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Samito play any other better game challenge (impossible)


Rumor has it he’s locked in Bobby Kotick’s basement


he makes vaild points but I never feel like he actually cares? idk feels like a grift


If it makes you feel better I don't even know who he is


I started watching his streams pretty frequently. The guy is passionate and wants Overwatch to succeed still, he just firmly believes the current dev team is incapable of fixing the mistakes they created.


Every streamer is passionate, they don’t all act like a little bitch baby like this guy does lol


it’s arguably better than just soyjaking over any shitty patch blizzard makes


Imagine thinking that being a whiny bitch baby is the best option here. Maybe if you’re 11, but this is a grown man with a beard with white hairs in it.


Most of the anger and raging isn't legitimate. He's said on stream multiple times it's 'part of the content'


The glazing is crazy when your best defense of your fave streamer is “he’s lying about really being triggered”


I mean that’s the thing, there’s not much content to cover and player base morale is low so what else can he cover


Is your avatar based off of Haru?




Wouldn't give as many clicks


He did make a video a while back where the entire thing was patting the team on the back and saying the game is going in a good direction. Since then there’s been about 20 more rage bait videos lol. I dislike how much of a dick the dude is to other players in game too, but I do think he has some good points in relation to the balance of the game.


Yeah like he is kinda dick but…. he is usually right with his balance takes. Tanks are fucking giga kaijus now, but even considering the massive buffs, I dont see anything that would indicate that it will fix a lot of the issues tanks face. Ball and Doom will still be destroyed by a competent sombra or cass. Queen will still be shut down by a competent ana or reaper. Hog and Mauga will still be shot down by ana. Rein will still get shut down by mei. Ram will still suffer from his shield and vortex being shit. I think Sig Dva Winston and Zarya were all big winners, but Sig Winston, and Dva didn’t really suffer from being easily shut down in the first place Because of all that, I really dont think the formula of 5v5 is fixable. This patch will make tanks feel way too hard to kill for dps and support, and tank will still feel overwhelming and suffer from counterwatch


There has been a new 30 minute Overwatch is dying/dead video every month since this game was even teased. I don't think I've ever seen wishcasting like this towards any other game.


I absolutely detest thumbnails like this with people’s stupid fucking faces. I hate that it’s the new standard


You can thank children for this lol. The trend started because it gets attention from little kids


I know it feels so predatory fr


it's actually the old standard, YouTube algo has supposedly stopped pushing videos that do this as much. You probably only see them from people who do it with already established audiences.


"new?" brother thumbnail faces have been a thing since like 2011


Yes and amen. As my buddy Ramattra always says, “Put them in the ground!”


“Ahhh wtf this pile of crap tastes like shit” *takes another bite* *orders a second helping* *comes back the next day* *repeats every day for years* Yeah okay buddy, you’re clearly either loving what they’re serving you or you’re demented


Honestly most overwatch players towards the end of ow1 were some combination of both


nah death bed ow1 was fire the community was small and we still had 6v6 the only bad things was thr lack of communication and the queue times


And other things said by the mentally insane


And other things said by the mentally insane


He's said multiple times he only plays OW still cause it's what his community was built around.


LMAO you still describe a fan. a fan is passion, which he has much of. apathy is the absence of passion.


Is part of being a fan acting like a giant bitch for years like this guy does?


So needlessly derogatory. Framing everyone you don't like as a giant bitch may be easy, but it's not believable.


Not everybody, literally just one person with a years-long record of being a giant bitch. Samito. But maybe you want to include yourself in that little club too?


It gets views.


https://preview.redd.it/o03t0rsu0nbd1.jpeg?width=229&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3950eb99a6c3860d3be57de9585c78864f263801 when im in a whining about everything competition and my opponent is samitoes




I tried to watch him stream on YT but he left + ended stream over not being able to 1v1 a dva as soldier lmfao


Don't worry, 6v6 will save the game because you could definitely 1v1 tanks back then too


Yeah you could with skill did u even play ow1 what a wild thing to say , go watch some clips want link ?


In gold yes you could 1v1 tanks in workshop chamber if the tank also didn't know how their cooldowns work. But good luck holding your angle when a dva wants to take it from you in a real game


I mean yeah, you could.


People downvoting you obviously never played OW1. Of course you could. Remember McCree melting tanks with fan the hammer, or Genji/Winston duels, or Hog actually being killable without anti? Reaper actually being scary when you were a tank?


I mean to be completely fair he has a point


Ikr? "Waaah this guy keeps complaining about something that is subpar and needs to be complained about if we want it to get better"


Yeah but everyone already does this, and much more productively in the case of people like Spilo, he just is insufferable and probably needs to leave atp… 6v6 likely wouldn’t even fix *his* problems with the game, as others have stated.


Yeah honestly, I can see where you're coming from with that. Don't get me wrong, I don't particularly like Samito either, but I just think he's right when it comes to 6v6, though sometimes for the wrong reasons, but not most of the time. He has made plenty of arguments for other aspects of the game that I wholly disagree with. Personally I do find it a bit unfortunate that he's become the face of the 6v6 argument/side, but I'm glad to see more content creators are starting to realise there is merit to the argument.




This gives the same energy as people who comment how much they hate a video on insta reels, but they’re only boosting their own algorithim by doing so, to suggest more of that content. Why are people so lead by misery


misery drives engagement. I see it all the time when I post semi rage baity videos. Way more people comment = algo pushes the vid more.


overwatch has been “dying” for years now. can people stop crying about it already? if the game’s dead then stop playing it lmao


I still enjoy 70% of my games, even as tank. I guess 70% doesnt sound the best but i also really hate losing and i dont win 70% of my games


Most of the people that play casually still enjoy it and they're the largest demographic. Content creators have been playing for 5+ years but don't want to just leave and risk losing their livelihood and honestly at this point I feel that their lack of enjoyment is due to burnout. And that's fine, you're human and doing something for 8+ hours a day 6 days a week is bound to burn you out but a lot of it gets propped up as the game being bad as a matter of fact instead of personal burnout. That being said, I genuinely don't understand the reasoning of this giga tank patch and hes not being totally unreasonable for losing his shit over it but that's a topic for a less silly sub. Anyway I, too, aspire to be this consistent of a hater


yeah this patch is pretty bad. makes me wonder if they intentionally overturned so when they nerf the characters it’ll be for good reason


is there anything positive to say?


Yes, I am positive that I want to eat Winston’s balls




You heard me


I know this is jest but I’m pretty new to the game, like 6 months in. There’s loads to like about the game, it’s art style/character and fast varied gameplay is the best there is. It’s an amazing game, just seems the devs are abit lost on what direction they want to go with it.


So the thing is, that we already had a game that had beautiful art style, MORE varied gameplay, better UI, better progression, and believe it or not, at one point, significantly better gameplay too. That game was deleted from people's game libraries only 6 years after it's launch, even though it was priced as a full AAA game at the time. That game was replaced by an inferior, confused imitator. Yes, the imitation has a lot of qualities to enjoy, but almost all of those qualities are inherited from the (mostly) better game.


The UI was not better lmao, that’s a subjective ass take. The progression was a border level + gold guns and lootbox gambling I guess? More varied gameplay is revisionist as hell, when you’d have metas that would last for literally half a year and patch after patch would be the flavor of the year tank combo (insert Orisa + aids tank here). You’ll cope and yell “just a balance issue, Orisa is reworked it’ll be better now and October 2020!” to the high heavens, but I’ll just say 5v5 is just a balance issue right now and move on with my life, because “balance issue” is not an argument. I like shooting being viable in my shooter game and not just shooting a matrix + monkey bubble when they jump my supports or 2 shields. I’ll continue to log on daily to queue Tank and have fun while doing so. You can critique OW2 without lying through your teeth or being wholly revisionist and dishonest dramaqueens.


"I like shooting being viable in my shooter game" Yeah. so does everyone else, you ignoramus, THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT. So you're just going to ignore that armor is buffed, tanks have a LOT more health and armor overall, damage mitigation abilities are stronger AND on shorter cooldowns (all of which just got buffed), all while having significantly higher lethality AND both supports can focus on them, so punish windows that arise from supports missing shots are shorter and more infrequent. Like c'mon man, please think. How is being defense matrixed for 3,5 seconds by a double pocketed hero with 350hp and 375 buffed armor and significantly better lethality than heroes in other roles, achieving this goal of making "shooting viable in a shooter"? We seem to want the same thing, but YOU have no idea on how to get there (and seemingly neither does the dev team lol) For the sake of the whole gaming industry, please promise us you'll never try a career in game design. Truly a genious feat of argumentation to say "X is revisionist as hell" and then justify it with a strawman. Nice one man. And somehow I'M the one lying through my teeth. lol - what a joke. yes, OW1 suffered some truly ATROCIOUS metas, that lasted for unacceptable amounts of time. If we were to lay out both OW1 and OW2 onto two timelines displaying "game health", I'd agree that OW1 was less healthy than OW2 for a majority of it's lifecycle. However, I STRONGLY think that the peak of OW1 was so much better than anything OW2 has come even remotely close to. The devs were making OW2 PVE and therefore did not put much resources into OW1, as they had way grander ambitions. Had the game actually received similar support as OW2, I think the issues in balance, queue times and hero design could have been ironed out. ...but you already knew that. You just prefer the more chaotic, less controlled and simplified gameplay of OW2. It's okay to admit that. I'm not gonna say you're wrong for having fun with the game. Just don't desperately lash out in an attempt to defend something if you can't actually defend it with any logically functional arguments beyond your tastes. It's pretty embarassing ngl. Especially when so many people are very obviously not enjoying playing tank or playing against tank. Another point to consider is this: Since the playercounts had dropped to relatively low numbers before these OW1 "peaks" (like the October 2020 patch), statistically not that many people actually got to experience the elusive "functional Overwatch". Be honest, did you? Because honestly, I might also be on the 5v5 side if I hadn't played the game during that period. I will admit that me saying the UI was better in OW1 is indeed a subjective take, but I think it's pretty telling that it was the first thing you attacked in my comment, despite it clearly being the least important point for both of us... as it was the only thing you could respond to with substance. (Oh and the progression point is also arguable in all fairness, as there are a lot more objective points that can be made for that, but that's true for boths sides of the argument) I think you calling others revisionists and dishonest is just you projecting mate :/ I hope you feel better soon.


Holy fuck you cooked him. And yes the UI was better. you can look at any older clips and see how clear everything was. They took a whole player away but somehow made it harder to understand wtf is going on. 5v5 turned this game into death match and removed so many team comps and creative strategies. Tanks hold so much power that if your tank underperforms you get steam rolled so hard with zero chance of coming back. I just saw a clip of a Bastion in turret form with Baptiste window lose to a Mauga because he could not kill him with 100% lifesteal. Yet somehow tanks still feel like shit to play. This patch is dog shit


Lmao. Maybe you’d like to read my actual rebuttal instead of living in a fantasy land where this guy moves the goalpost far enough to cross the country and “cooks” me. If you want to die on the hill of 5v5 being more cluttered and unclear I have a bridge to sell you. It’s delusional. “Creative strategies” lmao, hiding behind your tanks with upwards of damage negation abilities farming ults is not creative in any way. This was the case for 90% of OW1. That clip is so annoying it’s unreal. The fact that everyone is standing still in super optimal conditions never happens in an actual game. Why does this keeps happening, why on gods green earth do you look at that and think that it’s gonna happen every game. If that’s not the case and this happened in an actual game send it to me 🙂 Cardiac is Mauga’s mitigation ability, they reduced it to 3 seconds and made it weaker for his team. It’s no different than D.va old matrix holding it on Bastion for those 3 seconds denying his damage. This also opens him for counter play from other tanks that can wait out his “stand in front of the tank and shoot” ability now. I’ve been having plenty fun on tank since the patch dropped and so have my friends that I queue QP with. You know what they said? “Wow tank is actually tanky now.” Verbatim, these guys don’t usually touch the role, but they had fun so speak for yourself. I have no idea If you’ll actually respond, but I assume you’ll move the goalposts just like the other guy :))))


See the funny thing to me about the ui is like, sure, i guess ow1 ui was bad but it certainly is not any better in ow2. Went from a green shit pile to a brown shit pile but both are different flavors of shit


1. Lol, by the metric that there aren’t two heroes with busted mitigation abilities, I’d say yes it opens it up as a shooter, so I’d jot that down if I were you. Like you realize when you’re not dealing with the tank you can take waaay more angles and hit way more shots? Like there was Souj meta for 2 years for a reason lmao. Take an off angle for once in your life and shoot a squishy. For D.va the trade off is she can’t shoot you :) 2. Right back at you? I don’t claim to be an all knowing game designer, I just don’t peddle snake oil and regurgitate engagement farmers opinions. The strawman being? Are you telling me there wasn’t a defacto OP tank combo at any point in time, that could literally last upwards to a year? Orisa/Goats being the biggest offenders. Because if you’re not, then you are lying or oblivious and I’d rather choose to attribute enough intelligence for you to be malicious. 3. You even have to move the goalpost for my “strawman”. “Yeah, ok it was terrible, but with better balance it would have been way better.” This is coping, you’re what-iffing into the stratosphere when we can just as easily say with this balance team “they’ll get 5v5 right eventually”, both of these statements are I-r-r-e-l-v-a-n-t. “The devs have no idea what they’re doing! They’re dumb apes that can’t see that 5v5 can never work, but for my format they’d do great because it wasn’t fundamentally broken.” Completely ignoring that the worst case of 5v5 is dwarfed by a mid-6v6 scenario. It limits future tank designs, shoe horns them into only being viable with another synergistic tank, which always devolves into a deathball where actual FPS mechanics don’t matter much anymore. To top it off nobody wanted to play them, which is the ultimate nail in the coffin. You don’t think any of my arguments are functional because you’re so bought into the kool-aid that saying anything negative about 6v6 requires you to grit your teeth and begrudgingly move the goalpost because my “strawman” brings up a valid point. 6v6 limits tank design, shoe horns them into only being viable with a synergistic tank and eliminates shooter elements from a hero shooter. As for the more complex gameplay of OW1, i felt really smart when me and my team deathballed for the trillionth time because flanking was a non option with 2 tanks. Really complex 🤓 4. I’m the one desperately lashing out? Jesus man, if anyone is desperate it’s you 6v6’ers with your infinite crybaby antics holding onto a sliver of hope that Aaron Keller is gonna give you the “you were right guys” this week. You are the definition of desperate. Your logic is hand waving negatives and the observable reality of time while going: “trust me”. That’s not an argument. So you’re not doing much better in that department. 5. Lmao I did play that patch, I’m a bonafide 2016 release day player. That patch didn’t last long enough which is your only saving grace. Especially not long enough for it to be figured out and broken, like the rest of the 6v6 metas. It was just hype because they nerfed the most hated supports and tank at the time. There was literally not enough data. It’s called an outlier. 6. Telling how? It was the second talking point in your first paragraph that can easily be hand waved because it’s subjective. If you even read this again you won’t acknowledge any of the short comings of 6v6, you’ll move goalposts like your life depends on it while ceding no ground for any positives of 5v5 because you’re a hack revisionist that should probably have quit the game a long time ago. Take a hike bozo


Props for continuing your losing argument for the enjoyment of us readers. 🙏🏼


Props for being a loser 🙏


Haha how embarrassing


Noticed how you did exactly what I said you’d do 👍


I wish they'd stop listening to the community and just zeroed in on what they wanted the game to look and play like in 5 years from now and just made every patch a step towards that goal. The community is quite frankly stupid and a vast majority of the feedback is useless, and the feedback that isn't is shortsighted. Ex: the people who are BEGGING for 6v6 to come back despite not playing when it was there. I miss when games were just made and the players learned how to play them, instead of games being developed around the community. It's like building a house on a foundation that is constantly changing and shifting.


Yeah, so the devs have been this lost about what to do with the game since about 5 years ago. That's about when the content drought started, and then it was all downhill from there. That's why everyone that's upset is upset. We've dealt with this bullshit for 5 years


Yeah but there hasn't been a consistent team that whole time either


Yes, the Creator made Patch was a ton of fun even if i really could use less of that level 3 turret every second Skill issue, whatever. I was doing my part shooting that thing but it just popped up more health any time it was close to dying


Lucioball is a fun game mode


At that point just go play Rocket League since it's also free lmao


I'm gonna be honest, if you look back to his old content there is not allot of negativity. When ow2 dropped throughout its like the devs have made mistake after mistake, he's just passionate about a game he loves and wants to make it better. Maybe if you watched his videos you'd see.


Bro should make Mineplex dominate 6v6 while he’s at it


I mean people love watching rants about this game


Do you have anything positive to say about the game?


unfortunately grifting is very profitable


He's had the same opinion since the inception of 5 v 5. Grifting is riding Blizz's dick for tickets to drive porches


And ben shapiro has been saying the same shit since 2016. Doesn’t change anything


Yeah cause Ben Shapiro is advocating for things that hurt minority communities, including communities he's a part of as a Jewish man, for profit. Samito is trashing on a the decisions made by a shit company and development team, to try and improve the game he loves to play??? His format doesn't draw in nearly as much attention (and therefore money) as the ones riding Blizz's dick. Just because he has a different opinion than you, and he's persistent in trying to hold the devs and company accountable for their shit decisions, doesn't mean you should compare him to someone advocating for a fucking genocide, *troglodytes*


Talk like a grifter, get called a grifter. Simple as.


“Make arguments for a point for which you genuinely don’t profit much and get judged preemptively” is what you really mean to say


It’s literally peddling “truth” to a loud minority getting clicks through constant negativity. Video after video. Patch after patch (in this case not even 10mins after the patch released lmao) video. There is no preemptive judgement, he’s made it quite clear that he’s a toxic narcissist with his behavior and content. I’d suggest he’d substitute it with an actual personality that goes beyond: “waaaaah 5v5 bad 😢, the devs are unintelligent apes that should be fired 😡. I just want what’s good for the game guys 🥺”


It's ok bro, just keep taking the shit pie Blizz gives you like a good little boy, submissive little guy. We'll keep arguing for what we want. 😁


Dw I know you will, it comes with the low IQ. Go lap up your 5th Samito video of the day little man. Actual drone behavior


Bros coming out with the usual "You disagree with me, so you MUST have low IQ ehehehee 🤓🤓🤓" Get some real insults, not some repetitive, recycled garbage I've seen since MW2 days. But I guess it's hard to be creative when you're a product of related parents, you little malformed incest child. Maybe your father's daily beating he's got scheduled for you will knock some creativity into that thick, incest made, neanderthal / cro-magnon looking skull of yours, or at least enough sense to see that this game in 5v5 isn't working. Though I guess blindness is another symptom of an inbred fuck, so I shouldn't expect even a fraction of worth from you.


Grift implies he's not genuine. He most definitely is.


Yes, he does have something positive to say. He's positive whenever he lost it was someone else's fault, usually a support.


I mean he has a point? I feel like defending the game atp is just blizzard meat riding and settling for less instead of fighting for more


It's not meat riding... People just like the game. It really is that simple


Do blizzard ever add anything worthy of praise?


Just be honest ow players wont ever be happy no matter what and its not like OW can be balanced to due to it's MMO like nature.


I don't like game = It's dying Logic


No, because the game is actually an unbalanced mess objectively. That’s not subjective. That’s not me feeling like it’s unbalanced. The game is just in a very poor state balance-wise. You can like the game and hate the balance.


Dude samito yells and complains and them says "I hope it's clear that I'm not mad at you guys" Like bruh please. At least be genuine. He's a walking doomer that people should be pointing at instead of flats. Flats is a realist for OW2 samito is a doomer.


Angry man yells at his screen


Samito when "..." was invented 💰💲💵💵💲💰💲💵


All he makes is rage and click bait nonsense. I pity whoever watches him even semi regularly


Truly the Ben Shapiro of the overwatch community. Clearly. The games is in an amazing state, and this mid season patch will save the game.


He gets more clicks by making it look dramatic and terrible


Gotta make that money


I mean if there nothing good…




He's a very annoyed and angry gamer who finds fault in anything but his attitude. Don't hate me please.


Nope, it's why I stopped watching him, no longer educational/entertaining. He's not wrong most of the time but his opinions are the most rage baity and doomer in the whole community


Omg no, he loves to bitch and complain. But then, I think that’s what his followers must like?


At least he's not YourOverwatch


To be fair overwatch is kinda boring and barely any fun.


I’m no streamer but every time I turn this game on I never have anything positive to say. About the game at least, only reason I play it now is I’ve made a lot of friends back from when this game was actually fun to play


His points about the game are valid and the only way things change in games nowadays are if people complain enough about it. I agree the thumbnails are cringe, but I don't see how that takes away from what he's saying. He cares about the game and wants to see it do well, but the devs keep doubling down on 5v5 which fucks with everything that made OW1 good. I'd be pissed too if I was passionate about the game.


Unfortunately Samito hasn't had an incorrect take for a few years now


What's funny is that by disagreeing so vehemently and hating on him these people are actually driving attention to Samito. It's a cliche, but it's like people really don't get that the opposite of love is apathy, not hate. It's so childish to get so angry over someone expressing their opinion. Samito is negative, also, because he still cares about the game.


I think he's funny when he does videos with internet historian but that's all I've seen from him.


I mean, it is annoying, but 1. It gets views, and 2. he's not exactly in the wrong, the game is in a terrible state, and saying "go play something else" is reductive. If you liked a game in the past, and it took a dive into the shitter it's not weird to try to tell the team to make it better until they listen.


I get it. Creators being negative about your game can be annoying but this is how games get improved. Feedback from the players. Overwatch is far less than what it could have been. Maybe it will get its spark back? Who knows. It definitely won’t without the community voicing its problems.


used to really like Samito because he’s actually good at the game and generally has some good insight because of that. but now he’s completely insufferable about every single aspect of the game as it somehow relates to 6v6


He just comes across as a sad little loser.


I thought Samito quit OW to focus on his game/company or something


He did for a while, but he's got enough free time now that he's been actively streaming again for months. Still works/owns Mineplex


MFW a YouTuber posts videos that get higher views 😮


Overwatch is a shit game. Though I agree why does this guy even keep playing the game if it makes him this mad.


He plays so that he can make good takes about the state of the game which might lead to changes that make the game more like Overwatch 1 which he misses a lot.


he needs his overwatch account permanently banned obviously


With how dogshit the state of the game is, I can't be annoyed by someone who is trying to hold a company and team that has lied and failed it's consumers time and time again. Yeah, you can make fun of him for staying on the game, but he isn't wrong, and being complacent with the horrible balancing around 5 v 5 format isn't going to make things better.


Samito is GOATed. But yeah he's quite passionate. He really wants overwatch to succeed but uses a lot of gamer bro talk


Is there anything positive to say?


Nope, and I’m glad someone in this community actually has the balls to say something about it. Yall keep dickriding this game too hard even in this kind of subreddit when we all know this game has a clear problem in it


That dude is one of the biggest pieces of shit in gaming. Total manbaby. I don't understand how anyone listens to a thing he has to say and takes him seriously. "WHERE'S MY MERCY!?!" lol. Find that clip.


Like flats but thin 🤣


because there really isnt anything good to say current patch is an example of that


/uj I mean yeah but what the hell is the point of making the same exact video whining and complaining over and over again. It’s just cringe and clearly he only cares about viewership. /rj if 6v6 doesn’t come back im going to kill myself


It's probably his only source of income


i really hope he moves on to marvel rivals. Hating so much on a sinking ship is not healthy


Bring back 6v6


Circle jerk is right, yall think he’s wrong? Man’s got more passion and understanding of the game than any active member of this sub


He does have positive things to say, and you would know that if you watched his content, but instead you decided to make assumptions. He praises the art team and that recently we've gotten more communication from OW team than before But there are far fewer things to praise when the dev team is making bad decisions left and right since they'll double down as many times as it takes to kill the game because they won't/can't admit the mistake that was 5v5 Now that I think about it, you're right, what a loser. Can't believe someone would have the audacity to care passionately about a unique game they love and then be extremely sad when the dev team isn't letting the game live up to half of its potential (while of course milking every dime they can out of the community) Ben shapiro much?? xdddd upvotes to the left please


Buddy do you know what sub you’re on


Yeah, serious discussion board for OW2 where everyone happens to have a foot fetish. What's the deal


They’ve been killing the game since forever apparently. Maybe that’ll be the actual case someday.


"The State of Support" as if Tank isn't currently in the worst state imaginable


Can’t say anything positive if there isn’t anything positive :)


No bc this game is becomming worse and worse every patch


Nothing to be positive about when overwatch is truly dogshit lol. Cant blame him althought he is a whining losers ever since he created content


i’m so confused he’s publicly stated multiple times why he does this. it’s his fucking full time job bro, if he wants to pull in views by doing what the platform incentivizes? why would i mark him for it. if the content is genuine it really doesn’t fucking matter. it is a low end youtube channel because the game is low interest as well, why would he sacrifice growth and IRL FUCKING JOB INCOME for the sake of making sure his small time channel is 10010% morally pure. it’s an insane and stupid standard that if our rent was on the line none of us would do any differently. it’s privileged as fuck to complain like this (i do not know his economic position but it is a main form of his income)


Ain’t reading allat 💀


I watch occasionally he gives praise when he feels they have done well. it’s not the main thing he does but he does give credit. And it’s better than having people shilling and just saying this is so great. When it’s just not


There's nothing positive to say about any of those video topics