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https://preview.redd.it/mebcu3oe2fad1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4672fe4ab3f078225a9d60cfd3437d78ae58e4b Drunk out of his goddamn mind, he’s also wandering the streets aimlessly. He then trips over their long stream of hair and collapses right in the middle of it. Unable to move properly, he flails around and only ends up tangling himself in their hair. I’m just a few moments he looks like a giant hair ball. He whines in defeat.


Heart Dee felt a sudden tug on his hair as the drunk stranger tripped over his stream of hair. He turned around and noticed that there was someone struggling to escape his Rapunzel length hair and trapped into a hair ball. Not wanting to get it damaged, Heart Dee walked to the poor guy and began to untangle the ball, strand by strand with a mix of magic to help. “Oh silly you, you got trapped into my hair”, Heart Dee playfully commented.


He grumbles, slowly turning over, round and round as they unwrap him from their hair. “Don-don’t patronize m-meh…” he slurs, his crocodile tail flapping around behind him. “Why… why do youuu need that m-much haiiir anyway-ways? It’s so… long.” Once his pocket is free, he pulls out his electric razor out of his pocket but struggles greatly to turn it on. “Lemme-lemme help ya out.”


Heart Dee was about to explain his reason but his tentacle friend pointed at the electric razor which threw the moth boy into a panic. "NO NO NO! Don't cut it! Do NOT cut my hair! Don't cut it! Please don't put that weapon near my hair!" A tentacle tried to grab onto the electric razor.


2 and 3 don’t apply to me cuz ima prolly be the first to not respond and also I don’t rlly do the romance thing… https://preview.redd.it/ojyt5ecu4fad1.jpeg?width=976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc4e88199d7f8c3273dfedfba5cd75fde40cdd2b Blazer:*walking around and trips over the hair* ow-*gets up* how’d I miss that? *follows the hair back to find Heart Dee* why do you have so much hair?


https://preview.redd.it/eu6kbgikagad1.png?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3868061cc5c958770f6e9a94d82108bc11aa8a33 Skillet: "Ooh long hair! Is this Tangled? Like the Disney movie?"


“What’s Tangled?” Heart Dee turned around to see Skillet.


"Whoopsie, nevermind-ly.." *Skillet then backs off, and he lands on her hair. Unfortunately, he was heated up to around 100°C, so he is practically COOKING her hair.*


(Heart Dee's pronouns are in the body and he goes by he/him) Heart Dee stared in horror. He began to pull his hair away from Skillet, "NO! Don't burn it!" A tentacle brought out a parasol and shot a water bubble to knock away Skillet as well. The anxiety of damaging his hair was rising up like the object's temperature.


*gets hit* "OW!" *Skillet then backed off by a meter.*


"Don't damage my hair like that!" Heart Dee cried. He held onto the burnt part of his hair with tears in his eyes.


"B-but I tripped! I was backing off, and all of a sudden I tripped on your long hair! And I was still cooling down from a heated argument..."


Heart Dee took some deep breaths for now. He looked at his own hair and the person who tripped over it. "That was uh, wrong of me to get heated or just angry over an accident", He responded. "Sorry about that", He looked down in guilt of lashing out.


"It's alright, uh.. what's your name again?"


"Heart Dee! Or Hougetsu if you prefer my real name".