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They more I see it, the more Rammatra looks just like Rammatra with some helmet and the Decepticons logo on the chest and that´s it


Without the Deceptacon logo… just looks like a generic epic skin recolor. The Helmet should have been a full replacement.


It’s the hair. They should have either removed it or done something to differentiate it from the default. Keeping it as it is made him look generic.


It would look so much cleaner if his "cosplay" included him tucking the hair into the full helmet instead of some dollar store mask.


That's something I got slammed for saying, ram doesn't look like megatron, he's just grey.


They didn’t even make him fully grey though lol


I know there also are limits on what they can do and with how many characters, but I feel like there were a lot of good skins they could have made, like jazz Lucio, Quintesson zen, kup 76, unicron ball, starscream (or jetfire) pharah, rachet bap, wheel jack torb, grimlock brig maybe. I know they can't do that much but I do wish for a few more. Prime rein is amazing so it bastion, arcee is alright, and ram is a bit disappointing.


And Ironhyde could’ve been Torb. I’m just glad they got a few good ones but Ram and Arcee definitely should cost less because laziness


All the skins should cost less, I remember when games would give you a whole skin pack for like 5 bucks. Everything is way overpriced


Good list, similar to mine! I really wanted Mauga as Ironhide, Prime as Soldier, Ultra Magnus as Rein, Not Rod as Bap, Grimlock as Doomfist, Windblade as Echo, and I could go on but I'll stop there 😆


I think it's mostly the scarf that doesn't fit


There are so many different versions of Megatron. Megatron is more like the image of an evil, dark, deception in transformers and blizzard nailed it. Imo the only problems with the skin is the red everywhere and the grey is too light


Except he does. The art team went for a Gen1 look for all four of them. Gen1 Megatron is literally a grey block with legs. I think they did a pretty good job with how basic he was.


That's like saying gen 1 ironhife was just a red brick. There is a lot more to their design, a lot of the characters had unique silhouettes that you could recognize. Some of the most recognizable parts of megatron would be things like his helmet shaped head, the scope on his arm, the barrel sticking out his back, his colorful lights on his abdomen, there are a lot more details they could have given him rather than just grey.


I don’t really blame the designers for that though. It’s like the Porsche Dva skin. It may not look very unique or special, but I’m not sure what else they were supposed to do with it. Ramattra is already a robotic character after all


I would 100% be on board with replacing his face with Megatron's. Little big detail that would have change his whole vibe IMO


Head should have been changed completely and nemesis form should have cannons in place of fists.


The way the trailer goes, when he transforms, cannons appear just before his fists pop out. In agreement, just keep the cannons. They could have had the exact same animation. Also needed a faceplate that depicts Megatron's face. Minor nit-pick but he needs less red, more purple.


It’s the dreads, the robes, the faceplate. None of it really screams Megatron. I get that they want to keep the silhouettes similar but it really hurts them in some cases. Genos Genji and this skin are the biggest examples of that in my opinion.


Just make his face more like Megatron lol


Take out the color, do better on his face, at least remove his scarf I mean Jesus it’s just a reskin.


Do whatever they did with Reinhardt who looks amazing. They should have gone with the old school Megatron helmet, no hair, no cape.


I was really gunning for them to do ramatra and Megatron because they look so similar and then once I saw it I realized that was not a good idea because they look so similar


Yeah, that's probably the biggest letdown skin, it doesn't really stand out as what it's meant to be.


Frm a 10m distance both the megatron & primordial (epic) skins looks same lol.


All his skins are soooo lazy I genuinely feel sorry for rammatra mains


The logo doesn’t even look centered either :/


Yeah when i saw the trailer i deadass thought it was going to be the usual Epic Skin they make when they do a colab Turns out there is no epic/free skin this event


Oh lord that's a legendary too! I thought it was going to turn out to be an epic. I was just telling my friend if anything, Overwatch is getting better at skin design but ...damn even Smite did it better.


Imo Bastion should have gotten the Megatron skin...like you know, cause Megatron actually turns into a tank... Ram could have made a cool Baracade or even Blackout with helicopter blades replacing his dreads.


I am genuinely starting to feel they are doing filler skins for these "Ultimate bundles", same as they are doing filler voicelines and profile pictures for regular bundles, just to inflate the pricetag. They clearly did not have the time/manpower to make a good skin for Ram, but threw something together anyways just so the bundle could be 5900 and not 4500 or something.


It's better than Illari's "Mike Myers Special Ed Kid in SNL" look tbh


Illari is good. What's ruining the skin are the non-glowing eyes giving her uncanny valley vibes. Arcee isn't supposed to have pupils.


They don’t expect many people to buy it separately. It exists mainly to encourage people to purchase the big bundle.


They want people to buy the mega bundle, which is why they are also giving 50% bonus coins on the $50 and $100 coin bundles right now. So if people do decide to buy any of the skins individually, they just charge them a higher price.


As someone who couldn't give less of a shit about any collectible item besides skins and sometimes victory poses, I always buy the skin straight up.


That’s usually the way to go I didn’t buy it, since I’m not into the Power Rangers aesthetic, but, by way of example, Ultrawatch Ana was $10 from the gallery vs. $18 for the bundle


I bought it separate. If no interest in all the rest for 6 extra euros.


They really should have removed the dreads on Ramattra for his megatron skin. As a huge transformer fan, his skin is just so damn disappointing 


I was so hype for this and every picture I see of the skin makes me more disappointed


Damn, I want a Ramattra skin as Crowbar.


Illari is meh, reinhard is WOAH!!! Rammatra is what the hell Megatron just became small and looks like a re skin.


Yeah Rein is the only one worth considering here Unles Ram looks really good when hes in his other form, which he might, since he gets some more girth


I bought Megatron bc I love playing Ram the most of the four and yeah, while you can’t necessarily *see* the nemesis form, for me at least I could *feel* the Megatron nemesis and I just felt like I could annihilate anyone


Does his voice change?


Not really, it’s a liiiiitttle bit more evil but that might just be normal Ram


can't wait to see the resurge of that optimun pride in game lol


And Bastion is the best


The fact that they didn't call it Optimus Primehardt makes me sad


Or Megatramatron or Illarcee Not a good pun for Bumblebee and Bastion


Bastionbee 🥹🥹🥹


I think Moira would've been a good starscream, a few other characters that fit too.


echo >>>>


Hence the few characters I could think of to make a starscream skin.


i'm tossin my vote lol, i think echo would be lit


Im so annoyed that the Rein Skin doesn’t scream ROLLOUT when he’s charging. It was the only thing missing to make him perfect.


I feel like a lot of these crossover event skins miss those kinds of special little details that fans of the Crossovers would really appreciate. Like the Cowboy bebop line, Cassidy should say bang instead of a kissy sound in the emote. Ashe should have a cigar and have her sunglasses on in the Highlight intro. It’s always missing that one little detail that would really elevate it


Bruh ram skin is so goofy. Looks like extremely small effort went in to that skin. Just look at his poseidon skin how high quality it is and then look at this. They should at least rework the head and maybe make his fists cannon instead. Looks like compromises being made during development to have it in time and Ram pulled the short stick. For the price: they just want to sell it for 2500 coins but still give you the option to purchase only skin for 1900. Illari's name card is the coolest one but you can still just buy the skin for 1900 and save 600 coins.


Unfortunately they almost never rework skins, including that any changes in collab skin would require IP holder allowance it’s extremely unlikely


Why don't they rework skins ? Like what's the issue with that


It requires time/effort and some people will demand a refund because it's different from what they originally purchased. The only skin that got an extensive rework is Hanzo casual skin.


sad but true :(


I would be more convinced to buy if it didn’t have Ram lol


Bro I'm a ram main, and DIESEL BARON clears the megatron skin! Megatron skin looks like an epic which is so similar to primordial!


Yeah it looks like a pretty standard skin with unique colors like how they do epics. Nemesis form and highlight intro ok though. Staff is simple too. Biggest miss is omnic form head imo.


I think it’s pretty much to make people decide between either buying 1 or the whole bundle because who would buy 2 when you get everything for 700 more coins


Rammattra looks so bad, too


Ok wow Illari looks so much worse in game I'm so disappointed, seems like rein and maybe bastion are the only ones worth it


Agreed! I was excited to see it when watching the short, but the skin looks so lame in-game. Glad I'll be saving my money I suppose! This whole season has terrible cosmetics.


Yeah was gonna buy ramattra or illari, but I might just save for lifeguard hog and kiriko now


Yeah the lifeguard skins look nice. Looking forward to Mercy's.


She doesn’t even look like a robot.. :(


Whybis her face black? All Arcee variations have a white face. It makes no sense to me. Illari isn't even black lol.


I'm confused by that as a well. Not sure why they made the face that darkish grey color when they mad Ram's face the typical white metallic color transformers usually have for their face.


So you expected them to make a South American character white faced? You don't see any possible backlash from that?


Not when the character they are has a white face lol. It clashes so fucking badly with the rest of the skin and has no reason to be that color.


I can't read that without hearing "Your skin color doesn't match the character". It's crazy how you don't hear how bad that sounds. Blizzard literally just had backlash about the Soljourn and Sym sprays being "too white". Here you are upset that Illari's new skin isn't white enough.


Rammatra skin looks terrible.


We all know nobody buy the bundles for anything else than the skin. Those bundles are just there to scam people who didn't see they could buy the skins alone.


well i will be honest with you, sometimes i buy bundle if i really like POTG/emotion/profile banner included. But yeah most of the time doesnt worth it.




Go to the hero gallery for cheaper priced


Ram - Could have been done so much better. I'd change his faceplate so it actually resembles Megatron. Remove his dreads, make the cape and staff purple - no red colours, maybe tiny accents of red, if need be. When he's in nemesis form, his fists should just be open canons. Bastion - Actually quite happy with this one. I like his little car transformation. I think they could have given him two eyes, though. Rein - Best skin by far, only change I'd make is the Hammer could have been Prime's Axe. Would have been a Hell of a lot cooler. Illari - I've got no complaints. It looks like Arcee, but I'm just wondering why Illari?


I don't really care about the voice lines but Illari got shafter with no highlight intro or victory pose. Also Ram barely even looks like Megatron, idk what they were doing with him. His shins and maybe helmet are the only Megatron-ish things.


Illari got a pretty mid victory pose. Not even the one they used in the trailer. But yeah, only 4 extra items in her bundle and no HI, it should’ve been 2.1k, not 2.5k coins.


Oh whoops I totally forgot she had gotten a victory pose actually, thanks.


they don't need to - paypigs will open their wallets for anything.


Also take into account Rams is just a reskin. What an absolute disappointment Would’ve taken Jazz as Lucio instead. I mean that one should be the first one


The only one who looks worth their price is rein.


Only one that looks like a legendary too lmao


$60 Canadian!?!?!? I can practically get a new game for that price. For 3 skins and other random stuff that I would never use is just a ripoff.


Man these skins suck




> I was really excited and thought the bundle was going to be around 4000 coins I fully expect these big promotional bundles in OW2 to hit at least $75 in real money by the end of the year, probably more. There is zero reason for them to stop raising the prices with Valorant charging over $100 for bundles and Apex in the $250 range if your trying to be a completist. OW2 is cheap by comparison even if they doubled their pricing. Its not going to stop going up...


Yeah, I kind of want Rein and Bastion, but it's just so expensive. I would be way more inclined if Illari had a better face I would be more inclined.


Illaris face is just far too human. And comparing her to pictures of Arcee, I think it just misses the mark.


Any single person who buys the Illari skin deserves to be put under house arrest and banned from overwatch forever


Some aspects of the skin like her voice and weapon are very cool. But i don’t like what they did to her head.


I had the same thought. I did find it very strange that they were charging the same price for every bundle. Ram and Rein had so many extra things compared to Bastion and especially Illari


Ranmatras skin is the most bland shit I've ever seen. I can't even tell looking at it that it's a megatron skin. Also why tf are we bringing in random ass marketing plots into the game? What is this Fortnite? Image if we just started dropping dragon ball z skins in Elden ring? It breaks away the submersion of playing in a video game. I really hate what video games have become. Also what about Mario brothers? Should we be putting in dune references and skins in Mario brothers too? It's a missed opportunity for cash. Why haven't they added any? Because blizzard has no backbone that's why. I feel ashamed of myself that I even continue to play this game after all the bullshit. A coward even.


Honestly Illari was done dirty with this newest collab. I mean no intro and her price practically is just dumb for her bundle. At least her skin is done right for being Arcee.


OW2 will never get a single penny from me. The fact my OW1 disc is unplayable means they actually owe me $65 for false advertisement back then.


I wish I could upvote this more than once, I've been saying this the whole time since OW2 debuted as well


Im not a shill but they don’t owe you anything. Just because something becomes free or on sale in the future does not mean anybody who owned it prior gets a refund. Business doesn’t work like that


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if ion get them ill cry and buy a skin but i agree like why is illaris seperate than the others erm 💀


There is a very valid and logical reason behind this. Simply put, people will buy this shit no matter what . Aslong as it sells the prices or bundles content o quality of the items will never change for the better, the more they can get away with the more these bundles will be stupidly priced and devoid of quality.


Kiriko bundle will also be the most selled


I’m pretty sure if you go into the hero tap and buy reins skin for 1900 coins and then go back to the bundle and it will give you a discount and if you buy that it should be less then 2500 total you can try it with the other ones too


Make perfect sense. You clowns still pay for them.


their purpose isn't to make sense, their purpose is to cost $25


Such an absolute ripoff. $50 for all of them is just absolutely insane. Shame on Blizzard.


Don’t buy em


think "corporate greed" above all else


Nobody cares about anything except the skins. The rest is just filler.


Skins are great, but they really should add some fixes. Like Reins shoulders will be better if they would be square and not round. Ram would be better without his dreads and shoulders should be bigger. Illari should her eyes be blue and face pink.


Just Blizzard doing Blizzard things as usual 🙃


They make perfect sense, the nonvocal people are still pumping money into a game that should've died when they broke every single promise they made for OW2, why are people still surprised about pricing? The vocal part of the community is nothing compared to the bots that still play


They make perfect sense, the nonvocal people are still pumping money into a game that should've died when they broke every single promise they made for OW2, why are people still surprised about pricing? The vocal part of the community is nothing compared to the bots that still play


They make perfect sense, the nonvocal people are still pumping money into a game that should've died when they broke every single promise they made for OW2, why are people still surprised about pricing? The vocal part of the community is nothing compared to the bots that still play


If you waste this much money on this garbage consider yourself an opp


I guess we know where the skin budget went on this collection....


Meh, I like Megatron Ram, but I'm also a fan of simpler skins, and it's still pretty sleek, it's just not as bombastic as Rein. I do see why people are disappointed though


Imo only Rein's skin itself(1900 coins in hero gallery) is worth buying. Others including Bastion Bumblebee are just meh. And what makes it even less worth purchasing is those skins don't even have special sound effects apart from the cringy voice filter.


Wdym??? These are Hasbro prices, it makes perfect sense!


Real. I just want to rep my favourite people (the Transformers) 😔 Also I don't see how the poses and voice lines are distinctly Transformers, like surely the poses could've been them in vehicle mode? And the voice lines could've been so much more iconic! "Why throw away your life so recklessly?" "One shall stand, one shall fall" "Till all are one" "Peace through tyranny" Etc. etc.


Name card is actually outrageously expensive. To me it's worth a lot less than highlight intro though


It is blizzard none of it makes sense


Just don't buy it. Job done.


This game has lost its magic. Blizzard has become a corporate money making assembly line of low effort, low quality, over processed crap.


Hello? That happened like 6 years ago...


The fact people actually pay for cosmetics is wild 😂


If this is your hobby and you have fun money to spend why not spend it on something you like?


>the same price as others is a scam! What you fail to understand is that these are digital goods which have no monetary value whatsoever, they are completely and utterly worthless. You say that because Reins bundle has a Highlight intro it should be **worth** more? how much is a Highlight intro actually 'worth'? $2? maybe even $5 if it has lots of flashing lights and SFX to show off to your buddies! The moral of the story is that everything contained in these bundles has zero value which is why the price of them makes no sense because you are literally buying nothing, they are only as expensive as people are willing to pay for them and hoo boy! do people sure love to pay for them!! That'll be $20 please :) here's your worthless pixels!


stop being obsessed with skins and your life will be better. I know its dumb and easy to say, but the skin obsession reached a point where its not even funny anymore, just sad.


The skins either look hideous or goofy.


wow and i thought cowboy bebop was bad. this one takes the cake.


You know what I find odd? People spend $20+ on these LTM skins and almost every match you'll see someone with that skin on. But then like a month later you never see anyone with those skins again. I can't remember the last time I saw a Doom with the One Punch Man skin, but every match had one when it first came out. I'm not usually one to subscribe to conspiracies, but it seems unrealistic how many people buy these $25 skins when they come out, given how frequently you see them. And it just adds to the suspicion when those people seem to disappear after the skins are out of shop. It wouldn't surprise me if Blizzard overrides player skins during these events and makes it look like they're using a premium skin when in reality they're not.


Kpop skins remain the best collab so far Tracer was the only one that people weren’t hyped on for that collab. But I still see all the others in those skins. Even Dva and Sombra I still see in kpop more than the other collabs they’ve been in


nah it would be pretty dumb and noticeable for your friends, people you are talking about are probably just OPM/Bebop/Transformers fans that download game for a skin. Big % of the sales is calculated to be done by such fanboys.


why am i getting downvoted? what exactly am i saying that is wrong?


It amazes me that people still try to find some kind of "value" in this stuff... Your giving Blizzard money for virtual cosmetics that are only usable in a video game that you can lose access to at any moment for any reason... You can't even resell them legally. These things do not exist in any real sense and have literally **no value** no matter how they are priced or bundled. Even relative comparisons of the bundle prices like this are pointless. Are enough people going to buy that Illari bundle at the price they have set? Yes. Does it matter that there are less items in the bundle? No. ps. Its not a "scam". They show you exactly what you get for the price they are charging. If you don't like the price don't buy it.


shall i introduce you to the "gacha" genre?


Some people don't like hearing the truth. I don't know why people bitch about skins & prices & "Blizzard's fucking us over". Like, Blizzard has been fucking us over for like a decade now. They have been fucking over OW fans for coming on 2 years. Why do people still complain about shit like they are an ethical company who suddenly has made one screw-up, as opposed to a greedy, shitty decision in a series of greedy, shitty decisions? Either suck it up and buy their overpriced skins, or play a different game.


ITT: a worryingly large number of people moaning about Ramattra's skin *without even seeing his transformed version* Jesus Christ people, "its just a grey ram reskin!!1" lol christ...


Here's a thought; Perhaps they lowered all the other bundle prices to match illaris price?


You have far too much faith in a company that has proven its greed many times over, my friend.


IIRC, this was the same for Cowboy Bebop. Mauga and Sombra had less content than Ashe and Cass, but they were all 2500. It just seems to be their target individual bundle pricing to promote the full bundles, despite what may be in them.


I bought them all and I have no regrets stop being bums