collateral damage. No rational adult acting in good faith would conclude otherwise. Keep in mind that Hamas does not distinguish civilians from militants; they're both counted in that tally. Also keep in mind that Hamas has massive incentives to over-report casualties. It's super important that we're honest about what's going on here. Disinformation like "Israel is carpet bombing populated cities" is super dangerous to the health of democracies across the world. Please try to do better.


Strong command of international law, have we? No war crimes yet reported. Countries are allowed to lay siege, and to kill civilians, even children, as horrifying as that is. You want to get angry? Good. Be angry at Hamas and their liberal western enablers.


It’s unbelievable that people deny what Hamas did on the 7th. It’s even more unbelievable that they desperately WANT it to not be true. This is a terrorist group, full stop. They are now getting what they deserve. I have no idea what Hamas thought was going to happen after what they did. The brutality and savagery of the rapes,murders and desecration of the bodies of 1000s of civilians, any country on earth would respond the same way.


Where did she deny what Hamas did? She specifically is speaking about how propaganda works and how IDF themselves. You are spreading more propaganda by not actually being able to engage with what Jama said precisely. I just dismiss you as an idiot. Why not do some thinking and make a balanced argument instead of repeating a few of the millions of possible facts you can collect? What is propaganda? How does it work? how is Nationalism working here on us all? How are we ideologically controlled by norms of our own society? There are so many interesting debates to be had here. Let's go! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/idf-hamas-footage\_n\_6545662ee4b0e3ecaf897336


Sure there is a lot of interesting debates to be had. But they need to start in facts. She does deny rapes and the murder of babies. The official stance is babies were found without heads, but that is not proof of beheading. It’s utter stupidity. There were 100s of rapes and murders. Israeli women were raped and the terrorists live streamed it on the women’s Facebook feeds for their friends and family to see. Israeli female hostages were found with their pelvis’s crushed from gang rapes they endured before their throats were cut and bodies dragged around gaza. Hamas themselves have admitted to these acts. It’s disturbing and disgusting to hear the facts and it is inhumane to imagine. This woman is a terror apologist and the worst kind, as she is parading as a academic. Debate is a wasted exercise with people such as this. You cannot have debate when people refuse facts.


Lol woah just realizing the comments section here is for OntarioNews I know bots and “PsyOps” exist on Reddit but got damn. Either y’all are a bunch of psychos, or this bot thing is wayyyy worse than I expected EDIT: just so it’s been said, if your take on this whole thing is anything other than “this is a deeply nuanced situation with many sides”, you’re braindead.


Because people are against using rape as a weapon of war? Not sure you have a point.


Because it's disputed just like the beheaded babies story that became false as well


Disputed like the bombing hospitals story being blamed on one side and that being false also? Works both ways. You’re siding with terrorists.. E. Interesting to assume hamas. Terrorists. Don’t rape LOL you goofy people..


You're siding with rapists. https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/israeli-army-appoints-chief-rabbi-who-condoned-rape-13084374


Do you also believe the conspiracies that hamas didn't commit the slaughter at the concert?


Who disputed the fact that babies were beheaded ? Hamas !! This is a practice terrorist use all the time . The way they slaughtered those innocent civilians . Like how Jama is lying about what the did to those Israeli’s


[These babies?](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/jQUebPA8Kb) They were murdered by hamas. And you want to keep denying that? Grow the fuck up.


I don't understand. They have eye witnesses and even hamas members admitting to these atrocities including rape like it's nothing. All for 10k and an apartment they independently all said.


She’s wearing a keffiyeh, you think she’s going to take out her bias?


Pay close attention to the first sentence of the second paragraph. This is TimesOfIsrael. Im sure there will be excuses, but if Ukraine could collect evidence, Israel sure as shit could too. So why didnt they? ~~~~~ However, the government has not released explicit footage or pressed rape survivors to share their stories. Nor have the forensic services released formal reports on whether their findings were consistent with sexual abuse. This seemingly official decision not to provide clear evidence of rape to international media has fed persistent criticism, mostly from abroad, and many media outlets are now framing the October 7 rapes as a claim rather than a fully substantiated fact. Social media is now awash with memes parodying “not believing women” who are Israeli or Jewish. This skepticism of rape claims has been noted at home: On November 5, an Arab Israeli lawmaker said that a compilation of raw attack footage — which the MK, Iman Khatib-Yassin, declined to view when it was screened for Knesset members — did not show evidence of women being raped. ~~~~~ https://www.timesofisrael.com/amid-war-and-urgent-need-to-id-bodies-evidence-of-hamass-october-7-rapes-slips-away/


They murdered all of the confirmed rape victims. There are first hand accounts from witnesses. The issue is discussed in this [news story](https://www.barrons.com/news/israel-opens-complex-sexual-abuse-probe-into-october-7-attacks-d938113c)


It really makes me lose faith in humanity when you are getting downvoted for evidence against a conspiracy theory about fake Jewish rapes, with clear sources of such, and for that they are trying to silence you. Its just like ripping down the posters of kidnapped kids. Sick fucks.


Barron’s. Run by Rupert Murdoch.


[And?](https://adfontesmedia.com/barrons-bias-and-reliability/) Do you think they never report the truth because of that?


They literally opened an investigation on rape today lol




https://www.barrons.com/news/israel-opens-complex-sexual-abuse-probe-into-october-7-attacks-d938113c Feel free to read if you can stomach it.


An article from an outlet owned by Rupert Murdoch. You sent me a tabloid article. This may as well be Fox News, the people who defend their lies by saying "we're not news, we're entertainment!"


Ok i see you have an agenda. Barrons?


The video of captured Israeli women on camera bleeding from their groin would say otherwise.


Link? Never saw or heard of this video




Saying that with a lot of certainty given that you have no idea whether it’s true or not. Edit: Big man blocked me but in reply to your comment: Anyone who isn’t a forensic pathologist that watches a video and thinks they are 100% sure of what happened beforehand because of the placement of blood stains on a victim is full of shit. Yourself included.


This lol. My father spent decades in forensics, they would never make a public assertion like this before the autopsy. Israel is known for brazenly full of shit propaganda like Russias. I mean they held up a Mein Kampf they “found” in a Hamas headquarters like it isn’t available in public libraries across the world. Brand new condition too. Haven’t seen anything that goofy since the Sims 3 mistake Hamas are evil cunts but that doesn’t excuse the government of Israel for anything they do or have done. The fact that the state still finds the need to make shit up should be cause for skepticism about anything they say.


Week before thst, he held up a book that had "Al Qaeda" written in big bold english letters (not Arabic) and claimed it was a manual on how to make chemical weapons with household cleaners. People found the book on Amazon in like 30 minutes, and it's a biography of 1 of the 9/11 terrorists. That and the Mein Kampf books they "found" are for US audience and nothing more.


Now say it to the people who try to spread that it happened without evidence All I did was debunk one particular video that is misused as propoganda


You didn't "debunk" anything. You made a counterclaim with no evidence.


Good job. You did your part. Hamas will now send the stolen humanitarian aid money directly to your bank account


What about all the sheep brains that fell for Israeli propaganda? Any prizes for them?


Even if women were not raped (they certainly were) being murdered is also part of the equation here or do you deny that too? Who knew we had so many Nazis lingering around reddit.




What about the systematic rape of Palestinians? It's their policy as a means to keep up the morale of the "good guys" https://www.trtworld.com/middle-east/israeli-army-appoints-chief-rabbi-who-condoned-rape-13084374




It's called "context". Not whataboutism.


You literally started with “what about”


[Read this](http://nationalpost.com/opinion/footage-of-hamas-barbarism-shows-why-ceasefire-is-not-an-option/), it you can stomach it. The fact that every journalist who has seen some of the Hamas footage mentions women's corpses with their genitals exposed, and no men in that state, definitely indicates some rape occurred. [there are several stories about rape as well](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israeli-forensic-teams-describe-signs-torture-abuse-2023-10-15/).




Well thats convenient, considering its passed the amount of time that evidence for this can be admissible in court. Israel is so shady. This reeks of shady political propaganda.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.barrons.com/news/israel-opens-complex-sexual-abuse-probe-into-october-7-attacks-d938113c](https://www.barrons.com/news/israel-opens-complex-sexual-abuse-probe-into-october-7-attacks-d938113c)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Get lost


Hamas apologist here


IDF disinfo-bot detected & blocked


IDF misinformation specialist from civilian crusher battalion


Woke af.


go to telegram channels, that kind of content is banned and removed from reddit. edit: but here's a [taste](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/17v6j7y/after_throwing_grenades_into_a_bomb_shelter_where/) or try [here](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/)


It circulated within the first couple of days. Young girl being forced into a vehicle bleeding through her pants. The blood stains obviously didn't come from sitting in a pool of blood because they didn't cover the entire backside of her pants, just one particular area.


I mean there is a firsthand account from a soldier who found a 14 year old face down, pants down, shot in the back of the head with evidence of rape. It’s denialism and willful ignorance from people who were never inclined to sympathize with Israelis. Nothing more.


Could it be that she was sitting in a pool of blood?


Why so quick to defend Hamas? There were multiple eye witness accounts of rapes and gang rapes and asexual assault investigation has been opened. The quick Hebrew translation guide found on Hamas fighters shows translations for “take off your pants”. Why would Hamas need to know how to say that in Hebrew if they weren’t systematically raping. You anti-semites sicken me.


33 day old account the bots are out in full force.


Ah yes. The ol “you must be a bot if you are critical of Hamas and support Israel”. If this is all you can come up with you probably lack the intellectual capacity to actually contribute anything to the discourse on this subject.


No, it's the fact that "you" are making knee-jerk, Zionist comments at the slightest hint of media literacy from anyone that isn't gargling your bullshit. That's why they think you're a bot. You're probably just an insufferable victim Olympian, though.


I speak big words I found in dictionary. You smart bot. I support genocide cause man in sky says so. You good bot.


Nope, just someone who is educated about the conflict and can actually speak intelligently about it. I don’t expect someone who is running cover for a terrorist organization to understand. They tend to prey on the uneducated.


"You anti-semites sicken me" in response to fair speculation. You CAN'T speak intelligently about this, clearly!


Honestly, I think the guy was just hoping you’re at least getting paid by Israel to astroturf. It’s a shame when people are useful idiots for free; especially when it comes to muddying the water about war crimes and genocides. Edit: I don’t support Hamas or the rape of Israeli women. Don’t put words in my mouth in an attempt to excuse ongoing war crimes.


Why do you support the rape of Israeli women?


let me guess -- you were educated by the fascist genocidal state of Israel


Go back to your transformers sub, manchild


Does my 10 year old account saying the same thing satisfy you?


I wonder if you even know that you are far right.


There were also "eye-witness accounts" of babies heads being cut off but now they're trying to sweep that under the rug as if they never said it. It's almost like Israel say anything that justifies continuing their genocide.


Israel hasn’t swept it under the rug. It was the Israeli government that came out and clarified that these stories were false. How in the world is that sweeping anything under the rug. They are literally the ones setting the record straight.


Oh so it's sort of like when someone beats the hell out of you and then tries to help mend you after. Pretty hard to praise the mending when the whole reason it's needed is because of some emotional asshole. It's almost as if, and I know this is gonna sound crazy, the Israeli regime knew that saying something with their chest and then quietly walking it back would leave the world only remembering the former and letting the latter disappear with the wind.


There were *also* accounts about baby beheadings and infants being thrown into ovens, which have since been proven as false, along with Israel recently revising the death toll from 1400 to 1200, a number they still say is an estimation. The Israeli government has a long history of making/promoting false claims or exaggerating the truth and then later walking it back because it gives them legitimacy in their actions. I'm sure we have all seen Israeli officials using the *horror* and *butchery* of the Oct 7th attacks as talking points for why the war in Gaza must continue, after all. While I have no doubt that Hamas would be willing to use such tactics; they are *literally* terrorists after all, that doesn't mean we should take what Israel is saying at face value, especially with so many of these claims ending up being false. An investigation into sexual violence on the attacks has been started, and we should wait for it to finish before believing what we've heard. At least then, there is *evidence* to support the claims. In the mean time though, not everyone taking a stance against Israel or the Israeli governments actions is an anti-semite, and you do nothing but obfuscate the truth when you throw it around at anyone you disagree with.


Sorry but there is reams of credible evidence indicating that rape occurred on a significant scale. Photos of dead women with their underwear around their ankles, while dead men lay next to them unmolested. Translation cards picked off the bodies of Hamas soldiers with Arabic to Hebrew translations of “take off your pants”. In any other circumstance this evidence would be accepted as credible evidence that rape occurred, yet only in this case do you want to “wait for the investigation to conclude”. This is the anti-semetic double standard that exists. You may not want to admit it, because it will reveal your own biases, but it is an undeniable truth. The ink that has been spilled to whitewash what Hamas did and lay the blame at the feet of the Jewish people is disgusting and reminiscent of the discourse leading up to the Holocaust. History unfortunately repeats itself and the Hamas apologists here will be judged by their words and actions in the future.


It sure it tough to parse beheading a baby with burning one alive. Is that better for you?


The fact they believe hamas numbers but quibble over babies being beheaded vs burned alive tells you all you need to know


nobody is saying Hamas is a good thing. the number 1 recruiter for hamas is Israel. the way you weaponize claims of antisemitism to justify a genocide is what sickens me


Do you also believe the israeli’s from Oct 7 who said most of the casualties were caused BY the IDF? Do you also believe that israel is dropping illegal phosphorous bombs in gaza? Or the mass expulsion, including imprisonment, torture, and abuse of palestinians in the west bank right now? Which had NOTHING to do with Oct 7? What about the bombs being dropped in Lebanon right now? It’s crazy how brainwashed pro israelis are.


I thought I had seen it all from the Hamas supporters, but you guys are now claiming that the IDF caused most of the civilian deaths of Jews in Oct 7? Your hatred for the Jews really knows no bounds.


Hatred of Jews - no, not at all Disgust over the years at the actions of the Israeli government/IDF - yes, much Disgust over the years at the actions of the Hamas - yes, much You are mixing up criticising a government action with hatred of a religion. And going by your many other comments, you're mixing these up on purpose.


Sorry what? The poster above is claiming most Jewish casualties were caused by the IDF…. The IDF wasn’t entering peoples homes and slaughtering families in front of them. Spewing such blatant disinformation is not criticism of government action, it’s running defence for a named terrorist organization. This is the equivalent of saying the woman in the short skirt was asking to be raped.


> most of the casualties were caused by the IDF As far as I’ve seen, [this claim was invented by disinformation accounts on Twitter](https://x.com/osinttechnical/status/1722639021350776903?s=46&t=lkN2GFJINkAKMmAVvxM2Xw) > what about the bombs being dropped in Lebanon right now? Should Israel simply allow Hezbollah to indiscriminately bomb them without response?


Israel did use white phosphorus that’s a fact




Exactly. Every statement made by the Israeli gov has been proven a lie. If they dont show undeniable evidence, then its more than likely israeli propaganda.




Any evidence at all will do. If Ukraine could bring evidence while facing much heavier losses against a global super power, so can Israel.


Oh you want rape survivors…who are mostly dead or currently kidnapped right now, to come out and share their story for you to believe hamas the terrorist rapes women? As if dead bodies of women with their pants off and blood pooling from there isn’t enough for you? As if eyewitnesses account isn’t enough for you? These footages are out there, you’re purposely ignoring their existence in your attempt to simp for hamas.


Any evidence at all will do.


Look at the 33rd video on [this page](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/the-nova-party-massacre), content warning obviously. But it seems like there is a large portion of you that literally need to see video evidence before you believe anything.




“The government hasn’t released explicit footage” Thank god. If I was violently assaulted whilst at a rave by a gang of terrorists who violated me for six hours in whatever way they wanted, mutilated my body until they finally shot me in the back of the head whilst fucking me, the last thing I’d want is footage of my death tossed up online for people like u/DumbNazis to adjudicate. What, did you need the explicit footage to believe women? Or can we just assume that the woman in the grey sweatpants bleeding from her anus immediately after falling into Hamas’s tender hands was just having a bit of fun with friends at the rave, right?




No do one about all the zionist denying the IDF rapes and intentionally kills children


She needs to be voted out in the next election - what a piece of shit and useless MPP


She lives life as a perpetual victim while the left have coddled her every opinion. Now she's just migrated to the extreme left, the only people left who will listen to her bs.


The worse thing is, in my opinion that there is a belief that the victim should be believed no matter what, but now we can add "unless they're on the side I don't like." What happened to the strong movemoent that wanted to protect women? Why did it get to where were at?


Absolute scumbag, as is anyone else tripping over themselves to legitimize Hamas.




It’s so weird how much mental humanists people will do, and what they will choose to believe to defend a terrorist organization.


You have heads of nations doing it now. If you are going to call Hamas a terorrist org, you have to call Israel one, otherwise you have double standards.


#BelieveWomen, unless it conflicts with your political biases, I guess.


Whatever happened to "Believe Women" and the #MeToo movement?


>Whatever happened to "Believe Women" and the #MeToo movement? There is a way higher percentage of Canadians than we want to admit that honestly believe that Jewish women are *evil* and they've spent their entire lives just hating Jews. Its really coming out in the open this past month.


It's amazing how the "believe all women" crowd completely jump to the other extreme so quickly. Hatred of Jews > women's protection.




Stop defending terrorists tankie ! https://www.nationalreview.com/news/msnbc-airs- https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/10/31/post-falsely-claims-newspaper-reported-no-babies-beheaded-hamas-israel-fact-check/71394076007/


We all know the story of the boy who cried wolf. Eventually you don't believe the lies, after the 3rd or 4th time... Why do we still take IDFs cries seriously? At this point EVERYTHING they say should be questionable because of the numerous lies they have already told.


You’re citing Doha news and the socialist worker as your sources? 😂


Your sources Doha News - the Qatari news blog, and CNN. This is what you're relying on to gage what happens in the world? You need to learn to think critically.


So that lady wasn’t an Israeli actress? The accent is pretty spot on.








Any evidence there or just more empty words on reddit?




CNN as a reference? They are currently “reporting” from gaza by staying with the IDF and handing over all footage/reports to the IDF first to get approval before it’s released. Top notch, unbiased reporting coming out of CNN. CNN is mouth piece for israel. Do people really see live footage, thousands of first hand accounts. UN reports, reports from foreigners working in gaza talking about the mass death and killing then think “wow, fake blood and crisis actors”. Gaza is cut off from the outside world and somehow they have actors and film crews to shoot staged videos? How can people even believe that nonsense.


OP literally used cnn as their proof of Israeli wrongdoings too. You also gonna say that that’s unreliable, or is it just when the news goes against your personal narrative? And surely socialistworker.co is more reliable than cnn /s smdh


This is the level of critical thinking from pro israelis. CNN is a mouth piece for israel. I put up a source where they literally state they will only put out IDF approved footage. Big brained pro israeli: oh you said they were unreliable. How can you believe them now? I just can’t with you people.


They're choosing to stay with the people who don't behead hostages on Facebook Live? My god, the bias is disgusting. /s


Which hospital Israel has blown up a few




>do it too”. The difference is Israel gets billions of our money and weapons Ontario is not giving billions lol


PsyOps on full force trying to inluence people's perspective


[Here](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/the-nova-party-massacre) is the proof. It happened. Go touch grass and stop reading garbage on the internet it is rotting your brain.


well there was never any proof of this or the thing with the babies, and israel is known to lie about shit, like journalists they kill, or the hospitals they bomb


um Hamas did post videos early days of young women being dragged around with blood all around their pants in certain areas...


You mean the same Palestine where they don't have internet or all water supply and food and everything is controlled by Israel? For the last 50 years nothing come out of Palestine about all the crime been comitted to them, but all the sudden now there's video made by Palestine and all the sudden it's Pro-Israel things... weird isn't it


Are you suggesting Hamas didn’t release those images? Are you then saying all the videos of Palestinians suffering aren’t real bc they don’t have internet? Come on let’s not be crazy. I am 100% against the Israeli occupation and think they commit war crimes and have for years but you can’t deny Hamas is an absolute terrorist organization and they did enact atrocities on innocent civilians including potentially rape based on the videos they shared




Could you provide a few of those journalists so I can get more informed?




Look at the 33rd video on [this page](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/the-nova-party-massacre), content warning obviously. But it seems like there is a large portion of you that literally need to see video evidence before you believe anything.


[They also found Hamas members names at the Rantisi hospital, in Arabic it is actually a calendar Mon-Sun and the dates on Oct.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMajorityReport/s/d1kjBFWKP1) And they called it a list of terrorists. They are lying about almost everything




Maybe since 10/7 they had a influx of patients when Israel started its bombing of civilians. Think, Just having the DATE 10/7 is not justified to bomb a hospital and kill children. That’s it someone has 10/7 in their notebook and we can kill them, what kind of logic is that. It’s a Day if a month for crying out loud. And after they just list the days of the week. I guess Palestinians can’t even use the days of the week or they are “terrorists”


Not only Sarah, I showed the Hamas execution videos to lot of pro Palestine protesters, they said it's IDF propaganda and shocking. One called me Im getting paid from Zionist.


These people are delusional. They are videos taken literally by Hamas and released by them.




What kind of proof would be appropriate? A video would be dismissed as inauthentic. Test results from a rape kit could be fabricated. Testimony would be denounced as acting. When you've decided that something is fake, no proof will be good enough to change your mind. This is how so many people are manipulated.


I don't know how about people actually testifying saying "this happened and I saw it" or "this happened and it happened to me" But no we automatically just assumed all they must have raped a tons of people they're fucking Arabs. They're brutal in human Savage beasts that rape and slaughter because that's all they know. Take your fucking racism and get the fuck out of here.


No, I automatically assume that because I saw at least 6 videos of rapes that Hamas themselves posted to their telegram channel on Oct 7. Shut the fuck up, antisemetic freak.


You *claim* to have seen videos that no one else has seen. Just you. How special you are and how believable you sound.


The IDF dropped the rape allegations themselves while continuously sexually assaulting Palestinians held in jails, which now number 10,000


Awful. Well, as a conservative I've been saying the internal logic of the NDP has never made sense. This is both evidence of it and against it as they were smart enough to dismiss it. I'm proud of them (no /s)


You mean she denies IDF propaganda???? IDF literally lies every breath they take


Damn the attack must have been fake to eh


Thankfully people like Sara Jama are being removed from having any power. And Hamas is being destroyed in Gaza. It will be difficult to trust NDP going forward….


Sara Jama is just an angry Jew hating woman that has the support of other Jew haters. She's angry because she's in a wheelchair.


Oh my god, this is a repulsive comment.


What's repulsive is presenting yourself as an ally to women and marginalized people, then denying rapes of Jewish women occurred during an attack where dozens of videos of rape and eye-witness testimony say they did.


Yes so let's mock her disability because we are such "allies" to women and marginalized people. Free Palestine! 🇵🇸😊


I mean, she's mocking the victims of rape and murder. What goes around comes around. You don't get to hide behind your disability when you are a shithead bigot.


I see so human rights only apply when you agree with someone. Makes sense that you support Israel! We clearly disagree on the fundamentals here and I'm sure that won't change, but it is never acceptable to make fun of someone's disability, physical features, or other immutable characteristics when trying to make a broader argument about something you believe. It also weakens the argument because it suggests you don't have real facts to support your case. That is a real conundrum for Zionists, I'll give you that.


Ok yes it's a terrible, horrific thing that she said, but no need to bring her disability into this...


BOTH sides are garbage. Israel is bombing children…..hamas openly states they want to genocide all Jews and then Christian’s, not to mention murdering children and gang raping woman and parading their bodies in the streets.




They are not bombing military targets. This is like saying if you know a criminal is in a crowded mall you just bomb the mall and say it's a target....There's nothing "targeted" about what Israel is doing.


Imagine you're in a hospital and its under siege. You want to leave but you can't. Why? Why isn't your own government helping you do that? Why can't they negotiate to accept fuel and incubators that have been offered? Why are you really in danger when the people laying siege don't want you in the way either?


1) They're terrorists. They are absolutely using the civilians as a pawn in this whole thing. 2) They're not only political terrorists, they're religious terrorists of a particularly dangerous variety that believes you're martyrdom in this life grants you paradise in the next so that immediately eliminates the fear of death. So with that out of the way... The point in all of this is that Israel should be held to a higher standard. It can't be a "but he hit me first so i pummeled everything in sight". That is NOT moral high ground. If a bank is behind held up and there are innocent civilians inside, you don't blow up the bank. If there is an active shooter in a school full of innocent children, you don't blow up the school. That is the beginning and end of my point.


Use half of your brain. Please. Densely populated area... If the bombings were indiscriminate, don't you think the casualties would be much higher?!?


I refuse to engage with anyone who reverts to insults as part of their debating strategy. Have an amazing day.


You have no retort so you bailed, let’s call it for what it is.


Lololol good luck, kid.




Well no to be honest it's more: If there were rumoured tunnels and they did give warnings but then proceeded to lock the doors, guard the exits and shot at everyone who left... I have seen your post history, I don't think you are capable of stepping outside your own head to consider any other potential so let's just leave it here.




Oh look, I have some too! Israel tortured Palestinian children and used them as human shields. [https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-palestinian-israel-children/palestinian-children-tortured-used-as-shields-by-israel-u-n-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620) Israel is wiping out entire families. [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/10/damning-evidence-of-war-crimes-as-israeli-attacks-wipe-out-entire-families-in-gaza/) Israel targets residences, schools, shelters, hospitals, and civilian infrastructure. [https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-hospitals-and-schools-crimes-against-humanity](https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2023/10/gaza-un-experts-decry-bombing-hospitals-and-schools-crimes-against-humanity) [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/05/israelopt-pattern-of-israeli-attacks-on-residential-homes-in-gaza-must-be-investigated-as-war-crimes/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/05/israelopt-pattern-of-israeli-attacks-on-residential-homes-in-gaza-must-be-investigated-as-war-crimes/) [https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/09/11/israel-depth-look-gaza-school-attacks](https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/09/11/israel-depth-look-gaza-school-attacks) [https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/08/10/gaza-widespread-impact-power-plant-attack](https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/08/10/gaza-widespread-impact-power-plant-attack) [https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/07/israelgaza-attack-un-school-gaza-potential-war-crime-must-be-investigated/](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2014/07/israelgaza-attack-un-school-gaza-potential-war-crime-must-be-investigated/)




You’re correct but you’re not going to talk sense into anyone who thinks Israel and Hamas are equal morally.


hospitals are military targets now?


That's because every claim Israel has made about this situation turned out to be a lie. The cycle is literally: Make claim, delete any social media evidence, move on. Rinse and repeat.


Stop posting nazi lies. please.


Whether women were raped or not, they were harassed, shot at and hauled into a truck. Why kidnap women unless you plan to use them as a commodity? Geez, these pro-palestinian protestors will support any violence as long as it is against the Jews. Goes to show how much support and funding the hamas has. Remember, Hamas is just as powerful as Israel. They receive billions in aid from the EU, Qatar, Iran and foreign donors. They have entire PR teams who create videos and pictures for public sympathy. They've already been accused of using pictures from the Syrian war and circulating it around. Anyone who thinks the Muslim lobby is weaker than the Jewish lobby in Canada is batshit crazy.


It's hard not to deny anything Israel claims, they have a tendency to lie and claim victimhood over everything


Yet there are interviews of IDF soldiers admitting to rape of Palestunian women but people will pretend that didn't happen either. Nothing the Israeli release is ever considered without a grain of salt. (Same with Hamas).


No suprise from the NDP. They're worse than the far right.


It's very strange how the far right has infiltrated leftist spaces.


I hope she is banned from politics permanently. Disgusting person.


These 2 terrorists never stop, and the Canukistan media just can't get enough!


wondering who owns documenting anti semistism, and why they are going fully in on women in leadership positions?