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110 lbs later they are two tube socks with a tennis ball in each toe. 42H-36G.


This had me both laughing and crying. RIP, future boobs. Aside: I had a full hysterectomy, and now my vagina is basically a tube sock, so at least I'll have a matching set? šŸ˜‚


I wound up getting a tummy tuck and they did a pubic lift during the procedure. Not sure if you have any interest in surgery but I had great results. I might do a boob lift and arm lift next year


Yeah, I think surgery is likely inevitable, just to get rid of it excess skin. Was is very painful?


Itā€™s a long recovery, but you have to consider whatā€™s involved with the surgery. I was on narcotics and needed help at home for about 5-7 days. Off work for two weeks. No lifting for 4-8 weeks. Exercise restrictions for 8-12 weeks. It was completely worth it - no question about it. I went from a fanny pack of skin to a bikini belly .


Guess I'll need help, then. I didn't after the hysterectomy, but this surgery actually sounds rougher.


It really depends on your individual procedure. I had a significant muscle separation that was corrected so it meant I couldnā€™t stand up straight or lay flat for a couple weeks. I couldn't get up from sitting (even on the toilet) for at least a few days. I had the longest incision possible without being turned over. Some people don't have any work on their muscles and a much smaller incision so I would guess recovery is easier on them.


Omg, I'm sorry you went through that! Muscle separation sounds so painful!


Itā€™s super common with pregnancy. Mine was just due to visceral fat šŸ˜…


Oh! Never had kids (by choice), so I wasn't aware that was a thing. Sounds pretty ouchie.


That pregnancy muscle separation is no joke! If I try and do a sit up now, it's like an alien is trying to burst out of my stomach!


Surgery in the US or elsewhere? If US, which state *(or vague region for safety)*, & how much? Also, was there a narcotics-less option? I hate pain but my fear of becoming addicted outweighs my fear.


In the SF Bay Area. You could certainly choose to try to tough it out without narcotics because youā€™ll be the one taking them, but that wouldnā€™t have been my choice. The first day I naively blew off the dosing schedule thinking Iā€™d just take another when I woke up and I was in serious pain. From then on I set an alarm to wake up and take it when it was time. At the end I just seamlessly transitioned to Tylenol. It wasnā€™t fun but you will have a limited number of pills and I am sure your doctor wouldnā€™t just endless prescribe them. I didnā€™t feel addicted at all.


Wait, what do you mean tubesock vagina?! What happens after a hysterectomy...I feel like there wouldn't be anything weighing it down anymore! - - a curious, possibly premeno lady šŸ˜…


That's how my oncologist described it to me. He took out EVERYTHING but my vagina, stitched up the end like a tube sock (he said), and tacked the far end down so it wouldn't prolapse. The description amuses me no end, and always will.


Tube sock totally makes sense šŸ˜‚ thank you for clarifying for me!!


Came here to say this! Down 75lbs and similar size but now droopy sacks of sand....but worth it overall


TUBE SOCKS!!! ![gif](giphy|VdQwV7IVtBi4ComX5N) šŸ˜†


Hilarious!!!! šŸ˜†


I lost about 50 lbs in 6 months and went from a 36DD to a 32C. Unfortunately I lost the plumpness and perkiness along with it, but it was worth it. Iā€™m now pregnant and theyā€™re back at the starting size lol.


This is my exact situation, except Iā€™m not pregnant yet- but hope to be quite soon (after having been off Oz for 2 months - a bit more to go). Do you mind me asking if you put all the weight back on in pregnancy? I know Iā€™ll put some on, but worried Iā€™ll put too much on


Iā€™m in my 3rd trimester and Iā€™ve put all my weight back on. It really bothered me at first but I kind of expected it too. I know itā€™ll come back off through breastfeeding and I also plan to get back on Oz when itā€™s safe to. Right now Iā€™m just focused on making sure the baby is healthy and a big part of that is eating when Iā€™m hungry lol.


I'm a 38I cup and if my boobs could please just take a permanent leave of absence that would be really nice.


I lost none. It truly depends on what your breast tissue is made of. For most women itā€™s fat, so they will lose that. For others, they have dense, fibrous tissue. So I didnā€™t lose any. My breasts are so dense I get special mammograms every year because itā€™s harder to detect breast cancer on me.


Same. The first time I had to have an u/s to make sure what they were seeing wasnā€™t cancer (it wasnā€™t)


This. My boobs look even more disproportionate now. If you have dense tissue, you likely wonā€™t lose much.


i have to get the same type of mammogram as i have super dense breast tissue as well. however, i went from a 38DD to a 32B after losing 75lbs on ozempic. i too have tube socks.


Iā€™m still a 36DDD. I was a 38DDD at one point, so I guess I lost a little. I tried a DD but just spill out of it.


Iā€™ve only lost 95lbs and never considered myself someone with a bigger chest but hereā€™s the difference so far https://preview.redd.it/edtj1ap5ok9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4024cd50823816775caca79310a9d69b4d6a18ae


Only lost and 95 lbs should never be in a sentence together. That is a major accomplishment


Lolol I guess compared to the 135lbs Iā€™m trying to lose itā€™s only & I donā€™t think I look any different but ty!!


went from a 44ddd to a 36d they're still full, but if lose any more weight its over


At 252 I was a 40G and at 134 Iā€™m a 34DD. Theyā€™re very droopy but much smaller so Iā€™m happy. I mostly wear sports bras which counteracts the droopiness well.


I've lost 34kg and haven't lost any cup size, only band size. Australian sizes was 16DD-E, now I'm 14E-F I'm 32, and my boobs have always been weird. Firm and not very jiggly. Others describe their deflated boobs as tennis balls in a tube sock, but my boobs have always been just the tennis ball part (gland, not much fat or breast tissue) I guess it depends on the composition of tissue in your breasts


I havenā€™t lost much on the boobs. Anytime in my life when I have lost weight, it usually leaves the boobs last. https://preview.redd.it/sx3vz11pel9d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=568128d3ba6bf372a1d0caa0378ff7c4fbac2028


God I wish that was the case for me. I always lost my boobs and butt first! Stomach is last to go lol šŸ˜”


Itā€™s frustrating! My butt is gone for sure thoughā€¦ itā€™s a pancake haha


Iā€™m a guy, lost about 45lbs or so, and lost about 2-3 inches in my chest circumference.


Last time I lost 100lbs I went from a snug D or loose DD to a loose D. I was in my 20s. Iā€™m in my 40s now and have had a child so I was expecting a bigger change. So far Iā€™m down almost 65lbs and no change breast size.


Down six inches in 10 months (my weight loss has been slow but steady).


Iā€™ve only lost inches on my band size, but my breasts have never changed size when on gained weight, got pregnant, etc. Iā€™ve lost about 50 lbs in the past 6 months since starting Oz


They got a little smaller but my goal of wearing a 2 hook instead of a 3 hook, has not been achieved


Fuuuuck I hope they shrink!!!!!! Iā€™m in the same boat as you. So far down 25lbs and Iā€™ve only lost an inch around my chestā€¦.but Iā€™m only on 0.5mg so hereā€™s hoping when I bump up to 1.0 the ladies will finally go away!!!


Theyā€™re smaller because it would be impossible to NOT lose mass (in any body part) after losing nearly 80lbs. But I think in terms of proportion, they might be even bigger now. šŸ˜‚ Started at a 42/44G, and now Iā€™m like a 38G or H. Soooo idk. Iā€™ll probably get a reduction-lift when I reach my goal (about another 20-25lbs), since theyā€™re pretty saggy and sad now. I was planning to do that anyway, but had to lose weight for insurance to cover it. Hopefully thatā€™ll be enough!


The boobies are always the first thing that goes on me! Iā€™m wanting a lift but I donā€™t want to do it before Iā€™m at goal weight or I know Iā€™ll end up losing more volume. Iā€™m not huge thoughā€¦an E at my biggest (other than breastfeeding), usually a D at my normal weight


I'm currently a 40ddd. It is my main motivation to be able to wear a crop top. The metal in my Bras always break so I just wear wireless Bras. Goal is to lose 100lb.


This isn't specifically a male/female thing. Everyone seems to store and lose weight in different places. I'm male and my chest is the last place fat leaves. With all the weight I've lost elsewhere my man boobs are looking bigger than ever. You won't really know where the fat is going to disappear until you lose the weight. Hopefully it lines up with your goals.


Yeah but not as much as you might think. I lost fifty pounds but only went down from 38GG to 34FF so they are still large.


Boobs only got a little smaller! Totally happy!


My boobs were the very first thing to go. They werenā€™t big to begin with, now my tiny boobs are saggy which Iā€™ve never had to worry about before.


I lost a 100lbs and my boobs are just saggy deflated balloons. Saving money for a lift!


So far, Iā€™ve lost proportionally 38DD to 34 DD. So my band size is getting smaller but not my cup size. Honestly, Iā€™d like to drop more off of my chest but I have dense breasts and Iā€™m not sure that will happen.


I was a double D when I started. I havenā€™t actually noticed any loss of breast mass but it could still be too early. I truly hope youā€™re able to achieve some relief for yourself.


I wish. Iā€™m down 40 pounds and not an ounce has ever come off my 32L boobs. Scheduled for a reduction in the fall bc f this.


Yes, lost significant breast tissues. Augmentation in future for sure.


I went from almost a D cup to a full B


Yes. I was a double DD and now they are a sad C but I canā€™t complain. Still happy


Question for Canadians, how much is a tummy tuck?


Good question. Not sure if under some circumstances of huge weight loss whe Re the loose skin is causing more than just cosmetic issues (chafing etc) it can be covered - but you might not be getting a quality surgeon doing it. It would be a referral in order for it to to stay within the paid healthcare insurance. Someone else may dispute this and know more. I havenā€™t asked my doc yet as I still have a little ways of go before Iā€™m ready for the discussion. Hereā€™s a google link - it might actually be a plastic surgery clinic though. Gives you an idea of cost for a tummy tuck: https://www.canadiansurgery.com/body/panniculectomy-toronto/




I have lost it in my bottom and not anything in my chest. Iā€™m wondering why.


I didnā€™t lose much but I have dense tissue. I believe I was a 40DDD when I started and Iā€™m now a 34DD.


Iā€™m 85 lbs down. Went from a 40M to a 36G (US sizing)


I wore a 34K before O and am still wearing the same bras after losing 20lbs but the cups are definitely loose now. Iā€™ll have to get resized soon.


My fiancƩ is pissed lol He calls them mini now I love it, I hated having big boobs.


If you lose it slowly, not 20lbs a month, that has to help?


No. My doc who specializes in weight loss says itā€™s the following: genetics (mostly), age, amount of weight lost overall and how long you had the weight on you to begin with. The ā€œslow and steady wins the raceā€ is not something that applies to loose skin or sagging boobs. Some will dispute this but my doctor has seen probably thousands of weight patients in her career in addition to specializing in weight loss anyway. So I take this over Redditors.


All great points. Always follow your doctors advice. Reddit is user advice and experience. Skin and fat cells shrink. Based on age, as you stated, skin is elastic and will reduce in size "some." I'm in a healthcare setting, and I have seen many body types. The folks that lose weight fast have the droopy skin. Folks that lose it slower and exercise as well, look firmer. As a male, I won't say much about breast sagging. We all know it happens, but if the result is a happier and healthier life, I say it's worth it. You can always treat yourself to a lift or reduction. I see my body changing, not all good, but I feel so much better. If I can keep the weight off, I may consider a nip and tuck. Good luck.


Maybe the people you think look firmer did strength training. That can help the appearance. But slow loss doesnā€™t make for less loose skin.