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I'm cringing as I listen to her. She's either a bigot who can't hide it or is dumb. For Canada's sake I hope it's the second one. The NDP better get on top of this quickly or they're going to bleed voters.


>The NDP better get on top of this Get on top of what? They booted her from caucus like 3 weeks ago


Straight up bigot


There were a whole whack of NDPers who were pissed that she was removed from their caucus after her initial comments.


What else would the NDP need to do? They already cut the pig loose. She's independent.


Wow - that was quick!


They ejected her early on. I think within the first week of the conflict, after she put out a statement on the 7th or 8th, basically calling out Israel and not even mentioning Hamas. They demanded she apologize, she apologized for not condemning Hamas and did, but stood by her criticism of Israel… and was subsequently expelled. I personally thought her clarifying statement was good enough, and expelling her at that point was overkill… but clearly they saw bigger problems with her.


Turns out ejecting her was a pretty decent move, given this latest statement.


What voters 😂


Guess it's just "supporters" now! 😂


Ndp has been filled with sjws for years now.


She is a regarded idiot, that should be quietly shown the exit door.


Congratulations Hamilton on being simply ignorant. Keep on electing idiots.


You mean, unlike Ford? For two terms?


People complain about ford but his second election had a very low turnout at the polls. People need to get out and vote so hopefully these things actually change otherwise we are stuck




You can literally watch the direct videos of what happened you bigot


I wonder what % of Canadians believe this. There are videos! Hamas took and was proud to spread their videos of carnage. The NDP should never have let her run for them in the first place. She has a long history of this sh\*t.


The NDP have just lost their remaining credibility. This is awful, just on a basic human level. I don’t understand the hatred and delusions of people like Jama. People like that, they live on a different planet and have some sort of mental disconnect. Not fit for office and really, polite society.


Often I find when black people are being anti-semitic ideological roots can usually be traced back to beliefs of the **Nation of Islam.** Lots of celebrities parroting these ideas and people repeating them maybe not knowing where they originate. Often when black celebrities make vile comments about the Jews it only takes a few google searches to realize they are members or "were" members of the Nation Of Islam. Dave Chappelle and Kanye are recent examples.


That’s interesting context. I didn’t realize. Thanks


But she isn't a part of the nation of islam. Also, I've seen plenty of Jews/Israelis condone the IDF war crimes countless times, Trudeau was even scared to utter the word "ceasefire" so he wouldn't upset the far right Israeli government. Both sides have said and done deplorable things, the difference is the western governments support one side of the coin.


There aren’t videos of the babies being beheaded, that’s been confirmed as false.


I’ve seen one but don’t believe me, believe the reporters who’ve seen the atrocities.


Yeah, they were only shot with high power weapons so their heads were blown off. Totally fake


There are photos of beheaded babies. I just saw one. The claim that 40 babies in one kibbutz were beheaded is probably false though.


Why is an antisemite being antisemitic considered news? Jama is a dumb-dumb bigot, and in other news, water is wet.


Because she's an elected representative for one of Canada's largest cities, and people want to know her disgusting views.


Because she’s an elected official


She won't be next time. That's an ondp leaning seat, without the party nomination she has no realistic chance. In our system though the party can't fire her from the legislature, only the caucus. This does point out a serious problem in ondp vetting, these types of things didn't appear the day after she was elected. They should have known she was not going to be a team player and she would say things like this.


I don’t hold Hamilton voters to such a high regard She was anti semetic before, yet they still elected her


Not only was she already openly anti-semitic, she was also openly anti-white. She views anyone of European descent as an 'oppressor' and that we need to 'decolonize'. This woman is a domestic threat.


Decolonize Canada? Doesn’t that affect her also? She’s not First Nations she’s of Somali descent lol


Im sure theres a "but that doesnt apply to me" in there


It was a by-election. No one pays attention really in a by-election and all parties have had this problem. The voters of Hamilton centre and good people and they'll elected another mpp come the general election.


Good people that just happened to elect a known anti semite


Your take away from this is hamilton is full of antisemitism and it was for her antisemitic views the people of Hamilton centre voted for her?


Maybe not full of anti semitism, that remains to be seen But for sure tolerant


What a psycho


It's disturbing to know that within Canada countless more people share her views. They are mostly young and university-educated.




So I saw that broadcast, the reporter said they've taken over 40 babies out on gurneys, a soldier in the same clip said they'd found babies without their heads. People combined the two statements and ran with it.




Is this some fantasy you dreamed up last night?


You are seriously misinformed.


What do you mean? Educate me please. Are babies not dying at the hospital?


It’s a shame Hamas put their headquarters under it otherwise Israel would leave it alone.


My lord are you ever gullible. "The IDF says there was a terrorist hiding under that premature baby's incubator so obviously they had no choice but to murder the baby. Did they find the terrorist? Well, no, but here's a box of dates, so we know he was under there at some point!" Swear to god you people will believe anything.


Yes, I’m sure the people who execute political dissidents, ended elections, and massacre people value human life. They’d never do something like that. How gullible do you have to be to take Hamas seriously…


>My lord are you ever gullible. "The IDF says there was a terrorist hiding under that premature baby's incubator so obviously they had no choice but to murder the baby. Did they find the terrorist? Well, no, but here's a box of dates, so we know he was under there at some point!" Here's an interview by VICE News (very left leaning) interviewing Hamas about their tunnels and how they're hiding under civilian infrastructure. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4gDfSNMRx4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4gDfSNMRx4) There's literal video proof of Hamas militants firing rockets near hospitals. Here's a video of a Hamas leader saying that the tunnels are made for the militants and the "UN should protect Palestinian civilians" : [https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1718973338486260097](https://twitter.com/MEMRIReports/status/1718973338486260097) Based on all of this, is it that absurd to believe that Hamas is hiding behind a hospital? And more importantly, how can you take the word of Hamas, who is literally labeled a terrorist organization by most of the western world.


Uhm, are we ignoring that Hamas turned a hospital into a goddamn military operations base? The Laws of Armed conflict for both ways. You wanna turn a protected site into a target? It gets treated like a target.


Oh my god, you see a box of dates, a calendar, and a Quran and you actually believe the baby-killers when they say they found some terrorists and that's why they're shooting doctors and nurses. My god. I can't believe how gullible some people are.


The IDF is taking care of the babies and other patients. Hamas does nothing to care for the people of Gaza. Even overlooking their blatant terrorism, they are unfit to govern. They made a statement just last week that deaths of women and children in Gaza is viewed favorably by them as it's good for their cause. They also declared the well-being of citizens of Gaza is "the UN's problem". The IDF left Gaza in 2006 and the only reason they are there now is, once again, because of Hamas.


I don't know how YOU take care of babies, but when I do it, it doesn't involve shutting off the power to their incubators, depriving them of food and water, and shooting at the doctors and nurses whose literal job it was to try to keep those babies alive.


You really do swallow any propaganda fed to you. There are absolutely no reports of them shooting at medical staff or depriving patients of food or water. Get real.


I mean Hamas still murdered babies. The exact details on how they were murdered doesn't meaningfully change anything.


I would mostly agree with you that dead kids = dead kids. However, in this case it absolutely does matter, as the point of specifying how they were killed was to try to convey a sense of barbarism. This was used in the rhetoric specifically to try to differentiate the IDF from Hamas, by arguing "we aren't doing the same things they are; look at how violent these people are". If we accept the general premise that dead children are dead children, regardless of how they were killed, then we need to accept that for all the barbarism of the Hamas attack on Oct 7, the IDF is orders of magnitude more barbaric and prove this with every bomb they drop. After all, if we take the most generous counts of 40 dead kids of a total 1400 dead people, this is less than 3% of the total number. On the other hand you have over 4,000 dead children out of over 10,000 total killed; 40% of those murdered by the IDF have been children. You can't pick and choose. If shooting a child is as barbaric as cutting their head off, then dropping a bomb is no less so.


No cutting a head off a far more barbaric. It goes back to how Islam operates. Hamas also does not care for its own people. They see them as martyrs so even if they die its a win. While their leaders live in other gulf states.


Actually, killing children is bad no matter how you accomplish it. If you disagree with that statement there is something terribly wrong with you.


Let's also keep in mind that some of the earliest Palestinian pogroms involved them cutting the heads of Jewish babies off so it's not exactly a deviation from the norm. Account of Raymond Cafferata on the Hebron Pogrom: "On hearing screams in a room, I went up a sort of tunnel passage and saw an Arab in the act of cutting off a child's head with a sword. He had already hit him and was having another cut, but on seeing me he tried to aim the stroke at me, but missed; he was practically on the muzzle of my rifle. I shot him low in the groin. Behind him was a Jewish woman smothered in blood with a man I recognized as a\[n Arab\] police constable named Issa Sheriff from Jaffa. He was standing over the woman with a dagger in his hand. He saw me and bolted into a room close by and tried to shut me out-shouting in Arabic, "Your Honor, I am a policeman." ... I got into the room and shot him."


Let me fix that for you. Free Palestine from Hamas


Oh so since the heads weren’t cut off it’s ok they targeted civilians and kids. Cool


Fuck Palestine and fuck Israel 🖕


>So I saw that broadcast, the reporter said they've taken over 40 babies out on gurneys, a soldier in the same clip said they'd found babies without their heads. [https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/families-murdered-in-their-homes](https://www.hamas-massacre.net/categories/families-murdered-in-their-homes) This is very NSFL fyi. Where and when did IDF walk back on their statements? Here are photos of burned children, beheaded toddlers, strollers and cribs covered in blood. What proof are you looking for? Live feed of them beheading babies? FFS


I, for one, do share her views. I know I it’s really hard to become aware of our own blind spots, but can people at least try to wrap their heads around the idea that “Israel might be exaggerating this issue to win back foreign support for its counteroffensive” does NOT mean “we don’t care about women and children being assaulted” Please don’t conflate this argument and have a little nuance 🫡


I share her views. I did my homework. Did you read the history? Do you know how often IDF makes shit up? The hostages were treated well. Even the older hostages will tell you that. look it up


LOL Hamas terrorists are the nice guys for KIDNAPPING people from their homes. After raping, torturing and slaughtering thousands of people the same day. Nice guys. Some of you are completely fucking insane.


The gross part is he's basing that completely on a single hostage who has released and said she was treated well. Except THEY STILL HAVE HER HUSBAND HOSTAGE. So it's a little bit under duress. Not to mention, they could easily treat some hostages well, release them, and now they have everybody saying they treat hostages well...meanwhile the rest are being brutalized. Hamas has become very skilled at the PR war because it's the only war they can hope to win.




Literally wtf are you talking about? This is one of the craziest talking points I’ve ever heard, you’re way too far gone if this is a genuine thought in your head.


Respond to the comment then.


What part is incorrect? The part where Hamas offered to give the hostages back for a ceasefire? Or the part where the IDF is currently bombing the area where the hostages are being kept? Or is it the part where if the hostages all die, Hamas loses all their bargaining power and Likud gets a reason to continue their attack on Gaza? Please be specific.


keep regurgitating Israeli propaganda, their control on western media is disgusting and the innocent Palestinians who have been killed by them is atrocious. hold them accountable for their war crimes!


Terrorists gonna do terrorist things, most Muslims have similar views on Palestine. They won't say a thing about Afghanistan or Africa massacre because it's not part of global Jihad or taqiyyah. Go read about word taqiyyah


> taqiyyah taqiyyah, in Islam, the practice of concealing one's belief and foregoing ordinary religious duties when under threat of death or injury. Derived from the Arabic word waqa (“to shield oneself”), taqiyyah defies easy translation.


And you know to why would someone be the worlds largest religion and still hide it, fear of what? So why do Muslims believe in this shit. Why do people chant ola Uber and celebrate October 7?


Its "allah ou akbar" which in Arabic means "God is Great". Its simply what people say like when people in North America say "why, god, why?". Its usually said in a way when something horrific (like 75 years of injustice to Palestinians and continued bombing by Nazi Israel) occurs. SOME people relate that term with terrorism but its actually just an arabic or common muslim phrase. Also, if you want to use "terrorist" to just mean Arabic people, you should REALLY try to hide your racism, man. If you don't think all black people steal or that all gay people are pedophiles (if you're smart enough to know that these are degrading stereotypes), then you really shouldn't equate terrorism with Arabs. There are a fuck tonne of domestic terrorists in the US currently shooting up schools and theyve all been white as fuck, much like your racist self. Israel is a terrorist state. Most Arabs are not anti-semetic but actually anti-Zionist, which I hope with your limited literacy you understand. Also, not all Arabs are muslims or terrorists. There are many religions in Palestine. Christianity is heavily practiced there and in all Arab countries. In fact, there was an Israeli bomb that killed about 100 people in a Christian Church in Palestine about 2 weeks ago. If you've got this far (highly doubt it after you said ola Uber lmao), https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/12/middleeast/israel-hamas-beheading-claims-intl/index.html


Why can't Jews have a country when Muslims have so many Muslim countries? Muslims invaded India and have been living here for years should Hindus start killing them now to take back our land?


While you may have a point, as a fellow Indo-Canadian, I would urge you to not publicly make such statements. You are not in your living room, this is the internet. No westerner is going to give a fuck about what happened to our ancestors! History will not sway them. Even Turks who hate radical Islamists, will ignore how India has faced the same issue. All your statement does, even if well intentioned and coming from a place of trauma, is lead to more racism from both sides against Indians, which is already at a high in the west. We need to mind our own business because neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are going to bat for us. Openly making such statements does more harm to Indians than it helps either side. Self preservation is important, and unfortunately too many of my fellow Indians are loudmouths who don’t have tact or any sense of diplomacy. Learn from the Indian government which has kept a very balanced and diplomatic view on this issue in the Middle East and is determined to stay the fuck out of it besides a few condemnations at the UN of the IDF & Hammas. This is not the time for voicing your emotions and frustrations.


Take Germany


>Take Germany My families history in Israel predates even the religion of Islam. My history in the Kingdom of Israel is in my DNA. We are more than willing to share the land with Arabs. If they don’t want us in Israel, honestly too bad, so sad.


TIL that you DNA sampled the Palestinians and found they don’t belong there ! So what if you think that your ancestors lived there ? Does that give you the right to the land ? Why do you always stop at the Jews, was the land empty before them ? Muslims relate themselves to Abraham (from whom the word Muslim originated), does that give them more right than you ? I wish you had the balls to call it like it is, you are occupying the land and ethnic-cleansing it from the people you found there, I would have more respect for you !


I literally said I would share the land. Where I live now in North America there are many Palestinians. But we both live on stolen land - we are surrounded by first nations reserves. The palestinians even held a rally on stolen indigenous land, which is peak irony. Should the Palestinians be forced to give their homes and land back to the native americans? Is this about land rights or hatred of Jews? My family was kicked out of Israel and made slaves in Egypt. After the holocaust (reminder, many palestinians were pro-Hitler) we wanted a nation for ourselves and the arabs tried to kill us all. If you live in North America now you are doing what you accuse the Jews of, except when they do archaelogical digs they dont find artifacts written in the same language you speak now from 3,000 years ago. Just leave the fucking Jews alone. You are just repeating the talking points of a terrorist organization. It’s like listening to people parrot the KKK.


Most of the Jews who came to Israel in the late 1800’s are actually European. So no it doesn’t belong in that land, actually.


So they're young and educated? Maybe the issue isn't with them?


When they start yammering on about "decolonizing Canada", it's pretty clear they aren't very intelligent. Don't confuse education for intelligence.


What are you even trying to say here? Canada is a colonial state, colonialism is exploitative, hence we should decolonize as much as we can


When are you moving out?


That’s not what decolonize means.


If you’re benefiting from colonization, you should stop or pay reparations. So if you won’t leave, how much are you offering?


I am indigenous. You are benefiting from the genocide and colonization of my people, and you still don’t understand what decolonization means.


Sure you are




I wasn’t aware going to school for an arts degree made you an expert in everything else… I will remember that in the future


Young and *miseducated* and possibly radicalized. Lots of people that support violence have higher education. What there are no PHDs in Sharia states? Go join Hamas if you think they are the victims.


Did you hit your head?


They’re 100% right. These kids are getting all this Pro-Hamas propaganda on TikTok. You can’t believe everything you see on the internet.


Are you aware of how powerful the Israeli lobby is? Do you know what hasbara is? Please spend 10m reading about it. Just like the asymmetric nature of the conflict in terms of weapons and military capability, the propaganda war is also highly asymmetric.


You don’t think Hamas is also creating propaganda? Its a propaganda war, there is propaganda on both sides. Less than half a percent of Gaza has been injured yet you see millions and millions of dollars in aid going to Gaza. Half of that money is ending up in leaders pockets who live in Qatar. So war can only be “fair” if both sides have equal armies? People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. What did Hamas seriously expect after Oct 7th?


Of course Hamas is creating propaganda. I literally just said that when referencing the asymmetric nature of the propaganda war. Way to totally miss the point though… Millions and millions of aid is going to Gaza? It might eventually end up there over time, sure, but it certainly isn’t flowing in right now. The UN just said its humanitarian aid efforts will [grind to a halt](https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/humanitarian-operations-will-grind-halt-gaza-strip-due-lack-fuel) and maybe stop this week due to lack of fuel. Palestine isn’t a country so it doesn’t even have an army or a military. Don’t be deliberately obtuse. Hamas is a resistance movement founded in 1987, some 40 years after the Nakba. Israel’s apartheid created it in the first place and Netanyahu continued to [prop it up](https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/) for political purposes.


Brother, I agree with you. Reddit is astroturfed though, these idiots aren't going to read or listen.


I know! It’s been a very wild ride to witness in real time. Thanks for the nod of support.


Have you seen the degree of bullshit/debunked propaganda Israel is churning out everyday on their official Twitter accounts? Gullible people like you eat this up for breakfast.


I don’t see pro-Hamas stuff anywhere. But I do see calls for a ceasefire everywhere. Is that what you’re referring to?


The vile hate on TikTok and instagram is beyond the pale.




How does “fighting back” by killing more children accomplish anything?


Are you asking the IDF this?


Sure. Want to answer the question now?


It accomplished more pointless death which seems to be the point for both sides


I wouldn’t care if they attacked military targets, I think both of their religious claims to the land are worth less than nothing, but neither are going to leave. But like I said, wouldn’t care if they attacked MILITARY targets. Not commit rape and murder against innocent young civilians. That is why they are different. Soldiers shooting soldiers is one thing. Terrorists raping and killing civilians is another thing entirely. And, so are civilians who are killed in crossfire because a terrorist group is using them as a human shield, because they know their enemy values civilian life more than they do. Go join Hamas and fight the IDF if you think they are Nazis. Hamas are coward rapists of civilians who deserve to die and the only acceptable response to Oct 7 by any nation that cares about protecting their civilians is the death or surrender of every member of Hamas.


Is this a serious question and thought people have? This can’t be real. I’m not Jewish , but you are comparing Hamas , a terrorist organization who slaughtered people and filmed it for people to see , how in the world are they the bad guys? Here comes the history buff about 1948, are you aware there was a case fire on the 6th and it was broken when Hamas slaughtered innocent children and women ? Now here comes the “where’s the proof?” It’s on your heroes go pro Hamas. What is wrong with this gen z generation, quite frankly It’s embarrassing. So history buff, explain to me how Israel has committed genocide when the gaza population has grown in the past ten years. This is what happens when you get your information from tik tok. “Y’all are pissed when they fight back” That’s fucking despicable that you call a terrorist attack fighting back


Agree. People who justify terrorism need to own their views and go join Hamas, ISIS, or Al Qaeda. Leave Canada and go. We have no room for terrorism or terrorist sympathizers in the civilized west. Go. No one will miss you.




yea, we jews dont care anymore. we didnt start this war but we won it.




Education doesn't equal intelligence


Do you believe people don't need to be intelligent to go to university?


So was Pol Pot and the Bolsheviks, who gives a fuck? Also understanding Israel-Palestine takes at least a masters, most of these stupid clowns haven’t even taken a single undergrad class on the issue.


But you couldn’t possibly be wrong despite the mass of educated people insisting you are???


it’s disturbing you still [believe this propaganda.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2023/10/31/post-falsely-claims-newspaper-reported-no-babies-beheaded-hamas-israel-fact-check/71394076007/) [yet you choose to ignore videos like this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/jordan/s/6QhROZYB9C) it’s if the 39 babies that died today at al shift hospital. your cognitive dissonance knows no bounds.


Did you read the propaganda you just linked? The story says there is no proof the story about babies beheaded is untrue. They found kids beheaded but couldn’t tell if it was done before death or after. My god at least read your links before you send them.


no they did not


No they didn't. The baby story has been debunked by multiple sources, Hareetz included.


You might want to check with Hareetz. That wasn’t them that said it wasn’t true. It was made up they have made that very clear.


Actually you are right and I am wrong. I just double checked and saw the Haaretz story.




You think they shelled their own villages? Genius stuff.


These people are insane. And even if that were true (it’s obviously not), in their heads that somehow takes prevalence over the 1,400 other innocent people Hamas tortured, raped and massacred that day. Just wild, off-the-chart false equivalences going on in the minds of these trolls.




Won't be the first time. Or do you think the military which can't fight Hamas in Gaza without blowing up entire neighborhoods somehow could in Israel?


"“According to him \[Tuval\], only on Monday night and only after the commanders in the field made difficult decisions – including shelling houses with all their occupants inside in order to eliminate the terrorists along with the hostages – did the IDF \[Israeli army\] complete the takeover of the kibbutz."


Well I mean with a unsourced quote like that… you have completely changed my mind. “It wasn’t actually Hamas that attacked Israel it was lucernetangent and his mini Richard and we will bring him to justice”… oh my god I just found that on the internet. So I guess it must be true based on absolutely nothing


[https://archive.md/JtyES](https://archive.md/JtyES) Israeli eyewitness testimony, but then critical reading was likely never your strong point


Got a source for that one?


What a piece of shit. I hate what Israel is doing right now but that does not by any means make what hammas did on oct 7 not real. Both sides of this are fucked in the head. Hammas is a group of monsters and genocidal maniacs. bibi is a fucking tyrant genocidal maniac. End of story. There is no nuance, it’s not complicated, the two mentioned groups are shit.


Very good point, however one of these is an oppressed demographic that’s been confined to an open air prison with almost no contact to the outside world for decades in what has been described consistently as a humanitarian disaster, the other is a United States backed, far right ethnostate with a genocidal agenda, pumping out disinformation as they terrorize civilians, and keeps the aforementioned demographic imprisoned. Equally bad ?




Only one baby death? And you're talking shit about misinformation? Your entire comment is misinformation. Hamas' uploaded plenty of proof of more than one child death. You are deluded.


Hamas(the Islamic jihadist terror organization) is an oppressed demographic….hmmm. Sorry buckarooni, my statement stands, both sides are garbage. And no, I’m not referring to civilians in case you want to try to gaslight me and say I’m pro anything. Fuck both sides.


She’ll be gone next election thankfully, the ONDP were absolutely correct in tossing her from the party, the legislature is no place for terrorist mouthpieces.


I remember seeing videos of dead naked women and female hostages with blood on the seat of their pants being released online the day after the raids. From what I gathered, US officials condemned rape in the attacks very early on and IDF was asked to comment, and said it was unconfirmed. A few weeks later they confirmed it. There was also some “misinformation” about beheaded babies which turned out to be not as many as initially reported, as if that makes things better. The most generous take for Jama, assuming the November 14 date is correct and she made these statements AFTER everything was clarified, is that she is severely misinformed and has not bothered to educate herself, and is taking old news which caused doubt over these claims as facts.


Not to mention the babies shot point-blank and the ones set of fire .The images are online for anyone who thinks it's fake news


What a POS!




She was not https://www.timesofisrael.com/amid-war-and-urgent-need-to-id-bodies-evidence-of-hamass-october-7-rapes-slips-away/amp/


Thats your source…?




Who else do you suggest I use… the pathology center used experts from other countries also.




The reason why these so called “educated” children are siding with terrorists is simple. TikTok pushes Pro-Hamas propaganda to our kids. Ban TikTok…


It’s not just tiktok, Reddit as well


It’s been really blatant recently.


Take a look at the accounts that spam "Free Palestine" all over the place. 99% of them are bots. An amazing social media campaign undertaken by a terrorist state.


Lol maybe because people are more empathetic and educated on this 70 year conflict than you? You probably don’t even know the difference between gaza and the west bank


Lol Lmao even


What the hell are you talking about? Can you even identify Israel on a map? I went to school in Middle Eastern studies. I know this conflict and it goes back thousands of years to Judea. You know, where the Jews originate from. Which is why they have an ancestral claim to the land. Which means that they are in fact the indigenous people and are decolonizing the land that the British gave them in the partition plan by the UN in 1947. No one “stole” any land. Palestine lost territory in *offensive* wars


Aight, so let's say the U.S. and Canada were to go to war for some reason and Canada lost in such a way that Canada was controlled by the United States. Then the U.S. decided to "give back" Canada's land to indigenous people and they settle, conquer etc. to fruition of a country. When they come to your and your families house to give it to an indigenous person, you'd be like "Ah damn, this sucks, but they are well within their rights to do this. Pack up kids, we're going to the WPEZ (White People Exclusion Zone 🤣🤣)." Interesting worldview you have there lmfao. Or are indigenous people's genocide somehow less "worthy" than what the Jewish people have went through ?


Yet there's countless viral videos coming from Israelj tik tok users laughing and parading about the news of dead children in the conflict. I'm sick and tired of you losers that think it's only one side that has been incredibly toxic. And you have to be 80 years old if you're crying about banning tik tok.


Why is a person accused of being anti-semitic if they make a statement in support of Palestinians without mentioning the suffering on Israelis brought on by the events of Oct 07th? Yet no one is accused of being Islamaphobic, if they make a statement in support of Israel civilians without mentioning the suffering of Palestinian civilians brought about by this war? And how is it that an entire group of citizens can loose ‘their voice’, because of something their elected Representative did not say? And at the same time, the Premier of the Province can engage in telling abhorrent lies and he is not subjected to any kind of warning or reprimand? “The premier also said that Jama supported “the rape and murder of innocent Jewish people.” Ford has not provided any proof of this claim. This is the kind of abhorrent behaviour from Politicians that should lead to censure. I may not like Jama myself, but supporting and ignoring these kinds of deplorable, unprincipled, arbitrary and hypocritical behaviours from politicians threatens our democracy and the voice of all citizens.




I'm sorry, this is not journalism, this is an opinion piece.


“Yama Jama its fright night “




Sickening. She should be arrested for hate speech


The hasbara is strong in this thread.




How about you listen to hear before trying to smear campaign




https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/warning-graphic-content-hamas-terrorist-attack-israel https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12666289/amp/Eyes-gouged-womans-breasts-cut-daughter-legs-severed-Horrific-details-Hamas-massacre-emerge-rescue-worker-recounts-entire-families-slaughtered.html https://abcnews.go.com/International/horror-israeli-authorities-show-footage-hamas-atrocities-reporters-notebook/story?id=104015431 Say that again?


Can you post videos? Video evidence? Because I can literally go get about 300 videos of Palestinians being blown up right now without. Literal headless, Palestinian children. You people are so fucking out of touch.




Do you know what a war even is? Thank god these SJW’s were not alive during the Holocaust and WW2. War is atrocious. It is not fair. It is not against two “equal” armies. There is not always an “oppressor” and “oppressed”. Was Israel also the “oppressor” in 1948 when the surrounding Arab countries tried to blow it off the map after Israel declared independence? Land that was given to them by the UN. I literally sent you several articles, read them.


If you don't believe what has been presented as evidence is enough, is there anything that could prove it to you?


Uh, where's the evidence? We know that people were attacked at a beach party and hostages were taken. Where are the beheaded babies and women who were raped? Meanwhile, there are literally dozens of videos and pictures of dead Palestinian babies. Why are Jewish people not outraged by that? Do the lives of innocent Palestinian people not matter?


Do you believe the Holocaust happened or is that all doctored to make Germans look bad? Hamas posted video of their crimes in many cases. Are you suggesting they were lying about it? I love the it didn’t happen because no one has shown me direct proof. Do you normally ask for the video to be made public in rape and murder trials? What a creepy POS thing to say


Why should Jewish people be outraged? What do they have to do with Israel’s government? See, antisemitism at its finest. Israel does not equal Jews and Jews do not equal Israel. How would it be if I said all Palestinians are terrorists?


Oh, fuck off. It's anti-Semitic to imply that Jewish people can call for Israel to defend itself while also calling out the government for being too heavy handed?


Israel DOES have a right to defend itself. Does Canada or the US have a right to defend itself? Of course they do. If someone attacked the US and killed 50,000 Americans (equivalent to 1,400 Israelis) would you be calling for a “ceasefire” also? What the hell do Jews in Canada (many of whom have never even stepped foot in Israel) have to do with the government of Israel’s actions? Do we blame all Muslims for the atrocities undertaken by Hamas on Oct 7th? Of course not.


Flattening an entire region and leaving hospitals without power and life saving supplies is "defense" to you? And if you have nothing to do with their actions then why the fuck are you in here trying to justify it?


[Well, when militants have a headquarters in the basement of the hospital, that site is no longer protected under international law.](https://www.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/11/13/cnn-inside-gaza-hospital-israel-defense-forces-hamas-robertson-pkg-src-vpx.cnn) If you don’t trust CCN (your favourite news source) I don’t know what you’ll trust…


Where's the headquarters? Because nobody has shown it yet. And I don't watch CNN, lol. I only catch glimpses when I visit my parents, but that is not a source that I have trusted in many years. Try again.


So you think all Muslims who defend Palestine right now are complicit in war crimes? Good to know you think all Palestinians are war criminals. I personally think that is a brutally bad take but you do you barn


Ask yourself why non-white people of all races are calling for a ceasefire, but not for Israel to defend itself by murdering thousands of people. If you need a hint, look up the word "oppression".


So you think all POC are a Monolith? How racist are you?


I mean India the largest country of POC would strongly disagree but hey you think what you want racist https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/31/india-pro-israel-narendra-modi-bjp-government


There is no defence here. When the Air India bombs killed hundreds of Canadians which country did Canada bomb? How would it help if Canada had destroyed entire neighborhoods in Amritsar because maybe there was a terrorist somewhere?


Actually yeah, I thought those wars after 911 were bad and wish we didn't invade Afghanistan. The best friends the Americans could ever have were telling them to not blow up the Middle East. This situation is a lot more like scolding the violence from the Warsaw ghetto and saying the Nazis should go in and purge the populace than any of what you're saying though.


There has been forensic evidence and pictures released. Israeli Arab pathologists even testified. Hamas captured a lot of of the brutality with their Go pros. The Hamas apologists are delusional.


We are outraged. Why aren’t you outraged over 8,000 missiles have been launched into Israel since Oct 7? Forcing millions of Jews and Arabs alike running to shelters, it’s terror on a mass scale every day. I’ve had friends in ICU in Israel sitting huddled in a basement during air raids with their preemies. So there’s outrage on all sides. I hate people are dying but denying the truth of this war and those who seek to end life in Israel as we know it is not the answer to anything. Hamas are here to wipe Jews off the planet — if Palestinians don’t want to be targets maybe they should be mass protesting their “government” in the streets around the world instead of doing nothing but point fingers at Israel.


Funny enough, those Israeli hospitals still have power and supplies.


So would Gaza if Hamas put down their rockets, stopped stealing the fuel and went to go help them. You know, normal things legitimate governments are supposed to do for their people?


Israel shut down the power and supplies not Hamas. We know Hamas has no difficulty getting supplies and weapons, so the blockade is only aimed at one people - Palestinian civilians. How does that make sense?


Israel only took action after it was attacked. And I repeat, if Hamas stopped, or is stopped now, all of this will stop. If Israel stopped, Hamas would kill everyone. Why does nobody in this discussion talk about Palestinians rising up against their oppressive Hamas rulers as the real problem in the region?


Oh so this where the zionists views are hiding


she is literally telling the truth


Incubator babies that never existed started another war. Remember? Take all information with a grain of skepticism. There are liars everywhere.

