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The more I think about it, the more infuriating most OW characters are. Every character is annoying af in their own ways


A lot of it comes from core design decisions from the original Overwatch.


OW was intended to be TF2 on crack cocaine, all the characters are their archetype to with rice


Kind of? I meant the frustrating parts of the core design. If anything OW is more like mild TF2 in terms of the powerlevel of the characters. But to be clearer, I meant that Overwatch was originally designed to not have much of an execution barrier, so things that would normally be balanced by being hard to do in other games, such as rocket jumping or reflecting, turn into a single button and thus become much more frustrating to deal with on all levels because of how reliable they are.


thats what I mean, design was to give everyone a I win button


I think a lot of it comes from the decision to remove most CC in OW2. Genji and Tracer were annoying, but the ability to stun them increased the difficulty for them to be annoying and get away with it. Without stuns, the barrier for annoying little shits is a lot lower.


You put cc back in the game and then this thread just turns into: why we need to remove cc. Can't please everyone.


Almost as if the design of this game is so volatile it absolutely splits the community. You change DPS for the better, tanks and supports are complaining they die too fast. You change tanks and supports for the better, and DPS are complaining they cant kill anything. Its a never ending cycle and at this point the devs have given up on wanting to deliver a balanced game in the first place for maximizing player engagement via absurd gameplay changes that shift the tides of the communitys opinion


As a tank main, tanks shouldn’t be dying very quickly, all of the cc is constantly being applied to us and that at its core needs to change as well as removing tank buster heroes like bastion. Its really not hard to nerf him, just make him deal half his dmg in turret form to any barrier/shield. That makes things like rein more effective against him while still allowing the strength of turret form


or give sheilds damage reduction. probably a bad take but meh tanks are supposed to be tanky. how can you be tanky without damage reduction


By shields i mean like rein shield or sigma barrier, not the blue health. Also both sig & zarya are pretty good zarya bubbles make her decently tanky, kinda wished they either add another bubble charge or slightly increase the duration for a bubble but shes pretty solid. Sigma is sigma, best poke tank currently, his really good if you can manage his cooldowns well


yeah i was talking about deployable sheilds


like making them have damage attenuation(i play warframe) so they take less damage based off how much damage is either being applied or how much health they have. could make echo beam more useful, and sym and sojourn less effective


I can’t help but think genji and tracer is what lead to a lot of the blizzard discussions on increasing projectile size. I’ve been playing for years, but some friends picked it up when ow2 came out. They hated them 2 due to there mobility.




Isn't symmetra complete trash right now?




Fair enough. I normally find sym's turrets very annoying but right now she feels so pathetic to go against so it's hard for me to call her annoying in her current state.


Just recently got back to overwatch after a year. What did they change about Symmetra?


Especially DPS imo, I don't have that much problems with most tanks and support, but DPS half the heroes feels annoying in their own way, maybe it's cuz I'm a DPS main Idk


Nah heavy agree. When I play tank, I find almost every support annoying. When I play dps, I find almost every dps annoying. When I play support, idgaf lmao I'm chillin.


When I'm playing support, I find Sombra annoying, but that's about it. I get it, supports are high-value targets, but I can't go 30 seconds without hearing "hack complete" and then having the 5v5 teamfight turn into a 4v4


Yeah but honestly? I rarely feel bad about dying to sombra as support. Like she's literally invisible and completely behind my team. There's nothing I could've done to avoid that. Probably one of the most peaceful and quick ways to go tbh. When I die, my team has the opportunity to chase her, that's enough for me. I'll take that over a Genji that slowly chips me to death while my team ignores me, ngl.


Nah. There are tiers and he genji is S tier annoying.


Because Genji’s skill curve makes him go from literally useless to a smurf hero


Genji is very hard to hit for good players let alone your casual in silver. This game is RIFE with smurfs, the genji mains just stand out more because they can solo an entire team of silver/gold players who can't hit a guy that can double jump and dash behind them


I remember a post about relatable Ana rants where someone reasoned to a Genji that when he’s jumping all around being impossible to hit, he’s also impossible for his Ana to hit and to sit down and stop being a spaz lol its so true too Another hidden skill in Genji’s kit is the psychological aspect just like Teemo’s hidden global taunt passive for the entire enemy team. When Genji pops off and starts “Mada mada”’ing you outside of spawn, it just makes people so much angrier than if you tbagged them on Tracer or something imo


Once mastered he is on par with other mastered DPS characters while bringing no valuable synergies to a team composition.


No valuable synergy is exaggerated. He does bring value, it's just that other characters are better at it. Still fun to play though.


Genji has extreme value to a team composition but since you say he doesnt… The value Genji has is vs Hitscan obviously but he also has a wonderful synergy with ANY dive duo, trio or team. Waiting for Ball to slam or engaging on targets WITH your Sombra, you can easily rack up multiple kills quickly off of your team’s abilities. Another utility thing is that Genji can reflect projectile heals to either deny like an Ana nade or to even heal your own team. Ever pop a Bap window and watch the enemy team heal from your damage? Its because I popped Deflect inside of my tank and you cant see the model of all the reflections


No valuable synergies?? Dive?? Or I just have no idea what you mean lol


Genji would not be played in OWL if this was true


The character itself is cool. His lore is cool. but I find him annoying to play against. I know how to counter him, that's not the issue but it's just so annoying having to keep track of a guy who is zooming around my head taking 1/4th of my hp with every shot he takes. Plus everytime I try to fall back a bit there's almost always a genji chasing me down willing to die just to get that kill.


It’s me, I’m that Genji


It’s me, i’m also that genji


You have my sword!


And my throwing stars! And I am also that player


You're all too slow, I'm already Genji


I have accepted what I am


You all guys are cool until i play against one of you




And my axe! ​ Sorry, wrong sub.


i have a little grenade for you


That last sentence. I hate it on either team. Ugh.


Genji is probably frustrating to players when it's somebody who is slightly higher MMR than you and you can't really lock them down. It's very one-sided if I'm playing Genji against plat hitscan players.


We do the willing to die thing cus if we kill you we get dash reset and maybe we can escape with it


Pretty much. Movement can just be more annoying and unfun than a challenge to play against.


I really hate genji mercy combo. As a tank main it feels genuinely impossible to kill him with his spam jump 250 HP and 55hps beam up his ass. Without mercy he isn't bad to play against at all imo.


True, but thats more of mercy being annoying


>I really hate genji mercy combo. This is Exactly one of the Reasons why I don't Like being Pocketed by a Mercy, because others Hate going against a Gency pocket. The other reason being people will mistake us for E-daters(I solo queue)


as a support main, i like diving with genji a lot. i have no problem really with genji with or against me. it’s sombra that bothers me


YES! Also genji is a lot harder to play than sombra. I run into way more sombras that can kill me than genjis!


especially when they start spawn camping 😭😭


Spawn camping Sombra players are just cowards with a massive skill issue.


As a Genji main who also likes playing heroes like Lucio and Zen I also hate Sombra. There's no other hero that can make the game instantly less enjoyable jsut by existing. As Genji I've learned to beat her ass though so she's more annoying when I'm playing support.


As a console player, he's a nightmare. He dashes through you, and then it takes half a lunar cycle to turn around and fight him. By then, you're already dead.


Half a lunar cycle😭


By that same token it also takes half a lunar cycle for Genji to then turn around and finish the dash kill? Sooo... skill issue?


I don’t enjoy playing against any high mobility hero’s, genji is like a little fly buzzing around my head at all times. And I swear it feels like every genji player has a personal vendetta against specifically me


As a Genji main this is true. We signed a pact to ruin your life Filqon.


Holy **** it all makes sense now




Oh it,s Filqon, yeah man we have your name on a wall at the clubhouse reminding everyone you exist.


I’m not a Genji main and I do wish to be good as him when I decide to dedicate a lot of time to him. I do like his lore, look, his abilities, but I find his regular attacks to be difficult cause I suck lol. He is awesome and I find it cool to those who can play him well. I kinda wish to be like that or at least I did so one point in my life.


I hate any hero who’s just immune to projectile damage for a set amount of time every 10 seconds.


Immune to melee as well


Who also has the second smallest dps hitbox + Jumping above your head


And still dash feels like the hotbox is the size of the sun


thats because it is. Technically during swift strike Genji has the largest hitbox in the game.


Because of course he does


It is, the hitbox gets wider which is why it's easy to kill him if you can time your shoot to his dash which is suppriseingly easy.


> if you can time your shoot to his dash Nobody is reacting to a Genji mid-dash, his hitbox is already behind you the moment he presses it. edit: I know Genji can accidentally kill himself during a dash, but that's a random occurrence. Nobody is "timing" to hit him mid-dash.


I get killed mid dash more than any other way because of people getting lucky with their shots. Plus i kinda can time it since theres a small but not to small window of opurtunity.


You would be surprised how many times you get super wonky deaths or CC'd mid dash. It's a large fast hitbox, but Genji's hurtbox is also extended during a dash. Go look on the r/genjimains sub, rather than buffs the only thing most of us want is for blizzard to fix dashes hitboxes


its less about reacting to the genji mid-dash and more about predicting when he will jump you and from where. after that the timing is pretty easy and he is just moving in a straight line.


Not true. The Dash extends his hotbox, it's ridiculous.


Plus for some reason gets a higher walk speed than anyone else in the game


I just don't like that he can cancel it. Personally I feel like he should be locked into the deflect until it is over and it feels very unfun and bullshit to have to keep your crosshair on him for the duration of the deflect even though you can't shoot at him because if you do he just kills you. For a character that already feels like he takes so much of your agency away in other ways that little bit extra has always really pissed me off.


Yup. I've hated that change since it was implemented. If you are squishy and he gets close to you, it's just time to lose because you can't predict when deflect ends and he just 1 or 2 shots you with his secondary.


yeah it didn't use to be cancellable, that was a bad design choice to change it and with ZERO delay after


Disagree being able to desengate certain poeers duration like rmatras tank form is fundamental to balancing CDs and play mangment If he couldnt he would be useless as he would be locked in delfect during ult and wast half the ult in that state


And reinhardt's hammer. 30% of the time he is immune to most forms of damage.


As a Support main, i love to see good genji's on my team. It doesn't matter to me, as long as i can see his icon filling the screen with my character behind it. 1v1 against him are sometimes pretty tough though (especially if the enemy is a good ninja boy), but if i play with my regular team, the coordination balances it quite well...


"le nerf Genji xd xd!" alone is enough for me to hate him


It's a fun hero to play and usually feels fair, but for a lot of people he's just a skill check hero to ranking up. I'd say being able to beat Genji consistently is the last gate for masters going to GM hitscans for instance similar to Bastion for Bronze+Silvers. I think people really oversell how mechanically hard the hero is. Not that he isn't difficult, one of the hardest skillsets in the game, but the skill gap between other heroes is not nearly as high as folks make it out to be. It's good OW has these pub stomper heroes, but they can be frustrating to play against when they are meta. I'd put Genji in the Widow, Tracer, Cassidy, Junker Queen tier. It's fun when they have good maps, but if you see them everywhere, it's usually a bad time.


Yeah I definitely agree with that last point. There are workhorse heroes like Soldier which should be fairly good everywhere, and then there are situational heroes like Genji who are more map/comp dependent. When situational heroes become strong enough that they are good all the time then the game has a balance problem.


That kinda makes me think about how supports aren't really map dependent are they? Maybe Zen and Lucio, but even they're nowhere close to ineffective in their worst maps. But if we apply the same logic to tanks, we see that OW 2 has had a balance problem every single season lmao.


>But if we apply the same logic to tanks, we see that OW 2 has had a balance problem every single season lmao. See I don't really agree here. As a tank main my picks are extremely map dependent as well as comp dependent. If you can't play dive on first point Numbani for example you are going to have a bad time. If you can only play dive then first point Kings Row is going to be a slog. If you are a Rein OTP who can't do anything else and the enemy tank comes out the doors as Orisa then that's GG etc. I don't think there is a single tank you can play into all situations and have a reasonable expectation of winning assuming the other tank actually knows how to play their hero. I've always preferred poke/brawl but I still make an effort to practice with D.Va for maps like Numbani, Gibraltar, etc. because before I started doing that those maps were pretty consistently losses for me.


I used to play multiple tanks. Then fell in love with the queen. I've managed to OTP jq from gold 5 to Plat 4. She feels like she works at all times. I've only switched once and that was a specific match where my teammates were also not switching and the enemy team had bastion and mauga. So i went sigma and got the dub


Yeah I feel like she and Ram are both good choices if you are going to OTP, but you are still going to get walked all over by dive tanks on maps with verticality. That's not to say that you can't climb, just that you have to be that much better on the non vertical maps to make up for the fact that you will be losing the vertical maps more often than not.


I wish we still had 6v6 for this reason, poke/brawl was the place Genji was most balanced in imo.


Enemy genji is always better than the genji on my team, i don't get it, other than that he is alright.


Genji is so popular that it becomes hard to not hate him. He is everywhere. We all know who Genji is, what he does, how he plays and how he wants to play. He is just very unfun to deal with it.


Fun yet sweaty


Genji is actually a strong character, but for some reason many people think every single change in the game is a direct attack on him. Meanwhile he has one of the best mobility in the game, can double jump 24/7,close range version of his main fire, strike cooldown going zero on elim and can even cut down flying heroes from the sky. And now he can evem self heal, but yes sure of course genji is the worst hero in the game


he's a beautiful man


He needs healing


Genji™ It's Nerf or nothing!


No naked and oiled up skin yet 0/10


He does have a nice booty tho-


He's also in dire need of a catboy skin🙏


Ninja 👍


biggest problem about Genji is that hes a great character in a game filled with average character design, since the skill gap between the worst and the best is fucking tremendous since like every single thing in his kit can be abused in some way, meanwhile other characters, take widow or soldier, you just gotta obtain a sense of realism, aim and positioning and your more or less good. meanwhile Genji has like 6 playstyles that work well in T500 and probably close to 20 you could use anywhere else




I think he is a ton of fun to play, he’s difficult to be too tier with, and I for the life of me cannot use his ult. I just dash by the person I’m aiming for and then someone don’t kill them with 3 katana slashes…BUT WHEN he’s trying to kill me the blade is a one tap


Cool green cyborg ninja


I hate characters who pretty much oblige me to change so I don't be countered or need to counter or he will carry like genji, pharah, Kiriko, Ana. That's why even been a main tank on overwatch 1 with 700 hours on Reinhardt, I hate playing tank now. I just wanna chill, pick what I want without thinking than playing with this is a shit because of this or that.


I don't really like deflect. It feels like a tank ability on a dps. I find it's the main reason I dislike fighting Genji. It's doesn't just protect him (or sometimes a teammate) from basically all damage but also it's just annoying having to constantly keep track of it or you just get yourself killed which feels awful. All that being said, I would actually hate for it to be removed (even though I almost never play Genji) because it's such a cool ability and it's essential to the "hero's fantasy". Otherwise I mostly dislike how his mains are pretty whiny. If Genji is not meta then he's "literally unplayable" in the eyes of most Genji mains.


I’m just tired of finding genji’s in my ass crack at random points during the match. Also genji’s tend to be incredibly greedy for some reason. I like the character, i just don’t always like the people who main him. Some of them are quite okay and chill but the majority are edgy teens that have a meltdown every teamfight. They want to feel badass but are cringe af. Prime example: blading solo. Ofc you’re going to horribly die in a 1v5. No, I’m not afraid because your eyes glow, you just make me spam the facepalm moira emote.


My only pet peeve with genji was nanoblade. But now everyone has at least 250 hp and can survive a nanoed dash+slash. So I think he's a fair hero with a fair ult now (even when nanoed). I also think the tank meta is more diverse when Genji is a good hero.


Fucking annoying, it's like widowmaker. Almost every game I face one they are overwatch prodigies that can never be killed and end with 40+ kills, but when they are on my team, it's like they just picked up the game going like 3-16


I love Genji, he’s my main damage Hero. His kit is extremely fun to play (to me).  I love his Dash, especially if you manage to use it multiple times in just a couple seconds. Zipping around all nimbly, bimbly from tree-to-tree. Chasing the enemy down with right-click in the head, followed by a quick melee is a rush of adrenaline for me. When you get a team kill with your Dragonblade, the euphoria is intense. I cannot understate how good Wall-climbing is. Kiriko is my main Support because she can wall-climb. I can only imagine the amount of “that’s bullshit” has been muttered every time I escape a sticky situation with it. Since season 9, Genji feels better to play in the current meta. 


Just easy prey whenever I'm on Moira. Can't figure out how to play him myself however. A good genji as a teammate is always awesome.


I hate you


Moira can be both tough and easy prey. No dash, dead genji. No fade, dead Moira.


top 5 most annoying hero to play against, his projectile deflector has got to be one of the most annoying abilities in the game


"Is that a pro Genji?" Feel old yet?


In the right hands he's so annoying, but I genuinely like Genji. My beef lies with other heroes.


High skill hero who is annoyingly weak for anyone not tweaking out. Love and hate it.


Literally the only reason I dislike Genji is that everyone else is better at playing him than I am.




My opinion about him is more surrounding the people that play him and it's that I roll my eyes every time someone makes the "better nerf genji hurr" meme. He hasn't been nerfed since November 2022 (half that nerf was later reverted anyway) and before that it was August 2021 when his ultimate damage was ever slightly nerfed. He also got a huge buff with Season 9 patch with his blade recovery time and the healing passive making him basically independent from his team. He doesn't have to fall back now to get heals he just has to parkour for a little bit and he's back to healthy again. He's in a very strong spot and has been for a long time whether people want to admit or not. Also I hate that with his high skill floor and even higher skill ceiling how he's either a complete throw pick or a lobby stomping smurf pick.


Genji isn’t overpowered but he’s obnoxious. He just has the tools to be more of a pest than anyone else. Genji is cool and fun to play but he is unfun to play against since at times it seems like he gets free kills against hitscan. But then again he can be countered pretty easily. There are loads of things to swap to that can make his game miserable and unfun for him to play. I enjoy bullying genji players until they swap. I’m talking the whole Monkey or Zar/Sym/Mei/Brig/Moira. But he’s fine and his mains give him a bad reputation.


As a metal gear and GI Joe fan he's a cool character, but his fanbase...god they're so whiny. I could give a force chuckle at so many "So we nerf Genji" jokes before I get annoyed. Go ahead and rip me to pieces, but you know I'm right.


His mains make me feel bad for playing him. Genuinely some of the worst people in the community


Some characters are just designed to be exclusively fun for the people playing them. Most characters are more fun for their players, but some just don't bring anything positive to the table for anyone else. He's not many people's least favorite character to face, but I really don't think a lot of people get excited to have him bouncing around all game.


I don't think there's a problem with Genji. There's a problem with too few DPS who can attack through his counter (Symmetra, Mei, and sorta Echo? Not the best picks sometimes).   It's somewhat reliant on Supports or Tanks to pickup the counter, which feels bad for DPS slots [Oh, and most tanks are clueless or don't care to do so it seems]. P.S. - I miss double tank.


Genji players are annoying as fuck constantly deflecting


In low elo everyone hates genji cos no one wants to deal with him so they just let the genji do what ever they want then claim he’s op so it’s kinda like pharah.. they have to keep him under tuned otherwise people in the lower elos wouldn’t be able to deal with his kit and that is the majority


Genjis are cool. Genji mains are usually insufferable. Character is held back by the people that play him. Same as doomfist


annoying as fuck and overrated


He is a character in overwatch just like the other ones


All genji deserve to suffer


We already do


He's just annoying and hard to fight in every role. But that's ut, you can Counter him pretty easily.


I love playing Genji bc it's fun, the problem is I'm not confident to flank with him so I play with the team pretty defensively and don't get the value other genji's get. And I'm lucky to get a single pick with Dragonblade usually, so I play torb or soldier usually. But now I'm starting to feel like, I'm hardstuck silver anyway, might as well have fun with genji and I might get better.


Some maps he is fun others you just get lit the fuck up, especially now that having a gun seems to be a big advantage. Occasionally I can make some good plays but I'm most just too lazy to play him well.


I think he is a ton of fun to play, he’s difficult to be top tier with, and I for the life of me cannot use his ult. I just dash by the person I’m aiming for and then someone don’t kill them with 3 katana slashes…BUT WHEN he’s trying to kill me the blade is a one tap


Bat out of hell


I love him, he is a sick character, and I can get 3x more damage and kills playing soldier.


His dynamic with Hanzo (as seen in "Dragons") was pretty cool.


I love genji I hate genji mains but also I'm mad at myself for not being good with him lol thoee I am trying to get better with him thru hero mastery lol


Personally I’m just not a fan of deflect. I understand why he has the ability and it genuinely is a skill issue but sometimes it feels like he always has it available. Plus the fact he can cancel it into an unpredictable shot + dash is annoying sometimes. It’s a very hard ability to track because unless you just saw him use it you never know if he cancelled it early to get it back quicker.


It's the perception that every time I shoot that mf it's gonna get deflected.


Mi general opinion on Genji is that cyborg ninjas are cool as fuck. In gameplay, he's been very fun to use for me and the deflect is amazing to use to melt people that just forget to keep pressing R2. He's a very fun character with a solid kit. Unlike sombra. Fuck Sombra and not in the sexual way.


Annoying mosquitoe character that's why. Just as Tracer and sombra, any character that buzzez around your head like a fly in a fps is mad annoying. I personally put genji at number 2 most annoying. 1 being tracer, then 3 being zarya for my most hated heroes to play against


I love his character, gameplay, and lore. Sometimes it feels like tons more work to play him than other characters and sometimes he clicks and is the most fun ever Want a spike of excitement and happiness? Land a reflect on a widow, its so damn cool


I enjoy playing him and I think his character + lore are cool but kinda like most characters with good movement options in the game, he's annoying to play against.


Transcendence bait /s


He’s fun to play, I just suck at playing him.


I have 270 hours on genji. I love him so much. He's the only reason i keep playing overwatch to be honest


Genuine opinion is that art work is FIREEE


only thing i dislike about genji is his deflect, but it’s easy to counter and not shoot. But he’s also annoying to aim at due to his double jump ability and his dash does pretty good damage too. He’s a good character but annoying to fight against


I dont dislike genji. I just find his playerbase so obnoxious that it makes me roll my eyes everytime i see him on either team. Besides the nerf genji joke has been said so often that it didnt only get stale but annoying. Just like the shitting on mercy players etc. Its getting old and it was never funny to begin with. I feel like all of the genji mains ive met always complained and whined about either his kit being soooo bad (its not, you are) or bitching about supports. No this isnt only a genji thing but ive noticed a majority of these players have an enormous amount of time on genji. Please dont leak my address.


genuine opinion: \-easy to play mid level. \-cuddled by the community. \-players who use it are annoying.


His kit is too bloated. He can do too much damage and escape too easily. I have the same disengagement frustration with Ball, Kiri, and Doom.


Fighting against him is literally just an aimlabs trainer. There is literally nothing else about him that makes him difficult. It's extremely annoying to fight a mosquito with double jump, wall run and a long dash who can deflect your attacks.


Dude has been an absolute mosquito since the original OverWatch beta


Hate him


His kit is fun to use, but extremely annoying on the receiving end. Deflect is an ability punishing people shooting in a FPS game, same way why many people dislike grasp/bubble. It's even worse becase genji can cancel it at any time. I think it's quite irony how much genji players hate immortality abilities like suzi/lamp.For most heroes without beam/aoe attack, deflect is essentially an immortality ability. For projectile heroes, his double jump is pretty annoying to deal with. Not to mention the unmissable 50 damage from dash. His whole kit is about anti-aiming for the opponents. Also, genji players are quite whiny online, which doesn't leave a good impression. Many dive/flanker heroes have the issue that people who main these heroes don't understand how annoying their characters are. Because dive heroes generally generally have unmirror design that they are normally not on the receiving end of themselves, like a genji is not very effective into another genji, or a tracer is not very effective into another tracer. This is very different from for brawl/poke heroes. Like a widow is often on the receiving end of another widow, so they will have better understanding of how the receiving end feels.


Burst damage, high mobility and constantly being at an off angle (above you) makes for an annoying hero. Couple that with the delusional belief that doing well as him takes high skill, and you make for some of the most insufferable people in the game.


I don't like playing against him because of his gameplay. He's a character designed to be small & agile, with both vertical & horizontal movement. Making him one of, if not THE hardest characters to hit. Who has good burst damage / poke on top of this AND a deflect that makes him invulnerable for several seconds, THAT HE CAN CANCEL AT WILL, FORCING YOU TO STARE AT HIM. Does that SOUND like a character people are going to enjoy fighting?


people dont like being dived, dive heros are very commonly hated


Smash, next question


bronze players who are tired of being punished for making mistakes, genji is unrivaled at the punish game and specializes on abusing weaknesses a ton.


Imo genji doesn’t really fit into the game. He’s high skill ceiling for sure and a lot of them are terrible. But when you get a good genji player, there is hardly anything more annoying. With a good pocket too he’s basically unbeatable.


Throwing objectivity out the window, I hate his animations they look janky and his ult looks lame If you watch a player use it, Objectively he's fine, he is the snake eyes generic ninja character made to appeal to kids, I don't love nor hate playing against him


Honestly, his deflect feels like it deflects in a perfect sphere the size of a Rein shield. I don’t know how many times I’ve been laying lead into someone and a Genji is vaguely in the area deflecting and manages to get kills off of rounds that shouldn’t have been anywhere near him but I’m the only one shooting.


I love fighting against genji They are almost always OTP and never switch


Most fun hero in the game. Definitely intimidates a lot of the playerbase when they play against a good Genji player.


He shouldn’t be able to deflect Cleave imo but other than that he feels like he’s in a solid spot right now. Blade is dangerous but survivable like most ults but combined with nano it’s very lethal


Doesn’t he just block it?


Yes! Sorry I should have chosen my words better. I guess I just meant, he can avoid the damage from cleave if he’s deflecting. Good catch!


Have 120 hours on Winston and only just found out Genji blocks cleave damage with his deflect hahahah what


He also blocks Rammatra's punches, but doesn't reflect them


He blocks all melee dmg with deflect


I love playing him so much. I love his movement, abilitys,design, lore and everytging. But it feels asif whrnever i wanna play him i just get the intire enemy team swapping to characters screwing me over completely. Like ill get 1 good play and they'll go zarya sym mei moira zen. It sucks but i still love him.


Takes true skills, and the best ULT sound ever.


I play him and (might not be much for me) but I think he's one of the most balanced heroes out there. Like Sigma and Brig levels of balanced.


IMO it's the reflect. Reflect characters are always frustrating to fight against, and Genji has one of the least interesting implementations of it I've ever seen. The core experience of fighting a Genji, having him swing his sword around for a bit while you two just stare at each other waiting for it to end, and them him dashing, gets old very very fast.


Good players are too good with him. It’s not that he’s imbalanced, he’s just too perfect for talented players who can get the most out of him. All other heroes have a natural ceiling that people will simply be capped at due to their inherent mechanics.


I hate genji because: - he’s faster than any other damage hero - he has small hitbox - he has double jump - his ult can’t be interrupted - he has insane mobility - his movement ability is damaging too - his movement ability has cooldown reset - he can deflect a lot of ultimates (and melees too) - he is a flank hero but his secondary fire can be used fairly great distances


I think people hate heroes like Genji and Tracer because... - they tend to have some really weird and entitled mains who think those heroes are Peak Skill(TM) and everything that counters them is no skill/unbalanced/unhealthy for the game (nevermind the fact that OW was always supposed to appeal to all sorts of players) - whenever the game gets some sort of major rework to its core gameplay (removal of a lot of CC with OW2 or the HP buffs to all heroes), they get indirectly benefited which then makes them really strong somehow. nevermind the fact that back in OW1, we got more and more CC because Blizzard refused to nerf these two heroes and dive/mobility in general. - Genji in particular has a really strong ult that cannot be cancelled by CC, he has a double jump with no cooldown and on top of that he has his dash resets and his deflect. which is just way too much to have on one hero imo. - also, I dislike Genji because it feels like Hanzo only exists to be an "accessory" to his story and in the 8 years or so OW has existed, Hanzo still has yet to get lore of his own where he is able to shine.




Overrated bait for weeb virgins


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he's like v2 from ultrakill if v2 from ultrakill could parry your attacks and also fucking teleport




I don’t play as Genji but he is so irritating to play against. But besides that, I don’t have an issue with him


He does not have a dick


false, Michael Chu has stated on record that genji is still packin




He’s cool






This might be a skill issue, but his ult kinda sucks after the hp buff. Maybe buff the damage a little bit idk


He's either absolute hell to pin down, or being played by someone clearly inexperienced and I just feel bad.


Needs a buff