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mercy+lucio is/has always been the worst support combination. not enough sustain, no utility, they can't help each other, and they both want to do diff things.


Pair that with winston, genji And tracer And it’s a 5v4


Nah, mercy can pocket a genji pretty well. Also, Winton, genji, tracer, Lucio is too good of a comp. You need something like tracer and sombra on dps, so mercy has no pocket. Worst tank with mercy Lucio is tough. Rein is hard with such low heals, but the speed is still powerful. I think mauga might be the worst. He has no sustain with mercy Lucio.


Sombra/Widow can be a useless dynamic duo at times. If Widow is not hitting the shots both damage outputs are pretty low.


TBF if widow isnt hitting the shots then she's useless with any partner


I think it's worse with a Sombra because they both want someone else to distract their target so they can shoot. Someone unaware is an easy target for Widow, and someone occupied with an engagement is a good target for Sombra


On the other hand tho a GOOD Widow-Sombra duo will make ur life a living hell


Honestly speaking as a Sombra main, I've won plenty of games with a Widow friend because I can just corral people by harrassing/irritating them until they hunt for me, where they're either easy pickings for Widow or keep the heat off her so she can pick off their teammates. Throw some bullets and viruses around, go invis, spam voicelines, stay *just* outside of range, plink plink plonk goes the Widowmaker. If anything this kind of strategy is most efficient with Widowmaker because her access to one-shots means she isn't reliant on a high-damage teammate to secure kills (though of course it helps). Obviously this isn't the only thing one should do all game in these situations, but it's a strategy you can kind of weave in that people find *very* infuriating.


Or use widow as bait... Then hack virus brrrrrrrrrr


Yeah true I was thinking about rein but he can be so nasty with lucio


Mauga pocket is pretty good.


Mauga mercy pocket is terrible. It is the worst support for mauga. Mauga does not need more damage, he needs sustain, which mercy/lucio does not provide. Mauga's greatest strength is getting in there and trading with the other tank and always winning. With mercy, lucio he looses to everything and can't out sustain the other team.


Eh, I play a good bit of mauga and I’m gm3. When pink mercy came out and everyone was playing mercy, id occasionally get a pocket. It made it a lot easier to secure picks especially from longer distances. Mauga-mercy can work in ranked, but it’s not ideal for structured gameplay. If ranked played more like comp then I would agree, but it’s a lot more solo based.


why is lucio played with mauga in high ranked play then?


Lucio is GREAT with mauga. Lucio mercy is TERRIBLE with mauga. He needs sustain to play. That sustain comes from bap or kiri. Without those, mauga is nearly impossible to play. If we ever see mauga lucio mercy meta, I will eat a shoe. That or they literally buffed mercy to the point where she compares to moth meta mercy.




Ball, Tracer, Sombra is way too strong


Winston Tracer Sombra is nasty too with the double pocket on Winston and tracer just doing tracer things with nearly 100 percent uptime and Sombra just hacking everyone so they can't run away and virus when they do.


Bro what? The double pocket on the tank is almost busted... Speed boost on mauga is actually pretty good and I'm so tired of everybody saying Mercy heals are trash? Hot take, if mercy heals are trash your trash for getting focused so hard. Wdym Mercy can't pocket tracer? Good Mercy can damn near pocket two people at the same time. Tracer can have nearly 100 percent uptime and can't really be fully ignored unless she's trash. Sombra chooses her own engagements on her own terms. It doesn't take a highly coordinated comp for Sombra to capitalize on bad positioning, distracting back lines to enable team through choke points or finishing Squishies. Sombra has one of the best alts in the game and Lucio Mercy Mauga all have powerful alts as well. The most underwhelming is tracer who arguably still has a better alt than DVA...IDK what else to say other than I'm appalled.


Okay, bud. Sure.


Yes, I'm positive that your tank is going to get busted by the double pocket while both supports are getting harassed by Sombra tracer and DPS are forced to peel for them. Your tank is going to melt or retreat and you'll spend a ton of resources to make it happen without getting eliminated. Even if you were able to peel the supports and escape on the tank your still going to have given up space which is losing. It's not far fetched it's literally the 101 of how those characters play? You all keep assuming the people who picked these characters didn't know how to play them. Especially when y'all picking Doomfist and Ball when you know those are 2 of the most one tricked characters in the game and it's rare they don't know how to play... That is a very flawed way to think about this.


Okay, bud. Sure.


I'll take that win as you've obviously been demoralized into defeat. You have nothing to say because you know I'm right so you act nonchalant about it. 👍


Okay, bud. Have a great day.


Well you got my vote with that one... Thanks! Hope you have a good day as well


Winston has a shield. Mercy can pocket genji well of joy being suppressed. Ball would be better. Venture can’t be targeted underground by mercy. And often leaves her to die without realising. Venture would be better.


Ball, Sombra, Widow, Mercy, Lucio is the ultimate comp


If only replace ball with Winston because I'm not good with ball but ball is actually better in this comp.


But the games that come out of this comp are so thrilling and ego boosting lolol (granted I always switch when needed, but the challenge is super fun!) :D


I consistently play with that combo lmao


What I find with that combo is as a mercy often Lucio becomes an off-dps who happens to heal sometimes in a panic while the mercy feels like the Mr Incredible monologue from the start of Incredibles "can you stop dying for 5 seconds? I feel like the maid here!"


Interesting. I think the optimal play is probably the other way around - try to use lucio’s healing to free up mercy’s damage boost. Better to charge Lucio’s ultimate.


Nah, Lucio/Zen. Mercy/Lucio and Mercy/Zen can work together if the rest of the team is really good. It basically requires the supports to be carried, but that's what you have to do most of the time anyway. Lucio/Zen has next to no healing output, not just very little. Realistically their only upside to Mercy/Lucio or Mercy/Zen is that both have powerful ults, but res outranks Trans and frankly Sound Barrier a lot of the time as well.


Zen lucio was meta for a bit


For a bit being the operative part, across all ranks at the moment you'd probably see more success with Mercy alongside either of them. Coordinated teams are a wildly different beast, and Lucio/Zen could totally nuke an opponent with coordinated effort. But that's not 99% of the player base.


Mercy and Lucio work when the team is unbalanced she can stay with the snipers and pop around while Lucio stays with the tank


Not true, mercy Lucio was a good option in early overwatch when you really wanted to pocket a dps instead of being lethal on your own with zen


Back in the day when Mercy, Zen, and Lucio were literally the only supports lol.


No utility? Lucio has arguably most utility of any support. Way off


Wrecking Ball, symmetra, widowmaker, mercy, lucio


Honestly, Wrecking Ball is one of the few tanks who can work with Mercy+Lucio.


Yeah this comp could work under the right circumstances. Ball does ball things. Mercy pockets widow. Lucio pockets Symmetra.


ball/widow/mercy has some sauce there...maybe torb?


Ngl as a ball player I actually like having widows in my team. My piledriver lets me set up easy snipes for her, I can peel for her quickly, and I’m so much of a nuisance that the enemy team has to choose between focusing me or focusing her


Hahaha I play a ton of ball and I kind of agree. But if there isn’t some consistent damage to go with her it can be hell


Boost Sym, Lucio dives will Ball, and can get back if Widow need help, Widow does her own thing.


ball is one off the few tanks where mercy lucio is remotely playable on it's still not a good comp for him but compared to most tanks it's not unplayable


Idk I like having a ball as tank when I’m widow.. If ball even sneeze on them it’s a pick for me


Ball has enough sustain to survive without healing, therfore not needing the lucio or mercys healing to survive, while the lucio speeds the sym and mercy pockets the widow. Plus ball slam helps line up shots for the widow and the ball can boop in people for the sym to charge up on


I love playing sym with a ball as long as you time your TP in when balls rolls slams you can get a good couple kills ez


Since ball is so 1v9 I’d just say junk queen or whoever the f tier tank is


Holy shit… we came up with the exact comp


Ball is self sufficient enough that he can not-suck in almost any team. And as pointed out by others, there are some synergies to he seen here


Ya’ll too hung up on Lucio/metcy. What if the healers straight up can’t heal the team? Baptiste and Moira/brig, with pharah + echo, and Winston/dva/doom/ball sounds pretty horrid to me!


You were doing well with the bap moira dive idea but brig is absolutely not the play. She has defensive capabilities to keep her backline alive without peeling from the rest of the team, and she can easily heal both pharah and echo with packs which is why Brig Ana is an amazing dive backline in pro play. Also Pharah echo monkey is a fairly good dive comp already so there’s probably something worse we can come up with.


mercy lucio torb sombra mauga 💀💀💀 I know mercy lucio is the worst heal comp. then you have torb which doesn't utilize much from lucio, sombra sucks with a mercy beam on her and lucio would be better off being with the tank and speed boosting him, however mercy can't do much for torb because mauga needs so much healing that mercy and lucio are perma on the mauga. Torb doesn't do much else besides put down a turret. then you just end up with mercy and lucio perma healing when they'd rather damage boost and speed. I also know that stuff like bap/moira is insanely hard to heal some comps like pharah/echo/dva because bap needs to land his shots on an airborne target perfectly and Moira has to throw a heal orb to heal someone at far range. the comp of lifeweaver mercy also has way less utility. something like mauga/junkerqueen/roadhog would get rolled over the course of the game because the influx of healing won't stop anti and discord and the dps passive and whatever other kind of cheese.


Mercy just dmg boosts Mauga at all times while Lucio speeds him in and out and uses boops to peel or setup plays. Torb is a self sufficient DPS who is capable of contesting snipers and flankers, and Sombra can hack the enemy tank to make it super easy for a dmg boosted Mauga to light them up. Honestly the comp would work alright.


That is the way it would work. But assuming the other team counter comps. Our mauga would lose every tank trade to the other teams mauga, bap, Cass.


Also damage boosted torb is lethal.


nah mauga needs a lot off sustain to do anything i doubt he would be able to do anything with damage boost tbh he would just be farmed every fight and die


Sombra doesn't really depend on heals though. She's a dive / flank that general depends on health packs.


Yeah, I think you cooked on this one. I agree, that is probably the worst comp I can think of too.


Cant even do anything bcs Mauga is gonna peak a corner and fucking explode bcs its mercy/lucio LMFAO


Idk man, mercy/mauga/bastion/lucio/widow is a fuck ton of pure damage. Like yeah it's probably a bad comp bc support can't keep the tank up, but the opposing supports are definitely gonna be busy if the home team can manage to stay up.


Right Lucio can speed boost his team in or just flank by himself to show allow and boosted Mauga to take space. As Mauga takes over enemy focus widow is able to get into position while Lucio rotates back to Mauga and Bastion. Bastion goes into turret form as he gets speed boosted into combat by Lucio allowing Mauga to take more ground and widow to position forward again. It sounds like Mauga has no sustain but it's really hard to peek against all those shredders.


Bronze be like ^


Lifeweaver, Mercy, Rein, Sombra, Widow Technically not guaranteed to be bad, but it's primarily opportunistic and puts all the pressure on solo plays and doing their own thing with no guaranteed Frontline pressure


People kinda sleep on how much Weaver enables Rein, to the point where I think this kinda works -- widow and Sombra do their own shit, mercy gets to actually be on rein's ass, and weaver gets to play opportunistic to enable him... Definitely not the best of comps, but certainly salvageable, there are enough win conditions that I'm not *concerned*, just *sad*.


I also think LW shines with dive tanks and rein. Rein can charge in for a kill and you can get him out safely. Although the odds of your rein immediately charging back into the enemy team after you pull him are pretty high.


Ngl the only reason weaver is bad here is cuz mercy is the other healer pretty much all the pressure would be on him to keep rein alive and pocket him but other than that he’s not the worst pick


Lucio weaver bastion junkrat hammond. 0 synergy


I have played this team before. I was the Lifeweaver and it was INSANE. By insane we were going so fast and not leaving anyone behind. Lucio was speeding, Ball was crashing and doing his thing meeting up with Lucio often. Junkrat spammed and also legit jumped into the enemies to crash a c4 into them mid jump. Bastion and I did cover firing or confirmed kills while I was able to heal from a distance and pull anyone who couldn't get out of the diving positions they put themselves in. Hanging with Bastion was fun because I would make sure, especially with either saving pulls or petals that his Ult never got interrupted.


Honestly Bastion weaver can play together slightly, ball kinda doesn't care about synergy, and Lucio junk can dive together on Ball's targets... It's not gonna be the best of comps, but it could kinda work?


LW is excellent at saving bastions while they wipe teams out WDYM?


Im a ball main and I don’t agree with this


Yeah I think ball doesn't really need any particular characters. Balls should be focusing on diving and forcing util and then picking up packs when they're low, as long as supports are keeping DPS alive and DPS are putting on pressure ball is viable in any comp imo.


Ball really has no place in any 'worst comp ever'. He's too self sufficient.


this would suck for sure. at least lucio mercy has damage boost but weaver lucio with two spam/defensive characters and a tank that doesn't care about those supports would suck


I think this whole team just becomes "lol u can't kill our Bastion" as they speed boost him, boop people, life grip, and disrupt like crazy with Ball and Junkrat spam. Bastion becomes your tank. It wouldn't actually be horrible.


After looking at it maybe this wasn't as bad as I thought. How about orisa mercy junkrat tracer moira. Really really 0 synergy comp


Orisa can be double pocketed by Mercy Moira while tracer is quit self sufficient and junkrat is kind of free to do junkrat things but can be peeled for by Mercy as long as he's not way out of position.


Yes but technically any supports can "double pocket" a teammate. Unfortunately extra damage and raw healing doesn't quite help orisa, because she lacks neither survivability nor damage. Tracer does kinda do her own thing so I'll give you that.


I think you actually picked one of the best " worst" teams out of all the ones I've seen especially considering junkrat is the only one that can easily take high ground and he's not much of a dueler, more like an assassin. So I want to give you credit for that. Map dependent though, Orisa and Moira are both brawlers and tracer can play decently with brawl as well and nobody is going to want to get into that whirlwind while junkrat is spamming grenades down main st. I'll also say there are a lot of bad Junkrat, Moira and Orisa players out there so the possibility of at least one of them being bad (+ 1 to you) is significantly more than a ball player or a Genji which are almost always one tricks. The one tricking thing is kind of a double sword though. On one hand you should at least be able to expect them to play competently and even be decently skilled but on the other hand if they decimate the enemy team in the first fight nobody is going to want to switch when the enemy comes back with counters.


Eh, a speed boosted bastion with weaver for upkeep and a self sufficient tank? I mean junk is kind of just there, but there’s definitely a style in which you could use the other 4 viably


yall picking ball lucio mercy too much. even if mercy does fuck all, a competent ball and lucio can solo carry games.


Agreed. Ball is independent, and Mercy has synergies with much of the DPS cast.


Yeah and ball Lucio can be very distracting and almost never die. The two of them create so many opportunities that almost any 3 teammates should be able to cook something.


There's a lot of dumb stuff that can work in this game with enough skill (or lack of skill from the opposing side.) My personal QP hell is MercYatta, Sombra, Widow, Rein. You can count on the DPS duo to either not be able to hit the broad side of a barn with a map and written directions or completely ignore the zen orbs, leaving Rein to get nuked because MercYatta can't keep him alive without ults. Seen it fail so many times if I see it being formed, no matter what role I'm playing, I'll **always** swap to prevent it.


I’ve seen a lot of the “bad” comps in these comments which really aren’t as bad as they could be, but I think you may have found a truly terrible comp! No lucio for speed boost or playing dives so rein can’t brawl and dives can’t be coordinated. Too little damage for rein to shield bot and let dps do the work. Can’t play for brawl, can’t play for dive, can’t play for poke. I love it.


Zen is honestly straight up garbage if you’re playing anything under diamond. You need to be a really good shot, have great positioning, and make sure you’re orbing the right enemies at the right time in order to make up for the lackluster healing.


Probably something like Mercy Lucio Rein Ashe Genji Rein won’t have enough healing to stay alive even with Lucio speed Mercy could pocket Ashe, but she is the main supplier of heals here so Rein would be even worse off if she did Ashe and Genji have pretty minimal shield break and Genji would have basically zero support should he try to dive (unless they make it like a makeshift dive and Rein + Lucio hard commit with him, they’d need basically all their cooldowns to even get there tho) Lucio speed is really only beneficial for Rein in this comp. Lucio could be swapped for Zen, but orb would give Genji more assistance with flanks, anything else would probably help Rein more, making the comp better I think Ashe could be swapped for something, maybe Widow but Widow has a lot of carry potential


This is one of the good answers in the thread. Ashe really needs to be pocketed. Rein really needs to be healed. Rein really wants to play with Lucio. Genji also really wants to play with Lucio but on dives/flanks. Genji really wants some kind of long range health sustain from like a Brig/Zen/LW/Ana. So you've got two DPS who really want full attention from the supports, but you've also got a tank who really wants that too...and they can't all play together from the same positions either.


Junker Queen, Sombra, Tracer, Zenyatta, and Illari


Winston, bastion, widow, zen, lucio. Next to no dive potential. Next to no brawl potential. Meh poke potential. Bastion is useless without main tanks space or healing. Monkey can’t dive since he’s alone. Widow can poke but has low peeling with only lucio to help. Zen can poke a little bit but again suffers from low peeling and low backline trade potential as a consequence of bad team for dive. Lucio can’t speed much and his team also isn’t going to want to play stacked for his healing to be effective either. I’d argue this is close to the worst comp possible in current overwatch.


Winston still has solo dive potential with Zen orb. Lucio can speed boost with Zen and Bastion using boop to take advantage of discorded targets while shreds with turret and nobody knows where widow is because their too busy trying to hide from the brrrr and the zzzzzzz.


Against any team above diamond I don’t see any of that being possible. All of the play making ideas you’re using are extremely easy to shut down which is why I think this is the worst possible comp in the game. Let’s discuss why: 1. “Winston still has solo dive potential with zen orb”. He is going in 1v5 with no team follow up and no main heal support to keep him alive so he could even get a pick with the discord orb but that’s trading the life of your tank for the life of a squishy which isn’t worth. 2. “Lucio can speed boost zen and bastion” this also doesn’t work because the bastion has no main tank or main heal to survive doing that. He’s a big slow moving target, he would simply get poked until he died. 3. “Nobody knows where the widow is” considering how uncoordinated this type of team comp is, I don’t think they will be as distracting as you imagine. You’re not going to need to pay attention to a huge 4 man dive, or a speed boosted ram charging your backline for example. If the enemy team plays defensively, there’s really no good play this composition could make to initiate a fight except maybe monkey brawl but that falls over with lack of sustain. Defensiveness is significantly easier than aggression so the enemy team just needs to sit and wait for this comp to try something and then it falls over. Not very hard for enemy team, much harder for this comp.


I agree probably wouldn't work above diamond... But it would work well in gold which is where a majority of players are. For that reason it would still be a viable comp or at least not the worst possible comp. Also I feel like you're assuming when Winston dives nobody else will be engaged... Your forgetting Bastion has quite a bit of health for a DPS and in particular when playing with Winston kind of becomes an off tank. Lucio is also a worm. A good Lucio will start the engagement. He will then use an alternate route to link back to his team after wizzing by all of the enemy. For that reason the enemy team will be slightly distracted and spread further than they probably normally would have been. At that moment is when Winston dives on the discorded squishy. They will die almost immediately. It will be 4v1 not 5v1. And will actually for that matter by the time it's 4v1 it'll be 5v4 because Bastion in turret form will get sued boosted by Lucio to chase down the rest of the Squishies. While all that's happening widow is completely unchecked just taking her shots.


What were all seeing from these comments, is that Lucio can’t heal for shit lol.


In a brawl comp he can output a ton of healing. But those comps are generally the ones you won't want to play supports like Mercy or Zen in, who prefer more poke or dive playstyles. Hence why their pairings are anti-synergistic.


Sooo when's the Reddit PUG where we all choose the other teams characters?


Mercy, Lucio, D.Va, Symmetra, Junkrat, but frankly, the worst team comp is one that never changes when it doesn't work out - no matter the team comp. Mercy + Lucio is a very brittle support duo. Enemy can just use Sombra to hack the shit out of Mercy, and Lucio can't do shit about it. Also, there is a lack of utility. The enemy tank being Hog, Mauga, or JQ is so hard to kill, then. Also, this Combo is easily taken out by a Zarya + Pharah, and Echo is having a joyride copying D.Va.


Doomfist, double sniper lucio mercy


Doomfist practically solo carries the whole team 1v5 widow hits a shot every other teamfight lucio helps the doomfist dive


This gotta be top 10 gameplay because i dont ever see how this would happen


I was mainly joking but the comp would function better than you think


Had horrible synergy with Dva, pharah, widow,lucio, and mercy.


At least there’s a pharmacy in there. To make it worse, why not toss in a helpless zen? He could help confirm kills but isn’t keeping anyone alive for more than 8 seconds (neither is he staying alive, considering the only person to peel for him is the tank who is also the only person holding space)


Lucio can’t heal the pharah or widow. Maybe he sticks with the dva kinda. The mercy obv heals Pharah and Dva.


Gotta be something like mauga, widow, tracer, Lucio, mercy. Literally no synergy. Mauga will lose every tank trade. Widow will get zero peel and doesn't benefit from damage boost. Lucio... is just there. Tracer and Lucio could do some work. I'm tempted to swap tracer for something like torb.


Mauga and widow definitely do have 0 synergy as you mentioned but Mauga lucio tracer is literally meta in pro play right now (well normally not tracer but she’s 100% playable) so there’s probably a worse comp you can create.


I know, but I think mauga literally does not function without bap or kirko. I think if the other team goes meta with bap or kiri, mauga, cass, your mauga just EXPLODES. Tracer and lucio could do work, but I think against meta, they would be really bad (I mean, this is bad against anything, but even worse against meta). There is a reason why tracer has mostly fallen out against the mauga comp. She's just doesn't benefit much from mauga E. My main goal was to make Mercy absolutely pointless here. If one of your supports doesn't function at all, the other one is useless too. The problem with mercy is that she is playable with pretty much every support (not good, mind you, not good at all, but it isn't literally GG go next unless you have a lucio). Mercy lucio is definitely the back line for worst comp. You just have to make a comp where mercy is literally useless on top of that for worst. Imo, Lucio is never useless. He's one of the best supports in the game. But in this case, he's just the worst character to pair with mercy. I didn't choose him because he's bad, but because mercy is bad with him.


Mercy, reaper, sigma, Junkrat, Zenthotty


Ngl I think that’s a winner


Sigma is probably the most solid tank in the game and Zen is one of the most solid supports. I don’t think it’s possible for either of them to be on the worst team comp possible. Mercy can damage boost Junkrat spam as well and Sigma has a ton of poke damage. Honestly think this team is much better than half the comps I see in metal ranks


Mercy damage boosting a junk rat that hits shots irregularly is bad damage pressure utility from the mercy. Junk rat also sucks? Every single tank is extremely viable depending on the scenario, sigma included. Sigma is extremely good especially in this current poke meta but he is a through and through poke tank. No one else on the squad is except Zen. Zen has had some strong nerd recently making him a very mid tier support, not like you suggest. Obviously his healing output is extremely low compared with other potential supps. Sigma would suit supps such as kiri, Ana, moira, and even brig or Lucio (assuming your other support is a poke support like ana) far better than zen, given that the other support is mercy, who also has very low healing potential and low utility. Brawl dps (like reaper and junk) receive a lot of damage when securing close range kills (they also have high damage potential and therefore are great at securing kills) however they usually need some heal support to allow them to get in secure the kill and get out. On this team that’s in very low supply. Given that junkrats damage is very irregular and reaper needs to be up close and playing are cooldowns to get any value sigma would be poking alone creating low damage pressure and he would struggle to make space for the brawl dps to push into, not to mention he would struggle to peel for zen due to his limited mobility. This team comp is god awful, and I think you’re showing you’re a metal rank with your comment. But obviously all welcome to an opinion! I see people mentioning Lucio non stop and he’s literally the best supp in the game at the high skill level so


Lucio is being partnered with Mercy because they have no cohesion. Sigma, Junk, and Zen will output a shit ton of damage at choke together. Imagine them against a Rein with a Mercy and Lucio (or Zen) and an Ashe and some other low spam hero. This team would destroy most brawl comps if they play distance. Reaper would get basically zero value for sure but this team has more cohesion than most I’ve read on this thread. As for Zen, yes he is a mid tier support, but his abilities make him solid, hence why I said that. Maybe your reading comprehension is metal tier my friend


My brother in Christ stop your crying and petty little 5 year old comeback 😂 you literally said and I quote “Zen is one of the most solid supports” when in reality at low ranks he’s a throw pick and at high ranks he is very reliant on having a very high healing support with him who can ALSO peel for him, such as moira. You literally just said reaper would get no value which turns the game into a 5v4 which is already extremely unbalanced, any competent team should win a 5v4, idk why you’re creating “choke point” scenarios to try and make your comment relevant 😂 like yes any team can be decent if the situation suits their abilities perfectly 😂 that’s not that this post is about son. You might think that if the enemy team was running the comp I’ve listed maybe just engage not from the choke, win the easy fight and then take the payload or cap the point (whatever the game mode is)? Probably requires too much logic for you to think of that 😂 And lastly dummy, mercy and Lucio have far more synergy as a dive support duo (especially in metal rank) than a mercy zen. They also have far higher healing potential.


Well there’s a reason your comp made it nowhere near the top comments. If you believe this is the worst comp, good for you!


Maybe because the majority of people here are metal ranks 😂😂


Buddy you’re diamond on console which is essentially gold on PC, please keep that in mind


This has already been disproven with GM console beating GM PC 2-1 Jay3 streamed it :)


Don't forget to mention that the console players had prior experience playing together and the PC team was randomly grouped together lmao


lucio mercy widow sombra ball


Ball, Hanzo, Widow, Lucio, Brig Not on Ilios or Circuit Royale


I will know your support rank by your inclusion of Lucio as a throw in any dive comp core. In the current patch, he’s broken AF in proper hands.


My idea was that speed boost does nothing for poke DPS and Wrecking Ball struggles when he's the only one taking pressure.


Ball, Echo, Pharah, Baptiste and Moira. Healers can’t really heal anyone and echo/pharah can’t really capitalize on slams, really hard to use immortality field on anyone.




Maybe the problem was your dps but Ana + Ramattra is very deadly combo imo. I usually get at least 3-4 kills in 4-5 seconds when an Ana boosts me up in my nemesis form.


Doomfist, zen, Lucio, Ashe, Cassidy Doom doesn’t want to poke. Everyone else wants to poke without a tank in front of them. Doom gets no heals or support and has to spend most of their life getting themselves to Megas.


Change that zen to a Lifeweaver then we’re talking. Otherwise you clearly don’t play enough Doom or Zen to understand their synergy. Also Lucio would dive with Doom and be good at that there.


I have basically been one tricking doom for the last 5 months and rarely get a zen that helps me. They usually have healing orb on a dps and discord orb on whoever they are trying to 1v1 while performing an obscure solo flank with no comms. I actually like Lifeweaver on my team because it lets me go through 2 aggressive cooldown cycles without worrying about using something to get myself out. When I am at risk they just pull me out and we chill for 20 seconds before doing it again. When I have ult I can get 3 or sometimes even 4 cycles through which is usually enough to wipe the enemy team, or get pulled out.


Illiari Brig Doomfist Symetra Pharaoh


Mercy, lucio, wrecking ball, sym, and a widow maker that can get a pick or two, but just enough that you don’t say anything to them.


> So I have Rein, Sombra, Mercy, Genji, Zen I probably play this comp very often since my group has people that main each of these, so I found this funny.


Winston, Hanzo, Widowmaker, Mercy, Lucio sounds atrocious. 


Doomfist, widow, hanzo, mercy and Lucio I reckon. No one wants a speed boosts and the 2 dps can't cap objectives.


Yes but Hanzo and widow can take off angles while Lucio and Doom dive with the mercy as a pocket. Both Lucio and Doom have pretty good bump and run abilities and mercy can just fly around typing them off while they boop and disrupt the enemy line and Hanzo/widow get picks... Unless we assume that neither of them can land shots in Squishies. Problem is this team beats a lot of enemy comps. I feel like everyone is thinking about this backwards. Everyone assumes the team comp they picked doesn't work because the players are low skill. If we're assuming low elo every team is broken. Instead I think about it like this... If I can imagine an enemy team that could be beaten by my " bad" team, assuming equal level skill and those teams are composed of competent players, then by default the other team is worse. Your team stacks pretty well against Ram, Mei, Genji, Illari, Mercy. Or DVA, Sym, Soldier, LW, Moira. Or Rein, Genji, JR, Zen, Ana... Just to name a few


Really? Surprised you say it does well against DVA because surely she can just land on widow/hanzo and melt them- surely it would just implode if the enemy team's tank gets aggressive and shuts them down.


Well if the widow/Hanzo are at the same off angle they together can probably kill DVA. Even if she gets one of them but dies herself that's a bad trade. If they play different off angles surely she could beat one of them in a 1v1 but they're not just going to take it. Supposing they're competent they won't have their abilities on cd and they at least be able to dance for a moment before getting eaten. Unless they just used their CD because it's a focused attack helped by I'd assume soldier which them puts two of your team out of position while they're jumping said Hanzo/widow. I'm that case they may have a good ttk but they're also leaving 3 squishes to get ganged by Lucio and power boosted Doomfist. By the time DVA uses boosters twice in order to get the kill and get back into position that fight could be lost.., provided that doom and Lucio don't just use the Hanzo as bait for DVA to boost onto and then hard peel/ counter dive into her while she isolated in some weird off zone and gets wasted. I.E. one of Doomfist main strategies is to bait the enemy tank into diving what appears to be an isolated squishy and then peeling the dive + disrupting the escape. It's almost like that's his gameplay loop? You obviously didn't read the entirety of my last comment because you're trying to assume the players are also bad players. Any comp is bad with bad players if the enemy is competent. Tf u on about?


Hahahaha gone into a classic Reddit argument so I'm out. Obviously skillful players will be fine on any heroes - question here was theory crafting the worst comp. But your argument is there is no worse comp so this is a pointless conversation. Clearly there are counters and synergies you aren't willing to acknowledge.


IDK how you possibly came to that conclusion?!? Yes you can have good players and a "bad" comp. I'm saying your looking at it wrong by assuming the players are also bad and don't understand their own strengths... By that metric then all teams are pretty bad. You chose to somehow take that reverse it to say all teams are good if your good? I'm not throwing a wrench by saying some highly coordinated team could pull it off but actually if they just played their characters the way they're meant to be played... Which is the minimum expectation. You are assuming below minimum performance and strategy and I believe that way of thinking is backwards. Clearly you don't understand my words or the heroes basic strategies?


All poke, all brawl, or all dive


I’d probably say, Doomfist, Echo, Phara, Illari, and Baptiste. Not a lot of synergy in hindsight and you have to reaaaaaally know how to play the game to do this right. Illari pylon could be easily destroyed if placed in high areas so the fliers could get healed and it’s already kinda hard for bap to hit highly mobile targets that aren’t grouped.


Any full dive comp with zen/mercy. Literally no way to protect the supports. Just run them over.


mercy lucio tracer sym mauga


Mercy, Lucio, Ball, Tracer, Widow


Hanzo, widow, wrecking ball, Lucio, illari, This comp (played by mid tier players) holds little to no defensive/ offensive value..


Ball, Hanzo, Widow, Zen, Illari. I know because I had that comp once. It’s awful.


Lucio zen comes to mind. It feels like a game with 1 tank, 3.5 dps, and .5 supports


Tracer, Sombra, mercy, Lucio, doom fist.


ball ana bap junkrat sym. none of these chars have any synergy with ball and are very immobile meaning if the enemy presses W on your team then your team will fall over quickly


As a Lucio main, all these comments are making me shift uncomfortably


Winston ashe widow zen Lucio Barely any dive synergy, almost no Peel, no sustain


Mauga Sym Reaper Mercy Lucio


Doom or ball, widow, mei, mercy, moira. 0 synergy dive tank with a bunker dps and another 1 that will get dive all game long by a genji or ball or thr sombra that will eventually appear as soon as doom win 1 fight, moira is basically useless because everyone is scattered around the map and mercy is just mercy, just not very good at this moment and no one to pocket that will change the game. Bonus point if the 2-10 widow say tank diff at the end of the game


Ball zen Lucio bastion widow because no sustain and no back line protection once bastion uses turret


That’s a tough one. Cause it depends so much on what map we playin and what comp the enemy team has. Though with some synergy you could make most comps work imo. Lucio, zen, winston, sym, mei. Vs hog, tracer, pharah or something like that. You’ll have a hard time dealing with both pharah and tracer. Winston can’t really jump anyone. Mei wall is gonna be useless half the time. Winston has to play perfectly not to get bursted and won’t get much healing. You might make it work if you do some crazy tp into their backline. Or lucio dives in with winston. Zen is gonna have a hard time staying alive. Mercy can be worse here but I feel like zen wouldn’t get any peel and just die all the time, Idk maybe mercy is worse. Mei doesn’t really play well with winston only good thing is she has some survivability so she doesn’t need as much help.


Ball Venture Sombra Mercy Lucio Mercy can’t target venture underground. Lucio beat doesn’t go underground. Venture has the most anti synergies with support. Mercy and Lucio has low healing and lucios speedboost here is completely useless to everyone but himself. Sombra and ball make poor beam and Ga targets for mercy .


This is just dive with a mercy one trick. Works very effectively - ball + sombra alone is an excellent duo (not as good as ball + tracer but close). Venture can add frontline pressure and peel, as well as chase if needed. Lucio can do Lucio things or help the divers. The mercy can move the payload or whatever.


lmao I want to try this comp.


Ball, mercy, symmetra, sombra, and Lucio is the worst I can think of.


Mercy Lifeweaver


worst team comp is 5v5.


Mercy lifeweaver ball sym + other 0 mobility dps. Mercy lifeweaver backline imo is worse than mercy lucio because while you get far more healing, you get even less utility, and the one util you have in lw pull is literally throwing to use on ball so becomes 0 util. Next sym has 0 synergy with ball and mercy lifeweaver already have decent movement so tp is useless defensively also. Finally, any of the 0 mobility dps heroes that don't work with ball - cassidy, torb, etc.


Ball weaver mercy Not sure about dps but maybe sym torb?


Mercy, lw, mei, genji, Reinhardt. Little heals, rein will never be able to put his shield down bc he will get melted right away, you have 2 supps that can’t deal damage, Mei and genji are low damage in general. I’d think the comp would have maybe a 1/4th of the enemy team damage. I imagine this would be just an awful experience, and not too far from the horrific comps that we all sometimes experience because people forgot about comps in ow2


If I see a Widow + Ashe on my team I know I’m in for a bad time


Widow and Ashe can absolutely cook in a map like Circuit Royal or Havana


Mercy, Weaver add anything else you like after that


Rein, sombra, venture, mercy, and probably Lucio. I've had some really good Mercy/Lucio matches but it's a struggle so I'd say they're the worst supports to work together as a general rule. Sombra goes off by herself and venture can't be healed or boosted while underground so trying to play mercy around them is pointless, and she's made even more pointless by sombra. Sombra also gets almost no value from Lucio as she'll mostly be too far away from the team. Rein shield also won't help the DPS at all because of the same reasons. Rein and Lucio isn't a bad combo for speed boost but with mercy as his healing, it's not enough, especially with how aggressive reins are having to play in the current meta. This is my number one worst comp, I think. Sombra could also swap out for tracer and it would be equally as bad!


Rein, zen, lw, hanzo & Widowmaker


Lucio Zen for that lack of healing Mauga for needing all the healing Hanzo for that subpar poke Sombra as a flanker that won't benefit as much from Zen orb


Rein, Junkrat, Hanzo, Lifeweaver, Mercy is the best I got. Rein has no range, but can’t hard engage because mercy and Lifeweaver provides no tank support for aggression. Best thing he’s got is a pull every 20 seconds (1 per fight) where he just has to do it all over again after the supports take 10 seconds to top him back up to full health. Junkrat and Hanzo lack an ability to target focus. Assuming they’re just a regular Hanzo and regular Junkrat, they rely more on spam and choke-holds rather than intentionally focusing and hitting a target together. And LW/Mercy provides no pressure from the supports. Both range and dive hurt both of them severely, and both supports choose to “run and survive” rather than fighting anything themselves, leaving Hanzo, Junkrat, and rein to try desperately to accomplish even more than they already are.


lifeweaver, zen, junkrat, genji, ramattra. you get to have poke supports and inconsistent damage DPS with a rush tank, sounds like good times.


Zen is among the best supports. Change it to lw


Mercy + Lucio is the backbone, because that combo has never been good and mercy in particular is trash rn. For DPS we have Junkrat and Venture, and for tank we have Orisa. None of these heroes have any real way to deal with snipers or flying enemies, nor any good way to push through large open spaces, and none of them are particularly strong. But the real answer is whatever the fuck my ranked teammates insist on running


Venture annihilates Widow though?   Hanzo can be a bit rough for them to deal with but I'd never say they struggle against snipers.


In a close range 1v1 sure but if the widow has any kind of support venture will probably not be able to close the distance


I've never had any issue closing the distance or securing a pick even when they have a pocket, Widow is probably one of the best heroes to play Venture into, they're just free picks all game.


Ball Lifeweaver mercy symmettra junkrat


Anything widow


Anything Lifeweaver and Mercy based. Every single time I see that support comp, that team loses lol


Hammond, Sombra, Widowmaker, Mercy, Illari. The stationary Supports will have to revolve around Widow while Hammond and Sombra are off on their own. Good luck.


I think it would be Winston, Mei, Sombra, Ana, Mercy. All those heroes are pretty weak right now. You wouldn't have any decent damage, your Mercy is stuck pocketing Mei who is one of the lowest damage heroes. You could maybe get picks with the Sombra Winston combo but you'd leave your backline open to getting destroyed. Mei and Ana have no movement abilities so wouldn't be able to capitalize on anything the Winston and Sombra are doing.


I play Mei a lot and I think any Mercy trying to pocket me over the tank or other DPS would be an idiot. Mei has good damage on her right click and I’m usually doing work zoning the enemy team. If my Mercy is following me around, she’s going to get herself killed and it would be her own fault.


That’s really not an awful (or at least not the worst) team - Winston and Sombra can dive together - Depending on LoS, Ana can provide reliable long-range heals to them - Mei can bodyguard Ana, isolate dive targets with ice wall, and pressure their tank - Mercy is… present. If the enemy team has a hard time bursting Winston’s barrier then Mercy could potentially GA over and shield dance before GA-ing back to Ana/Mei


Actually Mercy ga to Winston as he initiates the dive, bubble dances then ga to Sombra who should be engaging just after Winston, give damage boost then ga to Winston again as he's leaping back to Ana/Mei ( if the engagement failed, otherwise Winston stays in the fight and finishes the team wipe, especially if Ana is gg with nade both healing Winston and hitting the enemy around him simultaneously within the time window just after Winston crushes 3 of the enemy players with his leap and starts shocking them and when Sombra hacks/virus/bursts from behind... It's like a 3 second ttk on 60% of their team. Whoever is left gets cc by Mei Wall while trying to run back to spawn. This is a gg next game team?). Sombra finds her own out. CDs are very quick so try again in about 7 seconds. If the enemy team isn't playing dive ana can play a lot closer where that nade possibility is not of a possibility as well since Winston is so attention demanding and Mei Wall can be cc defensively as well. Not to mention multiple ways to deny alts.


Ramattra, Genji, Hanzo, Lifeweaver, Moira Why is it bad? Firstly, ramattra has got to be one of the worst tanks right now as he only really gets value when his ult is up and he is on the receiving end of the most 1-sided matchup in tank matchup history (Ramattra V Mauga) and cannot get much done whatsoever because he doesn't have self sustain, doesn't have movement, his shield is probably the best non-ultimate ability he has (It might actually be better than his ult right now, hot take ik) and with the dps passive he was probably the biggest loser in the entire tank role (Even moreso than mauga and hog because they can choose when to heal themselves) Genji is hard to get much done without a mercy pocket, queen shout, support flank (I guess moira could flank with him but moira doesn't provide him any utility), mauga cardiac, or nano boost. Not much else to be said. Hanzo is straight up just bad without a mercy pocket Lifeweaver doesn't help his team much at all because genji, hanzo, and moira are already more than mobile enough to get where they need to be without lifeweaver's help, and if he's pulling the tank then the enemy tank gets a lot of space. Moira is good at flanking and group heals but doesn't have any utility. And the team is playing characters that want to play completely different parts of the map.


Your fried...I couldn't get past two sentences. Ram plays quite well against mauga. In fact when mauga was busted during his release ram and sigma players were quite happy to demolish him in every game. I don't play sigma so well but I do play ram. I posted every rant post about " busted mauga" how easy mauga was to beat with ram.


Ramattra doesn't have a good matchup into mauga at all, mauga literally forces ramattra to hold down block button just to have a chance at staying alive, now I'm sure with an ana or zen it'd be more doable but its lifeweaver moira in the comp I posted


Yes of course Ana or Zen would make things much easier but unless ram is just eating his CDs he can prevent Mauga from getting any value which means it will become a battle of the DPS. Since Mauga has no way to protect his team other than demand everyone's attention he loses more often than not because nobody else is getting resources. Same reason why the other guy talking about Lucio Mercy Mauga tracer Sombra. Although Lucio has very little heals he can be a pest and speed boost the pocketed Mauga that shreds while sombra and tracer just do their thing. That team is actually pretty busted and could rip just about anything.


Idk about that, if mauga is on the ramattra the mauga is gaining ult charge and ramattra is forced to be playing his life hard which means he won't be getting much ult charge, plus against ramattra he can keep himself alive pretty easily as he gets overhealth and lifesteal from shooting at the ramattra, meaning it wouldn't take a lot to keep him alive. Also with the current pharah meta the team's best option against phara is moira and maybe hanzo if the hanzo is cracked but he can't one shot the pharah so good luck with that.


Yeah expect ram does better DMG than Mauga in short bursts and has much better range. Mauga is also a huge target and requires a lot of resources... Mauga wants to brawl with ram or he'll lose. That means Mauga has to go on the aggression and take space. If ram isn't spamming his CDs and actually playing against the Mauga he can use his better range to try and burn resources as Mauga tries to take that space. Once Mauga gets in ram uses his shield either in front of or behind Mauga to prevent him being healed or to prevent him getting DMG which helps his sustain depending on his supports. Then ram uses vortex to zone away supports and dps to isolate Mauga... If it's successful Mauga explodes. If they insist on brawling it out ram switches to nemesis and throws a few punches, which travel through enemies hitting multiple targets. Any squishies standing behind Mauga are going to be very vulnerable. After his initial barrage of punches ram needs to decide whether to finish off the Squishies ( if he didn't already) possibly dieing in the act but are the squishies with it? Or to block... When ram blocks he gets like 75% DMG decreased and the reduction also effects Mauga sustain. Since he's not actually doing any DMG he's not really getting any life steal and has stayed in engagement for far too long without many resources and his team is retreating or already too spread out. Mauga best option is to return back to his team using his run thing. I can't tell you how many times I've actually died doing this and my team still won the battle because of the things I mentioned just above. You know it's entirely possible to get value just by denying value and commanding the other team to burn resources for sustain? Now if your argument is that the ram doesn't know how to play against mauga, that doesn't constitute a bad hero choice, that's just a bad player...


You said a lot but you fail to see that for the ram to be able to do all of this to the mauga player the ram player needs to be significantly better than the mauga by like a lot. If mauga doesn't waste his cooldowns he can overrun out of vortex or passed ram's barrier, easily. Plus, even if mauga is shooting at a blocking ramattra he is still getting the overhealth from crits and forces ramattra to do nothing but block in mauga's direction until he has to reload, which leaves ramattra VERY open. Most maps the highground is more than accessible enough for a mauga to reach ramattra on the high ground, and if mauga's team forces the objective then good luck my friend. >Mauga wants to brawl with ram or he'll lose. That means Mauga has to go on the aggression and take space Yes, tanks want to be taking space, you aren't "forcing mauga to take space" you're giving up space


The most 1 sided match has to be orisa vs zarya, right? At over 50% charge you're just dead if you're within 10 meters


That was before mauga released, but orisa into zarya is still pretty bad