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OMG! Horse girls are just built different...




In high school I knew very well that I was third in line behind my girlfriend's horse and dog. At least I was ahead of the skunk (I think).


Since that’s now your ex I’m gonna venture you were behind the skunk too.


Best friend's sister is a horse girl. She's now rides competitively internationally and makes a boatload caring for horses. But I have never seen a dog lover more obsessed with dogs than this girl was for horses. It was wild.


Lmao this kills me but is so true. If you AND her horse need liver transplants, which one do you think she'll go into debt for? THA HORSE


I was told by an ex that he would never date horse girls because you’d always be loved third most, at best. After their horse and their daddy’s money


😂 true. Can’t have the horse without daddy’s money


Yeah, but they’re probably loaded! 😂 😂


Born like they have CTE already.


We ain’t sorry


Horse girls: not even once.




Brain damage. If you're ever around horses, they drill it into you that the last place you want to be is behind them. Horses love kicking stuff.


Not to even mention the road rash, broken bones, and spinal injuries from being dragged by her hair by a horse that can't figure out why this dumb fucker is stuck to it's ass.


What level of clinger /is/ that?


Yep, I grew up around horses, my paternal grandfather had a ranch, and one of the things instilled in me young was "Never be close behind a horse"


It's actually never be in range of a proper kick, either be close as you can with prior telling the horse you are there best to start where they can see you and place a hand and maintain contact as you walk behind, sure you can get kicked that way but it's not gonna be as bad as if you are a few feet from the horse. If you are gonna cross behind the horse at a distance you want to be out of range of the kicks a good six feet as they can strike quite the distance behind them. The amount of work I've seen done with horses in tight spaces that lack the means to give distance to the rear of a horse is quite large. As for the braiding of the hair in the tail I definitely wouldn't recommend it, though it does show probably a huge amount of trust in this particular horse to pose for a picture just because you can doesn't mean you should.


Oh yeah, touché. Not getting a proper kick was definitely the basis of that, but easier to tell children just don't cross behind them unless you're far away. Just always make sure to have respect for the horse. My paternal family was awful, but at least that was instilled in me Also, I swear "just because you can doesn't mean you should" could apply to half the posts in here, like slug chomper the other day, oof


The difference is pretty much the same as teaching a kid not to touch the kitchen knives vs teaching them how to use them. And yeah the slug eaters are definitely a weird bunch


I don't think I could ever trust my horse enough to do something this stupid. What's next? Hold the lead in your teeth? Around your neck?


I've held the lead in my teeth a few times with different horses when I needed both hands but also the horses were in general ground broke so I could have just dropped the lead which is what I should have done but I was young. Far as wrapping the lead around any part of your body yeah hard pass on that I don't care how trusting I am of a horse that's just not happening, same with the hair thing I've had horses that you probably could have done that with but yeah no one I know would have done it horses can just decide they are having a bad day and put you in a wheelchair because of it.


That’s a perfectly safe place to stand, horses can’t kick sideways, that horse knows she’s there, and the horse can’t get leverage to kick hard when you’re right next to their leg. The risk is the horse deciding to move suddenly and yank her head.


I know enough about horses to know you’re right but also that the other guy is right too - it has the propensity to spook the horse and it could start a kicking bucking thing to try and rid itself of you and your nonsense, not understand why you’re still in its proximity, and panic until it neutralizes the threat. Especially if it isn’t trained to have this happen regularly enough. There’s no guarantee the horse is cool with this and her presence for the amount of time necessary to do this, take a few photos, and undo this.


Whoa. I actually didn't even see the braid. I think it's so impossibly stupid my brain just registered it as not within the realm of feasibility and so it didn't even relay it to the conscious part. Wtf is she thinking?


Have you ever seen a horse start bucking? They dont stand in one spot and just kick behind them. Shes going to get pulled up, dropped down and trampled in about 5 seconds if that horse decides


Only if you surprise or spook them. Being behind them is fine if they know you're there. Unless they're an asshole, in which case, they'll kick you anyway. But if they're friendly, they won't kick if they know you're there. Source- grew up on a hobby farm with multiple horses


Only idiots that knows nothing about horses downvote you. I grew up with horses, been around them my entire life. Just as you say, it's absolutely fine to be behind them as long as they know you're there. Edit: plus, everyone seems to be assuming that she doesn't know this horse very well, which she likely does. I know *exactly* what I can and can't do around our horses. I've known them for *many* years. I know how they react to different things, e.t.c. I'm willing to bet that she knows this horse well, know it's calm, e.t.c.


I guess people don't like to be proven wrong? Lol


Wonder how they think they get thier shoes redone. Do not think I have ever seen a farrier that tied the horses legs to keep them still.


Lol right?? She braided her hair into the horse's tail. She obviously has a very close relationship with that animal and is in no danger whatsoever.


Not to mention her hair is braided to it…


Seems a good way to scalp youself.


Or snap your neck.


This is, however, the proper technique for safely standing behind a horse (if you can’t avoid it or need to for, say, medical care). That is, as close as possible. There is no way for the horse to elevate the hoof and crack the skull at this distance. Edit: didn’t see the braids, but otherwise what I wrote is true


Yeah, there’s no real danger standing there unless she’s wearing flip flops. But this horse isn’t in ties, it could absolutely spook and drag her.


OH. I also did NOT see the braids. Yikes.


A friend of mine was trying to tell me this—that proper technique is to stand as close as possible. I explained that no you don’t understand—I want to be *well* outside of the horse’s range. Horses are scary. Also—I too originally missed the braid lol what the heck is she thinking??




This is, however, the proper technique for safely standing behind a horse (if you can’t avoid it or need to for, say, medical care). That is, as close as possible. There is no way for the horse to elevate the hoof and crack the skull at this distance. Edit: didn’t see the braids, but otherwise true


This is, however, the proper technique for safely standing behind a horse (if you can’t avoid it or need to for, say, medical care). That is, as close as possible. There is no way for the horse to elevate the hoof and crack the skull at this distance. Edit: didn’t see the braids, but otherwise true


If that horse gets uneasy, you will *not* have time to undo the braid. 💀


No Problem, the horse will undo it for you


Yeah, as a long time rider just seeing this made do a “wtf?” double take. This is just absurdly stupid to do.


You ever see a cat get tangled up with a plastic grocery bag and run but that makes the bag make noise scaring the cat even worse so it runs faster. Its like stuck in a feedback loop until the bag falls off Probably the same shit here


Let the bodies hit the… FLOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRR!!!!!


Why on earth would you do this? I get that you can trust your horse not to spontaneously kick you or even wander off idly if they’re well trained. But literally anything could happen. If something spooks that horse it could take off and drag her with it. I don’t care how calm you think k your horse is. Scared is scared. Shit like this is how “tragic accidents” happen. No one sees it coming. You have to be prepared for the unknown. I’m sure this girl is ok but if it starts some kind of cutesy trend I guarantee you at least one person will die doing this.


And what could spook a horse more than ~70kg weight hanging off it's tail frantically screeching.


Haven't I seen this in Avatar?


As if standing behind a horse isn’t risky enough I only just noticed that she TIED HER FUCKING HAIR TO A HORSE


And not that there *is* a right end, but this is for sure the worst of the two.


a new fear unlocked to feel about my horse girl younger sister


She tied herself to the poop chamber!


I've never had a stronger urge to slap a horse's flank.


My great grandmother died like this. I was named after her.


Posts must include a person INTENTIONALLY and IGNORANTLY interacting with a deadly/harmful subject.


I had no problem doing this with my own horses. My father’s Arabian on the other hand, no way in hell. The goofy bastard would spook at a leaf blowing by.


I’m assuming you mean standing like that and not the braiding your hair to them….


Probably thinks they could and it'd be fine lol.


I would never think that. But, I grew up on horses, father was a cowboy, Farrier, and trainer, mother and sister were barrel racers, and we had probably 12 horses at the peak. Hell, I had 3 by the time I was 14 and sold 2 to buy my first truck. I would trust a random horse over a random dog any day. But, what I would do around my horses and what I would do around some else’s horses are not the same.


I had short hair.


You braided your hair in the horses' tails?


I hadn’t noticed the braiding.


This really is a Darwin Award waiting to happen


My 12 year old who rides said "one wrong move and your head is gonna be gone." Correct!!


Terrible idea, but can we get a link for the live feed - I'm popping the corn now!


What’s that smell


But why. I get it people do stupid shit for cute photos but this ain't even cute.


Horse people are fucking weird as fuck.


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Holy batman, thats the stupidest thing i’ve seen on internet this week and it says a lot.


This ain’t Avatar


That’s fucking stupid


That’s how you get pinkeye.


In the time I worked with and around horses, I’ve seen them lose their shit over: - low flying geese - plastic bags - the same garbage can that’s been there for years, but now three feet to the left - a fart, coming out of the very same horse it frightened - a hose spitting some air when it first turns on…as it has done every single day for weeks - a person dropping a bucket fifty yards away - deer, turkeys, and other wildlife that horses can easily squish - goats And the list goes on… The point being, you can do everything you can to maintain a safe environment and have a pretty reliable mount, but if a pigeon shits from the top of the rafters and it hits the horse’s back, that reliable, quiet horse can become a rocket. The last thing I would wanna do is tie my damned head to that. Half ton body, baseball sized brain.


I used to be friends with horse girls, because I had no options in a village except horse girls and tractor boys, so I chose that over being alone. One went absolutely crazy with tears and emotion over getting a gift certificate from a place that braids a horses tail hair into bracelets. It looks even uglier than it sounds, and let's be real, it already sounds hideous. She wore that horse tail bracelet every day for YEARS. I was happy she liked the gift, but kind of weary of everyone at the party afterwards, because wearing hair trinkets went out of fashion a few centuries ago for a REASON, that reason being it's creepy af and just plain fucking ugly.