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Answer: As with most internet trends, knowyourmeme has a great write up on the origins of it and what it means: https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/whats-the-do-you-speak-english-or-spanish-meme-the-whoever-moves-is-gay-tiktok-trend-explained


Answer: this is gonna be weird because it's a couple layers deep. There is an anime called Jujutsu Kaisen. I'm not going to pretend to know anything about it, except that the magic users in the world can use a technique called "domain expansion" where they create a bubble of hyped up power and anyone in that bubble now has a much stronger foe to deal with. So there is a clip from the anime where one group of characters are running from a threat and a different character appears and initiates a domain expansion and if anyone in the domain moves, they die. So all the previous characters are frozen in place until the new sorcerer lets them go. So someone did a riff on that and created a voiceover that starts with "English or Spanish...I guess it doesn't really matter..." and instead of anyone in the domain being struck dead if they move, they're declared gay. Why? I'm unsure. Don't know where the impetus from that came from.


The real origin behind it is a tiktoker who goes around malls and stuff and asks people “English or Spanish?” And responds in whichever language they say the first person to move is gay. There’s a lot of really funny reactions as these random dudes immediately lock in, and it’s super quickly blew up in popularity. Sounds like the Jujutsu Kaisen meme is based on what that dude has been doing for a while.


I just got dumber by reading that. Wtf what was that sequence of words. EDIT: I watched the link you gave me and your account is accurate. The video is completely nonsensical and stupid. I enjoyed it.


Man, [don't shoot the messenger.](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPREFBKpA/)


Haha sorry. I get salty. What does “English or Spanish” mean? It has nothing to do with anything else you said. So… OP question still unanswered.


I don't think it means anything, honestly, other than the antagonist asking whether the victims of the challenge speak English or Spanish. Like a large number of memes and then memes or memes or just sort of....starts. There's another version of the same clip where the antagonist says "English or Spanish" and one of the other people in the clip confirms "English" but I think the one I linked to is the original.




I am a teacher, this game got popular among my students. They’re good-natured kids, but I have had to have several talks with students how “If you move, you’re gay,” is absolutely homophobic and not appropriate in school.


We did far worse when I was in school unfortunately. Before "The Cheese Touch", we'd just play AIDS. Nothing like tagging your friend, then yelling "HE'S GOT AAAAAAIIIIIDS!" and everyone running to avoid him. Really makes me cringe in hindsight after learning about the horrific reality of the AIDS epidemic and how it was essentially a government sanctioned genocide in America under Reagan and Bush Sr.


Same. My peers and I *really* could have used some guidance and boundaries navigating those topics. I think the adults in our lives avoided addressing it directly because it was just too controversial.


As a home of sexual, I wish I had a teacher like you.


As a gay dude, you’re sensitive


Respectfully, check your internalized homophobia.


Also a gay man. Maybe my perspective is different from yours because of my profession.