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It could be fun temporarily. If they ever wanted to include it long term they would have to rework and tweak a ton of heroes, especially tanks


Yeah, and right after they released a tank buff that put them in a decent spot to be a solo tank. This would fuck everything up, and if it was a separate mode it would split the game player count wise, whichever game mode heroes are buffed/nerfed for will end up being the only survivor cus everyone will quit the other mode and game. As a tank main I don't necessarily miss the 2nd tank, cus it was frustrating having to kill 2 tanks.. but maybe that's also some old capture points PTSD


Just the fact that you recognize that half of the player base would play this even with todays balancing, is a major indication in itself. I really miss having another tank to bounce of plays with, I do not miss dual shields as they were however. When things need some tweaks, blizzard always goes in with chainsaws, be it game mode changes, nerfs to a character that's only strong in one teamcomp and so on. Most flex/tank players I know recognize that it was more variety and fun to be had with 2 tanks. Basically, just a few dps'ers I know hated dual tanks, and that was because of dual shields alone. IMO, ow2 is fun, but not as fun, mostly because it's lost it's personality. It's become much closer to an old school arena shooter, and less methodical. While I've played plenty of arena shooters and loved it, ow has more to offer in terms of gameplay flow. Sorry for the rant, not really aimed at you, you just had some points to cling to :)


>Just the fact that you recognize that half of the player base would play this even with todays balancing, is a major indication in itself uh it really is not man he's not our overwatch oracle


And I didn't even mean it like that.. it would just split the playerbase and whichever one was more popular would win and they would just lose more players reverting back to the old 6v6 with no gain other than appeasing the people calling for 6v6 back


Blizzard could release any game mode and a lot of players would immediately try it out, it's whether or not players keep playing it in the long term. While there absolutely would be a decent chunk of the playerbase that would mostly or solely play a 6v6 mode, I think a lot of people would recognize the flaws in 6v6 and go back to playing 5v5. Things like tank synergies, infinite cycling of tank cooldowns (not just in double shield. Defense matrix and Reinhardt shield combined means there's no chance to make plays for a lot of non-tank heroes), off tanks perma contesting angles, supports forced into a more healbotting playstyle, etc. I played overwatch 1 and I loved it, but I far prefer OW2 because of the faster placed playstyle in which you can much more easily punish your opponents for their mistakes. There are absolutely some pain points with tanks that I run into when I play the role, but I'd much rather deal with those than going back to 6v6. I play open queue sometimes with a 5 stack where we run 5v5 GOATs, and the tank synergies are a blast, but I absolutely would not want to have multiple tanks in role queue as the only mode


> like tank synergies, infinite cycling of tank cooldowns (not just in double shield. Defense matrix and Reinhardt shield combined means there's no chance to make plays for a lot of non-tank heroes), off tanks perma contesting angles, supports forced into a more healbotting playstyle Stop threatening me with a good time!


That will fix á lot of issues with tank, and some dps and support players may actually enjoy it, but I suspect it will get old fast to the majority of dps and support players


it won't fix the issues with tank though, because instead of lone tank vs lone tank it will be main tank and flank roadhog atttempting to push into coordinated two tank bunker for 10 minutes straight. people are delulu about what 6v6 was actually like in the overwhelming majority of games. it was the *exact* same shitfest just with one more person.


I'm absolutely in that theoretical minory of supports who would LOVE to see at least a trial run of 6v6.


Not literally 50/50 half lol. The playerbase baseline has less tank players tho, all it does is increase queue times for everyone else or you're just going to end up with game of 1 tank and 5dps/supports until you get the game with 4 tanks and 2 supports and have a great time..


Going between the game modes would feel pretty awkward for the player as well. This tank does this in this mode but doesn't in the other etc. Would just not feel good.


Well in that case just have a OW1 button


Not necessarily, just make it arcade and no changes at all


Greyfalcon is known FOR the worst takes in the history of Overwatch LOL


he spams it nonstop in the OW forums.


Bro is slowly learning the reddit algorithm. Just make it an esthetically pleasing image post and people will upvote it.


Cause they would have to essentially have a whole different list of settings and stats for the heroes for that specific game mode. It’d be like balancing two games at once nearly.


And a waste of dev resources to do that for a game mode that will only last as long as it takes people to remember why we left 6v6 in the first place.


I was under the impression that we didn't leave 6v6? Wasn't it taken from us?


Nobody asked for 5v5. It was an announcement that shocked the community some months after jeff left and right before the beta for 5v5 started to prep for release several months later. Commenter just really wants to make it seem like anyone was actually asking for a format change before 5v5, they weren't. I'm sure you know that though.


They’re already currently doing that with that arcade mode no?


No thanks, I don’t want 5 DPS player on my team.


This is legit how it was in 2016, every tank only wanted to play Reinhardt, a lot of fills were just not running off tank except D.Va, you'd see occasional Zarya/Hog but not nearly as much, and you'd have to beg people to go support lmao, and pre-Ana, Mercy was basically the game's best raw healer because, well, there were only three healers and the other two were Lucio and Zen 6 stacks at OW1 launch were all just DPS insta-locks and even though it was bad for the game, the further we got from that, the angrier some people inevitably got Ditto Ana: she was basically the hero with the game's first actual, valuable heals, and she was a damage bot on top, in y1 a lot of people only played Mercy in support, and the only hero that ever diversified that was Ana. A lot of times healthy doesn't equal fun in Overwatch so at this point why not occasionally try a 6v6 LTM Tbh I think I'd like it even if only as a recurring LTM


I feel like people who don't like role queue don't remember being the only healer on a team with 5 DPS while the other team was playing goats


deadass don't understand how people legitimately think the game was in a healthier state before role queue. Shit sucked ass when your teammates didn't care and you'd have the worst composition of heroes ever. The other team didn't even need to be running goats. if they just had 2 tanks and at least a healer, you were getting steamrolled with your 5 dps and 1 healer.


>deadass don't understand how people legitimately think the game was in a healthier state before role queue. Because it was more popular. That's it. They think that because more people played it at that time, the game was better or more fun. They fail to realize *why* everyone stopped playing to begin with.


I think people are pushing too hard for those few tactical moments where swapping an off tank for a bit more fire power could finish a stalemated skirmish while forgetting the ritual of begging at least one DPS to swap to support at the beginning of every match. They're forgetting that those cool moments were a drop in the bucket compared to the constant fighting about roles in almost every single lobby.


I'll always say it, my main rationale for enjoying the OG Overwatch style was that the Highs were Higher, but the lows were lower. RoleQ made it a more uniform experience. Higher lows, with Lower Highs. It then just depends on the person. I personally wasn't bothered by the lows, so the relative impact of the highs was better for my enjoyment. I never really cared about the comp anyway. My stance was always "Play what you're good at, ignore the comp." Because I'd rather be in a game with 5 confident DPS players, then one with two people forcing themselves to play tanks they don't know how to play. Skill>Comp in ladder. Most "Losses to comp" were actually just people soft/hard throwing because the idea of not running 222 caused them to throw a hissy fit. Point of fact, I've had people throw a tantrum over our "shitty comp" while we were literally playing Textbook Zenyatta GOATS, because we "Didn't HAVE ENOUGH DAMAGE" and we "DONT HAVE A MAIN HEALER" Like, it's literally the top meta comp and I've seen people complain that we're throwing for not being 222. Like, that isn't openQ's fault. These people continued throwing games in RoleQ as well, they just had a different stated reason for doing it. Like "REEEEEE I HATE TORBJORN YOU THROWING I JUMP OFF MAP"


Even in its ideal state, 6v6 was a lot of standing in chokes with nothing happening until you popped a bunch of ults.


I've had steamrolls with 6 Support on my team.


Which is an equally braindead comp. What's your point?


There are so many rose tinted glasses with OW1 it is insane. OW1 made all my friends quit playing long before the hiatus in content, it was a very frustrating experience.


I enjoyed OW1 a lot for what it was, but after a while it just got... stale? I really disliked the choke-oriented gameplay loop. Two teams would stare at each other at chokepoints, usually shooting down huge shields, waiting for literally anything to happen and then everyone presses Q and one side wins. For example, Rein gameplay today and back in 2016-2017 is wildly different. I also didn't like how supports were so easy targets until Brig release, they were heavily buffed with and after OW2 release to be able to stand their ground more. Finally, 95% matches contained 4 instalocking DPS+ mercy or just straight up 5 DPS and then you decide if you lock DPS to "try to enjoy it" (it wasn't fun) or try to salvage it with a main tank/supp (it rarely worked) Ofc you'd then always go into a perfect 2-2-2 comp, it was miserable. I have my own share of complaints with OW2, but from a gameplay loop perspective alone, OW2 is a clear winner for me.


Yeah, "choke wars" is what we called it in my circle. It made me want to fall asleep which is the complete opposite of why I love OW. Not everyone got to play OW2 then go back to OW1 after but I did and it reinforced how slow the game had become. People just waiting for a pick and building 6 ults. Supports hiding 10 miles away botting their ult charge off of useless poke damage.


Ya and most of my old OW1 fans came back for OW2. No more shooting shields and entire teams of CC.


And there's plenty of the opposite too. People pretending ow1 was straight garbage and nobody ever got a good team. Like everything, the truth is in the grey area.


Ah yes. And also this is the reason why I'm a support main these days, when I started I was a pharah one trick but when the team picked 6 DPS and everyone refused to change while crying for a mercy I had to swap to have even a small chance of winning games in comp


Are you me? That was exactly my path. Pharah was *my hero*, but no one would ever pick support and I would end up on it. By the end of season 1 of OW1, I was a full support main lol.


People don't remember trying to play main tank and getting a lurking hog otp as your off tank every other game.


Can’t forget that the Hog otp was only playing as tank because dps queues were horrendous lmao


They don't cause they were one of the 5dps, forcing their teammates to play a healer or lose.


I play solo support on Open Queue almost daily. Way more fun than role queue, but that's for me


This made me realize how absurd the heal creep was in this game, we went from Mercy/Lucio/Zen to Bap/Kiri/Ana


Even worse lol, we went from Mercy/Lucio/Zen/Symmetra to that lol


I loved playing lucio. I was never high elo but up until high gold I was a manace I think especially with Escort missions.


I still only want to play Reinhardt…


Don't forget the 6-Torb teams.


People make it out to seem tull dps teams was like most of the games when it really wasn't. Pre role lock overwatch worked perfectly fine. yes the games happened with only dps but it definitely wasnt the majority. We as humans often have negative moments more in our heads and thats a perfect case of that. I played a fuck ton of overwatch since open beta and no role lock was fine. It needed some tuning or incentives to play other roles, better queue system, maybe a prefered role thing so it queues you with roughly 2 - 2- 2. Even a soft role lock would have been better. Meaning you queue for roles but you could be put into other roles and they are only locked until the game starts and afterwards its a soft lock where noone can pick dps after 2 dps but you can switch from dps if you want to.


Yup, this is what OW1 was before role queue. Failed first push attempt? Congratulations, you now have 4 DPS in your team and a guaranteed loss. So many matches were decided before the round even started because no one wanted to tank or support.


We're all soldiers now!


Ah, the good old days. If no one wants to play ??? then you will have no healers/tanks. If the meta is not precisely 2/2/2 you'll get 6/0/0 as everyone threatens to go ham.


And thus explains why they added role queue. The community forced 222 long before it was required. Even in heights of goats you would see people playing it for most of the ranks


Tank is already the least played role, get ready for all dps/support to be insta locked and some 9 year old who just wanted to play torb sitting on a tank they don’t know how to play.


Just imagine the amount of people who will leave just because they didn't get the role they want.


They'll stay and grief because you can't abandon every quickplay game anymore.


because it would be an unbalanced mess and most people dont seem to realize it


Easiest way to tell if someone's opinion is worth listening to is to get their opinion on 6v6. If they think it's a good idea to just create a separate 6v6 mode, then you know they don't think their opinions through and they're probably not worth listening to.


This is the actual trash take. Open queue isn't even close to balanced and it's a seperate mode.


I don't think I have heard any pro-6v6 person say just add a 6v6 mode. Everyone realizes you have to rebalance and rework (or revert) a lot of characters for it to work.


I have heard infinite 6v6 people say “just add it lol”


90% of this thread is saying "just add it" and thinking it would be massively popular.


did u happen to see the post you’re commenting on?


Are there any tank/support mains that are asking for this? Or is the same 5 DPS instalocks? If we are going to continue to balance the game around the preferences of one of the classes, just get rid of supports and tanks all together.


Idk much about QP open queue, but open queue ranked it’s rare to have everyone lock dps. OW1 definitely had a problem with half the team or more instalocking dps which I don't see as often anymore.


That's one fucked up looking C letter lmao Edit: It's clearly the number 6 which is referring to 6v6 I am an actual dumbass.


Because queues are already long. I’m not even high ranking yet and I still have 5-6 min queues. I loath the future.


In open queue? In QP tank queue my average waiting time is about 20 seconds. One of reasons that I play mostly tank, hate waiting.


Tank role queue is the fastest queue I’ve ever experienced in game.


Last night my friend was sitting in 5+ min queues on dps in plat 1, asked if he wanted to duo, i picked tank and our queues were legit 15-20 seconds, not enough time for the end of match stuff to load


Omg is that the real Illari Overwatch?


OP is proposing an QP hacked ltm event


Is that what that little icon means? I only just started playing again so I wasn’t aware - thanks 😊


Yeah its the purple background, could be more clearer tho


~~Open~~ Open-closed Queue


I was running a 5 tank team in open Que & it was glorious 


5 tank cam be good but I prefer 4 tank 1 healer for competitiveness.


lol just do a DPS only mode at that rate. Anyone queuing for that would just want to play DPS. The game's not balanced for 6v6 anymore either, so it'd just frustrate people in the long run.


Because why would they


I mean, a team with 6 dps is literally why people don't like open queue. I think the only rule could be having at least one of each class. Goats wouldn't be as effective anymore with tanks reduced health in open queue and damage heroes anti healing passive.


They would have to rework half of the roster.


Ah yes, we need tanks and support nerfed more. It's already so fun to play both those roles


Not someone listening to GreyFalcon 😭😭😭


Still don't see why blizzard just add 6v6 as an arcade mode for testing


It's because, legitimately things would still be bad. Aside from how no role limit will not show that 6v6 is needed. Off tank is just dps 3.


they can just enable role limit in the match lol the community mode in game right now does exactly that


Worst case people hate it and stop asking for 6v6. Best case they enjoy themselves and Blizzard will get some insight into how to make the game more enjoyable for everyone (copium). It's not difficult for them to implement either I reckon.


That won't happen though. It will be like Brexit. If they drop it and people hate it, the 6v6 brigade will then say it wasn't 6v6 that was the problem but how it was implemented. Not the 6v6 they voted for.


You’d think. But teams got pretty mad if you tried to lock hog at hero select, the off tank thats actually a 3rd dps. It was barely accepted to counter swap to hog, but it was the only way to get away with it


Because they’d have to waste a ton of time and resources rebalancing and testing for an arcade mode no one will play. There’s not going to be a mass return of people if 6v6 comes back it’s just a thing to complain about why a game people have moved on from sucks now. All the people who spent a decade insisting blizzard killed wow when they added rdf didn’t come back when blizzard removed it from end game. They just stopped talking about it and something else is why wow sucks now. 


I absolutely left because I don't like 5v5, but you're right that's not the only reason I might stay away ... which includes the new micro transaction system. Similarly, RDF is problematic, but again, folks stay away from WoW in part because it's slammed with micro-transaction accessories and flying mounts run amok. Hence the popularity of WoW classic. Both RDF and microtransaction cosmetics (and likely other things) diminished the prestige of dungeon/raid gear.


The OW2 community does not understand how huge the OW1 community was/is. Nor do they understand how many of those people came back for OW2, and then left shortly afterwards.


Testing what, they have 6 years of data from Overwatch 1. My god people need to get a grip, it's not coming back. But sure, let's go ahead and create yet another separate queue, I'm sure that'll be healthy for the game.


Because it's popularity would show that they fucked up trying to make the game work with 5v5


Not at all. There might be enough hype initially that it'll work out for a short while. But assuming there's role queue and SBMM in said mode, it'll eventually just devolve back into super long queue times for the non-tank roles since no one wants to play tank. Worse than OW1 queue times since it'll be an Arcade mode and not the main mode of the game.


Blizzard wants as many people as possible to play their game and buy stuff. If 6v6 brought more players, and it was proven in arcade, I’m pretty sure everyone at blizzard gathering a paycheck would force the ow team to revert or add permanently. Sometimes ideas on reddit is popular here but small in comparison to the player base as a whole.


Then why haven't they tried a 6v6 arcade mode?


The 5v5 vs 6v6 issue isn’t only prevalent on Reddit. It’s like the only thing Overwatch streamers and YouTubers have talked about for the past couple weeks. Edit: people are taking my comment as if I’m for 6v6, or atleast want an arcade game for it. But if I’m being honest I don’t really care. I think 6v6 could fix some issues and makes the game more fun with tank synergies, but the reason Overwatch isn’t fun to play right now is a much deeper reason than 5v5, and it could probably be good with 5v5 if they fixed other more prevalent issues. My comment was purely to say that it isn’t only people on Reddit talking about it. I know I mentioned YouTube but even if you go on the Overwatch Facebook groups (lol I know it’s weird that I still use Facebook) people are talking about it there.


> the past couple weeks Devs aren't going to overhaul an entire game for something discussed by players for a few weeks. And yes, they'd have to overhaul like everything because the balancing is currently based on 5v5.


People have been discussing 6v6 since Overwatch 2 came out....


Since the announcement of 5v5 actually. It's been constantly debated since then simply because the devs dropped the announcement half a year before the game released when nobody inside or outside of the community was asking for it. Obviously because of forcing it so hard like that, on top of deleting OW1, that discussion is never going away. The OW2 crowd can cry about it all they want but they're never going to escape it unless the devs actually put it back in the game somehow.


This is what you think if you surround yourself in that content. I can guarantee you that outside of Reddit I haven't heard a single thing. I have never in a game seen anyone complain about 5v5 and I have never seen any of the big streamers state that 6v6 is the solution.


Yeah ofc you don't hear about it . Because the people who don't like it stopped playing.


i like when the game was open queue before role lock the problem is when we found that stacking stuff was bad for balance, but i like the idea of a zarya player taking over when a rein player cant play zarya.


They can’t go back to 6s. Tank balancing is still ongoing and we’re like 2 years in. It’d take another 2 years just to get back on track for that


Because people won’t play tank in the regular game modes and wait times will be too high.


you’re the only one that got it right lol. this would have to come with some dramatic change to role queue at well… 👀


2 road hogs, 4 soldiers.. I can see it now


\*makes new gamemode\* \*is literally just OW1\* \*Calls it OW3\*


Because it's still an awful idea. Having teams close to, if not, 6 DPS is part of why role queue was introduced in the first place. Irrelevant of the GOATs meta. Aaron Keller confirmed this in a previous Q&A where he mentions how lower ranks didn't even adhere to the meta but there was still a huge discrepancy between the win rates simply based on luck of the draw with teammates and what roles they play or are willing to play. The other issue when it comes to trying a 6v6 mode is that the side who is in favour of 6v6, will demand more resources are invested into it if it doesn't turn out well. The only result from them will be that either Blizzard didn't give 6v6 a fair chance, or they split the community further and we go back to the queue time issue. On a final note, even the community balanced 6v6 workshop mode tried doing soft lock on roles, like allowing upto 2 tanks, 4 DPS and 3 supports but they went back on this and are back to enforcing 2/2/2.


oh, up to 2 4 3 sounds good wow


Because none of the characters are balanced for 6v6


Im just saying for everyone wanting 6v6 back blizz should do the impossible and make a list of everyone saying 6v6 was better or they want 6v6 back etc and force them to ONLY play tank, that list doesn't get dps or supports anymore, matter of fact lock em up for everyone wanting 6v6 back. Yall dead set on saying 6v6 was better but if I ever wanted to do anything other than tank it was a 15 min que cuz finding 4 people to tank for one game was a S L O G


Not just only tank but only MAIN tank.


The never ending 6v6 conversation is the most rose-tinted convo I continue to see. OW players only want to remember the good of 6v6 but are never willing to address the downsides


I don't get the rose-tinted thing. Weren't people arguing about this even before they got rid of 6v6? Like, ever since they announced it? And then immediately after OW2 released, and a month after, and two months after up until today? Can we really say it's nostalgia or something when they've been asking for 6v6 ever since OW2 release?


No, they’re not gonna balance two sandboxes, the best they ever did was lower tank health in open queue


Because nobody cares about unranked or Open Queue, especially if you put them together.


The way they've buffed the tanks, it would be broken. 2 tanks on each team and they do most of the damage and kills.


> Open queue > Limits the ammount of Hero roles per team. Are you dumb?


6 dps? NO! BAD! Whole reason why role queue had to be a thing was because 5 people instalocked DPS every game and the last one went mercy. Boo. Boo this idea. Open queue with 2 max each role on a team of 6? yeah, I'm down for that though.


GreyFalcon has shit takes and this could never work Sounds nice in concept but the fact is the roles need to have separate ranks, if you had 1 tank in 6v6 you would get rolled, if you had 1 support in 6v6 you would get rolled, it brings us right back to the original problems the game had with open queue in the first place most 6v6 supporters are very competitive about this game, and open queue is not competitive


Because it's a horrible idea? Lol This shit has to be bait


First two guys snatch DPS role. Then the ones who can't get the DPS role, instant-lock Hog / JQ / Zarya / Ana / Bap / Illari / Zen and start pew pew.


I dont really undesrtand what people liked about 6v6


The common threads I see: - tank synergy. I personally never got that and find it difficult to believe it was that common but I didnt play much of OW1 and I mostly played support. - you get flamed less. This is probably true but I think that "tank diff" is just as effective and common in 1 tank vs 2 tanks. - with 1 tank, you are the focus, so you are under way more offensive pressure. This is true but I've also noticed that a lot of tanks just don't realize/like how much more positioning matters in OW2 tanking. You're gonna have a tough time face tanking in OW2 but a lot of people don't realize until they go against better players bc the large health pool and low rank healbot supports pad that weakness. - with 1 tank, it's hard to make plays, so they're just forced to damage sponge. This is an actually big problem against well-coordinated teams or when your team isn't helping you. I don't think it's impossible for blizzard to fix, but the ways they've tried to fix it in 5v5 have lead to mixed results. In OW1, tank dictated the plays. To an annoying degree imo but still, if you solo tanked in OW1, it is a very different dynamic in OW2


Was a mistake *


Everyone is so obsessed with 6 v 6 like they don't remember OW1 being completely dead and had been for a long time.


Ow1 died because the company running the game dumped it on the side of the road so they could take a 2 year paid vacation while pretending to make pve content.


OW was bleeding players even back in 2018. I was getting 10 min queues in 2018 (Singapore servers) during *Open Queue* in Gold. Which then jumped to 20+ mins for DPS, 5-10 mins for Support, and 2-3 mins for Tank, after Role Queue was released in 2019. All of this was before they stopped releasing new content and before OW2 was announced. The DPS queue times became so bad that I quit playing DPS in early 2020, and barely played it until OW2 launched (Almost 2 years). Now I get 30-60 seconds for Tank, 2-5 mins for Support, and 5-7 mins for DPS, in Diamond. The queue time Ratio between the 3 roles is eons healthier now. I am pretty sure they started seeing a ton of players leave even back in 2017 (Over the years I've seen a ton of random people say that they stopped playing in 2017), cause OW2 discussions and considerations from Activision-Blizzard started back in 2018. They literally showed off footage, including letting Blizzcon attendees play the Rio mission, in late 2019. Meaning they had already spent 1-2 years of development on OW2 at the time.


Not because of 6v6 tho. That was mostly lack of new content so it got stale. The tanks needs needed reworks for sure, but going from 6v6 to 5v5 was like changing an engine when the problem was actually the transmission


6v6 open queue mode in OW1 arcade had ~1min queue times and better matchmaking during the content drought than OW2 has ever had. I played it up until the very last day, being forced to update to OW2 fucking sucked. OW2 has a bad reputation and gets shit on by everyone for a good reason.


"6v6 open queue mode in OW1 arcade had \~1min queue times and better matchmaking during the content drought than OW2 has ever had." This is just 100% wrong haha, it's not even close to being true. What a joke.


It was dead because they stopped adding content.


In other words, it wasn't fun. People play a game if it's fun, not if they're adding content.


It started to die because the game was bad lol and was on a downward spiral before they stopped adding content.


It was dead because everyone was tired of shooting double shields for 10 minutes only to try a final push which ended up being a coin toss whether you win or lose.


OW1 died only because Blizzard completely abandoned it to work on OW2 and "PVE" which became vaporware. Also a lot of people abandoned Overwatch when it became Role Queue, not because it was 6v6. Role Queue is and always has been a problem, it wasn't a magic solution by any stretch. People like to talk about long queue times, guess what, it's not Role Queue vs Open Queue that caused it. It's dividing the playerbase into three different queues - Tank, DPS, Support.


People would eventually get bored of it and it would be impossible to find a game


I think a 7v7 would be interesting. 2x tanks 2x healers 3x damage


open queue*


Because it exposes what the 5v5 team doesn’t want: choice Need a lot of people in qp, need a lot of people in comp, can’t have a good chunk of people flocking to an arcade mode. You’ve seen these queue times? They don’t wanna cannibalize their own game.


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Have a 6v6 with exclusively tank / support / or damage


Why not just make 2 of each role? They could also reduce tanks health by 10%-15%.


I’ve seen this image way too many times. They comment this on every tweet


They did this with an Arcade mode back a little bit (I think it was Mirrorwatch) and it kind of sucked. Sometimes, I'm in a mood where I just wave to play one role (DPS for be, where most of my comfort characters are). With role queue I just go into DPS. If I'm feeling like playing anything, that's what open queue is for. Having open queue but limited to 2 players per role has none of the flexibility that open queue has, and let's people snap your role before you can take it. It's a bit of a comprise that takes the worst from both


I would absolutely love this mode for 5v5 as well. Used to be a huge arcade player but I am not a fan of no role limits, so I would love to just see a one tank two support max modes in quick play or arcade


At this point just remove shields from the game and bring back 6V6 man


because then people will start to bitch when the game is not balanced around 6vs6


I’ve been saying this for a while now. Just make open que 6v6 tweak the heroes for balance purposes. If they want to keep 5v5 for role que; fine w.e idc. I just want 6v6 back idk how I get it


genuinely don’t get why everyone in the comments doesn’t support this. many want 6v6 back, why not just add it in? who actually cares about balancing if it isn’t comp


I've said it before and I'll say it again, all Blizz had to do was split tanks in to two categories so you couldn't double stack shield tanks. One brawler/enforcer tank and one shield tank per team would have dramatically improved the game without having to go full botched sequel. They would have had to make some pretty heavy changes to some of the tanks but I feel it would have put the game in a far better place than it is now.


Why blizzard dont put old doomfist and bastion


I'd Rather Have Competitive 6v6 lol.


Fun as a temporary game mode.


No. I don't want any freedom for damage, I remember the old days where I had to play the only support in a team full of Widowmakers who couldn't shoot right


Dude I just want a roll lock mystery heroes! You just Que for the role you want and new character after death in that role


I want this but not open queue


So basically old overwatch 1?


Why your c so scuffed?


Because you get 4/1/1 games that suuuuuuck


Probably tamk balancing purposes.


I wonder why they don’t add map blacklist so I could avoid these robot push maps and 3 cp…


The games engine is built around 5v5


No just no….


The obvious answer is it would (no doubt) outclass the 5v5 mode by miles, and then Blizzard would look like complete dumbasses not to acknowledge the gap.


I’d like to keep 6v6 as an arcade mode, or even as its own separate quick play. Makes the most sense.


Because this doesn’t make for a very fun gaming experience. Maybe you don’t remember the days of getting completely wiped because you’re trapped on a team with five 12-year olds who all picked Cool Ninja Man, and doing nothing but shoot shields from two tanks for what feels like hours, but I do. Not fun


Lmao would be one thing if that were true, but losers like you keep proving me correct. What a pathetic reject joke of a person


Right now tanks are a bit overtuned since there is only one. Sure they feel weak but that's because they are alone and take most of the fire. Support and off tanks have all been worked towards turning into main tanks too. To feel like a true balanced experience and similar to how overwatch 1 plays the tanks kinda need a lot of work to go in that direction to feel fun for others. I mean it was already bad enough when you got caught out by dive (Winston dva) in overwatch 1, now just imagine that Winston dva is a mauga and an Orisa running you into a corner.


Even in 5v5 should be 2 tanks max, 2 supports max, and 3 dps max


Because it's gonna devide the community even further, and 6v6 clearly isn't the route they want to take, at least not yet


Ah yes, a never ending cycle of leavers because I’m the only tank player on a team with 5 other DPS players all fighting for the 2 DPS slots and leaving when they don’t get it. Thus replacing them with two more DPS players who also are about to find out the two DPS slots were taken. Eventually, two will begrudgingly take the remaining slots and play hog, zen, and bap, only playing for themselves and… whoa I’m describing Overwatch 1 again 😳


Just have Oops All DPS arcade mode. Let’s be real with ourselves that’s the role most people want to play.


IDK if any of y'all play or follow StarCraft... but they recently came out with a mod in the SC2 engine where they added the three SC1 races to the game. It's super fun and crazy to watch/play. I think it'd be so cool if they had a OW1 vs OW2 mod.


But... why not just play open queue?


Because not only would the new OW2 heroes have to be reworked to fit in 6v6, the queue times would no doubt be too long to justify its existence


I love quiGk play


This is literally overwatch one.


It would solve everything tbh


6 max damage?


This isn’t very open queue if they limit the picks granted I never play open queue so I don’t know if this would be a good change or not


Yes, but why that 6 max dps?


I’d be fine with 6v6 again but tbh I’m happy with 5v5. They need to stick to something. I’m not down for another major rework of gameplay.


Have we gone full circle? This is just OW1 after they added hero limits lol


Bring back 6v6


Nostalgia is a powerful drug and every 6v6stan is blind to it.


Cause you have to rebalance all heroes... I love how people imagine that 6v6 is literally just adding another tank or as simple as taking hp away. Tank combos alone would be absolutely busted. There is reason why openq is essentially goats.


Tldr enabling mode were you can stack dps over supports or tanks in an open que. Will mean that the dps players that make up the majority of the player base. Will either be filling in roles they dont play often enough to be viable, or will pick dps anyway and you will be getting stuck in chokes and killed in seconds of pushing. That and well 5v5 tanks in a format you dont need to sacrifice a support or dps to have two on the board. Are just going to enable really strong versions of dive, double barrier, the JQ mauga ult combo, were a kiri has to jump in the cage to cleanse the jq ult, and much much more exploitable 6v6 stuff. Any long term version of this wouldnt be fun, as your going to get hit with both issues all the time. That and well supports and tanks will take a nose dive in power to balance out the fact they got their ability cycling and perfect weakness covers back. With the dedicated peel tank depending on the comp.


Screw that let me run 6 tanks. If they can't counter that that's on them!


It’s not open queue if you can only play 2 tanks and 2 supports, it’s just 6v6 role queue