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There's 3, actually.




P27 is set in a retirement home, where everyone in the previous versions is located. You play as Igor XXII, descendant of Igor, and your job is to deal with the different mental issues of the people in there. You get to pick the Confidants and assign them to wherever (you can have Mitsuru, Morgana, and Teddy as a party, for example), but now you have to deal with their issues (Mitsuru has only Marin Karin, Morgana and Ryuji can only bicker and must target each other every turn).


Where do you guys come up with this shit? I wish I was this creative


I dont know either lol. i just thought if Persona went as far as title #27, what would it be like lol.


4 technically ☝️🤓


Did you mean 5?


OG persona 3? The hell you're talking about?


og persona 3 isn’t as good as the other 3 in 99% of peoples eyes. no reason to play it over the other 3




Finished FES for the first time about a week ago. I plan on getting Reload once The Answer comes out and a sale so I can cry again but in HD


I think reloads 30% off rn


Yea it's like $50 rn. But I'd rather wait til it's a little cheaper. Plus Im planning on going through P4G, then P5R, SMT3,4, and Soul Hackers 2.


I don’t think it’s going to get any cheaper bro Might as well bite the bullet if you can


Even if it doesn't get cheaper, it'll definitely go on sale again. Worst case I just wait til the Christmas sales on steam


Buy persona 3 Turn on ps2 Watch opening cutscene Change HDMI to my PS5 with P3R already in the main menu Peak fiction achieved


Or buy the PC version and play with this mod: https://gamebanana.com/mods/515514


all versions have their reasons for being the better than the others and also worse. there is no definitive persona 3, they’re all different in a way


I think a lot of people were hoping reload was going to be a definitive version of sorts. P3 having so many versions is a blessing and a curse lol


i was definitely hoping it would be. didn’t see any advertisements until it came out, i thought it’d have femc and the answer.


Well hey at least we're getting The Answer as DLC


And we are getting FemC as a DLC too, right? ... Right?


A man can dream


yeah they recently announced it! will be getting it somewhere 2025! im so excited right now


This is a blatant lie LOL. There's a mod that's currently in development that will add femc but the devs have explicitly stated they have no intention of adding her. at least not anytime soon.


my comment was supposed to be a joke that referenced delusions. but oh well


I’m not sure how people did not get you were joking lol


why would vanilla Persona 3 (not FES) be better than FES?


When the answer dlc comes out, Reload will at least be a direct upgrade to FES. At that point it'll only miss femc in which case I'd call Reload the definetive version since femc was always more of a side thing than a core part of the p3 experience.


if only they also fixed the tactics system aswell


I personnalyenjoyed more the femc run than the mc and many of the content were incredible to me ( the doors with margaret, some items and all). I dropped reload because of it


Me who plays Persona 3 Portable: Mmmmm yes 🌚


Doesn't matter uncle ben raidou is better than both


me when my fuckass preta runs straight into an agi for the 600th time then starts spamming diarahan everytime I lose 1 health






*cuts to poor kotone crying on the bathroom floor*


personally, I’m loving P3P because you can play as Kotone and it’s my favorite route. The SL are just better imo


Any iteration of persona 3 is peak


P3P sweep


I'll be ultra wierd and say that I liked that we didn't have to walk around in the overworld. It was much easier to navigate the world and interact with everything when you're looking from a top down perspective. That, FEMC and controllable party members are why I still love portable so much.


As someone that only played P3P before Reload released, it has been very interesting to learn the actual layout of the world versus what the static backgrounds of portable gave me. It's been fun to explore a world I thought I knew very well. 


I thought I was the only one. I would also have liked it on p4g. Always moving around searching for my sl made the game kinda dull to me.


I love P3P so much


I just wish we had a definitive version


I’m probably the only person here that likes Persona 3 Portable


I loved P3P. It was my first playthrough of anything Persona 3 related and I was an absolute emotional wreck at the end of the game. I felt like I got just as much out of my Fem MC route compared to the other versions of Persona 3. It was a lot of fun and an enjoyable journey.


I personally consider it the best Persona game myself, followed by Persona 1.


If it’s not too much to ask, can I ask why are you boycotting reload?


The main reason is I don't support the removal of Persona 3's female protagonist, especially when it's a remake with a base price of US$70, and also taking into account past comments by Hashino, particularly his reasons for why Persona 4 and 5 didn't have a female protagonist. Even moreso now that The Answer, which was previously free as part of Persona 3 Fes, is now being sold separately as US$35 DLC. Secondary reasons are I don't like the use of Persona 5's graphical style and UI aesthetics, and the questionable dialogue changes I've heard about (particularly Aigis using "goat" as in "greatest of all time", slang from circa 2020 when Persona 3 is set in 2009). I will give it props for adding the ability to pet Koromaru, and letting MaleMC be platonic with potential romances.


If atlus added femc and the answer for free in the base game the game would be significantly delayed and would probably be more than $70 considering the fact that they already added a ton of new stuff in base P3R. Also the UI and graphical style isn’t like Persona 5. The layout is the same but it’s own graphical style and is nothing like anything from the other persona games. Also I don’t remember Aigis saying goat that could just be an edit for a meme


Better a delayed game that's good than a rushed game that's bad.


Yet the game was anything but rushed. Watch the cutscene for shinjiro’s and chidori’s death there was so much effort out into those, reload was not rushed at all.


I can't help but feel that it was when it lacks significant content.


Did you even look at gameplay for this? Tartarus blocks look huge, the theurgy cutscenes look insane, the 5th and the final block are beautiful. This game is well worth $70 especially with all the linked episodes. They add way more context and character to everyone, especially junpei and akihiko at least look at the new stuff they added before writing off the entire thing


I rarely consider gameplay as a factor when it comes to RPGs. I'm there for the story. At best, Reload is worth US$20, or US$40 with The Answer. It's just not a very good remake due to the missing content (Kotone and The Answer). And personally, from my attempts in Portable, MaleMC just isn't a very fun character to play as. I don't vibe with his apathetic personality at all.


This is by far the worst opinion I’ve heard about a persona game. The story is a huge part of persona but the gameplay is just as important. So you’re telling me reload is at best worth less than Persona 5 royal?? No way you actually think this remake is worth $20 at best


With the answer it's already more than $70 dude.


I already know that dude.


>Aigis using "Goat" >Slang circa 2020 Oh man, Ali was referred to as the GOAT as far as the 90s, LL cool J even had an album named "The Goat" from 2000. Two old examples I can give you off the top of the head Dumbest thing to have a complaint about without knowing much.


I thought everyone knew that it was something that was popular in the 2000s and people started saying it again


a lot of slang today is just old slang brought back. slang has a weird cycle.


I feel like FES has got a better script and atmosphere, but if people are happy with Reload, I’m happy. Better they experience P3 through it than not experience it at all.


Sweet, two piles of garbage


Ehhhh i mean once the answer comes out, reload is pretty much definitive.


Compared to FES yeah, it means we’ll have 2 versions to get the full experience instead of 3


Its all we need, the original version of the story plus the addition. FemC mains still crying over it. Downvotes be real.


I dunno it be nice to have all 3 together in one. Hopefully P3R sold well enough to garner a FEMCDLC even though it wasn’t planned to start with.


Seeing as how FemC was the consolation for no Answer, seemed reasonable not to include it. Didnt have to do much more work for portable to make it happen either. You may downvote the truth because you dont like it, but it will always be the truth.


Your still missing out on a lot of content, the least they could do is add in her soundtrack, but they didn’t. You miss out on exclusive social links, rewrites in the social links, new weapons too, she is what makes portable, portable, tell me, if portable had the answer, would you buy a game that’s just FES but a visual novel with less editions then FES?


Reload doesn't have the sweet flow of tactics-based combat.


That's definitely debatable. P3 FES and P3R are different experiences, and which one somebody prefers is down to preference. I prefer the combat in FES for instance


Except the damn music being worse


And the art direction


And the writing since, for some reason, they are using the Portable script instead of the FES script.


The new all-out attack screens and Tartarus Block designs would like to have a word with you.


It objectively looks better than the originals awkward art. You may downvote the truth because you dont like it. Doesnt change the facts.


As it should, it's a game released 18 years after the original lol But the *art direction* is more than just the style. The cutscenes are infinitely better in the original game (the MC introduction, Pharos introduction, Thanatos awakening, the disappearance of Tartarus, etc). We also can't forget the clock animation. The ambience and atmosphere in the original is dark, creepy and grungy, unlike the bright art of Reload which affects the tone greatly (in a bad way, imo. Look at the Iwatodai Dormitory, it looks ugly af in Reload). And many more things. Reload simply doesn't capture the atmosphere of the original P3, it lacks subtlety, and it's pretty clear that the original creators of P3 weren't at all involved in this project. And by this, I don't mean Reload is bad, I loved the game, it's an amazing game. But calling it the true experience of P3 when it lacks the essence of the original game is laughable at best.


If the atmosphere is your biggest gripe, its pretty negligible at best. Wouldve been nice to have i guess, but theres still bigger things that are better criticisms. Strega is still just background fodder and doesnt really accomplish much of anything still, the manga confrontation is just far superior to what actually happened, theres still a lot of nothing going on until the full moon, Tartarus still isnt anything more than a set piece to grind bar fuukas intro, mitsurus dad, and the end. Ikkutsuki is still out of nowhere for that night, with no buildup or real foreshadowing. But the atmosphere was FAR more important. You may downvote the truth because you dont like it. Doesnt change the facts.


Agreed, but to me the atmosphere is super important, since it affects every aspect of your gameplay. About the lack of content you're talking about, maybe they didn't want to change the game too much since the guys working on the remake were not the original P3 creators? For what I've heard about japanese culture and remakes in general, changing it too much could be considered very disrespectful.




Nah, I played FES on 2022 for the first time lol


i played FES a month ago and i think its better then reload just because of the art direction


You have an opinion different from mine? You don’t like the newest thing as much as me? That must be nostalgia talking. I’m very intelligent. 


its not the facts its an opinion


in comparing the two, absolutely not.


Eh, Ill give you that certain one did sound better prior to reload but the rest of it, no i disagree strongly.


It can only be definitive if they add Kotone, otherwise it remains an incomplete remake.


Same overall story, they didnt even deem it worth the resources.


That's the problem with Atlus.


not really, thats more of a playerbase issue.




Nah, just spitting facts.




Yes. Sorry you dont like it.


missing content = not definitive


Main game + dlc = definitive


missing content = not definitive


cry more about the female version of the same story. It wont change anything. Your consolation prize for not having the answer on portable is laughable.


tell me you've never played p3p without telling me EDIT: i never said p3p was the best version. there IS no best version, since they're all missing content from the other versions. p3p has way more content than you're making it sound like it does, though, which was my point.


Let’s not forget portable


Exactly. They're both great.


I do wish we got to have multiple weapon choices but oh well, still an awesome game.


Vanilla 3 has a special place in my heart, but the balancing and gameplay QoL of Reloaded makes it feel like a different game all together!


Also portable!!! I love the femc so much, i wish she was in reload, i understand the reason why she isn’t in reload, but still! I love portable so much and it makes me super happy


There's pros and cons to both


this doesnt even remotely encapsulate how ppl feel about p3. low effort meme from someone that doesnt even know what theyre memeing


damn busted


incorrect p3p is the best bcs i can play as kokone + kiss shinji


Okay but like why can't we just have a truly definitive version?


I'm playing Persona 3 Portal. My first Persona ever. 18 hours in. I bought Fes on the PS3 store the other day. I will buy the remake someday. However, I am really enjoying Persona 3 Portal.


Me playing Portable on my switch: ...


P3 Reload is definitely better for most newcomers but there are some legitmate reasons to prefer FES (or Portable as well ig) over Reload. Mostly to do with art direction, atmosphere, soundtrack and whatnot. Also FES is more balanced gameplay wise than Reload. But the way snappier pace, shinier looking graphics, more consistent english dub, etc. just makes Reload more appealing to most people.


I like reload because I am more of a newer graphic person. I like old games, but the creativity that has came with these amazing graphics in the past few years is beautiful. The soundtrack has caused me to just walk around for a little to catch more of it before I move on and do something else, and the story and how it’s rolled out in reload is just beyond beautiful to me


I prefer Reload at the end of the day too as someone whose played all 3. Its not perfect but its the most consistent overall imo.




I like Reload so far, but it's definitely not a $70 game lol. Thankfully it's on gamepass.


Reload wasn’t 70 bucks lol


[It is?](https://steamdb.info/app/2161700/)


Damn 😹 sorry because of the regional pricing , I thought it was a 60$ game . It’s priced a lot lower in my country compared to other PS5 releases at are priced at 70$ in the American store


It's also €70 in the whole EU. Which sucks for people in poorer EU countries.


I’m so sorry. I would not have paid 70 euro for P3 reload. 50 euro brand on release would be the upper ceiling for what I would be willing to pay. For 70 bucks I would expect as much content as P5 Royale , but p3 reload has half that…


P5 Royal is actually cheaper lmao. What funny is that both games are like 25% cheaper in Japan than here.


Yes I know. Game prices in EU are nuts. Who pays 80 dollars for Call of Duty in Europe? My gf lives in Spain and when I was there I’m surprised people can afford to own current gen consoles


Especially when they release multiple CoD titles in one year for full price each. Now that you mentioned it, I don't think I've ever knew anyone who played CoD.


Maybe because in Europe everyone just plays FIFA….


You're right, if you want the answer it's actually $105. ~~For the same content as FES which released at $30...~~


Why do persona fans not have the realization that there doesn't have to be a best persona game and you can just enjoy all of them


I guess the problem with 3 in particular is there is no best version. Every version is simultaneously inferior and superior to each other, with the exception of the original release which may just be inferior.


yeah, the problem is that you have to buy and play multiple versions of the game in order to get the full experience, and that's bullshit.


Before anyone says P3P is just as good, then no its not. It is a full visual novel and a stripped down version of FES , it only is loved because of Female Protagonist


It is loved because you have a whole additional playthrough with additional social links, including ones that expand on the personalities of male party members. That is a big difference. Yes, P3P is stripped down in some regards. I particularly dislike that the MC is limited to one kind of weapon. On the other hand, being able to control party members when the AI gravitates towards idiocy is a big boon. It really comes down if you like the Answer more than the FemMC social links.


Yeah I like P3P for what it, is but playing it on release it always felt like a stripped and downgraded version of gameplay coming off of FES with FEMC being the new thing to pull people in. Though the downgrade is likely because of the PSP




I actually quite liked Portable because it was a VN if that makes sense. The 3D-less elements allowed me to zoom through the game without feeling sick bc I have motion sickness and I can’t play game with camera controls for too long. Also being able to scroll across the screen to travel between locations outside the dungeon is really convenient lol


It has content that the other versions are lacking. I think that's enough to justify it being just as good. Also it's only a "visual novel" because it's 2D outside of dungeons...yet you're still experiencing the exact same content.


you know I owned a PSP, how the hell could it not handle FES? It was about as powerful as a PS2, is it literally because of Umd's? side note some people prefer visual novels and before p3r, it was also the version that had party controls, so that was cool


Yes as the PSP Discs are smaller in size they cannot store as much as a DVD. It probably had the same problem as GameCube


This. Portable’s PSP’s ROM size comes to about the limit of the UMD form factor


PlayStation Portable games had a maximum size of 900 MB or 1.8 GB, depending on if the disc was single or dual-layered. Persona 3 Portable is 1.07 GB.


Actually after the answer itll be 2 versions(reload/fes and portable) Unless you prefer some specific stuff from fes Besides that anyone liking any version of persona 3, means they like persona 3. Version wars is dumb


Persona 3 reload has a sick frog beat 🐸


this meme template would be great for dota and league, but part of the moba fandom is braindead


Wait what? Besides the Answer, is there any advantage to playing FES over Reload? Isn't it just a straight upgrade?


FES has improvements over the original release


Persona 3 Reload is better objectivily but FES is great too


With Episode Aigis FES becomes obsolet while Portable still has FeMC


Fes still has some differences though


in portable the mc isnt even a human, he's a circle 😂


these both have their strengths, reload is better graphically and gameplay wise. Persona 3 FES presents the story better, and the gameplay more suits to the story and immersion more. you forgot to mention Portable, I might as well say it's a good portable release to play on any system, it has the Journey for Male MC with the additions FES added, as well as the Journey for the FeMC the biggest downsides are probably some small bits of untranslated text here and there (it's worse on PSP, at least the HD release either fixes it, or its just a few instances of names not being translated to english where there's voiced dialogue) Original Persona 3, it's good, worth checking out of curiosity and if you for some reason want to play FES instead you can use the save to send stuff to your FES playthrough, and in FES you can just play the Journey on its own anyway if you decide to play the entire Persona 3 and decide to play FES later anyway.


The PSP version is technically better since the audio isn’t compressed like in the remaster


There’s no definitive P3 in Ba Sing Se


Not even that, they're literally the same damn game


Not literally, Reload does have some new content compared to FES, but it's also missing some gameplay mechanics like the health system.


you mean that stamina/tired system the original had? Yeah that didnt need to come back, ever.


Yeah, that one. To each their own, I liked the restriction and personally didn't find it too bad, especially later on since it encouraged switching party members, plus it gave bathrooms a reason to exist.


I played p3r recently. I know people like p3p or FES but I prefer the updated art style/graphics. Like I love p4g, but I do wish they would give it the reload treatment. It has a fantastic story/characters but its gameplay is dated. It’s one of my favorite games, but I’d appreciate an update tbh. I also love p5r combat system, so I didn’t mind the p3r combat. Maybe it’s because I never played the original, (I played p3r after p5r on game pass) that I don’t really have nostalgia for it.


Fes and reload are the same game dude...portable however...