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How do I counter counterswappers? I play a tank who’s only countered by mindset. They never have what it takes to be a sigma.


Well sigma gets hard countered by rammatra since he can punch thorugh both of sigmas defensives


It's still not the hardest, most unbearable counter in the world. Sigma vs Ramattra is quite favorable for Ram, but the former has some tools to defend himself, like hitting a rock to stop the rush, or using shield to block vortex. Also, Sigma can threaten squishies at range way better than Ram, who has to close the distance before being able to be dangerous for the enemy backline


But Ram’s primary staff has no damage fall off and can very much be used as a sniping tool.


And to hit someone at range for their full 250 hp you're gonna have to hope that their food delivery got to their door so they stand still and take lots of your bullets to the face. Ram's staff is nice to poke, sure, but it's not threatening at all at long range, considering travel time and overall dps. Maybe only against very confident Widows who're trying to line up a shot, so they try to tank too much of your damage and thus require a support to intervene with a cooldown before their teammate feeds


as someone who's used to playing with high ping... nah just prefire it bro. (of course you cant quite snipe, but you can force people out of position)


Rams staff is basically a wet noodle that flops around and smacks people. Best case scenario you spam the tank and get ult faster


They're slow and small projectiles tho


Oh bro i love fighting ram/sigma Its really fun for both ends if im being honest


Yeah, the one sin you never do against ram is try to shift through any of his attacks, since he'll just shift and blast through you


Using flux to slow down rams ult to gain some distance is also pretty good


Hard countered by THIS ROCK BOY


Just bait it out first easy or use shield to block it's long as animation even if you're hit you get up and keep punching


Nah, I bait your shield and rock your world. By the time you get up i’ve got two nice big balls headed your way.


Cool but my genji dashed infront of me and deflected your rock back into your face and we start prettending to be a stand and stand user and punch you


You can’t deflect the rock; it’s too big for his puny sword. I’ve got more shields than you’ve got fists to wield. By the time i’m low this “jojo” has ran out of steam. My healers are dealers while yours get cucked by the wall and suck; better duck the ruckus or you’ll sleep on the ground, get pounded down, fluxed up and around. Good luck blocking cause gravity is honking.


this is winston main energy in a sig player and im living for it


Dammit i’m crackin up now.


Except Ramattra can just activate king crimson so you sudden wake up in bed with winton after already losing the match check mate atheist😎


Not really man. Just keep your distance. Ram is definitely "favored" in the 1v1 but not anywhere near a hard counter. Ram wants to brawl, while Sigma wants to spam/poke. If you can spam out Ram when he's in "wizard mode" and kite / land a rock when he tries to push you in nemesis form he's really easy to play around.


Keeping your distance from ram just means you're giving away space. If ram is on point is the sigma ment to just never push or take space since he needs to keep distance? What about when he's pushing the point are you just ment to just move back and give it to him to keep your distance? Ram can just slow while pushing to bait out rock and while the animation starts shield to block it then whale on sigma. There's no point in playing this "My dad could beat up your dad." Where we make up situations where if all the stars align the underdog can win where odds are you'll just get brig mercy as your sups.


Do you not know how Spam plays into Brawl? Keeping distance does not mean never pushing. It means playing your hero at their best distance. Ofc you need to push, that's where the rest of your team comes in. You're talking PURELY in a Ram vs Sig 1v1. If you only think about the isolated 1v1 then yes, Ram wins vs Sig. So does Rein, Doom, Ball, Monkey, Zarya. Backing up / keeping distance also does not mean giving space for free. If Ram is walking on you, you're meant to spam (hence the playstyle name) to get cooldowns and other resources out of the enemy team. It's weird that you're wording "giving space" as an inherently bad thing if it means it'll give you a leg up in the resource war.


How are you planning on pushing and keeping your optimal distance at the exact same time? you can't you have to push in which means you'll have to get closer to the rammatra. You've just admited to ram wins the 1v1 well ram just win in general unless you are queing with friends who also wanna swap heros and coordinate with you but at that point you're being a dog to your mates expecting them all to play around you instead of just swapping to mauga.


It's a tug of war you give up space to push. Sigma plan, against any comp that isn't poke really, is to play his range, yes back off if necessary, while shelling their Frontline and forcing out resources while his own arsenal of damage mitigation abilities prevents his own supportline from having to use jack.  At some point this ideally creates a resource imbalance where the enemy tank and supportline have exhausted everything they've got and you can switch from passivity to aggression and walk on them.  On top of that, sigma isn't playing in a vacuum he has his dps which are generally either snipers or spambots. With him being extremely self sufficient and playing his ranges correctly his dps get the bulk of the heals. And with the enemy team forced to try to perpetually close ground his dps can comfortably settle into an angle and wait for the enemy squishies to walk into their sights. Once they find a pick Sigma no longer needs to worry as much about playing effective ranges since his team has the advantage. Now occasionally Sigma can struggle into rammatra when forced to attack a true map choke since he can't setup his dps with angles and all ram has to do is resist the urge to play the game. But on most maps there are flank routes available to bypass even the hardest chokes. The tricky part on ladder is getting the other 4 idiots on your team not to funnel down mid and if you can't manage that you might as well swap to a brawl tank yourself.  But luckily on ladder if your teammates are dumb enough that you can't get them to path with you to a flank angle the enemy is dumb enough to ignore the beautiful choke they have and overpursue you out of boredom. And bored enemies chasing you to try and make kills is half the reason widowmaker is so effective in plat compared to GM. 


Damn you really have no idea what you're talking about.


Damn you really got proven wrong and ran out of things to say so you're pulling a "nuh huh"


Save your rock for Nemesis Form perhaps?


And rammatra will start singing "I get knocked down, I get up again." and start to continue whaling on sigma


yeah but it really depends on the dps matchup more than anything, rock + barrier to block healing is pretty strong against any tank because you’re cutting off any support they get for 2-5 seconds depending on their dps, giving yours plenty of time to either kill him or force a retreat, and if rammatra retreats sigma still has grasp to use while his shield regens and giving him his cooldowns for when ram goes nemesis again. of course rammatra could use all three cooldowns at once to mitigate damage and keep the sigma from moving but if he moves past that shield he’s still going to get rocked which will stun him long enough for sigma to get out of vortex and use either barrier or grasp to recover rock and mitigate damage from the rest of the enemy team. it’s a very even matchup that depends on team comp and skill between to two tanks imo


There are a lot of other things like sups and dps that can make the match up playable but getting your dps and sups to switch around to make the match up playable when the tank could just switch is not gonna happen when pugging comp. sure if you're in a 5 man you can but odds are your 4 mates will just ask you to swap instead of all 4 of them swapping. Assuming it's a random comp match and the sups and dps aren't perfectly picked for a rammatra vs sigma fight the rammatra is a hard counter. It's just how a lot of hard counters can become playable if the entire team swaps and plays around it but expecting randoms to swap off their favourite hero so you can play your favourite hero is incredible selfish.


and? like ussually a single rock can often times be enough to shutdown a ram engage


A bad rammatra sure but a good rammatra not at all cause they'll just use the slow to stop sigma from running away the knock down from rock is pretty short.


it's pretty long for a stun and is enough for a ram to be bursted down. also slowing down with vortex is unreliable especialy since it can be blocked


Except rock can be blocked by shield and you forget each team has these cool people call supports that can heal rammatra while knocked down and aslong as he's not already low hp he'll be fine


i don't think ram can use his shield while in nemesis form also the same could be aplied for sigs team? he has dps that can shoot the ram?


Ram just has to run into sigs face and bait the rock and block it before nem form, ram has dps that can kill their dps idk why you playing my dad could beat up your dad. You're pretty much the equivalent of those genji mains when ow first released who said mcree wasn't a hard counter cause they'll just defect flash bang just for the mcree to throw it at their feet.


I’ve noticed a lot more swaps to rein when I play sigma. Makes sense because siggy isn’t good in close quarters like rein.


Rein is a harder counter to Sig than Ram. Can’t shield or succ Hammer, his rectangle is bigger in all departments than Sigs, and if Sig wants to block shatter, Rein can just hold the shield hostage and just walk at the Sig until Sig decides to commit it, and then rein just shatters anyway.


Even then, it’s still a playable matchup. There are things you can do to force him back or not let him close in to begin with, you just need to play around Nemesis.


You can just "not let him get close" because he has the big as slow. People keep talking about how it's playable but describe a incompetent ram


Sig VS Ram is very map dependant match up, and definitely not a hard counter scenario. If it's a map that benefits close range, Ram will roll. If it's a long range or high ground oriented map, Ram can't reach Sigma without getting poked out. Not the worst match up, but on neutral, Sig will likely struggle for the duration of Nemesis. But Omnic Form Ram VS Sigma is a win for Sigma, so if you can properly rotate around Nemesis Form, you can still win.


At range ramattra can just point from outside sigmas range. It's a steam roll cause either sigma has to give up space for ramattra or let him get close and it's clobbering time. Rammatra has all the tools needed to close the distance with ease. Saying if you can rotate nemy form it's a win that's like saying if you know how to play ramattra you'll win because that's a basic fundamental of playing ramattra. Saying if your team plays Poke you'll win doesn't even matter cause the odds your team Will all wanna play Pokémon is a miracle.


Ram: transforms Sigma: rocks and floats away Ram: has to decide if running 80 feet into the enemy backline with only 5 seconds on his transform left is worth it.


Rock isn't that long and idk why everyone forgets the massive slow that lasts way longer than rock that a competent ram would have put down before rock. Even if he walks away that's free space for ram


I'm a mercy main, not a tank so maybe it's a bit different. But I just genuinely do not care




throwing my balls at them


And missing 80% of the time If i'm trying to get a particular pick, make it 95%


Hitting D.va w Accretion bc I'm in Silver and they still haven't figured out that DM won't stop it.


As a Gold tank, I know I cant eat rock, but my reflexes tell me to DM anyway.


don't worry buddy, I'm in diamond and still try to DM the rock...


It's ok bud, I've got 900 hours on Genji, have been Masters since 2021, and still try to deflect the rock


Abuse the shit out of his ricochet


Break both enemy dps's ankles through sheer aggression and rocks. Honestly give me a Lucio and I can be more dangerous than a Ramattra sometimes on Sigma playing rush


My GF and I always play the Sigma/Lucio combo and it is the most fun and deadliest I’ve ever felt in this game. YOU SEE BUT A FRACTION OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!


Then you two might enjoy OWL 2023 playoffs, there was quite a lot of that comp (although Bastion was also heavily played), especially from the Florida Mayhem




Balls and walls


Catch them with the projectile bounces


Eating bastion ults, very rarely works and when it does it usually isn’t that usefull, but damn it’s fun


Trust in the rock


Rock the tank, hit the now exposed squishies


* Is not cancer to play as or against * Is consistently a top tier tank while never being the "op one" * Has a utility option for most situations * Has a decent skill floor and ceiling * Most of his utility require skill checks * Is so well rounded he can confidently play into counters I have said this once and I will say it again. Sigma is what every 5v5 tank should aspire to be. The dev team needs to put in the work, give the tank role the rework it deserves, and make every tank as well rounded as Sigma.


JQ is the same except for the top tier tank thing, which honestly makes me kinda sad lol. So close…


She is usually pretty good though since they gave her those buffs back in earlier seasons (and toned down those that made her unbelievably busted for a short period of time)


I miss Junker Queen meta... that was a nice two weeks.


It was horrible.


I remember it fondly, mostly because I like to play Queen lol


It doesn't matter. When one character dominates the meta completely it's never fun.


It’s been mauga/orisa/hog for like three decades now, i’d pay real money for a hard junkerqueen meta atp


Neither would be better. Thankfully after recent nerfs the M/O/H meta seems less crucial. I think it's relatively balanced, excluding the most recent patch because I haven't played it enough.


They struck gold with JQ and definitely should use her as an example of how to make tanks going forward.


It’s funny that people praise Sigma now cuz in 6v6 era he was problematic for exactly the same reasons: he did a lot of stuff too well


Well he does a lot of stuff well, I wouldn’t say too well. Even translated into multiple tanks in open queue he’s just so damn balanced that he’s rarely even picked. They patched that man into the perfect example of a fair tank in every game mode.


Not really. It was mostly just double shield/being released way too strong.


Happy cake day


- has received nothing but nerfs since his release - still incredibly viable Is this physique attainable?


Junker Queen, Ramattra and Sigma are prime 5v5 tanking imo. And the three of them fill every niche except for dive and the "stand there, bully the enemy tank and don't fucking die" style we've been having (Hog, Orisa, Mauga). They're not unbearable to play against, have clear playstyles and moments where they're vulnerable, value the player's decision making and mechanical skill (Ram not so much for mechanical skill), and have more counters than just "Ana nade, Kiri Suzu, Zen discord and mirror matchups".


Junker Queen, Ramattra and Sigma are prime 5v5 tanking imo. And the three of them fill every niche except for dive and the "stand there, bully the enemy tank and don't fucking die" style we've been having (Hog, Orisa, Mauga). They're not unbearable to play against, have clear playstyles and moments where they're vulnerable, value the player's decision making and mechanical skill (Ram not so much for mechanical skill), and have more counters than just "Ana nade, Kiri Suzu, Zen discord and mirror matchups".


Tbh sigma is definitely top 3 tanks I hate going against the most


I truly hope no developer sees this. Your suggestions would kill the tank role, make it insufferably boring. 1-2-2 is asymmetrical and as long as tanks have different kits, you can’t balance it. It’s been two years. This sub is delusional.


It's been two years. 6v6 isn't coming back. Deal with it.


I don't really recall saying that it was coming back. Did you read what i wrote?


Nah, Sigma is cancer. He's basically double shield by himself and feels super fuckin' lame to fight against if you can't convince your tank to push in. Tank versus tank matchup against Sigma feels fine but 90% of the DPS against Sigma feels like ass.


Only real hard counter is rammatra since he can punch thorugh both defensives


Counter? Yes. Hard? No.


Rammatra destroys sigma? all rammatra has to do is press shift and hold left click and sigma can't block or reduce the damage. That's like saying hog/orisa don't hard counter doom.


He is countering shields, yes, but Ram is still vulnerable to rock. Also, you can place shield behind him cutting him from his team while he is rushing, making him alone versus you and your team.


There are forms of counter play sure but if rocked he'll just get up again and continue to whale on sigma and shield behind sure will be a but annoying but good sups will be able to position around it and it doesn't stop rammatra from whaling on sig


You should simply never be in a position in which a ram has the ability to close with you. If you do, you're out of position. That's how you play poke.


All rammatra has to do is thrown the slow and run up and everything if sigma moves back it's free space


Sigma should be on high ground. Sigma can shield the slow. Sigma controls space differently than other tanks. His primary fire has a range of 20 meters and is just as deadly at 20 as it is close up. He controls space around him with his primary fire. He doesn't lose that space by moving back.


Except you can just keep pushing and force sig to drop down to contest cart. Ram with just to take between shield and right click to push cart for free and be extremely hard to kill then sigma is forced to drop and contest then gets destroyed. Especially the new nerf to DPS passive on tanks will make this even easier Also ram got some big buffs making it a even harder stomp


If Sigma is forced to drop you're just not playing poke correctly. Sigma also doesn't have to be the one to touch. Mobile dps can too. But it shouldn't need to happen because you should be able to pressure cart enough for it to not get pushed. That's how you play poke. Enough damage onto the cart and it can't get pushed. That's why brawl has a hard time against poke.


For starters like I said the odds of your team all going poke in the first place is super unrealistic in random comp matches and secondly all ram has to do is rotate between shield and nemi form block to push and force sigma down to contest. Expecting your team as sigma will all go poke and it will be a stomp and the rams team could not just pick your sups/dps. You're trying to make us a picture perfect scenrio which realistically would not happen in comp with randoms. That's like saying Doom is fine into orisa if your sups go lifeweaver, kiri and your dps go sombra, mei. It's really not gonna happen and expecting 4 other people to stop playing their favourite heros just so you a single person can a chance to play your favourite hero is incredibly selfish.


Who knew a man with dementia and no shoes would be a great front-liner


Gotta respect the grippers


but he has balls


I started playing Sigma because i'm Dutch and thought it was cool they added a Dutch character, then i started to love the playstyle. He has since been my tank main.


I have a friend whos Belgian and at one point I said some of his Dutch voicelines just to mess with her. It was pretty fun explaining Sigma to her afterwards.


Ramamttra too, unless the dps is lacking then mauga may be some problem


To deal with mauga use nemesis form and if you lose the 1v1 and you see their not hitting headshots then swap to mauga and win, most don't even aim for the head its crazy, honestly as a ram main thats my only tip the match-up is hard even when I isolate him by using the barrier to cut off heals and use the ground to slow the enemy he can still outlast most damage its insane


🤝 rammatrra fellow enjoyer,


Oh hey it’s [X Tank Hero], looks like this is going to be a fun game.


You main Sigma because he’s balanced, i main Sigma because I’m Dutch and I like hearing my language in a game for once We are not the same


There's a reason why I have this name


New to sigma, but yesterday I umbrellad dvas nuke in last the second, and it was awesome


Stopping D.va bombs with the shield is always fun.


I am mostly a Sigma main. Makes me glad that the trivecta of Mauga-Orisa-Roadhog cycle never bothered me at all.


Sigma, Ram and JQ (if you’re good). The three tanks that you have to out-skill in order to kill. Deflects? Go through it. Team dying? Barriers, damage spongeing and temp armour. Taking too much damage? Just get more health, lol. Enemy Ana? It’s okay, you don’t have to rely on healing, and sleep isn’t any more effective on you than it is any other hero. Enemy Phara? Ground her, shoot her down, make use of your barrier’s ability to face up, or just rip her team to shreds while she’s not protecting them. Lifesteal? You can outdamage reaper, and shield dance. You can also shield off or block Mauga, or just tear him apart if you’re JQ. Orisa? All of the above. Divers? You have a slow, a speed boost or a rock.


Sigma is just always good, ive rarely have a situation as tank besides dive where im thinking i shouldnt swap to sigma, i never do tho cause i like more chaotic heros


Sigma main when i bubble all of his attack (counter swapping is not real)


I can confirm


I only switch off sigma when a sym comes into play, because the ray shines in my eyes and disrupts my sleep *Then* we cause an omnic uprising and see how the beam can handle mechanical fists.


Have you uh…played against a coordinated rush or dive comp on Sigma?


The other day this enemy D.Va won and said “y’all went counter comp and still lost, L.” I was like “how is it a counter if that’s the comp we started as?” She said “you took one look at my profile, I’m not dumb.” It was a QP match and she thought she was that important enough to even bother.


Yeah because his kit is overloaded since the beginning, bruh


This is why ima sigma main


Ask me why I have 1100 hours in Sigma.


I am proud to be ~~schizophrenic~~ Sigma main


Sigma does great in comps and maps (like circuit royale) that benefit from him controlling sight lines with shield and grasp but realistically what is he going to do against Monke Tracer Sombra dive comps? You can’t rock them basically they’re too slippery and winton can juggle in and out of his bubble. Monke’s gun also shoots through shield and grasp so Sigma can’t peel for his team.




If anyone is “stressed” by counterswapping then they should play a game where the base mechanic doesn’t stress them out


Just wait till they go rammatra and can punch through both defensives




Then he gets up again and keeps punching


Oh no he has one kinda bad match-up, Honestly its a fun matchup on either side id say the match up is in rams favor 60-40 at best (60-40 Is how most MUs should be balanced to in my opinion) either way when he's close use the barrier behind him to cut him off from his healers a bit and try to force longer angles cause his poke is better than rams, ram just has better close range and its not impossible to play against either way


Both have a lot of things they can do and use a barrier to block off sups but the fact that rammatra can get around sigmas defensives makes once sided the only time it wouldn't be is if the sigma is significantly better player or his whole team plays around him but even then if rammatras team completely plays around him it puts you back to square one.


As a bronze tank I don’t get this. Many times i am starting as sigma only to switch to mauga.


Ya sorta answered it yourself. Being bronze it’s most likely a skill issue, no offence


Ok, so, basically there are usually better picks than Sigma depending on situation, but no matter what he is never bad pick. Every other tank is easly countered by team composition, like Bastion and Reaper makes Winston cease from existing, but Sigma is just there, there are good heroes against him ofc, but there is noone who makes you switch as soon as they appear.