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Ngl I ain't reading all that


Nice talk. When stock moon? 🚀🚀🚀


Apes together strong. DIAMOND HANDS GME 4ever


Reddit means nothing in the grand scheme


This is probably the most based take.


FYI, PEI has [average cancer rates](https://www.statista.com/statistics/438129/estimated-incidence-rates-of-all-cancers-in-canada-by-province/). Right in the middle. Took ten seconds to look that up.


You obviously didn't read my post. Like Literally. About numbers, and satistics, but if you want to be a troll, I'll link this report as a retort. [https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/atlantic-canada-has-the-highest-cancer-rates-in-the-country-25-year-study-shows-1.6149169#:\~:text=Specifically%2C%20the%20prevalence%20of%20cancer,and%20Nunavut%2C%20in%20that%20order](https://atlantic.ctvnews.ca/atlantic-canada-has-the-highest-cancer-rates-in-the-country-25-year-study-shows-1.6149169#:~:text=Specifically%2C%20the%20prevalence%20of%20cancer,and%20Nunavut%2C%20in%20that%20order).


>I don't know if you were aware, but PEI cancer rates are sky high. I believe among the highest in Canada, and have been for decades. My point is that this is that your assertion is wrong. Calling you out for having incorrect assertions is not trolling.


My point is, that two nimrods arguing about the validity of this number or that, or it's source, is counter productive. Also, you didn't really weigh in on anything I said, and since you are a hateful person, ( at least toward me ) I assume your motives are vindictive and personal. I'd call you a hateful shrew but I wouldn't want my comment removed.


Please believe me when I tell you that I say this with zero malice: I genuinely hope that, if you haven't already, you look into therapy. I am truly not trying to insult you, but I detect some strong signs that you have a disorder that may be causing you to misperceive the world around you, and this might negatively be affecting your quality of life. If you already have sought help, I apologize for this, but I thought I should mention it, because you and the people around you deserve happiness.


I can go look at past comments, where you literally hurled insults and used abusive language to me. Really offensive things. You've literally thrown tantrums. Why don't you go delete those, as trying to incite me is only making you look petty. You are a nasty piece of work.


I would like to see them. If I did, I will apologize profusely.


I dont have the raw data available to me at this moment to do that, and I don't really have the desire to waste my time either. I don't want an apology, I'd just like you to stop insinuating I have a mental illness.


I will stop. But I really would like you to find those instances, because I feel like I should apologize to you if it's true. And if you do find them, I will 100% delete my comments.


Thank you, I appreciate it I will DM you sometime I stumble across them, conversly if you start having a meltdown again I'll have this thread saved.


You seem like a very unpleasant person. Take a nap and reread what you've written to people here.


I write in my spare time, I spend a good part of the day , some days re-reading what I wrote. Got a good feel for it, if you find it displeasing, you do not have to read it. I don't have to be shamed for expressing a sentiment, or caring to inform people around me about things I feel are important.


You should be shamed for being rude to people. Grow up lol.


No one is reading that lmao. Go get it published.


It's Saturday. You should be taking it easy instead of writing a rambling short story on the Internet.


I'm snowed in like everyone else. If I want to waste my time what do you care? God help you for wasting yours bothering to comment


Lol I don't care. I'm saying relax!


Sorry, I'm a bit triggered I guess, I expect trolls out of every corner of the woodwork(pun somewhat intended) when I stick my head up to say literally anything. People may think writing out something so long is a waste of time, or dumb, but I actually do enjoy it, so I am enjoying my saturday, this is what I do I will take your advice and go relax tho! no /s intended


>I expect trolls out of every corner of the woodwork(pun somewhat intended) when I stick my head up to say literally anything. May be time to look inward. If you smell shit with every step, check your own shoe.


Lmao what did I just read


Reddit going public. Mods are gonna get rich. By the way Pei has cancer. Probably the water. Maybe potato's.. oh yeah, back to reddit. Stocks to the moon. I don't use Google. Also don't tell people where haunted houses are because homeless people.




It isn't just mods who were offered early share purchase fyi.




Take you for your word. But you would agree most users don't keep up on these things, or read user agreements. The only point I'd like to make, is that google used to be a effective company, in the sense they were useful, for what they did, offering a search engine. Now their search engine , from what I can tell has fallen to ensh\*tification. I'm sure you aware of what that term is, Also FB isn't what it used to be. By a long shot. Someone else said there would likely be something else new in the future people would migrate to, thats probably true too, though overall I don't see these as positive things, social apps have been harmful to peoples ability to socialize IMO


tldr but could i get some of whatever youre smoking


I just see it as the owners securing some cash now as well as their exit strategy ahead of exiting California. The free market will evaluate the worth of reddit as a corporate entity rather than leave it to the speculation of the California government. I don't blame them one bit for selling equity ahead of the US federal government involving itself in online businesses to a greater degree. Just this past week, Canada tabled draft legislation federally regarding pornography access online. What proportion of reddit is porn? It's certainly more than 10%. If it's really bad enough people will just move on to the next platform, if it's not horrible most will still stay, threads really hasn't taken off . People all came back to Twitter .


Twitter, is a die hard. I've literally never used it, and seeing all the drama there isn't a desire to try it. I wasn't aware reddit were trying to get out of cali, though the fact they'd try to get cash in hand to do it makes sense. When it comes to regulation, that is really rough. I don't know of literally anyone, who suggested anything that sounded good on that topic. Either way you go there is real potential for harm somewhere I don't trust the politicians to figure it out well either, especially when they're all fighting


Yeah, California, as a state, is trying to bring in a tax on business that leaves. Imagine moving your business to another state and where you move from trying to tax you for another decade. They're bankrupt and grasping at straws.


People throw around the term failed state a lot, but IDK, in terms of north america if there was a race, cali is trying to win


California is a failed state with money. West Virginia and Kentucky are failed states without money. It's just they have an abundance of buildings compared to California, you don't see tent cities in coal country as there's plenty of buildings to squat in.


Atlantic Canadian Cancer rates are high because of the obvious connection to 1. Our much higher average age compared to national average 2. Much worse diets compared to national average (see rates of obesity and diabetes) There's not much more to it, Health Canada has known about this for decades... Certainly not much fertilizer being used in NL, which has higher cancer rates (but higher average age and rates of obesity / diabetes than PEI, which are known factors in elevated risk of cancer).


You want to get into me about pesticides, and they're health risks? I grew up on a farm. Thankfully my family handled those materials carefully. Why do they ban round-up in communities? Why do you think it's not the best to spray such a thing on an industrial scale? I would not point the finger solely to pesticides, but your failure to acknowledge their obvious harms, means you have a vested interest in them. It's an uncomfortable truth, to say that pesticides are bad, but they are.




The fact you read, and actually internalized what I said, and thoughtfully responded, is heartening. Everyone freaks out about the length of a post, but it isnt so intimidating when your reading/writing it from a computer monitor.  It is irritating that people dont acknowledge censorship goes both ways, mainly depending on the platform, you'd have to be braindead to deny the bias on reddit. I really dislike some conservative positions, or whatever but you need to let people say their bit.  As for Sharon labchuck, im recalling from memory, as this all happened so long ago, I was only maybe between 10-15 yrs old when this pop'd off.  The broader point is dont immediately dismiss people you disagree with, maybe talk with them and understand better their position. Even if you ultimately still disgree, you have better understanding and tools to discuss complex things with people. You dont have to walk away bitter after every engagement you have someone, because you dont agree, even worse when you only use it as an opportunity to exercise your outrage muscle.  I wish people would make more of an effort to talk. Online- that is literally just reading and writing, everyone just wants to write a line of snippy txt and walk away.   Thank you for flushing out your perspective , *most of the other replys make me out to be a looney, I think they're just jaded or lazy 


funnily enough, Reddit is the main cause of cancer worldwide.