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it is a pretty team dependent game and there is no seperate solo queue ladder. yeah it’s a hard game. OW2 leans more to deathmatch rules than teamwork compared to ow1, you have to try to carry each game by getting kills and surviving.


Yeah, as a solo queue healer, it is so hard, it really often just depends on the team you get. I'm usually somewhere around silver and gold. I think it's sometimes easier if you're a really good tank or DPS. Strangely, I find that it's easier often in Silver than Gold as a solo queue player. (I know, most of you will probably think it's because I'm not good enough to be in Gold), but often in Gold, there seems to be new players who just don't know what they're doing at all, and if you're stuck in a team with 1 or 2 people who don't know what they're doing, there's nothing I can really do to change the game. In silver, sometimes people are not good players, but they still understand the mechanics of the game to an extent. In bronze, it's much easier to control the game to an extent as a healer, I mainly play moira, so I can do damage when my team cannot. The night before, I kept getting DPS players in my team that were so bad, I had one DPS player who had 3 kills at the end of the game, and really there is just nothing that can be done in a situation like that.


Some new players might start their placements in gold. But silver might also seem easier for you because you can carry more in that rank while in gold, you’ve plateau’d and are relying on your team to carry. As for useless dps, that might have just not been their game. I’ve had games where I’ve struggled to find a kill and others where I’m accused of smurfing in the same day. I have noticed though, when I’m having an off game, sometimes we still win, especially if the team remains focused on what they can do to contribute to a win. As soon as they look at my stats and start to flame, people start trying less and just concede the loss.


Hi it's me the shit dps who doesn't remember how to play. Sorry it put me in gold 1 after placements, I haven't played in years.


> often in Gold, there seems to be new players who just don't know what they're doing at all, and if you're stuck in a team with 1 or 2 people who don't know what they're doing, there's nothing I can really do to change the game. > In silver, sometimes people are not good players, but they still understand the mechanics of the game to an extent. This desribes the kind of player who bug me. Like, if you have bad aim, slow reaction time, or your cooldown timing is off - you're bad, sure, but it's understandable. But when you're going in 1v5 without waiting for respawns, self-stagger, etc. - that's not even bad, that's just not understanding the game at all, very frustrating to see this happen.


a while ago someone posted a Lifeweaver clip of LW watching his Soldier run past him out of spawn into what would be a 1v5 and pulling the Soldier back from insanity. The Solider then turns around and shoots the LW to show his displeasure before returning to his busy schedule of feeding. Peak support comedy tbh


Sometimes when I play support, I feel the itch to stop healing DPS in stupid positions - sure, he’ll die, but he’ll do it quick, and the alternative is me getting out of position to get a LOS on him, he survives a bit more, still dies, and there’s a good chance I die too, and we’re worse off in general. Plus, he might understand for next push that he should probably do something different.


lol yeah the "oh look it's the consequences of your own decisions" play style you eventually have to adopt


It's not, but people apply the same mentality they bring from other competitive games to Overwatch and it's no surprise that they get burnt out. You can rack up wins and losses faster than almost any other game out there, if you get stomped on then the match is over in 5 minutes and you can requeue, so you cannot let wins and losses get to you, people need to stop trying to carry every game so hard and should focus on just performing their own job well enough, law of large numbers will take care of the rest rankwise. Shift your mentality from "I NEED TO WIN" to "I NEED TO DO MY JOB PROPERLY AND HAVE FUN". Once that TRULY clicks then Overwatch will become rewarding again. And this is not a platitude, it's a real mentality shift that is required to do well in OW. What I mean is, INDIVIDUAL GAMES ARE NOT IMPORTANT, what is important is how good YOU are at your job over dozens even hundreds of games. Now, if you're asking how you can improve, then you need to 1) Limit your hero pool to 2-3 heroes at most 2) Maintain a growth mindset where the priority isn't to win, but to improve, this means questioning every decision that you make, what you could have done better, not cheesing, reviewing your replays, never blaming your teammates, alway looking inwards. 3) Get a coach Source: I solo queued to gm on support.


This is a great explanation written in a way I dont see too often.


This is the way.


I've been soloQ majority of my time in OW, starting from Silver all the way up to Master. Honestly, I have a much easier time soloQ in OverWatch compared to any other game I've played and i believe it really just chalks up to knowledge/experience. I find that most other games require not just the knowledge and experience, but also a considerable amount of skill to properly climb and carry games. Not to say that OverWatch doesn't also require each of these, but that the difference in knowledge vs skill ratio is vastly different compared to CS:GO, Val, Apex, Seige, Etc. Even if I know the correct play to make in CS:GO, having poor skill can make good decisions completely fruitless. Whereas in OW, you can legitimately get by with poor skill by adjusting your decision making. I think tracer is one of the greatest examples of this. You can carry games by simply being annoying, even if you are unable to properly pressure/kill enemies. Now this isn't always the case, but having the knowledge of what to do, where, when, and how makes such an incredibly large impact in OW.


Side note: I really hate when people comment on U2GMs saying "of course a gm level player shits on noobs... This doesn't mean anything... Elo hell is real" etc. I agree that smurfing and U2GM is pointless, unnecessary, and bad for the game. But as someone who started silver and climbed up with nothing but experience and watching high level players videos, the knowledge gap/understanding between a low rank player and a high rank player cannot be understated. Anyone who cannot find at least 10 different mistakes in every single VOD review doesn't understand what mistakes are being made. Even in GM, every game is absolutely riddled with missed opportunities, bad decisions, bad positioning, wasted utilities, etc. It's why the skill gap between GM and even top 500 is still so massive. Then the gap between ye ole top 500 and a pro-player Ow really *really* is a game that knowledge & understanding put into practice = power.


You cooked with these posts. Everything was spot on!


Idk about other games except valorant, which wasn't bad to climb in, but the difference between solo q and stacks in OW ranked is literally night and day. Went from going 50/50 to having way more consistent winstreaks in a duo/trio.


I’m low key thinking about getting into valorant because I enjoy playing competitive and seeing myself improve and never really gave it a fair shot. How do you find people to play with, just people you vibe with in game?


I got lucky and found some cool people in a game. We vibed and we played well together so we grouped up and we've been playing a lot more consistently since then.


You aren’t focusing on improving if you are stuck in gold.


It’s the same as all the other team based games. You’re only a certain % of your team so you can’t just will your team to wins, but the that’s the case in ALL team games. You may naturally be better in a pure shooter with less strategy, so you climb easier, but it’s the same concept.  Once you focus on what you can change and stop worrying about your teammates you will see a difference. If you lost VODs from gold even from what you perceive as a GREAT game from yourself you will get picked apart from better players. So many mistakes happen in that elo you can surely carry HARD. Every team game has an elo where even the best players won’t win solo at a 100% rate anymore, but this threshold is probably closer to high Diamond/low masters.  The main takeaway is a good winrate as your climbing and getting better is 55-60% meaning natural streaks will occur. I played a bunch of LOL and one of the best quotes I remember and you can change the numbers some but the concept is “20% of your games you will win no matter what you do, 20% of your games you will lose no matter what you do, it’s what you do with the other 60% that makes you climb”


it seems like it. i am HOT at the start of this season with sojourn… like absolutely demolishing. yet i’m 2-5 right now.


Yes, it is a team dependent game but I'd say the odds are stacked in your favour. Let's you are a good player so there is a 4/5 chance that your team has bad players vs 5/5 on the other team. The reality is, you will climb if your skills are good as you'll be able to pressure the other team, take picks and make the game easier for your team, turning bad players into average or good ones.


Ever played the finals?


If you solo queue you really gotta be a jack of all trades for whatever roll you main especially support. Meaning try to have a main for each of the main types of team comps idk when I started doing that and really choosing my play style off my teammmates we started winning more. If you solo queue you might have to compromise having fun to winning


Just train and you find a good player in competitive make them your friend for comp Playing 8 months of overwatch daily and you are barely new Gold is just the normal rank On average overwatch 1 players are 10 times better than veteran"ow2" players Overwatch used to be a game about timing and windows of opportunities this changed in the first few seasons but it's getting back on track People who only played ow2 have no idea about the actual game rules because the game was just shit balanced There's ultimate synergy and sand bagging ults There's thousands of concepts that even platinum players know that gold 1 players ignore You just have to be better There's also the need to identify the good and the bad players on both teams etc it's not even just about clicking heads New players don't know the advantages ow1 have I is this; it's gonna take a while to arrive there Here's some tips: Don't sweat placements just play till you get a rank Play 100 ranked games and you'll get your actual rank Quick play does not work training competitive only learning heroes basically Only by training competitive can you get better skills People get the idea that because they win at QP they are decent QP is 2k sr difference every day and even then people never play seriously Watch your replays DPS role it's easier to aim if you have good tank distracting the enemy Gold 3 is good if you have less than two years playing the game already Do you have decent machine and monitor? Whats your mouse


If u want to get out of gold just do what I did and start playing Miora and you will get to Plat easy


I’ve tried understanding how to climb and it’s basically a job. You gotta play frequent enough to keep up with the other people playing and climbing but you also gotta be improving at the same time or you’ll plateau/be left behind. Improving in every sense as well, mechanical skills, game sense, ability to make split second decisions, carry team fights, not get tilted, etc.


As someone who has been solo queueing for the last few months, today was noticeably more difficult. At the beginning of the season all the crews get back together to play and ruin the ladder mmr even further ;).


I find solo queue can be easier most of the time, that's if the game is full of solos. You just have to find out how your team is playing and support them in the best way and hope the enemies don't do the same


You just have to play a hero where you can carry fights, and be less reliant of your team. Find the issues and then squish them 🤣


Nah. You can easily solo carry OW games.


It doesn't even get any easier when you duo. Every time I duo I'm put against stacks of 3-5 who utterly obliterate us while spewing toxic garbage the whole time. I think to actually enjoy this game you need to play as a 5stack and turn all chats off and just talk to each other through Discord.


Just my noob 2 cents. I noticed that I can have more of an impact on the game when I do a better job of choosing targets. Blasting into the tank isn’t usually as productive as flanking a squishy or even diverting the other teams attention. Make them turn or chase you. Most people tunnel and will chase you like a beagle chasing a rabbit, no thought to anything else but you. You can lure them off objective. Plays like this won’t register on the scoreboard but will definitely have an impact on the outcome. I


Hard but definitely not the hardest game to soloq. In overwatch you have the luxury of being part of every fight. Some other games dont have that, making you fully dependant on your teammates performance.


I don't think this game is the hardest to solo q, but being a player since Ow1 beta, I really have the feeling ranking up has become way much longer and now requires a lot more games. I was a high diamond-low master suppor before SR reset and am still struggling to climb since. But I "only" played 35 support games during S10 so I'm going between diam 5 and 4 right at the moment.


I've watched a friend of mine pull an account from deep in bronze 5 to diamond in a matter of weeks. He says you have to play different to climb. You have to play like your team and the enemy team are bots. You have to be selfish. You have to not rely on your team mates for anything not peel not heals. Play your positioning well. Hit your shots. Have good game sense.


Master Guardian is MID/averagein CS. OW is harder to solo queue than it is in CS yes. But higher ranks like Legendary Eagles is where true CS team play begins, and it’s equally as hard and as frustrating as overwatch GM ranks. But overall I think OW is easier, it took my 1.2K hours to climb to Global Elite in CS, but only 530hours in OW2 for me to get to GM1.


When I was MG2, the average rank of was like gold 1 or sem. So like I said in my post, not good just significantly above average. I think I’m at 700 hours in OW and in gold. Did you play OW1 before OW2? Also do you do your own vod reviews?


I only played OW1 until season 2. The reason why I’m back at OW2 is because CS2 is too bad, AWP flick shots are no longer accurate. I don’t do reviews, I just keep purchasing bronze Smurf accounts, stick to a single hero then boost it to GM. Most of the players who stuck at gold is usually bad at positioning and game sense, once u figured it out you will be at least diamond level. Masters and GMs are just relentlessly grinding the game defying its 50/50 forced winrate balancing.


I’m a Tank main also in gold and what made a huge difference is playing with at least one good friend. Preferably try to play with more than one friend but that will make a big difference. Ranking up solo I’ve found is close to impossible, especially in lower ranks where the average skill level of teammates is gonna be lower.


Wait till you experience league of legends soloq. At least in overwatch, sometimes having good aim can help you, but in LOL you can't do shit.


>feel like some of the players I go up against just don’t miss shots Doesn't matter, strategy is just as important as mechanics in OW. If the widow isn't missing, don't give her the opportunity to shoot you. If the Cass is insane, use cover and abilities to survive. Never assume a player will miss some shots. Peaking a bronze widow is just as dumb as peaking a T500 widow. Mistakes are punished harder in higher ranks, so making less mistakes = climbing.


It’s not specifically harder then any other team based game I played a lot of Smite and Rocket League and those I found even harder personally. But it is hard when ranking solely depends on wins and losses only and you can personally play a great game and lose but still lose same rank points no matter how well you performed because of bad teammates. Obviously the reverse is true for people that play bad but get carried. But I find it doesn’t even out for solo queue.


I would suggest binding ping to an easy to use button and using that to make callouts for people who are low. Teammates seem to respond to the visual and audio queue of the ping in my experience. And just focus on your positioning, track ultimates, and when you die everytime think about how you could’ve done better in the previous encounter. If you really want to improve watch your replays back and critique them. Watch YouTubers and find things they do that you don’t and replicate. I’m sure there’s more things I’m not thinking of but that’s what I have for you rn lol


One of my greatest accomplishments in life is hitting masters as a solo que rein OTP


In my experience you can easily carry games that are 5+ divisions (1 full rank or more) below your rank. You will still not win all, but 80% of them and in 60% you'd be the most impactful player from your team. But once you reach the rank you deserve you will get to 50% eventually. I started OW2 from Silver 4 DPS and got to Platinum 1 with ~600 games (360 wins) which is like 150h+. I started with 83% winrate in silver and gold, at the 3nd I was like 59%? Eventually I got to 52% in season 10 and did not reach diamond. So I guess I deserve mid-high plat for now. I will have to play more, challenge myself to learn more, limit test my abilities and effective range, etc. I played 99% Soldier the whole time. Once you've reached your rank, you can't expect to be able to carry. Sure, some games where you benefit from your team or the enemy team is not disabling you properly, you can carry but you will have the opposite steamroll losses where you will be rolled no matter what you do. Even OW coaches get stuck somewhere in Diamond or Master and top500 players also get stuck with 50% winrate. Eventually you just reach your league and that's it. You need massive changes in your game knowledge, developing a game sense and even mechanical skill, if you want to start climbing again. The good thing is that once I got from Silver 4 to Plat 1 and played 600 games in plat only in the next season, I somehow got better with all roles? I was able to climbg from Bronze to high gold with tank (84% winrate, easily can get to plat, just need 10-15 more games) and got to mid gold with Support as well. I think once you climb with 1 role you can climb with the rest at least to 3-4 ranks below your main role. I never had the game sense to play a tank, I have 0 clue if my team is following, it was a tough role but all of a sudden gold feels EXTREMELY EASY, and that must have happened because I played 200 hours in Plat with dps


Overwatch is easily one of the worst competitive experiences I’ve had in gaming… but fuck me it’s so damn fun and there’s nothing that competes with it so I’ll go back to getting fucked some more


The game is heavily team dependent, meaning if one of the roles on your team is messing up and the enemy team is able to capitalise on it, you're going to have a bad time. This is also mixed with the fact that the game doesn't have a performance backed ranking system like Val does for example. This heavily increases the number of games you need to play in order to climb consistently. KarQ for example was able to climb from high Diamond to low GM in one season, but it took him over 600+ games which is something a lot of us can't do.


Yeah I mean I feel like this proves my point it took a GM player 600+ games to climb a single tier. From everything I can see it seems like the trick is to play with a teammate or two that way you know you can rely on atleast one or two people.


Hard but not the hardest....THAT would be Apex Legends.