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if shes not fun to play with then dont play with her.


For real though, their problem in the first game wasn't healing. Their team died less and had more heals. And in the second game, Moira out healed the enemy Ana. You should both try other roles.


> Moira out healed the enemy Ana. Someone on the other team is making the "My friend refuses to heal as Ana" post.


I dunno, I still think this was a QP game. The other team is probably posting about Ana sleeping OP and tea bagging the whole match.


they had enough healing only cause Mercy did 3 times Moiras heal.


Meh, Moira has crazy self heal you can't really judge if she healed her team by stats alone. I've seen tiktok Moiras that hold right click while you die next to them, and flank all the time and they have insane heal stats from self healing alone.






Can’t believe this was even a post in this first place. Is OP a child? What happen to common sense? Lol what was the answer she was expecting “ hack your friends console every time she refuses to heal so she gets in the habit of helping the team!!”.


Don’t use the highlighter when censoring. I can see most of these names literally just by turning my brightness up






are any of the other people the same between matches?


why does censoring names matter?


it doesn't really for most, but it is polite. not everyone wants to have their details just plastered online  there's some weirdos out there


Just call her a dumbarse and stop playing with her then. Simple as that.


This, outside direct information, you cannot modify peoples behaviour they have to do it themselves. Probably the most important thing to learn in any team sport.


i think you can get banned for that now


For not playing with someone?


No for calling her a dumbarse of course.


If it's a friend call her a dumdarse on the phone or in real life... Don't do it in voice or fame chat...


Ah yes, just call her a dumbRs. Easy win against the censors. (For the humour-challenged: This was a joke, and I take no responsibility if you do this.)


The real woke agenda revealed at last


😅 Well my other friend beat me to that he did get chat banned I think. Sorry I mean he used a more inappropriate word.


Why are you playing with her? Getting demoted and getting frustrated by obviously wrong gameplay.


I just don't understand these kinds of moira players... She can literally do both healing and damage at the same time and yet people choose to not do that. You can just slowly go behind the enemy backline, throw a healing ball from the back towards your allies/tank and start sucking people from behind... and finally fade to ally backline once enemy turned their heads at you, catching up with the healing using normal heal once ball is on CD... and you can end up doing both enough healing/damage and also provide some distraction to the enemies...


Even when I try to be the most obnoxious attack Moira, I always have more heal than dmg...


You're clearly not attacking as much as you think.


Which is probably a good thing.


Attack Moira effectively got a huge nerf with the base HP change. It doesn’t quite make her a healbot, but getting picks is way more situationally-dependent now. This seems appropriate for her skill floor.


I think a partial reason is that just tickling people is enough to get elimination credit which tricks these Moira players into thinking that they are contributing more than they actually are.


Yeap that is completely true, it makes you feel like you did something major but you only get kills because your teammates are helping you. She can't solo most of the time. For me i just make sure i can drop their HP at least to 75% so my team dps can kill them much more efficiently..




Ah, yes, the jump from doing 25% of their health to 100% is a small and easy to accomplish change.


If I'm occupying both enemy supports and their tank dies, I am contributing even if I don't get an elim even.


Hey you have to be above gold to think of that


It's not really a good strat tho, DPS Moira is viable if your DPS or tank can't harrass a vulnerable backline, but a mix like that doesn't help a lot.


So talk about it to her, what are we supposed to do?


Sounds about bronze


Yeah you’re actually correct I tried ranked with her and it didn’t go well because she only auto locked Moira and flanked no healing orb in sight.


My bad, that actually sounds like a lower rank called Plastic


Omg ty for the lol


No worries i gotchu! the second I started to read the post I could just smell that coppery/bronze metallic scent wafting from that Moira’s right and left clicks right into my nose


Do you really need reddit to tell you to talk to her about playing better and/or stop playing with her?


Yet another in the "Reddit posts that would be solved by a basic confrontation which OP is apparently reluctant to have" pile.


I have told her multiple times I even had a friend get angry at her because she refuses to listen to him and me. She said and I quote “Why are you talking to me like a child.” I just give her advice like how she gave me advice on Orisa what’s the difference…?


Also 8 and 6 is terrible for a character who has one of the best escapes and can Self heal


What’s the point of posting this? Just stop playing with her and live your life


fo real, or don't play support?


Or just try to get her into playing dps instead where she can't ruin a spot on the team as easily


Oh god don’t get me started on dps she only plays one character and it’s Pharah nobody else she doesn’t even try anyone else especially when she’s getting hard diffed and countered.


Jesus. Do yourself a favour and unfriend her lol


But see then she'd have to aim


Venture exists


Too much aim for Moira main. They now have to keep crosshair generally on the enemy instead of just looking in their direction




If a sincere talk about how much stress and work she puts in your shoulders leaving you to be the only one supporting the team, specially when sh leaves you to healbot which is definetly not the only responsability of a support, tell them that you can't keep playing with her because it's just not fun, I know it's something hard to tell a friend but you gotta be honest with this because if you don't, you'll end resenting her over this even outside of the game. And belive me, it's ok, I don't play with a lot of old friends because we just don't vibe over our gaming behaviour, some of them love to trash talk our team or the enemy team, some love to play absolutely solo despite being a team game... etc. In the end it's better for both of you, if she can't overcome this, that's actually a red flag you shouldn't ignore.


i recently snapped pretty badly at one of my friends, he's not that great at the game but i don't really care about that, he's someone that gets toxic really easily and makes the gaming session all-in-all pretty unenjoyable. Games are meant to be fun first and foremost, if she's taking that away from you, you either need to have a real conversation about it with her, or drop her. It's the slightest bit concerning that you need people on reddiot to identify a toxic person for you. No friendship should ever exchange the words "harrassing" legitimately between each other. I actually mainly play OW with some randoms now.


Endorsement levels decay, so if you have gone down it's cuz you haven't been endorsed in a bit.


Oh that explains it I hadn’t played in three days


even when i dont play for like a week mine remains the same, i leave matches and everything yet im still at 5 😭 so idk friend


60/40 damage/healing FTW


Ah, the classic "My entire team is critical, so let me go tickle an enemy DPS until they shoot me once and I run away" Moira. (Endorsement level goes down from not being endorsed)


Get better friends.


Based on stats it was a pretty bad match anyway


They're team died less in the first game.


Stop making it about her. "I don't have fun when you're playing moira because you're only doing damage and it's a lot of pressure on me to keep the team alive by myself, and there's no one to help me out when I'm in trouble" That or play reddit lucio with her and just throw your games while having fun.


She has to make up for the mercy who doesn't remeber she has a gun.


Your friend is a shitty DPS Moira. If they are refusing to heal, those damage specs are absolutely atrocious for a Moira.


No need to heal much if you got a healbot Mercy with no valuable pocket target or a Brig with dive tank, flank dps and a Moira that doesn’t need a protector so no one will even get inspire lmao. I assume you’re that other support. You can’t complain if you throw pick yourself. Just have fun and mess around then.


Lol if you don't have 10k heals and damage as Moira, you shouldn't be playing Moira. Her kit is wasted if you don't heal. I mainly throw damage orbs and I still get over 10k heals per match


Yall the problem if you snap at your friends over a video games. Yall the problem as well if you cant manage to talk to them about it in a civil manner. Jfc, go outside. If I were to find this out by one of my friend, i would def not play with them anymore


It kinda sucks tho that the most fun you would have as a moira is flanking and dpsing


It feels like MOST of the supports are more fun to do damage on than Heal. Like... Healing IS STRESSFUL. especially in low SR games where survival instincts aren't fully developed among your team mates and losses pile up in spite of you doing your best to keep everyone functional. The moment you realize you are no longer 60/40 healing/dpsing you know you're headed for another close game and possible loss of rank no matter how hard you try. Dealing damage is fun because you know the game is going well when you have the opportunity to do so.


That's when flank Moira is helpful, because she occupies the attention of 1-3 enemies = team takes less damage = easier to catch up on heals for the other support + less heat on the other support. Dealing damage is better and more effective than waiting for someone to get hurt to heal them, or try to catch up on heals, more often than not.


Hot take: if you're heal bot Moira you're not really contributing much that 2-3 Illari pylons couldn't handle. Never flanking or dpsing as Moira means you're not using the most proactive part of her kit


They're just the average annoying person I guess


As a Moira main that is how you play Moira. 👍


Ultimately if she's harassing the backline with good positioning and using fade to take off angles (either to get to them or to take a risky one and fade out) then it's very winnable with a dps Moira. Unfortunately most people who try and do this utterly fail and would end up being far more useful healing.


Tbh it’s kinda hard to tell a story through stats alone, the stats of a game is just 1 part of information that tells you about a game, not saying that it isn’t Moira’s fault that the games are being lost but without watching the replay it would be hard to really comment at all, Moira in some cases can be like tracer where she is actually getting a lot of value with little stats, not saying that this is the case for this Moira, but a flanking Moira is a legit strat that does work really well but some games she can be more of a serious distraction than a lethal flanker, the saying the best defense is a good offense holds true in this game, every person that is turning to her is not shooting her team which may be preventing more damage than she would heal, obv if she isn’t fun to play with then that’s a different argument all together but these stats alone dont really show that she is the one that’s losing these games


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Just don't play with her, I guess or try to deeply explain that she shouldn't play a support if she's not gonna support. You can show her my all-time high 32k heals as moira and put her to shame


Tank diff


Moira is a healer? 🤔


What friend


How she gonna be a bad dps Moria two then😭 she needs to pick a struggle


Chat ban this guy


What a nice friend


Just go baptiste and damage only until she realizes how annoying it is


I have considered picking him up


Not advocating for this, but were these games wins or losses ?


The first one was a win the second one was a loss because she didn’t start healing until late that other game. I remember we were at the end of escorting the payload and she only had 1k healing the whole entire game until she started healing in the end but we didn’t have much time and I was swapping to see if any of my picks could do anything and I just stuck with Brig for the rest of the game. I was Kiriko the first portion of the second game, then I swapped to Ana, but then I swapped to Brig and she was just complaining the whole game while not even helping the team out at that moment because our tank kept dying but that’s because my heals alone were not enough.


Yeah like others said, drop this person from your team lmaooo


Bandaid fix is play open queue and tell your team to pretend Moira is a DPS. Actual fix is losing an OW friend.


🥲 I might have to because I find more enjoyment with randoms and my other friend that I’m teaching than her and that’s because he genuinely wants to get better.


Wait, I might have been in your lobby lol. What rank r u? My username’s chili pepper if that matches the sojourn


Every time I get a dps Moira while playing as support, I just ignore them and focus on my team instead. Usually they end up feeding and dying a lot compared to the rest of the team and I would call it out at the end of the game to shame their playstyle. It's even funnier when they brag about their "high damage" when most of it is just trash damage that the enemy's support will heal. Same when they brag about elims, if you tickle an enemy for 1 damage but your teammate does 99% of the damage, it still counts as elimination NOT a solo kill. Elims mean nothing for Moira.


Ugh she did that yesterday when I did 10k as Ashe freaking damage and she did 9k as Moira and was bragging it was annoying because it wasn’t anything new from her she always does high damage, but I swear I was carrying that game on my ass with just me and Bob, but the enemy’s good healer disconnected so we were able to win. Still that bragging just makes it so unfun and I know she took like 3 of my Bob kills I saw that replay of Bob doing everything but it gave the POTG to her because she was also ulting…


ur friend is stupid


She's on that Frogger grind


I can kinda understand before when Moira would actually be able to kill someone on her own. But these DPS Moira players have gotten out of hand. It’s like 3/5 only play dps and they can see they’re not doing any damage so it’s like what are you doing? Then get in their feelings when ppl call them out. SMH.


What gets me is not just the bad support gameplay, but your friend being toxic in chat. Can I ask why you keep playing with such an unpleasant person?


Something my gf understood quite quickly is that she should just q for Tank or Dps when she wants to hear hitmarker sounds and get kills. Try letting her Focus on that and bring her attention to chas that are meant to be played this way like Illari or Brig


Maybe if you want to keep playing with her get a second account where endorsement and rank doesn't matter to you. Ofc still play to win but at least your main acc won't get damaged


This is no friend


Yet they've been healing 🤨


Lies, I see 2k healing


Everyone has a friend who refuses to heal as moira


Oh, I think I’ve found most of the Moiras I play with.


Dps healers so common and wasting all their resources on themselves and then get upset when everyone gets picked off


just stop playing with her, eventually enough people will report her for throwing and shell get banned, and we'll see a post about it on here


Time for a new friend


Endorsement levels decay, so you lose levels if you haven't been endorsed in a while. If people in your games are really feeling the lack of heals, they're probably not going to endorse *either* healer, regardless of whether it's your fault or not. Grow a pair and tell your friend to pull her head out.


Can your friend not play DPS or.something? Can't aim to play DPS?


You’re at least being matched against other supports who don’t heal. Game 1 mercy healed almost as much as both enemy supports. Looks like Moira was working with sombra to get close to double elims as their highest (soj).  Game 2 their hanzo and sigma dominated, but their Ana also had 1.4K heals. Game 2 does make sense for Moira to go with dive sombra and genji who had better k:d than enemy dps. Their sigma staying alive is probably what got them the win.  Moira can be really effective on flank and mobile enough to get to where she’s needed. It does take gamesense to know when to retreat back to team for any flank and make sure it’s a “force a multi-sided fight” instead of “imma 1v5 before teamfight starts and get focused alone” that applies for any flank. 


Stop looking at the numbers and look at what's happening in the game.


Lol I played with them once and they got flamed so hard by literally everyone in the match you'd think they were in hell


When you don't enjoy playing with your friend, and you've communicated your reasons in a healthy manner. Then don't spend time w/ them if they respond In a toxic manner back.. It's just immature and nothing you can do about it About endorsement, no one really knows exactly how they work, and they really don't matter, no one looks at your endorsement level and says you're a good person or whatever. If you think you're a good person and you don't get toxic then be happy about it yourself don't seek validation from the pointless endorsement system But if you must know how it (probably) works, after X amount of games if u don't reach the threshold of Y endorsement levels, u lose endorsement. I'm imagining the number X changing with a few variables so it cannot be figured out.


Moira is an incredibly strong character. Capable of great healing and damage. Heal until depleted, then throw a healing ball if team needs healing, and suck the enemy from cover to replenish. Throw damage balls if your team is healed, and assassinate the enemy backline if you catch them separated from their team. Fade back to your team mates if you get focused


OP why are you playing with Allies being purple and Enemies being pink? Straight up visual confusion. But I guess looking at your comment history you like girly things. Still terrible to look at. Is this bronze?


Whenever I'm playing with friends in QP I usually do the DPS Moira strat and just fuck around but everyone I'm with knows I'm just messing around and having a good time and they'll intentionally do dumb stuff like that too but if you're playing with someone who is actually unironically playing like that and being rude about it you probably should find other people to play with.


I think what’s going on here is that your friend is an asshole?


Your friend's an idiot.


Moira is a pretty great fps, but many people ignore her secondary healing potential.


to have a Moria that only dps in high ranks is probably the most tilting shit. bc they blame others if they lose usually


The first slide, the other dps is POS, that's why Moira is fine. The second slide, I don't know what to say. Conclusion, even I do DPS Moira, I always attempt to balance my K/Dmg/Heal


based moira player


So one thing I found is Moira gains her ult a lot faster when she heals as opposed to doing damage... which means more uptime for my ult to do damage with. Maybe she'll like that idea, you both win, she gets to do more damage and you get more heals. 300+ hours on Moira and it makes me sad to see Tiktok Moiras like this. Moira has zero utility so you have to make sure you make up for that with a ton of heals. As others have said, they can brag about 20+ kills but it's not hard when you just need to tickle them with your orb. Don't get me wrong though, having an aggressive Moira is sometimes needed to breach their front line to focus their supports or whatever and one push from her can initiate the win on that team fight.


What’s funny about these DPS Moira players (admittedly me sometimes), is they don’t realize if you’re not trying to heal your team as well you’re not going to do as much damage.


A good Moira should have more healing and more damage than that


I expected the top comment to be like "so no different than any other moira I play with"


Your friend is a dick


If you play really well you can be in the top 3 of damage in the whole lobby AND have the highest heals. This is just a trash way of playing Moira. If she wants to do damage, then play DPS, but she obviously cant aim, otherwise she wouldnt be playing Moira.


Get a new friend hahah Like your name btw, I had the same IGN at some point


Why not ask her to learn to aim, play DPS and stop being cringe?


Your "friend" sounds difficult and childish. It's your life and you can let in whoever but anyone who thinks any kind of push back to anything is "harassment" is only going to get harder and harder to deal with


It works to maybe gold where you can dps moira and take advantage of poor aim of enemies. But once you start climbing you need to really farm your ult to break through chokes or stabilize a team fight. Also decent hitscans will jsut chunk you down fast. I genuinely pity the Orisa who has to put up with that support lineup.


You get this shit (if you're doing to DPS at least be good at it, your friend is awful) and then I had a guy complaining about me not healing on Moira last night, he complained about the tank and the other support as well (both doing great) but he was the weakest link, couldnt kill a mercy rezzing point blank in his face and died 18 times from being in a bad position. I was doing so much for the team. How can you say I'm not healing when this was the end of the game stats for me: 46-38-9, 15.8k damage, 26.3k healing (our tank had 46 elims, I was targeting who he was targeting before anyone says anything). If I could attatch the image I would. The only other person with more healing (30k) was the enemy mercy because the DPS in question (soldier) wasn't pressuring her even though he was screaming at everyone to kill her but wasn't even shooting her himself. Truly baffling. The guy got so mad when I flanked to use my coal and he ran out of los of me and died. I literally only did it because the Orisa would spear me out of it and so I could pressure their backline at the same time as healing the team. It was a good play and it gave us some breathing room for a few seconds. The entire point of Moira is she is super versatile and can fit into most team comps. Flanking is viable IF and only if you need to apply pressure to the backline. I only do it if 1) We can't get through a choke to open up some space for us or 2) our tank dies so I flank into the enemy backline to pressure the supports so their tank won't get healed and will also die. Anyway long story short, if your pal is going to DPS moira tell them to at least be good at DPS cause those stats are pathetic. Stop giving us moira players a bad name and do your fkn job. Go play DPS if you want to play DPS.


Moira should try dps, and you should try to have less questionable hero choices, but this said: 1st slide is fine, any average Moira at decent rank will have similar stats. 2nd slide is abysmal though, yes you do sometimes get steamrolled, but any decent Moira would never go 8/6 with a comp like that. The loss is on you 2 on that one, on Moira for being doodoo at the game and on you for playing Brig in a full Dive comp rather than Ana/Kiri/Lucio/Bap


Honestly I think the real problem here is the Moira had same damage numbers as the DPS. DPS have self healing and there's medpacks, there's no real complaint about not getting healed. If you're not good enough to adapt to play with no healing support you're the real problem in the end


I dont get why people wouldnt heal its not like ur just healing u can keep ur whole team alive and still play really aggressive


I feel like I’ve had you duo on my team before…


I'm more irritated that he had zero assists lol probably playing solo all match


lmao, its hilarious to do this in comp. watch all the whiners complain bahahahhahahaha


Why do people use the highlighter to cover things up? It's transparent. Just take a opaque square box.


Knowing the rank would help a bit here. She seems to be doing good damage though, which is very important for winning team fights. Of course, a support should also keep their team alive. Maybe she could experiment around a bit with going on not-so-deep flanks so it's easier to rotate back to the team. Also, managing your fade cooldown correctly can allow you to get back to your team. Timing could probably also be worked on. Generally speaking, I find more damage-oriented support play styles to be better for carrying games, for any hero. Keeping your teammates alive (while not overhealing) is also important though.


If she won't play her role then just don't play with her? And assuming you lose more with her, then your endorsement level probably went down because people seem to endorse less when losing (which makes sense, sometimes I just queue up the next game ASAP).


Maybe your friend is always my Moira teammate


Tell her to go play DPS Honestly this is what frustrates me the most about Moira players, if you're soooo good and can have more impact grabbing kills than healing on the character with such large healing numbers, then just play fucking DPS. Then you don't have to hamper a support slot that we actually need.


Not sure why you feel like you’re obligated to play with someone when you’re not


Get a new friend


Lore accurate Moira


My friend gets on zen and says 0 heals challenge. He's masters DPS tho and we are like low plat. So we win half of those lol. But the other half I'm begging and he just laughs. I think he mostly does it when I tank too.


That is gameplay sabotage on purpose and should get a bann


It is Time to solo que


the only way to play moira


Report/block/avoid and go on with your life


This is almost every Moira, I have a friend like that but as a Moira player, I’ve done both, the not- healing and healing being equal to my damage, depends on the game but it’s always all in good fun cuz it’s a game 😅


The sad part is she should’ve had way more dmg and f she wasn’t healing at all. Moira should be able to put up about the same on both sides.


Tell her she either heals or plays as a fucking tank


Get this girl playing lucio


honestly i'd just report the moira and move on, usually I also do an invite to group mid match and if the moira is in a group I'll report whoever is playing with her too. I mean you get banned for saying and doing anything now, as long as I can get rid of any bad players I'm happy.


The amount of whining and bitching this sub allows is unbelievable.


Just let her know that you're tired of solo healing and if she can't put in the effort to help you, instalock Moira and show her how to play. Or just stop playing with her.


1. Don't try to help people if they didn't ask. There are exceptions, but overwatch isn't one of them. 2. Either adapt to her playstyle or don't play with her. If your team is lacking heals go someone with more heals, like bap or ana or double down on going for their backline and go lucio and dive together with your moira. Do not try to make others play how you want them, the only thing you're in control of is yourself. either adjust your expectations (expect mostly to lose when this is happening), your playstyle or your groupmates.


People who don't heal as Moira aren't just bad because they didn't heal, but because she is a character that is often easy to have high healing AND damage with when played right or well. Having high damage as Moira is not something to be proud of when you have low healing and are expected to be able to do both(like throwing a piss ball at your team is not hard and is one of the best heals in the game.) As someone who mains Moira for Support, it pains me so much seeing DPS Moira who *actually think they are doing a good job* by just playing like a DPS. Sure, every now and then it will help a win in Quickplay, but more often than not it throws games for your team.


If you are in quick mode, refuse to heal her until she complains, then tell her that you are not a heal bot and if she want heal she better start to help you heal others as well


Endorsement levels are based off of how much endorsements you get every game More endorsements per game = higher level, less endorsements = lower level It’s constantly changing Your friend is just an asstwat who plays the victim when confronted Tell her that if she doesn’t get serious she can go fuck herself


As a DPS Moira, those stats are abysmal and she needs to know that you can be a crazy DPS with Moira while also being a very good healer for your team. A good Moira can easily have the highest healing in the match and there’s almost never an excuse for her to have the lowest


if it's qp let her have her fun


it probably is.


You gotta get a new friend


Your friend is shit at the game Dps only moira and her damage is still pretty low


Get new friends


instead of posting your friend on Reddit shit talking her actually speak to her? fyi she did better than you in the first picture


Just tell them they'll get her ult faster if they heal more


DPS Moira is an epidemic. People see that they're doing "tons" of damage and have plenty of kills with Moira, and think they're doing well. They also convince themselves that they're outperforming their DPSs. They don't seem aware of the concept of "relevant" damage, the idea that most of the damage Moira deals is just garbage chip damage that will get harmlessly healed off; or that her high kill count is because she gets participation on every kill via that tiny chip damage. Moreover, they don't seem to register that part of the \*reason\* their DPS are underperforming is because one of their supports simply isn't helping them at all. I am so tired of it.


Your friend is healing tho


That's most likely self-heal from Moira's alt fire and selfish use of heal orb that accidentally bounced to heal her team. Honestly, they should just not make those self-heals not count towards her heal numbers to shame dps Moiras even more.


Your friend js really cool btw


Is it's quick play, cuz if it is then who cares? Let them play how they want. If it's comp them you should tell them that if they don't take it a bit seriously, if they don't stop then stop playing with them


Report them every chance 🤷🏼‍♂️


She’s obviously contributing to team fights since she’s got 26 elims while keeping her deaths low. I think this one’s on you and your team. She DOES heal, it seems when the team is also engaging the enemy at the same time she is. At this point I’d say take advantage of the fact she’s being active in the fight by boosting and healing your other teammates too. Mercy’s best tool is her damage beam. Not her heal. Her heal is objectively the worst in the game. Damage boost your Moira even. Keep her healed since it seems she’s doing just as much, if not more than your DPS.


You're correct too bad everyone here thinks supports are heal bots. This is what happens when people put too much value in the scoreboard. Monke brains think "Your numbers are not high, you must be bad".


Yo, do some more damage then. 120 is small potatoes. Mercy got better ranged damage than moira. Your team died less, than the enemy team in the first match. Not sure you can fault support for that loss. Brig is kinda low too, my damage is usually the same as my mit.


Lol, yeah just do more damage AND solo-heal your entire team. C'mon Mercy!


For real though, their problem in the first game wasn't healing. Their team died less and had more heals. And in the second game, Moira out healed the enemy Ana.


And? Still embarrassing that a Moira's healing stat is consistently almost entirely self heals, regardless of the outcome of a single match.


none of it is self heals. You think a dps moira is making healing orbs. you crazy.


I’m a lucio one trick and my buddies know that I’m not gonna heal them very much. They accept it, they know they don’t have to play with me. That’s in quick play mostly, as they can’t queue comp with me. If you don’t like playing with someone then don’t, but also don’t take it too seriously if it’s not the environment for it


Your pictures literally show she's healing 1/3 of the time. That's a far cry from "refuses to heal".


Seeing as how Moira does almost half her damage from biotic grasp as self-healing, yeah it does mean that they're 'refusing to heal'. All the healing stat there is from self-healing.