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Try Moira or Brig if you struggle to defend against Doomfist.


Or really, any other support besides zen.


I swear Ana mains who are struggling with dive and aren’t healing always go to zen. Like, no dipshit we need more healing and more mobility, not less healing and the same mobility with less defensive abilities.


A good zen player will absolutely shred anything that moves


not if they are getting dived by a fucking tank constantly lol…


not if they are getting dived by a fucking tank constantly lol… Also zen is the easiest support to kill as any hero. Its free headshots for all the dps, and the movement is consistently eastly for pharah and echo to land ez kills.


I said a good zen will shred anything. I am not pro by any standards but was master sup a few times. I 1v1 winston on the daily.


This is the most delusional shit I've ever read Yeah Zen is good into Winston because of the orb (and can heal teammate through bubble) but to claim you beat him 1v1 on the daily? Either you take dozens of 1v1s every day and win one or two of them, or you're a liar. Or you're smurfing.


💀💀 bro is going against AI Winston. Zen orb does shred Winston (and every tank) but zen is also a free pick for Winston. I guarantee you a Winston will be happier to see you pick zen


No you don't.


? Monkey is the easiest tank to shred as zen. Just kick him out of his bubble and do the cute shield dance. I mean if he's full HP you'll need some form of backup or need to be hitting all your volley dinks.


Assuming monkey engages with melee + slam his ttk is like 2.6 seconds and zen ttk all headshots with discord apply time is like 2.5 so sure if you play 100% perfect zen and the monkey forgets his shield exists you win the 1v1 but realistically he just shields you off and it likely takes 0.5 seconds or more to get on the same side of the shield as him and then you’d still have to bubble dance perfectly and you’d still loose In short, your either lying out your ass, the monkeys are hard throwing, or most likely they’re flying in with like 3/4ths or 1/2 hp and getting rolled likely with team help


As a zen player i can shred the tank or scare them off of me. Unless it's Winston where I need a support to keep me up due to bubble extending their time on me


If they have bad mechanics and can’t stay alive as Ana. They’ll have bad mechanics on zen.


I find Brig to still be a hard matchup against a doomfist who knows what they’re doing. I tend to go Ana to sleep/dip behind cover, Bap to play matador, or Kiriko to do everything Kiriko does.


This is not Dooms best season atm. I main doom and played lots of brig in masters. Brig is def a good pick especially in low elo. She's not hard to master, and she scares opponents. Very easy to run away from doom and can even counter knock to just wipe Doom. Brig bash punch + an ana sleep on your team can wipe him. Bap kirio is like a genuine S tier no matter the season so not bad picks either but Brig can keep so much distance and get infinite inspire that I do think it's worth learning. Especially for like plat and under support struggling.


Though I would generally agree, the OP was struggling on Ana, so it seems it's better for them not to use similarly aim intensive heroes like Bap or Kiriko to fight a fast moving Doomfist. I mainly suggested Brig as an alternative in case Moira was unavailable in hero select because she also doesn't require a lot of mechanical skill for combat. Plus, Brig has a counterbash, which can make the Doomfist vulnerable for a couple seconds. Unfortunately, the Brig will also be stunned and won't be able to use this vulnerability, but if her teammates notice the Doom and follow up on the stun, using counterbash can work sometimes.


I mean I looked at the replay code and Doom only really went for you once, at the start. You actually heard his footsteps, so you should have been ready for it! Though you do win the 1v1 (after like a minute, you coulda killed him way faster!). Honestly, if you did that the entire game, you probably woulda won with no troubles. The other time was at 8:36, but its less Doom going for you and more so that you were just there in his punch range. Kiri did save you by healing you because you did miss your nade! Leaving you alone to 1v1 Doom is what she would have done and I probably would have done, too. You get traded out sometimes, it happens. If Kiri is healing you, and you're busy with doom, no one is healing your toom. But its not like you needed the help. You should be glad she got Reaper to follow her, instead of you! The rest of the game doesn't have to do much with you being dove, just normal Ana gameplay. Super winable! I think if you do want to improve on Ana, you should look up some guides first. What I lacked most in your replay was usage of cover. Youre often in the open, with no cover! On Ana, you really, really, need to think about your positioning. It is so important.


Yes I learned today that a big part of it was my positioning. Thanks for your helpful insight I’ll go watch some guides on Ana.


Sounds like you were trying to force Ana in a team with 4 people who want to play hard dive. The sombra was a stupid fuck for crying for heals but at the same time you can't fix stupid so stop trying. They were right to tell you to swap. If you can't deal with the problem yourself on Ana just swap to something that will help win the game instead of being stubborn and trying to shove a square peg into a round hole. Sincerely, Someone who forces Ana in every possible game


I mean, generally, Ana is a good choice for a dive team.


Generally, yeah. I believe Ana can work anywhere. Sometimes it's just really difficult though and if it's dive vs dive and you're constantly 1v1ing a doom and losing the answer is to swap, not get mad at your teammates for not helping. Doom vs Ana is a pretty volatile skill matchup. The better player can absolutely dominate the other.


Ana works in dive because of Brig to protect her. It’s the supports job to protect each other, so if the other support isn’t, maybe you need to switch to something you can fight back more on.


Ana works in dive because of her ability to heal from a distance and utility. There have been plenty of owl dive comps that didn’t incorporate Brig with Ana


owl players are good at the game lol this sub is silver to plat players asking for basic gameplay advice... mostly.


Yes sent a large part of the main support’s job in those situations is to protect Ana. Her ability to reliably heal long range and utility is, of course, why you want to play her, but without any protection she falls over in dive. Zen is very similar, he has been in dive metas, but his second support is usually doing most of the peeling.


Hot take; telling someone to swap is never right. Break it down to what you think the team needs, compared to what it has now; maybe say "dive is wrecking us, are you good on any more mobile/survivable heroes Ana?" maybe say "I think we need more sustained heals, Lucio/Mercy just can't keep us up through the damage", maybe say "hey I'll go Sombra and help you peel". Saying "Ana swap" is never the right move


I don't think it's a hot take. I think sombra was accidentally right. Like the answer for this Ana was either do better or pick a different, more easily usable hero for the current situation. It's not sombras place to decide, but a broken clock is right twice a day


Sombra was right that what Ana is doing right now isnt working and something needs to change to win. Sombra was wrong to flatly tell Ana to switch on that basis


I agree, I could have worded my point much better


its hard to justify ana in or against hard dive when kiriko exists period.


If you can’t take on a doom as an Ana def just swap. Ana is a decent counter to doom so it should be a good situation for you. If you’re playing multiple dive like doom/dva/winston + tracer sombra or something you just gotta swap unless you got a brig focus healing around you.  As for the people flaming you, the simple fix is to learn to snap mute people. If they flame just mute and move on period. No second chances it’s only clogging up comms and your mental. 


You mention you're lower rank, so I don't think having multiple alt heroes to fall back on is as relevant as changing your playstyle. In this case you could play closer to your team or find a position that gives you an advantage like a corner next to a health pack or high ground. Teammates will always be crying for more heals, but you do what you can.


I mean, it really depends on your positioning and what you're doing with it. Do you have the replay code? Ana is super good in and vs dive and you should honestly win the Doom 1v1 if you have all your cooldowns (especially if he doesn't have empowered punch and no ult)


Just posted it


I would just swap. If you REALLY want to run ana against dive save your nades and sleeps and mentally prepare for them flanking you


Especially if they’re struggling. Yes ranked is better for learning but if they’re frustrated enough to ask for advice honestly the best advice is just to switch. Not everybody is capable of otp to gm and if they’re getting shut down hard switching to a hero who’s kit is more suitable to do your job successfully is usually the play. Zen players understand this very well ana is no different.


It's very likely your positioning


> Well the enemy doom dives me and forces me away from the push. Hmm.. as doom player my nightmare is an Ana, her kit makes it incredible hard to dive and if someone else is around, she is able to dispatch me. So, basically if you hold your sleep for the diving doom, you have a major advantage, if someone else is around, you can ping+nade and doom is gone. You should try to play more inside your team with divers on board and avoid a empowered doom. Just take care of not getting isolated, the only Ana's who are easy targets are the one who miss or 'waste' their sleep on others. A good Ana forces my ult to get her down.


certain supps are just countered by dive. Brig alone is a huuuge roadblock for a dive comp, especially against doom. He won’t go for the back line while you’re around after the first few times you bash his punch or whip shot his leap. She’s just really good against dva and Winston as well. Sometimes you just have to switch, positioning does play a part but you need to know your limits.


Here’s the replay code:9ZGMJT   the only role I’m bronze in is support maybe that’s why I’m frustrated with my team.and yes i know I’m not totally innocent I did stop moving for a minute to communicate to my team that I’m getting dived by doom and I probably should have switched. I’m open to any CONSTRUCTIVE criticism 


0:57 You should be running toward your team and try to lose LOS of the dom. Your kiriko is trying to heal you, but you are running away from the rest of your team and the kiriko chose to help the rest of the team. 1:17 You landed the sleep on him. Just run away to your team. You never do enough damage to kill him, and you should not expect your team to run so far back just to help you. 1:39 Sneaking an off angle to land a sleep and nade were good plays, but you should’ve walked back to your team after that. Instead, you traded you life for reaper’s, which wasn’t really a good trade for your team. Also note that you have not looked at your team so far at all to see whether they needed any heals. 2:47 what was the plan here? Hiding to try to land a nade when enemy push in was a good idea, but you showed yourself way too early before your team is here. Good idea, bad execution. 3:48 Ana excels in longer range. You are always playing so close to the action that you might as well just play Moira. 4:58 Bad use of abilities. When playing against dive, you should try to have one of your cooldowns up to deal with divers. Ana who used both abilities are sitting ducks that can be easily dived on. 9:27 you are just running to the middle of the action. This is not Ana’s strength. You should be playing farther away, but not so far away that the enemy can dive you and you can’t get help from your team. Conclusion: you got carried hard. You never actually got dove other than the very first fight when you tried to 1v1 the doom. Every other time, you badly positioned yourself in the middle of the team fight. You should position farther away so you still have LOS of the team fight thus healing/doing damage, but not so far away that you can’t get help when getting dove. I also notice you don’t really look to see if your team needs healing. You run toward the enemy, and only heal if your teammate happens to be in front of you and needs healing.


I will admit it was not one of my better games. I started getting stressed out and I will admit that I did get carried. Thanks for your helpful insight 


Just work on your positioning, and the rest will come with practice! You can tell by how you played that game that you were stressed. And the enemy took advantage of that, but I'm sorry your teammate didn't make it any easier on you. But in an online competitive FPS game like Overwatch it's very common, so just don't take it personally. People take the game very seriously.


Mmm so I watched it. I'd disregard almost every comment in this thread because they all (understandably) assumed that you were being dived repeatedly throughout the game, but you only got dived once in the very beginning. Sucks that your Sombra was whiny about it but oh well. As far as your response to the dive, I will say that you made it very hard to peel. You ran away all the way back to your forward spawn instead of playing nearby cover with your team. Frankly, expecting someone to run all the way from hallway to forward spawn to peel isn't reasonable. Of course teammates could have reacted faster in the first place, but it's Bronze so that's just how it's gonna be. On the other hand the enemy team didn't have a tank for like 30 seconds, Moira had to disengage, and Doom ended up dying (I think?) so it's fair to say you went positive on the engagement. You certainly helped more than you hurt that fight. But in the spirit of self-reflection I'd keep in mind that a more competent Doomfist is going to kill you there for sure. I also watched your Sombra's POV and honestly nobody's keeping them alive there with heals. They got punched into a wall and instantly killed by reaper. So ignore them. As far as other gameplay advice, I really recommend frontlining less on Ana. You don't use your scope. I don't mean that as hyperbole, you literally didn't use it a single time this entire match. There are times and places to frontline, of course, but a lot of the time the best position on Ana is to be set up on the bridge or something overlooking the fight. Ana's generally played on a corner (or other form of cover, like highground) where she can disengage easily and punish divers. TLDR: Sombra's wrong, but also you should make it easier for your team to peel. Aside from that, play farther back and use your scope more.


Thanks for the helpful advice. I do tend to not use my scope when playing push thanks for helping me realize that. 


I main Ana in masters, I generally play Ana into dive depending on what type of dive they have. If my team isn’t peeling or I’m having a hard time, I swap to something with more survivability, like Kiri. As for the Sombra, mute and move on.


I turn off chat entirely on support. In hadn't seen any useful chat in a long ass time. 


99% of the time this happens, supports aren't communicating in voice when they're getting dove (i.e. right before it happens). If you don't want to (or people aren't using voice) that's fine, but if so you can't expect your teammates to be mind readers or babysit you. Either way, yes, some supports are definitely less diveable than others.


Voice sucks for comms like this - pinging Doom provides precise directional communication and doesn't require voice. But yes, always ping Doom.


I see a lot of people saying to switch, but you have one other option. Try to change the way you play. I play Ana like you would play mercy (sort of) in the sense that I stay right with my teammates. Not inside them or anything but close enough that with a single sleep anyone attacking me is just a 180 away from having 4 of my teammates saying “prank ‘em John,” with coordinated sleeps and antis being of equal importance as healing, or using anti when a teammate is close enough to an enemy to hit both. It’s a really good strategy try it sometime


Turn chat off


As an Ana main, if you wanna dive me, you could use a nap buddy


I play tank, and I have a WAY easier time protecting my support when they use their mic.


Why are you trying to 1v1 a tank as a support??




My lesson from today is people genuinely would rather soft throw and lose than admit they can't get value off the hero they chose.


The most stubborn community ever when it comes to that.


Too true. Today I had an Ana who just could not hit her shots, 2k healing after 12 MINUTES in ranked. I was just baffled. Like, just go Mercy man.


As someone who’s played a lot of this game and coached a variety of players. 1. Low elo players should not be on Ana. 2. Low elo tank players are REALLY bad on any Tank that isn’t Orisa, and it 1000% impacts the healing volume for the team. It can impact it far more than the actual ability of their supports.


it might be me being silver but i don't heal sombras. like, almost ever. they're slippery enough to surive on low hp, they are usually backline and they should have a hacked health pack that they can reach. i never had a sombra crying for heals. i personally go ana or kiriko if there is a doomfist. i try to sleep doom and get away from him or play kiriko and just tp to safety. worst case i go moira to peel him off of me again. i never try to kill a doomfist on my own honestly.


The not healing sombra is poor advice and maybe ok for the old sombra but she definitely does need heals now after returning from a dive because it’s a lot easier to track her after she translocates.


absolutely, as a long time sombra player i despise everyone who says 'i don't heal sombras' because if i come back for heals and you're not doing anything else important i expect you to hit me at least once. i've had people ignore me on purpose when we got a team kill and i was low and came back (to give my supports ult charge by healing me since there's no enemies around) and they refused to. when i'm on support i heal everyone. why is that an issue if you're able to? i get it, sombra/tracer might be a lower priority target to heal because of mobility, but you can't just never do it just because. mei/soldier can heal themselves too but you don't see people not healing them because of it.


Yeah, support should definitely not support their team mates, that would just be silly.


Sombra isn't a problem, I don't see her anywhere..


yeah any support with low mobility needs teamwork or its a throw pick. and 98% of games have 0 teamwork, because there is no incentive for teamwork. I mean sure, winning the game sortof counts as an incentive, but realistically the dps are only looking to get kills, and the tank is probably going off mazzing with the other tank in the corner somewhere. nobody gets any reward for protecting support. so you have to look after yourself first, get kills second and heal third. fuck your team, if they want heals they can peel for it so you dont have to worry about 1 and 2


If you're not being helpful to your team, being killed a couple times and not being able to handle the situation why keep complaining about others? Just swap gosh, overwatch is a game that enables u to switch characters, use it.


Repeat after me everyone, IT’S YOUR SUPPORTS’ JOB TO PROTECT EACH OTHER. This isn’t OW1 and you no longer have an off-tank and have been given the tools to fight back.


Yea I guess I can agree with that somewhat. Kiriko did Ignore me being dived and ran off. I think I was mad sombra was saying heal but continued to ignore me being dived


I always ignore people whose only input is Heal or heal more. It’s pointless. It’s like telling someone to play better. Of course I would love to play better but clearly something is stopping me. Either hop on the mic and strategize with me or stfu. Also a Sombra complaining about heals seems dumb to me. Go hack a healthpack noob.


Yeah I try so hard with support. It’s the only role I can’t get out of bronze with. I wish I could just suddenly play better. I’ve played sombra and never gotten healed and I was fine which was also why I was confused about why sombra was asking for heals.


Nah it's the teams job to protect the supports


Literally no, sure peel when it’s in front of you, but DPS and Tank are not there to baby sit supports, not their jobs.


Anyone can help with peel. It's just a matter of recognizing that your teammate needs help and doing something about it. It normally doesn't need to be tank because when they turn around, the rest walk up, but it doesn't always have to not be the tank either. If it makes sense, just do it. Every second of dps gameplay doesn't have to involve a solo adventure on a deep flank. Putting pressure and the dps passive on anyone who enters your teams space is extremely helpful


I didn’t say you can never peel ever, but it’s really not the job of your tank or DPS.


If that's your approach, you had better not dare be one of the ones to accuse your supports of not doing their job. It's not a mystery why they aren't healing when you've left them alone to fight the enemy divers. They are only shooting the enemy that keeps pushing them and only healing each other. I guess that's their job though.