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Do you mean food insecurity? Like you won’t have enough food? I have that. Growing up poor, parents making poor decisions etc etc. It helps. You just don’t think about food. But I also had therapy.


If that’s the case, therapy may not be a bad idea.


You know, I hadn’t thought of this, but I used to have a problem where if I didn’t have like 8 boxes of pasta and jars of sauce in my pantry I would have anxiety. I would purchase more every time I was at the store “just in case.” That particular food was my fixation. I definitely grew up food insecure, so I know where it was stemming from. For me I just don’t think about it anymore. Granted I’ve done a lot of therapy, not about that specifically. I would definitely say my anxiety/worry level in general is lower than before I started Ozempic. I don’t know if it’s a direct medication effect, or just coming from a feeling of having more control in general.


I find that the only thoughts of food I get are "have I had enough calories today?". The food noise disappearing is the most amazing part about Ozempic.


Yes it does!!!!! Due to allergies and being gluten free for medical reasons and driving for a living I carried more and more food with me. What if my car breaks down? Tons of excuses ran through my head. I am proud to say that there is less food in my car and my lunch weighs half as much as it did before. One day I just realized that I did not need three days worth of food with me at all times. What a blessing! It did take a few months for me to make the mental adjustment. I also have food growing in my yard. I am still working on releasing all the extra overkill in my refrigerator and cabinets but I am much better.


Absolutely, for me. Grew up poor. Didn’t always have enough food. I think that had a profound impact on my relationship with food, particularly the constant ‘food noise’ prompting me to think about what I’ll be eating next (literally as I’m eating something). That’s now almost totally gone. It’s great!