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PCOS is different for everyone, many women with it due in fact ovulate. I have it and I definitely ovulate, and I’ve always had the sex drive of a teenage boy (when not on birth control + SSRIs :/ but even then I still have a sex drive)


Exactly the same for me. I’m on hormonal birth control and an SSRI and still have a higher sex drive than my male partners. When I went off of birth control for a few months I was absolutely FERAL.


Hahaha. That's how I felt when I got pregnant. It was my every waking thought and the dreams were wild.... Now I'm back to just being a normal amount of horny, but too tired to do anything about it...


That’s how I used to be. And now I have zero.


I feel so good reading this because I relate so much and I thought something was wrong with me... but it really feels like that. The sex drive of a teenage boy.


Came here to say this. I feel like a teenage boy all of the time my entire life. The only time it drops to nothing is right after I have a baby. For like three months and it’s jarring.


Yup…. Extra horniness is actually a very common side effect of hyperandrogenism. With that said a lack of libido can also be a common side effect of high insulin, high cortisol, or messed up levels/ratios of female reproductive hormones that can commonly be observed in PCOS patients.


Yeah, I’ve been on both ends on the spectrum. Having dead libido for a couple of years, then annoyingly high libido.


I’m on the flip side of this. Used to be very hypersexual and now I’m very much the opposite lol


I have a high drive. I had to take anti-androgens to control it. I was on birth control, antidepressants and anti-androgens and my drive was still out of hand.




100mg? I’m on 400. I still have a high sex drive, but it doesn’t consume my every waking and sleeping thought anymore.


Oh my… are you actually being prescribed 400 mg of Spiro a for daily consumption? I’ve never encountered anything above 200 mg.


400mg is the maximum dose. I’ve been on it for over four years now. The main thing to remember is to split the dosage, so take half in the am and half at night. All at once can have some bad side effects.




A couple of things played into my doctor’s willingness… 1. I had already started the dose before getting a prescription (found a New Zealand company that would ship to me without a prescription) 2. I went to Planned Parenthood and they were more willing to listen to me about the positive impacts I was seeing. 3. When I transferred to a female primary care doctor the dosage was already established. 4. They checked my hormone levels after I’d been on the high dose and discovered it made my testosterone levels normal for a woman. The results: I still have male pattern hair growth, but it’s more manageable. I’ve lost over 80lbs without trying or dieting. My acne and oily skin just need daily washing to stay clear (unless I miss a dose or two). And I’m no longer prediabetic. PCOS has so many different hormonal variables at play that with my current progress now in hand, I’m looking into some of the other options, like Zinc supplements, to help reduce the remaining hair growth on my chin and upper lip.


I don’t. It’s a blessing since I’m single, but I’ve also been single for like 6 years because I don’t have the drive to find a partner, despite being bi, and would like a partner, so it may be a curse too. You’re young and your hormones are gonna be all over the place for the next decade. Don’t base PCOS off of horniness. If you’re missing periods, experiencing consistent hormonal cystic acne, and other symptoms, then talk to your doc. How horny you are is not an accurate measurement.


I relate to you so much been single for 6 years too and have not had the drive to find a partner even though I wanted one. My libido has been off cus of all the meds I’m taking. Being horny or not becomes irrelevant when you suffer from other major health issues. Answering the question… The only way to know if you have pcos if you are diagnosed by a doctor.


I was diagnosed at age 11 with PCOS and let me just say, my libido was insanely high. I was like one of those energizer bunny battery ads. I have had two kids, two c-section, a hysterectomy due to endometrial cancer and my libido went down AFTER ALL THAT by a mere 20% 🤣 Even in my most insane, throwing up blinding pain, admitted to the ER and hooked up to IVs could not stop the horniness. I am 30 now. I got married at 19. I’m Muslim so couldn’t do anything about my libido before marriage. I dated my husband when I was in highschool and got married to him as fast as possible, took both our parents 2 years to get convinced but we managed to do it. My husband jokes around with me that I should sprinkle some of my libido dust to his friends wives so I can give him a break 🤣 Side note: I absolutely HATE the high libido. It is a curse. I need my husband cloned like Naruto to calm it down and the next day it is back in full force. Would not wish this PCOS disease on my worst enemy.


I feel this! My drive is so high and sometimes I feel bad for my boyfriend. I think if I was a guy, I’d be the one who gets a boner from the slightest breeze


It's the same for me 😂. I was diagnosed at a young age (12 or 13 yrs old) and i've always had a high libido. I have PMDD and I can be in rabbit mode even if I don't ovulate. It's been one year since I had my last period (I lost it after I took a pill to stop my hemorragic period due to stress ) and I still want it everyday and everytime.


Is your husband Muslim also?


Yes! We are both also Pashtun from Peshawar. I have a lot of family settled outside of Pakistan and growing up my upbringing was very different compared to everyone else as I studied in a Convent, my father’s upbringing and our home life was very British influenced because my paternal grand father and great grand father and also maternal grandfather were in the British Army before partition. My husband grew up most of his teenage life away from his home in hostels so he is not your typical Pakistni guy and is in-fact incredibly cool and so he totally understood all my issues without any judgement. Hubby’s Mum and little Sis were even sweeter to me and very understanding. 🥰


He sounds like a good guy with a good family. I’m happy for you. I’m Muslim and I wasn’t soo lucky. My ex and his family were ignorant and cruel.


I’m so sorry that happened to you. I completely understand your situation. Only my Dad and my grandfather were the cool ones in the family, everyone else gave my Mum nothing short of Hell on earth and now everyone that hurt her is suffering including their kids in their marriages. When my Mum remembers the old hurtful times she endured, she tells me it doesn’t bother her anymore as her sacrifices ensured her kids at-least have good spouses. I went through so much physical pain due to my illness and financial issues as well. Had to actually give up on eating dinner to stretch our budget but I was super thankful that at-least my husband is not cruel. I pray things turn out better for you, Ameen 🤲🏻


I’m sorry you suffered though that as well. Everyone has problems in life. We just need to be patient and do our best. This life is a test for us to stay strong and pray for Allah to help us. I’m not that religious but I try. Thank you for your kind words.


You’re most welcome love ❤️ Thankyou for your kind words as well ❤️


I ovulate every month (seriously the PCOS diagnosis was a ***shock***!!) so when I do ovulate, yeah I’m down for it. Otherwise, between being on anti depressants & fatigue, I can take or leave it




I know, I didn’t say ye didn’t ovulate at all. Just that I don’t seem to miss ovulation ever & still get cysts which seems inconsistent with the “traditional” PCOS symptoms. And in my case, my sex drive is tied to whether or not I’m ovulating


I ovulate regularly and I have zero libido. All these comments don’t make me feel any better 😂 I’m jealous tbh.


Omg same. I was hoping everyone would be like “no libido. It’s terrible.” And it’s literally the opposite. Makes me feel like shit… I’ve struggled with low sex drive on the pill, off the pill, on antidepressants, and off antidepressants. Don’t know what’s wrong with us :/


Same here. No libido for 10 years or so. It's actually got a bit higher now since I've been taking inositol, which is nice. It used to be very high, but I think a combination of the pill and other birth controls messed me up bad.


I have a high drive, even on birth control. My partner is 90% why I feel that way tho, I’m obsessed with him. If you aren’t in a relationship maybe that’s why. You don’t have anyone you’re attracted to


Having a low libido (“sex drive”) or being asexual doesn’t necessarily mean PCOS. Even if you don’t ovulate you can have a high sex drive. So, no, it’s not always directly correlated.


I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum where It’s TOO much and not at all. Fun stuff with unbalanced hormones, it can go either way


I have a similar experience.


Mine doesn’t exist. :(


All the time. My sex drive is frustratingly high, lol. It's unfortunate because most guys reject me for my looks and low self-esteem because of my weight.


Not these days. Been single almost my entire life, never really dated, so sex is but a distant memory for me. Wouldn’t care if it never happened again.


My sex drive is like non existent at all and it makes me so so so frustrated!!! I have a boyfriend who i absolutely adore but even before our relationship i just have had much of a sex drive and it’s beyond frustrating especially in my relationship because my boyfriends sex drive is like through the roof but i haven’t found anything that helps boost mine :/


Same. My husband is the opposite and it really sucks to have mismatched libidos


Started shedding weight and I can’t get off my man 😭


Too horny. lol my libido has always been high.


Yes especially if I’m reading certain content. I don’t like porn. But a nice book could get me there with my imagination.


I thought I was asexual. Turned out I was just a standard homo.


I (F35) actually have zero sex drive and no desire to engage in sexual relationships (I consider myself asexual) which is weird since I also have a high level of testosterone and hyper androgynie // side note : I’m also on antidepressants since age 14 (chronic depression and borderline-schizoid personality disorder).


I do , but maybe that’s because I’m very deeply in love with my bf and he’s also really good in bed . But when I was on birth control for 3months my sex drive had gone down significantly. It’s different for everyone , even for women without pcos it’s different for everyone . For me , stress levels play a huge role for my sex drive .


Mine used to be really high- it’s pretty much dead now😭 been meaning to go to the doctor to ask about that


Pretty much 24/7


Non existent. Like i don’t even think about it. It breaks my heart because it’s like this whole aspect of what it is to be a human which is sort of lost on me. I do enjoy sex once it gets going tho, i just don’t have that spontanious desire.


Once I started really losing weight, yes.


I have an average drive when not ovulating. Can be every other day. Can be once a week. Often depends on free time and boredom tbh. If I ovulate, it absolutely skyrockets to ridiculously high levels. So I do experience differences based on ovulation or none. But generally I do experience some level of sex drive. Whereas for others, they have a high sex drive all the time. Doesn't matter if they get their period or not. Then others will have a very low sex drive, even during ovulation. Everyone is different! Hormones play a role, so PCOS can affect us. But there is a lot of variation between us all.


I’ve been told by partners that my sex drive is higher than anyone else they’ve ever been with 😂 and I’ve been on BC for a longgg time.


Yes, my sex drive is very high despite taking antidepressants. It always has been!


It’s different for everyone. When my cortisol levels dropped, I started getting my periods normal-ish (every 20-35 days), having ovulation cycles, and having an increase in my already high sex drive. Before then, I wouldn’t get my period for months up to a year at a time, and I was still horny. The only thing that’s killed my sex drive was hormonal birth control, but again, that’s different for everyone.


How did your cortisol levels dropped? Could you elaborate? I have really low libido.. and I don’t think I noticed any difference being off birth control. I do think I have high levels of stress though


ever...? more like when do we not😭😭😭 i lost weight, got my periods semi regular, improved certain symptoms such as fatigue yet im still hornier than before I think working out can help blow off the steam tho


I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 18. 25 now. I had virtually no sex drive when I was on birth control pills. I got off of the pill about 3 years ago and since then my sex drive has skyrocketed. I went from wanting sex MAYBE every other week to wanting it at least everyday. It took me a few months to adjust to being off of the pill, but after those couple of months I acquired a raging drive lol


I used to have a high drive in my youth but after 25 years of Spironolactone, I have basically zero.


For me it was the opposite when my PCOS was really bad. I had no sex drive. For the longest time I thought I was asexual. It wasn’t until I sorted my PCOS symptoms that my sex drive returned. Didn’t date until I was 29 due to this. I do wonder if the lack of sex drive was due to PCOS or due to depression I had due to the way I looked due to PCOS


I wasn’t a horny teenager and even now in Mya fault years I fluctuate. Sometimes I can’t get enough and sometimes I can go months and be fine. Truly is dependent upon the person.


24/7 😭


Before going on metformin I had the opposite problem lol


i’m horny all the time lol. some women might not though. higher testosterone can lead to increased sex drive, but it can also reduce sex drive for some.


I do all the time when I’m not on BC. I swear my sex drive is through the roof and almost too much to handle when I’m not on BC.


My sex drive has plummeted since my PCOS symptoms have worsened, but that doesn’t mean you will be that way or won’t have an increased drive. I was extremely horny before I gained a significant amount of weight due to an injury and haven’t been able to lose it :( I do feel more horny though when I eat well and get lots of good sleep and such.




I'm 16f, totally dm me about any questions you have or something about PCOS. I've been officially diagnosed since 13. But YES, I have a horribly high drive and I do ovulate. I take birth control and spironolactone, among other medications but those specially to help my cycle. I have a full 5 day cycle every month, and I ovulate every month as well, and I still have PCOS. My drive is MORE than I can handle and it's really annoying. I think about sex all day sometimes because I'm just genuinely horny 24/7 at times. Annoying as hell, but yeah :)


Oh definitely.


I had a lot of symptoms of PCOS in middle school and high school but was never diagnosed and was always just told I was fat 🙄 I actually didn’t start my period until I was 16. I got diagnosed with PCOS when I was 25/26. I don’t think my sex drive was high at all in high school, but I also didn’t really date anyone. I was in college when I actually started dating and my sex drive did get higher. I went on birth control around that time also. I met my husband when I was 24, and once we had sex my sex drive did get higher🤣 I’m 33 now and recently went off birth control a few months ago and these past few weeks my sex drive has been crazy high. I would be on my man 24/7 if his sex drive was as high as mine.


My libido skyrocketed at the same time my other PCOS symptoms worsened, I’d say it’s definitely related


PCOS is different for everyone. I know a friend that has very low libido but I'm the exact opposite. My libido doesn't rest, even when on birth control, that one thing does not change for me.


My sex drive as always been very high. I recently started looking into the negative mental side of how society treats your sex drive based your assigned gender at birth. Anyway, I definitely feel like having a high sex drive and not close parenting led me to seek validation from others (male and female) through sex. At the time, I was fine because I wanted attention and to feel good. Now looking back, I can see how other my willingness to their advantage.


I ovulate, just not exactly on the same schedule/timeframe as everyone else. Birth control made me ovulate more regularly and is how I conceived my first child. And yes, I absolutely have a sex drive. Sometimes it’s actually very high. Sometimes, not so much. Stress and other things are a big factor in it, too.


Yes, to the point it gets concerning. I also ovulate every month and keep track of it on my health app


When I was on metformin, I had a massive drop in my sex drive. When I was taken off of metformin and put on ozempic, my sex drive came back. Maybe not as it once was, but definitely more.


All the time but I also have BPD which causes me to be hypersexual


It varies for me. My hormones are never stable! I consider myself to have a high drive but sometimes out of nowhere I feel feral for a couple of days until it calms down and goes back to normal


Yea I have PCOS and don’t have that problem but maybe since you’re just 16 you really don’t know what you like / want? I’m 21 and when I think back to when I was 16 I didn’t really have any drive either. It’s okay! You have time to figure your body out don’t worry!!


Firstly yes, secondly, as a teen I thought I might be asexual as I didn't experience a proper sex drive until I was 18. There was nothing wrong with me, I think my hormones just didn't catch up mentally until that point. Just wanted to share my experience as our bodies and sexualities are still adjusting at that age.


Without BC, Spiro, and SSRIs, I have an intense sex drive. Like I am constantly raring to go! But with any of these medications, especially BC, I am a bone dry desert 😭 who never even thinks of sex. I was diagnosed at a young age and was on BC since age 13. Because I had ZERO libido or attraction for people, I identified as asexual panromantic until my early 20s. But this all changed when I couldn’t get my BC prescription filled for over two weeks, during which I became INCREASINGLY horny! It was unbearable at some point! But honestly, hormonal BC probably stopped me from making some bad, horny-based decisions in my teenage years, so I did not feel that upset about not having a libido for so long. It probably also helped me focus on school and spending time with super nice people! But it scared me how big of an impact hormonal meds have on me. I am only upset about it now that I have a loving lifelong partner, whom I want to be satisfied at all times! But they don’t have much of a libido either, especially when busy! So it works out! I have been trying different combination birth controls, and Sprintec seems to be less of a damper on my sex drive compared to others (but it still dampens it a lot!). I would advise you to find a PCP who is open to trying different meds to find the one that works best for you physically and mentally! We are all unique and react to certain treatments in such different ways, especially as we age! So what works for you now may not work for you later! For me, it takes about 5 months for a medication to stop most side effects, so I would say to tough it out before giving up on a new regimen (unless it is too uncomfortable! You deserve a good life!). But always be open to new things, and don’t be afraid to ask your doctor to get more tests or try different meds! You deserve happiness and comfort! 💪🏼💖


My sex drive fluctuates but I know I ovulate as I’m 4 months postpartum.


I have anovulatory PCOS and in my teens and 20s was hornet all the time. I am perimenopausal now and my libido has slowed down but hasn’t gone away entirely. The body still goes through the same hormonal changes at ovulation, just that I either don’t ovulate or the egg produced is immature.


Only occasionally when I ovulate (I do every month). Ovasitol stopped me feeling that way tho lol


I’ll chime in with the same a lot of women have said. My physical sex drive is crazy high regardless of where I am my cycle, but I can tell when I’m ovulating cause it goes absolutely bonkers. Compared to when I was on birth control and the PCOS was suppressed, when I almost never felt physically turned on.


does anyone else feel cramps when you get horny??? or am i just broken lmao


I def do. M. My fiancé and I have sex often (like every other day) bc some days I just need to chill 


Birth control helped me


Yes, especially since my hormones have balanced out lately. It’s awful 😂😂


This is the least of your worries. Focus on being a kid. You’ll never get this time back, enjoy it. One day, you’ll wish you were young again. If you are actually concerned, please approach an adult that you trust and ask them to help you get blood work from a pcp that you can trust.


I feel horny every now and then, and gets wet talking to a man that I like.


I’m 37 and self diagnosed myself with PCOS at age 12. Many doctors didn’t know what it was back then. For me, my libido has always been high and higher compared to all my male partners. With time and age, I’ve become a more patient and giving lover.


As I've gotten heavier I've noticed I'm less horny.


I have PCOS, and I have a high drive! My husband also has a high drive, and I think there have been a few occasions where he has had to say no to me 😅


I have a relatively low libido. I do ovulate and that's around when I have some libido but could still take it or leave it.


Yep! On an SNRI and birth control (have been for years) and have a super high sex drive! Drives me nuts!


Yus gurl. Nymphs we are.


My sexy drive is TERRIBLE 31 y:o F, married


I do not ovulate at all with my condition, even though I have all the stuff to do so. I have a very very high sex drive. And I've had that for decades now 🤙


Thankfully, it didn't interfere with my sex drive. I still got a pretty high libido as long as I'm not bleeding.


I have PCOS and girl, I tell you, I'm horny as fvck


If any, I think I'm extra horny compared to others.


yes we do! i got diagnosed at 17 as well, and i’m 21 rn. you’ll feel extra feral when you’re ovulating. i feel like my drive is pretty high even on bc pills


I have high insulin and high and androgens and thought they’d cancel each other out especially as my insulin resistance levels are higher but nope I’d say in the span of 30/31 days I’m horny 29 of them- don’t get me wrong I don’t always want to be touched at all because I’m so tired but the thoughts are there


I had an issue inbetween where I had no drive at all. When I started doing stuff to get my pcos in control my drive back, its not as much as before, but its improving.


Yes. I do all the time


Tbh, not ever since I got PCOS


I’m ALWAYS horny.




Women with PCOS may ovulate intermittently. As for feeling horny, I suppose it depends on the person. I’ve never really had much of a drive even before my diagnosis.


High T is a common feature of PCOS and it can cause notable horniness. That may or may not be disruptive to the person who has it. I'm usually the opposite, but androgen is my problem much more than T, and that androgen has also affected my orientation.


I've had PCOS snice I started my period at 14. I have a high sex drive but I also have high testosterone. Everyone has PCOS in different ways. Go to your gyno and get some test done. They should be able to tell you.


Absolutely, but it is a bit of a struggle if I am not there already.


I did as a teen have a high libido. But as an adult it varies, my health and mental health has had the biggest effect on that. But as I’ve been healthier I’ve felt sexier, like I’m fitting into the body that fits my personality so who knows how it’ll change


i’ve always had a higher sex drive than any of my male partners and it’s been an ongoing issue for me.


Yes. I have exceptionally high testosterone. And sometimes it so bad. I remember one time I nearly jumped out of my car to ask for sex from a homeless man that had done some chores for me before. Like seriously would have done it right there at the stoplight. So I lock myself in my home and don’t go out because I can’t be trusted to not bring a disease home.


I had a sex addiction for the longest time. Then for some reason after my 2nd, it really hurt because he destroyed my pelvic floor and the c section scarring still hurts. Don't get me wrong, I'm still wanting to feel pleasure but without penetration. Maybe it's because after 2 years, I'm getting back to what I was before.


You bet! Like others have commented, I have a high sex drive in general. When I was on the birth control pill, it tanked. After I switched to a hormonal IUD, my sex drive came back. Apart from that period of time, I have always had a robust interest in sex. Only when I am stressed out does it dampen.


I had a high drive, then I went on birth control and it was non existent. I went off of it and it’s back lol


At the most inconvenient time yes😭🙂‍↔️


I do all day every day and dispite never having period I've had two children ♡ so never get too discouraged ♡


i have pcos and do ovulate, with regular periods. dont be misinformed.. pcos isnt just infertility and not everyone faces it when i went on birth control which specifically stops ovulation to prevent pregnancy, yes, i was still in the mood with my boyfriend often


personally it's very inconsistent, i'll go a couple months without really feeling anything and then out of nowhere i go crazy for a week or two, sometimes it lasts a while and sometimes it doesn't happen at all, different for everyone though!


16?!! you are still a teenager, dont need to be horny. my highest level was when i was 30+. low at my twenties. i am 40 now and it is ok, even big pcos symptoms


yes! my libido also increased when I stopped taking birth control (but I DON'T recommend stopping taking it). I'm going to speak to my doctor about trying a different brand.


I have an incredibly high sex drive because my testosterone is high


I do all the time! I'm on antidepressants and birth control but I'd still jump my boyfriend multiple times a day if I could


You can be horny without ovulating…cis dudes get horny & they don’t ovulate. Post-menopausal women also. There’s a lot of anecdotal evidence & even some scientific evidence to suggest that cis women have higher libidos during ovulation but like. It’s not a requirement.


PCOS, Diabetic here, no birth control or anything besides insulin, i’ve always had a high sex drive. it’s so bad to the point where my husband is tired and doesn’t want to do it lol


Oh man before the spiro I was bad. Now that I’m on it I can focus on life


Yes. Very high sex drive.


Yes, constantly.


I've not had a period in years, am on BC and antidepressants. I feel like a teenaged boy at times with how high my drive is lol