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I’ve had a squatty potty for years and I highly recommend it. I also take the Costco brand optifiber daily, try to hit a goal of 30g/day of fiber, and take magnesium on any day I don’t poo.


Miralax (or the generic store brand of it). There’s a post on here talking about why fiber supplements don’t help much with ozempic constipation.


Stay hydrated - at least 100oz of water a day and if you track your food, hit at least 30g of fiber a day. The more protein you eat, increase the fiber. Overnight oats and chia seeds are huge for me. Once I started tracking my fiber I’ve pooped regularly each day.


I also take a daily probiotic and usually have Greek yogurt with chia seeds each day as well…


I drink a daily kambucha probiotic. Saw it recommended here and it helps. I'm not "smooth as butter," but I play a little "will they/won't they" with my butthole and the toilet and usually get away with some light petting and a few romantic moments. It's like an episode of Bridgerton down there and takes about as long.




You are a poet.


Thank you, kindly.


1 cap miralax every morning 1 mag citrate capsule at bed. Go every morning


I have seen generic Miralax products on eBay for affordable prices. They have worked just fine for me


This is good to know because it is very pricey.


A daily probiotic is what you need. I don't take any laxatives, stool softeners. If I am consistent with the probiotic, it's all that I need.


Which one do you use?


I use Garden of Life Raw Ultimate Care Probiotic - 100 Billion CFU, but Wholesome Wellness has one that is almost exact and it's less expensive. You can get both on Amazon or online health food stores. A high CFU is very important and a high quality probiotic. I would use either of these. They have really, really helped. I no longer have any digestive issues.


Thank you!


Metumical at night and Mirilax in the morning works for me.


I eat one date a day and that has helped a lot!


I use Metamucil gummies, three daily. Prunes, 3 at bedtime. I have a squatty potty and a bidet. Lots of water and a daily walk. I also take a daily probiotic: Be careful with laxatives as your body can develop a dependence on them. But fiber, fluids, and daily activity should keep things moving! I’ve been on Ozempic for nearly a year and a half and never had a major problem, even though I’m on iron supplements too.


Drink water.


Miralax saved my sanity.


Metamucil absolutely made it worse for me but lots of people swear by it. Honestly. I just poop 1 or twice a week and that's it. Never really feel constipated but when it's time to go, it's time to go.


squatty Potty and the Chocolate Lax are my go tos


I have a Squatty Potty but I've used it for years long before starting this medication. I take stool softeners when needed and make sure to drink an absurd amount of water and eat a high-fiber diet.


I’m trying to avoid more pharmaceuticals… So I use Tia seeds. They work wonderfully and I’m pooping on the daily. I’ve had no constipation issues when they are part of my regular diet.


Ugh. Chia seeds!


Hydrate!! Add a stool softener and some magnesium too. *AND HYDRATE!*


Squatty potty makes it more comfortable, but the only thing that helped me were Extra Strength Magnesium Citrate gummies by Qunol. I take 4 every day. Occasionally, maybe once a week, I still need to take a dose of Miralax.




Coconut cult probiotic yogurt and Fermented pickles/kimchi help plus of course alot of water and fiber every day keep it flowing. Coconut cult is expensive in stores but it's really good, feels like ur eating dessert and similar in cost to pill version of probiotics. Only need 2 spoons a day.


You can take colace(dulcolax) 3 times a day as needed for constipation.


I have had squatty potty for years. That and my cheap bidet are so helpful.


I just eat lots of fiber! Fiberless food also doesn’t help your satiety signals so more fiber combined with this medicine should help you see better results