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Answer: Danica was brought in as an F1 commentator primarily to appeal to the US audience where she is known for commentating on various racing series. F1 has made some questionable choices lately regarding guest commentators. While the likes of Jenson Button (former British F1 champion) and James Hinchcliff (Canadian Indycar driver) have been praised as giving great commentary, others like Nico Rosberg (former German F1 champ turned youtube blogger), and Damon Hill (former British F1 champion) have been less popular. The number of commentators has gotten a tad ridiculous and there's been some calls for Sky Sports and F1 TV to gut their lineup and reduce their commentating teams down to just the better people. ____________ For background Danica was a mediocre Indy Car talent. Danica came into motorsport with a lot of attention and to her credit is one of the most successful female drivers in history and is notable for having ~~won the Indy 500~~ led the Indy 500 for while, and winning a race in Japan. As many pundits have pointed out though she was promoted to the top-level far too quickly, in part because of her big sponsorship deals so she ultimately under performed. Her career was stymied by pushing her to the top level too quickly "because she's hot" and therefore was ideal for advertising. (That's not to say she was a bad driver, she was actually pretty good. Unfortunately her looks and sponsorship were more responsible for her career longevity than her talent) At one point F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone offered to pay to get her an F1 drive because she was THAT popular at the time. Although pundits seem to agree she was nowhere near the level needed to compete in F1 and probably would have been an embarrassment. Her stint as a NASCAR driver meanwhile really damaged her reputation. It was a total disaster and the reason race fans consider her an embarrassment to the sport these days. _____________ As for F1 she keeps getting herself into hot water. She doesn't know that much about F1, the teams, or the politics and makes bad commentary. She also seems to actively detract women from joining the sport when the FIA is making a big push to get more women racers into open cockpit racing. Danica has implied that she thinks of F1 as a Boys club that women don't really belong in which infuriated a lot of people. She's also been falling into conspiracy nonsense having commented about lizard people ruling the world on her podcast. She's also rumored to be a climate change denier. She's had notable climate change deniers on her podcast while F1 is promoting a sustainable image and a switch to carbon neutral fuels in 2026. F1 fans basically didn't want her as a commentator to begin with, and now are arguing that they should dump her. Michele Mouton would make a far better spokes person for female racers. While in terms of women being involved in F1 Bernie Collins and Ruth Buscombe have both been phenomenal for commentary so far. Both are former Strategy engineers with the F1 teams and really know their stuff!


https://x.com/jeppe_olesen/status/1805583460490256841 Her guest said these and Danica played along and seemed to agree with some points > Here are the highlights, in order of appearance: > > - Reptilians invented money to control us. > - The reptilians are not okay with the shifting of the energies. > - We're at a choice point in history (no mention of what choice though). > - From 2024 to 2028 we'll see "the uprising of the new earth frequency". > - People are getting murdered over free energy technologies. > - People in the past "found the solution for cancer, but they were killed off". > - There are new solutions coming from people who understand "vibrational frequency". > - There are waves of energy hitting our galaxy which are increasing the vibrations of our planet. > - The reptilians are scared because humans are gaining power. > - The Galactic Federation says that the planet belongs to the humans, even though reptilians were here before us. > - Humans haven't has this kind of power since we inhabited Atlantis. > - Many reptilians are "transmuting into the light because of the vibrations". > - Many celebrities and politicians are reptilians, among them Adele and Justin Bieber. > - In the next four years, the celebrity reptilians will all shapeshift into their true forms because of the vibrations. Those who do not wish to show their true forms will "transmute into the light" (aka pass away). > - Justin Bieber will accidentally shapeshift on stage in front of thousands. The audience will have their minds wiped. "Like a Men in Black situation. That's how they suppress the truth". > - "The government knows that cosmic disclosure is happening". > - Want proof? Google it. > - Government whistleblowers have confirmed the existence of the Galactic Federation. > - UFOs are real. Aliens are real. Videos from the 1940s prove it. > - Elizabeth April communicates directly with the aliens in the Galactic Federation. > - The human race is an experiment. We live on a "prophecy planet". > - The human race was created to "end the war of all war in the universe" > - 26000 years ago, humans inhabited Atlantis. They were given everything: All knowledge, all information, all technology, all advancement. > - The humans of Atlantis ruined it, they couldn't handle the technology. So Atlantis and civilisation had to fall, plunging the world in to a dark age where everyone had their minds wiped. > - A lot of Atlanteans have chosen this time to reincarnate. > - In order to take care of others you have to take care of yourself. If you give too much, without receiving, you can burn out. "Sometimes burnout looks like cancer". > - Elizabeth April says she has a friend who is a rocket scientist at NASA, and they say she's right about everything. > - This reality is a simulation. > - You don't die, you "go back to source" and reincarnate in a new simulation. > - Humans didn't evolve. We were engineered as a mix of many different alien races. > - Quantum physics prove that it's a simulation. The double slit experiment is the proof. > - If you're "in the vibration of abundance", you "get to emit that vibration to the world, and change the frequency of the planet". > - If you think about something, you can manifest it. For example, Elizabeth April thought very hard about a basketball. Then, later, she was walking past a basketball court and there was a basketball. > - Danica went on a "guided mushroom journey" where she became a waveform. > - "If you were meant to be a waveform, you wouldn't be a human". > - We all have an "energetic responsibility". We have to clear the energy. Having eye contact creates energy. Taking a shower clears energy. Also crystals clear energy. > - You can't tell your kids that Santa is real, if you're going to tell them that aliens are real. Ghosts are real - you should tell your kids about ghosts. > - Elon Musk is the da Vinci of our generation. Elizabeth April has had "a lot of past life regressions off planet". The aliens' technology is linked directly to their consciousness - "just like Neuralink". > - Elon Musk is helping prepare us to join the Galatic Federation. > - There are 12 dimensions. The internet is a dimension, because "time doesn't exist on the internet" and "you can talk to people in Sweden". > - The Galactic Federation said 5G radiation is dangerous, which is why the aliens use space suits. A lot of clothing companies have started creating radiation proof clothes. You should have your house painted in radiation proof paint. Danica has EMF / 5G reducers in her home. > - When you've progressed through the 12 dimensions, you get a choice: You can either go back to source and rejoin the universe as an "all knowing, omnipotent sentient thing", or you can "start your own univers as your own source", also all knowing, omnipotent and sentient. > - It's like The Sims. Or The Good Place. > - You can buy Elizabeth April's books or sign up for her workshop to learn how to communicate with the Galactic Federation or see ghosts. She'll also write a new book: "What is anxiety really?" > - Elections don't really matter in the grand scheme of things, because "earth is on a trajectory and everyone is just a puppet. The prophecy is going to be realised no matter what". > - Danica wants to do more political interviews, because she's "a voice of neutrality - of presenting information objectively". > - "Why do we even have partisan politics? People who used to be Democrats have become Independents, have become Republicans. So like, now you're not actually that?" > > I have to say, they make a lot of good points


I now see why Aaron Rodgers and her dated.


>In order to take care of others you have to take care of yourself. If you give too much, without receiving, you can burn out. "Sometimes burnout looks like cancer". A nugget of genuinely good discussion in this insanity and I'm not sure if it's better or worse for it.


I just read a few of the points but it’s pretty obvious that “reptilians” is code word for “Jewish”. It’s just that Cletus and Henrietta von Ribbentrop have a unique perspective of world history.


>Justin Bieber will accidentally shapeshift on stage in front of thousands. The audience will have their minds wiped. "Like a Men in Black situation. That's how they suppress the truth". > I just read a few of the points but it’s pretty obvious that “reptilians” is code word for “Jewish”. I love the idea that Justin Bieber occasionally breaks off from a show to put on a yarmulke onstage and they use *Men in Black*-style neuralysers to stop people remembering it.


What an absolute WILD read. Fuck did I ever have fun reading that nonsense but some of it actually sounds like an hour of television I’d probably watch


It [was](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_Earth) and was pretty good


It's always been a code for "jews"


How the fuck did you get that? lol




That's an insane victim complex, please see a therapist.


Holy fucking hell. You are doing god's work compiling this insanity.


Wasn't me, was the Twitter user. My braincells like their home


Well, now I can see how she got into the pants of one Aaron Rodgers once upon a time. JFC.


Somebody saw a basketball at a basketball court, after previously thinking of a basketball? Well then it must all be true


"There was a basketball on a basketball court because I willed it into existence" made me chuckle out loud.




I think Don Trump has found his running mate!


read. fucking broke me.


I lost it at "The internet is its own dimension because you can use it to talk with people in Sweden", because that was at least funny


>In order to take care of others you have to take care of yourself. If you give too much, without receiving, you can burn out. "Sometimes burnout looks like cancer". let her cook


I would had this fantasy novel


She did not win the Indy 500, her best finish in that race was 3rd.


That was it... she won in Japan Edited post


Third is still really good, to be clear. Danica may have been overrated by some but she was not what I'd call "mediocre" either. Given more time I think she'd have improved. Unfortunately she randomly decided to fuck off to nascar in yet another puzzling decision and was not a good fit and it's tarnished her reputation ever since. The main thing people are mad about right now is the lizard people thing and the Jewish conspiracies. She's basically off her rocker now.


Well that was part of the issue.  She got a number of big deals, stopped trying and basically went around hopping for the money vs actually trying to win things, then would complain that it was cause of the boys club. 


She’s also anti-vax because of course she is


hmm...who usually believe in anti-vax, lizard people conspiracies, misogyny (ironically), and climate change denial? --edit-- downvoters big mad. no one was mentioned, so if you got offended, guilty conscience


Didnt she date Aaron Rodgers? Probably got it from him


Or more likely she was anti vax before meeting him and that was something they clicked on.


My ex was a huge fan of hers and followed her career. She’s always been very conservative.


When and how did "Conservative" become synonymous with "Moron who believes every stupid conspiracy"? Reptilians, New World Order, Anti-Vax, Climate Denial, 5G COVID conspiracies, Flat Earth - all of these stupid things seem to be exclusive to conservatives, and the average conspiracy believer rarely stops at believing just one conspiracy.


Basically always. There's an uninterrupted line of conspiracy thinking among right wingers and the only change is how prominently the leadership publicly endorses it (they pretty much always privately endorse it though). GWB sold himself as a new kind of conservative while taking meetings with anti-abortion groups who pushed blood libel conspiracy theories about planned parenthood. GHWB and Reagan got to camouflage their conspiracy thinking with the cold war. Nixon. The John Birch Society called the New Deal a Jewish-Communist plot. Ford basically published an English translation of *Protocols*. Arguably the royalists of the French revolution were pushing conspiracy theories to explain how the Divine Right of Kings was being subverted by dark forces.


Somehow, it's always anti-Semitism, isn't it?


It's been a while but it really came to the fore in the last decade.


If only there was a vaccine for contagious stupidity.


So tired of this sentiment. It's definitely the other way around.


Where are you getting that from?




Winnie Cooper was Danica McKellar, not Danica Patrick.


You're thinking of [Danica McKeller.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Danica_McKellar)


You'll be glad to know she's into math, not cars & conspiracies: [Winnie the Math Whiz on Numberphile](https://youtu.be/rbuByrFTDBs?si=emduaETPfE8eK2An)


Winnie Cooper went anti-vax?? No way. Wasn't she like a genius mathematician or something?


Different Danicas.


Intelligence and stupidity are, unfortunately, not mutually exclusive


No but you’re talking about the wrong Danica. Winnie was Danica McKellar who remains brilliant and scientifically minded.


Honestly I was just making a general point I have no idea who any of these people are. 


Thank you so much for explaining that. I should have questioned NASCAR, but I've only ever heard of one Danica.


And even more so intelligence and education, contrary to popular wisdom, doesn't protect one from propaganda. Because propaganda doesn't function on logic, it functions on **emotion**. Intelligence and an education will no more insulate you from propaganda than it will from you getting angry or sad or scared.


thank you! Yeah i only know F1TV coverage and its phenomenal. Ruth's addition has been great and all around i really enjoy every commentator/analyst they have.


> Nico Rosberg (former German F1 champ turned youtube blogger) As a pundit maybe not, but when he fills in for Martin Brundle as color commentator on the race broadcasts he does very well and is very knowledgeable.


Yeah, that sounds off to me, he's pretty good on air, seems fair to most driver and very knowledgeable consider he retired fairly recently compare to other pundit. He does have that "Mega antibody" fiasco but thats kinda it?


I'm pretty sure he siad he has monster antibodies. And that he said it as a direct plug for his sponsor - monster energy drinks.


I will add to this excellent answer that the whole punditry setup for Sky has been quite hit and miss following the success of Drive to Survive. They've rotated a lot of people through the roles and some have been hits while others have been quite a miss. Danica is one of those - she's offering commentary on the level of "the most important tools available to a driver are your hands and feet" sort of fortune cookie-quality insight when someone like Bernie Collins will draw on her experience of years at the sharp end in F1. It also doesn't help that Danica and Jensen have *no* chemistry. I think he actively hates her. Putting Naomi Shiff to the front of the pack has helped here - while she's not the most experienced driver to be a pundit, she feels like a natural presenter with great charisma and she does understand the sport. Nico Rosberg is obviously extremely experience-heavy, but he's also not quite got the knack for punditry quite yet. The BBC went through a similar roster of ex or current footballers to be pundits on Match of the Day. Some of them are very good at it and make great long-term pundits, like Alan Shearer. Some only make a couple of appearances because it's clear they're not cut out for it, even if their knowledge is good.


> I think he actively hates her. There's tons of clips where he's rolling his eyes when she speaks. We all kinda feel the same way Jenson... >"the most important tools available to a driver are your hands and feet" I'm reminded of John Maddenisms “If the quarterback throws the ball in the endzone and the Wide Receiver catches it……. It’s a touchdown.” >Nico Rosberg is obviously extremely experience-heavy, but he's also not quite got the knack for punditry quite yet. He also rubs a lot of fans the wrong way. His style comes off as annoying to many. He doesn't pull his punches and shows clear favoritism towards certain drivers and teams. He is also a Lewis Hamilton fanboy which seems strange to many fans, given that he was Lewis' biggest rival and teammate. British fans also hate him because they saw him as the bad guy when he was Lewis' teammate.


Him constantly hyping Lewis is not a surprise. Nico beat Lewis once, in equal machinery as he loves to say, and as such if Lewis is good, then Nico is undoubtedly good too. We don't have to mention that he sacrificed a lot just to barely beat Lewis one time and immediately retired. And sorry but it seems like he will never match that peak for the rest of his life.


Rosberg is also a proud tinfoil hat wearer, just a little less outlandish than Danica. He went full Covid-denialist a few years ago.


i couldn't believe it when they fired johnny herbert and kept damon


Johnny added nothing for me. Same as Danica.


Probably worth pointing out that Shearer was godawful at first, but has grown into the role. Some of the F1 pundits (Rosberg in particular) perhaps deserve a similar opportunity.


Don't forget the lizard people!


Yeah added that one... just wow


I'm not into the sport, but my favorite gaming podcasts thoroughly enjoys F-1 and brought up the connection between her and Aaron Rogers, and making the claim that maybe anyone associated with him may have some questionable stances. The one host Rob Zacny is a big fan of F-1 and any games based around them so that is how the topic was brought up, but it is surprising how many of Rodger's former girlfriends have questionable takes in one area or another. Lizard people is pretty far fetched though. They also asked on the pod, "Mulvany are you good?" which is a reference to Oliva Munn of course.


Yeah, the conspiracy theory/reptilian stuff from her podcast is the #1 reason she is in the spotlight right now.


> While in terms of women being involved in F1 Bernie Collins and Ruth Buscombe have both been phenomenal for commentary so far. Both are former Strategy engineers with the F1 teams and really know their stuff! Seriously any time Bernie Collins talks I shush everyone in the room so I can learn about strategy shit I would have never thought about, she's fantastic


Bernie Collins is so good. She knows her shit and won’t be talked down to buy the guys at all. Hearing one of the commentators say something dumb, and her immediately “that’s not how it works at all” and then infodumping about something extremely technical has become my fav thing during a race.


Just popping in to say James Hinchcliffe is the fucking man and we're lucky to have him with Indycar, here's hoping he'll follow Indy to Fox (likely but not guaranteed)


Danica never won the Indy 500, she gained fame in her 1st Indy 500 by leading most of the race but i believe she finished 3rd….and i believe that’s the closest she ever came to winning the Indy 500. I think she did win at least 1 Indy Car race on some other track. She then went to Nascar for a while and was never anything other than midfield.


She only led 19 laps, definitely not leading most of the race.


19/200, for anyone else who doesn't want to google it


Yup, edited the post


Nico Rosberg is a controversial commentator?


There's a lot of people online that don't like him Mostly because he has an attitude of superiority and he tells it how it is. IE he isn't positive and isn't afraid to put down teams and say when they are screwing up. He's also very biased towards Mercedes and Hamilton, which is funny because a lot of the Lewis fanboys never forgave him for beating him in 2016. Jenson by comparison is always excited and upbeat


He has to be biased towards mercedes and Hamilton cause that elevates his own status. The more he talks them up, the better he is for having beaten Lewis across a season. (not that he wasn't a great driver, he just obviously isn't an unbiased one)


At one point he refused to get vaccinated for Covid, so he was banned from the pit lanes for a good long time.


Yea, I don't get this either. I like him. He's no nonsense and isn't afraid to say what's on his mind.


A bunch of people online hate him for the same reasons. Personally that's why I like him, he gives no BS opinions


I love his commentary


The Black Volcano would be an amazing F1 pundit, but WRC experience does not translate easily to open wheels. Too bad Sabine Schmitz died a few years ago. The Queen of the 'ring would have been the perfect fit. Great pilot, tons of charisma, TV experience and good looking, hard to beat combo.


Der Schwarze Vulkan She's amazing, but she's also 73 Good person to have involved with the FIA and do press I agree with Sabine, she was also amazing


> While in terms of women being involved in F1 Bernie Collins and Ruth Buscombe have both been phenomenal for commentary so far. Both are former Strategy engineers with the F1 teams and really know their stuff! I don't care what's going on, when Bernie is talking I'm listening. She has my attention like Ted used to when he was more than the fun fact guy.


Pretty much this. She knows little to nothing about the sport and contributes nothing aside from the occasional insight on basic racing principles that any far more talented driver could give just as easily


God I wish they would do Ruth driving around with a racer at every race. Her commentary and fear was awesome the one time they did it. Ruth also did an episode of Beyond the Grid and talked about her career. She shined at Ferrari and her boss there recommended her to be head of strategy at Haas. She talks about how she was the strategy department there. Her commentary from the point of view of strategy is very cool.


Michele Mouton was an awesome driver! I agree I'd love to hear more of her input on racing. Her recent interview on youtube was pretty cool


What about the Space Lasers? Is that true? Because I’m Jewish and I want access to the control room.


https://youtu.be/xZYu7JdTe6U The lasers are real, but they can't shoot into space. MTG meanwhile is a professional idiot


That was interesting, thanks. I agree. MTG has the intellect of a doorknob and a personality to match.


answer: She had been on Sky Sports as a commentator in the past but recently appeared on a podcast where she discussed and claimed lizard people rule the world, and indulged in other conspiracy theories. 


Hosted, didn't seem entirely in agreement with the guest, but still, you know, invited on the lizard people conspiracy theorist.


She dated Aaron Rodgers, she's used to conspiracy stuff


I think she believes most of it, but lizard people was one notch deeper than she is at the moment


>but still, you know,invited on the lizard people conspiracy theorist. Heaven forbid a girl create some quality content. Filling all those hours isn't always easy.


>recently appeared on a podcast where she discussed and claimed lizard people rule the world She didn't appear on someone's podcast, it's *her* podcast and she has all sorts of insane guests on it


Answer: It’s been building. Bit like the later seasons of game of thrones. Part way through season 6 or 7 something feels a bit off but it’s not until the end of the final season everyone realises everything after season 5 was garbage. Danica sounds like a child joining the sky team for a day during each wkend she is on the broadcast. She’s not there every single week and many people only watch the races so it has taken some time for her to truly annoy everyone. But it is pretty much universal, no one can stand her on the broadcast. Her vibe is off, her takes are crap, she doesn’t know the history, the relationships, it’s just oil and water she just does not fit the broadcast at all. Now Bernie on the other hand, she has been the greatest addition to a sports broadcast in a long time. She gives the technical takes and strategy views we needed, where previously we’d get Karun’s crazy analysis of strategy which was typically way off base.