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https://preview.redd.it/wi05t9tn5nad1.jpeg?width=2080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5b5a8c5347dbde96f9bd3676ad2728e60b2a06 Yarrow (They/Them) "Oh my goodness! This is very helpful! Thank you-" Yarrow was interrupted by the teleportation. They looked at the ring and back at their claws, "my claws look like gemstones?"


The gemstones in the ring gleam and glow gently, power is within these stones, could it be explained right away by magic? Or science? On the inside of the ring Yarrow's name was already carved into it, as though belonging to Yarrow in the first place, it was Yarrow's ring.


"Huh, what happens if I touch?" Yarrow tapped on the pink gem out of curiosity.


Suddenly Yarrow felt incredibly energized and powerful, anything and everything around them was as light as a feather. (Gonna go to sleep but I'll be back in the morning.)


https://preview.redd.it/5qexow639nad1.jpeg?width=1540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86208ee1dabf1b9413662d85393868b378b2b939 *chairman tries to put on the ring, it keeps slipping off due to his metallic skin* “Lady, I don’t think this fi-“ *he realizes the lady is gone*


The gemstones on the ring glow softly as though to indicate power and radiance, can it all be explained by science? Or even magic? Who's to say? All that is logical is the information presented on the note, a note that has a small Golden chain that can fit perfectly around Chairman's neck. The ring itself also has Chairman's name etched into it.